Cesta pacientů, kteří se stávají klienty v psychoterapii, bývá obvykle dlouhá, časově náročná, plná diagnostických vyšetření a zákroků. Důležité je, že po neúspěšných zdravotnických pokusech o diagnostiku či léčbu přicházejí zlepšit svůj somatický zdravotní stav prací se svou duší. Systemická terapie nabízí bezpečné a efektivní metody a nástroje, jak spojit léčbu tělesných a psychických potíží, a využívá při této spolupráci i samotné tělo klienta., Patiens, who become the clients of psychoterapy, have to usually pass a long and time demanding path including a lot of diagnostic procedures and medical interventions. Those unsuccesful ones, who did try hard with medical diagnostics or help finally come to improve their health conditions by working with their souls. And that is important. The systemic therapy offers safe and efective methods and instruments to combine physical and mental problems treatment as well as cooperation with the client´s body as itself. KEY WORDS: problem, Závěrková M., and Literatura
Diabetes 1. typu (DM1) vzniká jako následek autoimunitní destrukce beta buněk pankreatu. Vliv diabetu na celkový výsledek těhotenství je poměrně dobře prostudován. Mnohem méně se toho však ví o vlivu diabetu matky na vyvíjející se imunitní systém plodu. Riziko rozvoje DM1 u dětí diabetických matek (pokud onemocněly před těhotenstvím) je nižší než např. u dětí diabetických otců. Tato diskrepance podporuje teorii, že by mohlo docházet k určitému navození imunotolerance u dětí DM1 matek. Z tohoto důvodu jsme si pro náš výzkum vybrali T regulační buňky (Tregs), které hrají důležitou roli v imunoregulaci a patogenezi mnoha autoimunitních onemocnění. Studie Tregs pupečníkové krve DM1 matek jsou navíc ojedinělé. Pomocí průtokové cytometrie jsme analyzovali zastoupení Tregs (definovaných jako CD45+ CD3+ CD4+ CD25+ CD127(low/-)) ve vzorcích pupečníkové krve od 17 matek s DM1, 17 s gestačním diabetem a 42 zdravých kontrol. Signifikantní rozdíl jsme nalezli jen v zastoupení Tregs z Th lymfocytů, kde v pupečníkové krvi zdravých matek činil tento poměr 9,25 % a u matek s DM1 6,73 % (p=0,043). Ostatní rozdíly nedosáhly signifikance. Pokud tedy dochází k navození specifické imunotolerance, je tato patrně podmíněna jinak než změnou počtu Tregs. Pokračujeme proto ve funkční analýze Tregs s cílem nalézt vysvětlení pro nižší výskyt diabetu u dětí DM1 matek ve srovnání s ostatními prvostupňovými příbuznými DM1 pacientů. Pochopení tohoto jevu by mohlo přispět např. i k vytvoření imunointervenční terapie DM1., Type 1 diabetes (T1D) develops due to autoimmune pancreatic beta cells destruction. The effect of diabetes on pregnancy outcome is well documented. However, much less is known about the effect of maternal diabetes on the developing foetal immune system. The risk of T1D development in a child of T1D mother who was diagnosed prior pregnancy is lower than e.g. in a child of T1D father. This discrepancy supports the theory that there is some immunoregulatory influence on her baby. For this reason we decided to study T regulatory cells (Tregs) which are important in immunoregulation and for autoimmune diseases pathogenesis. Moreover Tregs cord blood (CB) studies of T1D mothers are limited. Tregs defined as CD45+ CD3+ CD4+ CD25+ CD127(low/-) in CB samples were investigated in our study by flow cytometry and 17 T1D mothers, 17 gestation diabetes mothers and 42 healthy controls were enrolled. We found just that CB from babies of T1D mothers contained 6,73 % Tregs/total Th-lymfocytes in comparison to 9,25 % in controls (p = 0,043). Other differences were not significant. If an establishment of specific immunological tolerance in foetus of T1D mother really exists, it seems to be rather due to other factors than just to changes in Tregs count (which was moreover found to be decreased). We are currently focused on explanation why children of T1D mothers suffer from diabetes less frequently than other first degree relatives by using functional analysis of Tregs. Insights in to this phenomenon would be useful e.g. for construction of T1D immunointervention therapy., Tereza Ulmannová, Jindra Norková , Jana Včeláková, Dagmar Bartášková, Ivana Špálová, Kateřina Štechová: T regulační buňky v pupečníkové krvi dětí diabetických matek, and Literatura 20
Cíl práce: Aktuální pohled na těhotné s roztroušenou sklerózou (RS), analýza výsledků těhotenství těchto nemocných ve FN Motol v letech 2003-2011. Typ studie: Retrospektivní analýza Soubor a metodika: Analýza 76 těhotenství pacientek s relaps-remitentní formou roztroušené sklerózy – posouzení vlivu gravidity na aktivitu onemocnění (použitá analgezie a laktace ve vztahu ke vzniku akutní ataky) a naopak vlivu onemocnění na průběh těhotenství (komplikace, vedení porodu a perinatální výsledky). Výsledky: Akutní ataka v graviditě se v souboru 76 žen vyskytla u 4 z nich (5,3 %, RR 0,08), do půl roku po porodu jsme akutní ataku zaznamenali u 17 žen (22,4 %, RR 0,46). Ataku mělo 18,4 % kojících žen (9/49) ve srovnání s 33,3 % žen (8/24), které nekojily, p = 0,2375 (OR = 0,45, 95 % CI 0,15-1,37). Epidurální analgezii k porodu mělo 13,6 % žen (3/22) s akutní atakou, 25,9 % žen (14/54) s atakou po porodu bylo bez analgezie, p = 0,3648 (OR = 0,45,95 % CI 0,12-1,76). Zhoršení choroby jsme neprokázali (EDSS 1,4, resp. EDSS 1,6). 75 % těhotenství bylo ukončeno nekomplikovaným vaginálním porodem. Výskyt závažných těhotenských komplikací nebyl zvýšen a perinatální výsledky byly srovnatelné s běžnou populací. Závěr: V souladu s recentními studiemi prokazujeme v našem souboru pokles aktivity choroby v graviditě s nárůstem počtu akutních atak po porodu. Ke zhoršení či progresi onemocnění však během 12 měsíců po porodu nedochází. Kojení ani použití epidurální analgezie nemá na vznik akutní ataky vliv, těhotenství probíhají ve většině případů fyziologicky, vedení porodu a novorozenecké výsledky se neliší od běžné populace. Gravidita je tedy pro stabilizované pacientky s relaps-remitentní formou RS bezpečná., Objective: Current view on pregnant women with multiple sclerosis (MS), the analysis of pregnancy outcomes of these women with MS in the Motol Hospital in the years 2003-2011. Design: Retrospective analysis Methods: Analysis of 76 pregnant women with MS – to assess the impact of pregnancy on the activity of the disease (breastfeeding and used analgesia in relation on the relapse rate post partum) and the impact of the disease on the course of pregnancy (pregnancy complications, differences in the management of labor, and perinatal outcomes). Results: Relapse during pregnancy occurred in 4 out of the 76 women (5.3% relapse rate – RR 0.08). 17 women experienced a post partum relapse in the first six months after delivery (22.4%, RR 0.46). 18.4% breastfeeding women (9/49, 18.4%) had post partum relapse in comparison with 33.3% women, who did not breastfeed (8/24, 33.3%), p = 0.2375 (OR=0.45, 95% CI 0.15-1.37). 13.6% women (3/22, 13.6%) with post partum relapse used epidural analgesia (EDA), 25.9% women (14/54, 25.9%) with relapse did not used it, p = 0.3648 (OR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.12-1.76). Pregnancy did not influence the progress of disability (EDSS 1.4 or EDSS 1.6). 75% women had uncomplicated vaginal delivery, the incidence of serious pregnancy complications was not increased, and the perinatal outcomes are comparable with the general population. Conclusion: Consistent with recent studies, we evaluated decreasing relapse rate during pregnancy. In the post partum period the relapse rate has increased, however the pregnancy did not influence the disability progress in 12 months postpartum. Neither breastfeeding nor epidural analgesia correlated with presence of post partum relapses. In most cases, the pregnancies in patients with MS were physiological, the method of delivery and the overall perinatal outcomes are comparable with the general population. There is no need to worry about pregnancy in stabilized patients with MS., P. Hanulíková, R. Vlk, E. Meluzínová, L. Rob, and Literatura
Neurovědy, které se stále častěji zabývají vztahem mezi psychickou a mozkovou činností, vedly v posledních letech ke vzniku nových oborů: neuroe pigenetiky , neuropsychologi , neuropsychoanalýz y, a dokonce i neurofilosofie. V této stati diskutuji koncept neuropsychosomatiky., Neurosciences, which have been increasingly concern ed with and brain activity, in recent years have led to the emergence of new disciplines: neuroepigenetics, neuropsychology, neuoropsychother apy, neurop neurophilosophy. In this paper I am discussing the concept of neuropsychosomatics., and Poněšický J.
The reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of two combinations of oximes (HI‑6 + trimedoxime and HI‑6 + K203) was compared with the effectiveness of antidotal treatment involving single oxime (HI‑6, trimedoxime, K203) using in vivo methods. In vivo determined percentage of reactivation of cyclosarin‑inhibited blood and tissue acetylcholinesterase in poisoned rats showed that the reactivating efficacy of both combinations of oximes is slightly higher than the reactivating efficacy of the most effective individual oxime in blood, diaphragm as well as in brain. Moreover, both combinations of oximes were found to be slightly more efficacious in the reduction of acute lethal toxic effects in cyclosarin‑poisoned mice than the antidotal treatment involving single oxime. Based on the obtained data, we can conclude that the antidotal treatment involving chosen combinations of oximes brings a beneficial effect for its ability to counteract the acute poisoning with cyclosarin., Jiří Kassa, Jana Zdarová Karasová, Růžena Pavlíková, Filip Caisberger, Jiří Bajgar, and Literatura 36
The Purpose of the study: define the indications and contraindications to, combined operation in locally invasive tumor of the rectum. The Material and methods of the study: we have analysed results combined operation in cancer of the rectum with germination in genital organs, performed in department of coloproctology in National Oncological Scientific centre during 20052009 years. Under observation were 118 women at age from 21 to 68 years. This before 45 years 26 patients, from 46 to 59 years 54 patients, 60 and above years. The Results and their discussion: Postoperative complications suppurativeinflammatory character appeared beside 36 patients (30,5%), most of all after abdomeno perineal extirpation of rectum (35,5%) and abdominoanal resection of the rectum (33,3%). In lesser extend after front resection of the rectum and after operation Hartman (28,5% and 22,7%). The General lethality has formed 3,4%, have died after combined operation 4 patients from 118 operated patients. The Conclusion: thereby, brought data evident that such important factors, as frequency of the origin relapse (28%), 5year probability of survival (37,1%), under combined interference and operation of the standard volume in the cancer of the rectum practically the same., H. B. Bobokulov, A. M. Hakimov, and Literatura
The condition of the protective barrier of the stomach in patients with duodenal ulcer associated and non-associated with H. pylori infection has been studied. The state of gastric mucosal barrier was studied in 72 patients with peptic ulcer disease association with H. pylori and 26 patients without H. pylori by determining the content of insoluble glycoproteins and its fractions in the basal portion of the gastric juice. In a comparative perspective the state of these indicators were studied depending on the association with H. pylori and the severity of the disease. In patients with H. pylori, damages of protective mucus barrier are characterized by the significant shortage of fucose, which is considered to be the main component of the insoluble glycoproteins. In patients without H. pylori, status of mucosal barrier is characterized by uniform and less significant reduction in the content of fractions of insoluble glycoproteins. In this patients the reduction of insoluble glycoproteins is not dependent on the frequency of exacerbation. The content of fucose in the mucous gel of gastric juice is a diagnostic criterion for determining the frequency of recurrence of the disease in patients with H. pylori infection., Abdujalol Vahabovich Yakubov, Nargiza Ihsanovna Pulatova, and Literatura
Síla stisku ruky je velmi dobrým ukazatelem zdraví, výkonnosti kosterního svalstva a celkově je dobrým indikátorem zdravotního stavu a vitality. Testosteron je hormon, který je primárně zodpovědný za rozvoj sekundárních pohlavních znaků a zároveň má silný vztah k tělesné síle a zevním ukazatelům rozvoje skeletální svaloviny. Byla publikována řada prací, které poukazují na úzký vztah mezi testosteronem a agresí. Nebyl však doposud vysvětlen kauzální vztah mezi hladinou testosteronu a výsledným agresivním chováním, tedy konkrétní působení metabolitů testosteronu v specifických oblastech mozku. Na základě publikovaných experimentálních prací jsou diskutována některá možná/částečná vysvětlení působení testosteronu na vznik agresivního chování. Dále je diskutován vztah mezi silou stisku ruky a lidským sexuálním chováním – tedy sexuální dimorfismus v síle stisku, ženská percepce (v rozdílných fázích menstruačního cykly) stisku ruky u mužů a volba partnera ve vztahu k jeho fitness (jak je hodnocena dle síly stisku ruky, jež je dobrým ukazatelem hladiny testosteronu)., Handgrip strength (HGS) is a very good marker of physical health, good muscle performance and an overall indicator of health status and vitality. Testosterone, as a hormone primarily responsible for secondary sexual traits development, is also strongly correlated to body strength and somatic features which represent it. It has been widely reported that testosterone correlates with aggression. However, the pathway of testosterone metabolites in specific brain regions, or cause and effect formula of testosterone level and aggression has not been satisfactorily explained. Several possible and/or partial explanations based on published experiments are discussed. Furthermore, the relation between HGS and human sexual behavior is discussed – the sexual dimorphism in HGS, the perception of male HGS by females at different stages of the menstrual cycle and the selection of a partner with respect to his fitness (as estimated by HGS which is a good indicator of testosterone level)., and Daniela Cunha, Filipe Monteiro, Yasin Hamarat, Martin Čuta
The effect of aqueous and ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on cervical HeLa tumor cells, mammary adenocarcinoma MCF 7 tumor cells and acute lymphoblastic leukemia CEM tumor cells in vitro have been studied. The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of aqueous and ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on selected tumor cells. Colorimetric MTT assay have been used for the study of the antiproliferative effect of aqueous and ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus on cell viability in vitro. The results of the experiments have shown the cytotoxic effect of the aqueous and the ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on the individual tumor cells. The aqueous Chelidonium majus haulms extract was the most effective on CEM cells, it was less effective on MCF 7 cells and it was the least effective on HeLa cells. The ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus was the most effective at all of studied concentrations on CEM cells and MCF 7 cells in comparison with HeLa cells, where it was significantly effective only at the highest concentration. Aqueous and ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus tested in vitro indicated their cytotoxic activity. Both haulms extract of Chelidonium majus were more efficient on CEM cells. It is assumed that higher antiproliferative activity of ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus is the result of higher antiproliferative activity of lipophilic substances. The lipophilic substances pass through membrane and bind to various proteins and change their biological activity., Vladimíra Tomečková, Veronika Tkáčová, Peter Urban, Marek Stupák, and Literatura