Mas et al. adapted the notion of smoothness, introduced by Godo and Sierra, and discussed two kinds of smooth implications (a discrete counterpart of continuous fuzzy implications) on a finite chain. This work is devoted to exploring the formal relations between smoothness and other six properties of implications on a finite chain. As a byproduct, several classes of smooth implications on a finite chain are characterized.
In this article, a new solution to the steering control problem of nonholonomic systems, which are transformable into chained form is investigated. A smooth super twisting sliding mode control technique is used to steer nonholonomic systems. Firstly, the nonholonomic system is transformed into a chained form system, which is further decomposed into two subsystems. Secondly, the second subsystem is steered to the origin by using smooth super twisting sliding mode control. Finally, the first subsystem is steered to zero using signum function. The proposed method is tested on three nonholonomic systems, which are transformable into chained form; a two-wheel car model, a model of front-wheel car, and a fire truck model. Numerical computer simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed method when applied to chained form nonholonomic systems.
This work addresses the problem of overfitting the training data. We suggest smoothing the decision boundaries by eliminating border instances from the training set before training Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). This is achieved by using a variety of instance reduction techniques. A large number of experiments were performed using 21 benchmark data sets from UCI machine learning repository, the experiments were performed with and without the introduction of noise in the data set. Our empirical results show that using a noise filtering algorithm to filter out border instances before training an ANN does not only improve the classification accuracy but also speeds up the training process by reducing the number of training epochs. The effectiveness of the approach is more obvious when the training data contains noisy instances.
A new method to investigate periods and their variations is proposed. The phase curve is approximated by the cubic
spline-functíon with fixed number of equidistantly distributed in phasev characteristic points. Because such a smoothing function depends on the value of the Inltial epoch it is proposed to use the mean of some spline-curves corresponding to various initial epochs for the approximation. The mean guadratic deviation of observatlons from this best fit curve serves as the test function. The best fit phase deviations of the 'season sets’ of observations are used to study period variations.
Let $B^{H_{i},K_i}=\{B^{H_{i},K_i}_t, t\geq 0 \}$, $i=1,2$ be two independent, $d$-dimensional bifractional Brownian motions with respective indices $H_i\in (0,1)$ and $K_i\in (0,1]$. Assume $d\geq 2$. One of the main motivations of this paper is to investigate smoothness of the collision local time $$ \ell _T=\int _{0}^{T}\delta (B_{s}^{H_{1},K_1}-B_{s}^{H_{2},K_2}) {\rm d} s, \qquad T>0, $$ where $\delta $ denotes the Dirac delta function. By an elementary method we show that $\ell _T$ is smooth in the sense of Meyer-Watanabe if and only if $\min \{H_{1}K_1,H_{2}K_2\}<{1}/{(d+2)}$.
The article deals with the ideas of afterlife belonging to the individual eschatology of the Islamic tradition, the moment of death, the meaning and specific forms of ritual cleansing of a deceased Muslim. Furthermore, space is also given to the specific
significance of funeral prayers, the burial itself and rituals accompanying or immediately following the burial. Customs
and ceremonies pertaining to the moment of death and subsequent rituals associated with the burial are limited to the Sunni tradition of the Hanafi and Shafi’i rites of Muslims living in Syria and the Czech Republic.
Téma smrti, neustále se vracející v mnoha Marcelových esejích, je tu těsněji spjato – jak to již ohlašuje sám název – s nadějí. Podle toho, zda akcentuje Marcel vztah k vlastní smrti či ke smrti blízké osoby, lze rozlišit i jistou modifikaci: naléhavěji pociťuje neklid právě v souvislosti s odchodem blízké bytosti než v souvislosti se svou vlastní smrtí. Takto se pro Marcela odvíjejí jeho meditace o smrti kolem osy Já-ty a intersubjektivita, jež je vlastně láskou, zakládá možnost hovořit tu o jakékoli naději. Právě kontinuita bytí je založena na intersubjektivitě: jejím základem nejsou lidské bytosti jako souhrny biologických procesů, ale jich vzájemný vztah, jenž nedovolí, aby smrt měla definitivní a poslední slovo. Marcel tu navazuje na svá dřívější zkoumání, v nichž se vyslovil pro „vtělené bytí“. Jeho základem je vztah k lidskému tělu nikoli jako k objektu, ale jako k subjektu, který jako tělo blízké osoby nemůže být nějaké „ono“, ale pouze „Ty“. Na tom Marcel zakládá vztah k blízké osobě, jež je láskou oblativní, nikoli majetnickou, tíhnoucí k pocitu vlastnění., The theme of death, which continually reappears in many of Marcel’s essays, is here connected – as the title already declares – with hope. Depending on whether Marcel focuses on the relation to his own death or to the death of a person near to him, we can distinguish a certain modification: he feels the most acute uneasiness to the departing of a near one rather than to his own death. Thus his meditations on death unfold around the axis of I-thou, and intersubjectivity (which is really love) grounds, for Marcel, the very possibility of speaking here of a kind of hope. The very continuity of being is grounded on intersubjectivity insofar as its basis is not human beings as summaries of biological processes, but for whom a mutual relation does not allow death to have the definitive and final word. Reference is made here to our previous enquiry into the body which called for “embodied being” and for the relation to body not as an object, but as a subject which, as the body of a person near to us, cannot be an “it”, but only a “Thou”. This is the basis for a relation to a person near to us which is dedicated lovingly, and not in the proprietorial spirit of ownership., Gabriel Marcel., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Studie navazuje na předchozí autočino zkoumání české literaturu z hlediska hodnot, které se v ní odrážejí (viz Seimotic Odyssey through Czech Literature, 1997). V předkládáné studii srovnává přístup ke smrti v některých závažných dílech české literatury jak 19. a 20. století. Nejdříve srovnává pojetí smrti v Máchově Máji a Němcové Babičce a dospívá k závěru, že Němcová neprojevuje strach ze smrti jako Mácha, ale podvědomě odráží určité trauma, charakteristické pro tehdejší společnost a toto vlastní trauma projektuje do postavy vyvrženkyně Viktorky. Následně upozorňuje na neočekávanou podobnost mezi Máchou a Němcovou, a to v ohledu vztahu mezi smrtí a sexualitou. Jak Máchův hrdina, tak Viktorka hynou násilně na následky pomýleného sexuálního vztahu, podvedeni svým partnerem. Smrt je tak přímo usouvztažněna k nepřítomnosti lásky. Jediný rozdíl je v tom, že Mácha je v tomto ohledu k roli společnosti kritický, kdežto Němcová ji pasivně přijímá. V další části studie je analyzováno pojetí smrti v Nerudových Povídkách malostranských. Autorka konstatuje, že smrt je u Nerudy běžná, každodenní záležitost provázená většinou lhostejností bližních a někdy způsobená i jejich krutostí. Nemá skrytou symbolickou hodnotu jako u Máchy či Němcové. Autor prezentuje smrt jako vnější realistický pozorovatel. Závěrečná část analyzuje pojetí smrti u Bohumila Hrabala a Milana Kundery. Celkově pak dospívá k závěru, že přístup ke smrti je podmíněn jak individuální a dobovou poetikou, tak společenským systémem hodnot charakteristickým pro jistou lokalitu, dobu a společenskou vrstvu, tak osobním přístupem a zkušeností, ba i fyzickým věkem autora. Autorka upozorňuje, že když mluvíme o smrti jako sémiotické události, nevyhneme se nikdy otázce sémiotiky vypravěčova života. and This article further develops the author’s previous investigations of Czechliterature from the point of view of the values reflected in it, see for example,her Semiotic Odyssey through Czech Literature (1997). It compares theapproach to death in some important Czech works from the nineteenth andtwentieth centuries. First, she compares the conception of death in KarelHynek Mácha’s Máj (1836) and Němcová’s Babička (1855) and comes to theconclusion that although Němcová does not express fear of death like Máchadoes, she subconsciously reflects a certain trauma, characteristic of society ofthe time and projects that trauma into the character Viktorka, the outcast.She then points out the unexpected similarity between Mácha and Němcováin the relationship between death and sexuality. Both Mácha’s hero andNěmcová’s Viktorka meet violent deaths in consequence of a mistaken sexualrelationship, cheated by their lovers. Death is thus directly related to the absence of love. The only difference is that Mácha is in this respect critical ofthe role of society, whereas Němcová passively accepts it.The next part of the article analyzes the conception of death in Jan Neruda’sPovídky malostranské (1878). It argues that here death is a regular everydaymatter, usually accompanied by the indifference of the deceased’s neighboursand kin and sometimes even caused by their cruelty. It has no concealedsymbolic value as it does, by contrast, in Mácha and Němcová. Nerudapresents death as a realistic external observer.The last part analyzes the conception of death in works by Bohumil Hrabaland Milan Kundera and distinguishes between innovative values incorporatedinto different works by these two authors and values passively accepted fromthe society’s code of the time. On the whole the author concludes that theapproach to death is contingent on individual and period styles and socialvalues characteristic of a particular area, time, and social strata, as well as onpersonal approach and experience, indeed even on the age of the authors atthe time they were writing. The article points out that contemplating death asa semiotic event mandates consideration of the semiotics of the narrator’s life.
In this article the author considers the topic of death, dying and funeral rites in Czech society in the broader European and historical context. In the first part, she presents the social-science conception of the taboo on death in early twentiethcentury European society and then the gradual lifting of that taboo owing mainly to an interest in dying, which appeared from about the 1960s. She also outlines developments in funeral rites, typical of which is the transition from the traditionally Christian (particularly Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) laying of the dead body into the ground to cremation and the scattering of ashes. Against the background of these developments in Western society she then considers the situation in Czech society, which, owing to forty years of Communist rule and the high degree of secularization, was rather different from Western Europe. Indeed, questions related to dying and hospice care were generally not dealt with by Czechs till the 1990s. The great mistrust of churches has led to less than half of all present-day funeral ceremonies including a religious component. Moreover, Czech society has lost the awareness that organizing a funeral ceremony is a necessity for both the deceased and the bereaved. Consequently, about a third of all cremations in this country take place without any real ceremony.
Mlynárik, Ján: Tragédie Vitorazska 1945–1953: Poprava v Tušti. Třeboň, Carpio 2005, 411 stran. Slovenský historik se v této knize zabývá dramatickými osudy regionu na česko-rakouském pomezí po druhé světové válce. Po nástinu jeho historického vývoje od raného středověku líčí dvojí vysídlení části zdejšího (českého) obyvatelstva, provázené bezprávím, násilnostmi i popravami v režii „revolučních tribunálů“: poprvé se tak stalo při „divokém odsunu“ do Rakouska v květnu 1945, podruhé po zřízení hraničního pásma v letech 1952 a 1953, kdy byly „státně nespolehlivé“ osoby vystěhovány do vnitrozemí. Recenzent považuje knihu, určenou pro širokou čtenářskou obec a napsanou emotivním žurnalistickým stylem, za promarněnou příležitost. Vytýká autorovi povrchní zacházení s prameny, nedostatečnou znalost místních reálií, faktografické chyby, obsahovou nepřehlednost a metodologickou neujasněnost, a zejména tendenční způsob interpretace, spočívající v paušální kritice poválečné české společnosti i současné české historiografie a přehnaném moralizování namísto věcného hodnocení. and Mlynárik, Ján. Tragédie Vitorazska 1945–1953: Poprava v Tušti. Třeboň: Carpio, 2005, 411 pp. In this work the Slovak historian Ján Mlynárik is concerned with the dramatic fate of the regions on the Czech-Austrian frontier after the Second World War. After outlining its historical development from the Early Middle Ages onwards, he describes the two expulsions of parts of the local, Czech population, which were accompanied by injustice, violence, and executions ordered by ”revolutionary tribunals”: this appeared first in the spontaneous expulsion (divoký odsun) to Austria in May 1945, then again after the establishment of the border zone in 1952–53, when people who were considered potential threats to the state státně nespolehlivé osoby) were forced to move to the interior. Written in an emotional journalistic style for the general public, this boo, the reviewer believes, is a missed opportunity. He reproaches the author with a superficial handling of the sources, poor knowledge of the local people and institutions, factual error, confusing presentation, fuzzy methodology, and, in particular, a tendentious interpretation based on sweeping criticism of post-war Czech society and current Czech historiography, as well as excessive moralizing instead of matter-of-fact assessment.