Cíl práce: Aktuální pohled na těhotné s roztroušenou sklerózou (RS), analýza výsledků těhotenství těchto nemocných ve FN Motol v letech 2003-2011. Typ studie: Retrospektivní analýza Soubor a metodika: Analýza 76 těhotenství pacientek s relaps-remitentní formou roztroušené sklerózy – posouzení vlivu gravidity na aktivitu onemocnění (použitá analgezie a laktace ve vztahu ke vzniku akutní ataky) a naopak vlivu onemocnění na průběh těhotenství (komplikace, vedení porodu a perinatální výsledky). Výsledky: Akutní ataka v graviditě se v souboru 76 žen vyskytla u 4 z nich (5,3 %, RR 0,08), do půl roku po porodu jsme akutní ataku zaznamenali u 17 žen (22,4 %, RR 0,46). Ataku mělo 18,4 % kojících žen (9/49) ve srovnání s 33,3 % žen (8/24), které nekojily, p = 0,2375 (OR = 0,45, 95 % CI 0,15-1,37). Epidurální analgezii k porodu mělo 13,6 % žen (3/22) s akutní atakou, 25,9 % žen (14/54) s atakou po porodu bylo bez analgezie, p = 0,3648 (OR = 0,45,95 % CI 0,12-1,76). Zhoršení choroby jsme neprokázali (EDSS 1,4, resp. EDSS 1,6). 75 % těhotenství bylo ukončeno nekomplikovaným vaginálním porodem. Výskyt závažných těhotenských komplikací nebyl zvýšen a perinatální výsledky byly srovnatelné s běžnou populací. Závěr: V souladu s recentními studiemi prokazujeme v našem souboru pokles aktivity choroby v graviditě s nárůstem počtu akutních atak po porodu. Ke zhoršení či progresi onemocnění však během 12 měsíců po porodu nedochází. Kojení ani použití epidurální analgezie nemá na vznik akutní ataky vliv, těhotenství probíhají ve většině případů fyziologicky, vedení porodu a novorozenecké výsledky se neliší od běžné populace. Gravidita je tedy pro stabilizované pacientky s relaps-remitentní formou RS bezpečná., Objective: Current view on pregnant women with multiple sclerosis (MS), the analysis of pregnancy outcomes of these women with MS in the Motol Hospital in the years 2003-2011. Design: Retrospective analysis Methods: Analysis of 76 pregnant women with MS – to assess the impact of pregnancy on the activity of the disease (breastfeeding and used analgesia in relation on the relapse rate post partum) and the impact of the disease on the course of pregnancy (pregnancy complications, differences in the management of labor, and perinatal outcomes). Results: Relapse during pregnancy occurred in 4 out of the 76 women (5.3% relapse rate – RR 0.08). 17 women experienced a post partum relapse in the first six months after delivery (22.4%, RR 0.46). 18.4% breastfeeding women (9/49, 18.4%) had post partum relapse in comparison with 33.3% women, who did not breastfeed (8/24, 33.3%), p = 0.2375 (OR=0.45, 95% CI 0.15-1.37). 13.6% women (3/22, 13.6%) with post partum relapse used epidural analgesia (EDA), 25.9% women (14/54, 25.9%) with relapse did not used it, p = 0.3648 (OR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.12-1.76). Pregnancy did not influence the progress of disability (EDSS 1.4 or EDSS 1.6). 75% women had uncomplicated vaginal delivery, the incidence of serious pregnancy complications was not increased, and the perinatal outcomes are comparable with the general population. Conclusion: Consistent with recent studies, we evaluated decreasing relapse rate during pregnancy. In the post partum period the relapse rate has increased, however the pregnancy did not influence the disability progress in 12 months postpartum. Neither breastfeeding nor epidural analgesia correlated with presence of post partum relapses. In most cases, the pregnancies in patients with MS were physiological, the method of delivery and the overall perinatal outcomes are comparable with the general population. There is no need to worry about pregnancy in stabilized patients with MS., P. Hanulíková, R. Vlk, E. Meluzínová, L. Rob, and Literatura
Neurovědy, které se stále častěji zabývají vztahem mezi psychickou a mozkovou činností, vedly v posledních letech ke vzniku nových oborů: neuroe pigenetiky , neuropsychologi , neuropsychoanalýz y, a dokonce i neurofilosofie. V této stati diskutuji koncept neuropsychosomatiky., Neurosciences, which have been increasingly concern ed with and brain activity, in recent years have led to the emergence of new disciplines: neuroepigenetics, neuropsychology, neuoropsychother apy, neurop neurophilosophy. In this paper I am discussing the concept of neuropsychosomatics., and Poněšický J.
The reactivating and therapeutic efficacy of two combinations of oximes (HI‑6 + trimedoxime and HI‑6 + K203) was compared with the effectiveness of antidotal treatment involving single oxime (HI‑6, trimedoxime, K203) using in vivo methods. In vivo determined percentage of reactivation of cyclosarin‑inhibited blood and tissue acetylcholinesterase in poisoned rats showed that the reactivating efficacy of both combinations of oximes is slightly higher than the reactivating efficacy of the most effective individual oxime in blood, diaphragm as well as in brain. Moreover, both combinations of oximes were found to be slightly more efficacious in the reduction of acute lethal toxic effects in cyclosarin‑poisoned mice than the antidotal treatment involving single oxime. Based on the obtained data, we can conclude that the antidotal treatment involving chosen combinations of oximes brings a beneficial effect for its ability to counteract the acute poisoning with cyclosarin., Jiří Kassa, Jana Zdarová Karasová, Růžena Pavlíková, Filip Caisberger, Jiří Bajgar, and Literatura 36
The Purpose of the study: define the indications and contraindications to, combined operation in locally invasive tumor of the rectum. The Material and methods of the study: we have analysed results combined operation in cancer of the rectum with germination in genital organs, performed in department of coloproctology in National Oncological Scientific centre during 20052009 years. Under observation were 118 women at age from 21 to 68 years. This before 45 years 26 patients, from 46 to 59 years 54 patients, 60 and above years. The Results and their discussion: Postoperative complications suppurativeinflammatory character appeared beside 36 patients (30,5%), most of all after abdomeno perineal extirpation of rectum (35,5%) and abdominoanal resection of the rectum (33,3%). In lesser extend after front resection of the rectum and after operation Hartman (28,5% and 22,7%). The General lethality has formed 3,4%, have died after combined operation 4 patients from 118 operated patients. The Conclusion: thereby, brought data evident that such important factors, as frequency of the origin relapse (28%), 5year probability of survival (37,1%), under combined interference and operation of the standard volume in the cancer of the rectum practically the same., H. B. Bobokulov, A. M. Hakimov, and Literatura
The condition of the protective barrier of the stomach in patients with duodenal ulcer associated and non-associated with H. pylori infection has been studied. The state of gastric mucosal barrier was studied in 72 patients with peptic ulcer disease association with H. pylori and 26 patients without H. pylori by determining the content of insoluble glycoproteins and its fractions in the basal portion of the gastric juice. In a comparative perspective the state of these indicators were studied depending on the association with H. pylori and the severity of the disease. In patients with H. pylori, damages of protective mucus barrier are characterized by the significant shortage of fucose, which is considered to be the main component of the insoluble glycoproteins. In patients without H. pylori, status of mucosal barrier is characterized by uniform and less significant reduction in the content of fractions of insoluble glycoproteins. In this patients the reduction of insoluble glycoproteins is not dependent on the frequency of exacerbation. The content of fucose in the mucous gel of gastric juice is a diagnostic criterion for determining the frequency of recurrence of the disease in patients with H. pylori infection., Abdujalol Vahabovich Yakubov, Nargiza Ihsanovna Pulatova, and Literatura
The Material of the study has formed 78 sick, found on stationary treatment in Republican Scientific Centre Coloproktologii since 1992 on 2010. As it is seen, from table, from 78 sick mans was 58(74,3%), womans 20(25,7%). 19(24,3), sick were at age from 15 before 20 years, 49(60,2%) at age from 21 before 40 years and 13 (16,6%) sick from 41 before 60 years. The Main complaint sick at arrival were a stubborn constipations, which noted beside 70 (89,7%) sick, including absence of the independent chair existed beside 55(70,5%), but beside 54(69,2%) sick were noted periodic stomachache, growing on measure of the absence of the chair. The Ballooned belly existed beside all 78 (100%) sick moreover beside 20(25,6%) of them flatulence was constant. The Sickness and retching existed beside 24(30,7%), weakness, reduction to capacity to work beside 52(66,6%), increasing of the temperature of the body beside 10(12,8%), paradoxical diarrhoeas beside 6(7,6%) sick. Endoskopicheskiy method (rectoromonoscopy, colonoscopy) turned out to be else less informations 51,8% coincidences of the diagnosis. So we biopsy on Svensonu executed beside all sick, entered with suspicion on disease Girshprunga. In our observations from 78 sick beside 42(53,8,1%) were aboveanalni, beside 20(25,6%) sick rectalis, beside 13(16,6%)rectosigmoideys , beside 2(2,5%) leftside and beside 1(1,2%) sick subtotalis form hipoganglios. At biopsies on Svensonu on observations, from 78 sick, beside 44(56,4%) is revealled hipoganglios, but beside 35(44,8%) аganglios rectum. As can be seen from presented tables, from 78 sick beside 68(87,2%) us is executed onemoments radical operation, 10(12,8%) sick is as far as possible made resection hipoor aganglionarnaya of the zone, decompensate part of the large intestine and is formed colostomy. In all events at operations. The Remote results executed radical operation on cause disease Girshprunga traced from 1 before 10 years beside 57(73%) sick. The Results of the surgical treatment were valued on scale Vezika: good, satisfactory and unsatisfactory. In our observations beside 46(80,7%) sick results came in well, beside 10(17,5%) satisfactory and beside 1(1,8%) sick was an unsatisfactory result., Mirzahmedov M. M., Ahmedov M. A., Sapaev D. A., and Literatura
Competencies develop and changes throughout a persons life, they can gain or lose, going through various age stages. Their development does not end in youth, but continue on through the adult life. The ability to thing and reflect those thoughts specifically come forward in the center of structure of competency, which grows at the same time as the individual matures. One of the competency types is health competency. Health competency is a relatively new concept; it is not sufficiently researched. Aim of the study was to determine the factors of an adult individual health competency. 827 respondents participated in the study, in the processing of data was used SPSS. Was used factor analysis, analysis of variance with ANOVA and KruskalWallis test and Pearsons correlation. It was found that health competency is affected by several factors. These are: health education, health behavior, and the value of the environment. Each of the sets was distributed to key factors. It is the main factors affecting the health competence, but additional factors are: gender, education and income., Inara Upmale, Andrejs Geske, and Literatura
Importance: Treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma remains a topical issue of Clinical Oncology. More than 80% of cases hepatocellular carcinoma develops in the presence of liver cirrhosis. These patients are doomed, many clinics they held only symptomatic treatment and life expectancy of patients is not more than 6 months. The main reason for the refusal of surgeons and Chemotherapeutists of treatment is associated cirrhosis. Purpose: To improve results of surgical treatment of liver cancer developed on cirrhosis Materials and methods: We analyzed the immediate results of treatment of 12 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma developed on a background of liver cirrhosis. From the large size of the tumor and associated liver cirrhosis, these patients the first stage of oil produced by hepatic artery chemoembolization of the affected lobe of the liver tumor. After 2 3 weeks performed liver resection. Results: After analyzing the results, we concluded: chemoembolization reduces tumor volume and weight, increases the physiological regeneration of hepatocytes unaffected tumor fraction, improves functional performance of the liver and does not affect the frequency and severity of postoperative complications., Juraev M.D., Nematov O.N., Yusupbekov A.A., and Literatura
Pharmaceutical industry - one of the few areas in which innovations affect all of us, because ultimately have a direct impact on the duration and quality of life for us and our loved ones. In the presence of a strong market and a lack of understanding of the need for innovation is necessary, in our opinion, investing in basic research and facilitate the process of innovation in the pharmaceutical industry by the state and society. For the targeted development of pharmaceutical industry seems appropriate to determine at the state level prospects for the domestic pharmaceutical industry and its role in the international market, and develop a drug "doctrine" of Russia. This paper analyzed the problems of the state associated with the pharmaceutical market in the globalization period. Also investigated the theoretical aspects of the modern study of globalization in the light of the analysis for the global pharmaceutical industry and analyzes the major political and economic factors that have the most significant impact on the production of pharmaceuticals., Natalia Klunko, Reta Marynia, and Literatura
In this article, the results of the morphological study of the cerebral arteries in the patients with the hemorrhagic ischemic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome were submitted. We established that under hemorrhagic stroke on the background of metabolic syndrome one could observe the atherosclerotic damages in the form of plaques, hyalinosis of vessels walls, destructive and necrotic changes of the middle coat of vessel wall, which are, in our opinion, the main reason in morphogenesis of hemorrhagic stroke. The atherosclerotic affection of the cerebral vessels with the lipidosis and fibrotic plaques in the vessel wall, which caused in disorganization of the vessel wall in the form intimae proliferation, structural reconstruction of the internal elastic membrane which resulted in narrowing of the vessel lumen and development of ischemia is the morphological basis for the ischemic stroke with the metabolic syndrome. Also diabetic microangiopathy with the development of the hyalinosis, vessels walls sclerosis, which provoked the microcirculatory and metabolism processes injury in the cerebral substance that complicate the disease course is the important factor of cerebral blood circulation damage., Natalia Chuiko, and Literatura