Surrogacy is (yet) the most risky assisted reproduction procedure. However, while health risks are the same as for routine assisted reproduction procedures, psychosocial, ethical and legal problems are much bigger. In order to reduce the probability of problems, the Section of Assisted Reproduction of the ČGPS ČLS prepared recommendations on who is acceptable as a surrogate mother and under what circumstances. She should have a recommendation from a lawyer, a psychologist, a psychologist, a gynecologist, a general practitioner, or another specialist. Our text is an analysis of whether the large number of experts sharing responsibility for the procedure will guarantee risk reduction. A phenomenon known as the "bystander effect" serves as a model. and Náhradní mateřství je (zatím) nejrizikovější procedurou asistované reprodukce. Zatímco ovšem zdravotní rizika jsou stejná jako u běžných procedur asistované reprodukce, psychosociální, etická a právní jsou výrazně vyšší. Aby snížila pravděpodobnost problémů, vypracovala Sekce asistované reprodukce ČGPS ČLS doporučení, koho a za jakých okolností akceptovat jako náhradní matku; k její osobě by se měl vyjádřit právník, psycholog, gynekolog, praktický lékař, případně další specialista. Náš text je analýzou, zda je velký počet odborníků sdílejících odpovědnost za proceduru zárukou snížení rizik. Jako model nám slouží jev známý pod názvem „efekt přihlížejícího“.
The article deals with the origin and development of the Young Men’s Buddhist Association (YMBA) in Burma, from its foundation in 1906 until its transformation into the General Council of Burmese Associations in 1920. The author argues that the YMBA, which basically aimed to redress some, namely religious and racial, inequalities brought about in the Burmese society by the imposition of British colonial rule, became increasingly involved in the campaigns for the administrative reforms in Burma, thereby bringing modern Burmese nationalism openly onto the political scene shortly after the end of World War I.
In the stylization of spontaneous, non-prepared spoken expression in contemporary literary texts (including prose, drama, and even comics), one of the most striking syntactic elements to emerge is the one-syllable word (se, si, sem, sme, ste, mě, mi, tě, ti, bych, by…) at the beginning of an utterance or turn. Sgall and Hronek (1992) call these words enclitics or proclitics, though according to J. Toman (2002) or A. Svoboda (2002) they are not clitics. However, all of these authors consider them to be the result of word-order inversion (Se mu to nepovedlo = ''Nepovedlo se mu to'') or of processes of ellipsis (Bych si taky myslel = ''To bych si taky myslel''). Yet there are likely also other motivations, e.g. phonetic ones related to the specific techniques of spoken expression. This type is common in our research, for example, in the communication of young people engaging in internet chat, i.e. in written texts strongly influenced by spoken expression. With the help of corpora of spoken Czech and literary texts from the Czech National Corpus (SYN2000, SYN2005, SYN2010), the authors found that these one-syllable beginnings of utterances or turns are a striking and non-detachable sign of contemporary colloquial Czech, of authentic Czech dialogues - and thus not merely a myth heavily sustained by Czech authors of literary texts, who make efforts to stylize casual expression.
Spor o univerzálie a nominalistická revoluce 14. století, spjata se jménem Viléma Ockhama, ovlivnila zrod anglického empirismu, po té i německého protestantismu. Ideje výlučnosti reálné existence jednotlivce, jeho svobody, odvozenosti všech obecných společenských kategorií, induktivní aposteriorní myšlení, to vše v průběhu staletí zbořilo starý svět metafyziky a transcendence.Nominalismus přitom není přímým „otcem“ moderní demokracie, nominalismus zrodil typ myšlení, jež v toku dějin vedlo ke zrodu
jejího konceptu. V průběhu 19. a na počátku 20. století se tudíž koncept svobodného a rovnoprávného individua, jakož i koncept reprezentace ve formě americké dělby moci či anglického parlamentarismu, propojil s konceptem společenské smlouvy, suverenity lidu, všeobecným volebním právem a pluralitním a otevřeným systémem politických stran.Ve stejném období se tomuto dějinně novému modelu uspořádání státu dostalo i nového označení – demokracie. and The dispute about universality in philosophy and nominalist revolution of the 14th century, commonly associated with the name of William Ockham, influenced the genesis of English empiricism, even after German Protestantism. The ideas of exclusivity of the real existence of the individual, his freedom, the derivative character of the general social categories, a posteriori inductive reasoning, all this demolished the centuries old world of metaphysics and transcendence. Modern democracy however was not born out of nominalistic way of thinking; rather it spurned a process which, in the course of history, has led to the emergence of the concept. During the 19th
and early 20th century, therefore, the concept of free and equal individuals, as well as the concept of representation in the form of the American separation of powers or the English parliamentary system, linked with the concept of the social contract, popular sovereignty, universal suffrage, and
an open and pluralistic system of political parties. In the same period, this historically new model of organization of the state also received a new designation – democracy.
The azirnuthal distribution of planes containing e^i/e pairs from
high-energy photon materialization is reminiscent, through a quadrupole anisotropy, of the degree and position angle of linear polarization of the incident photons. Data on open pairs in the COS-B spark chamber are used in a search for such an effect in
> 50 MeV photons from bright sources, such as Vela, Crab, Geminga and a reference galactic plane region in Cygnus. After a description of the method and the related simulations and tests, the analysis of the available data shows no anisotropy for the other sources, but for the Vela pulsar a low-chance-probability effect is
found apparently implying a high (~ 100%) degree of linear polarization for the Vela photons. This is discussed in light of the physics of the production mechanisms as well as of their geometry.