The effect of aqueous and ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on cervical HeLa tumor cells, mammary adenocarcinoma MCF 7 tumor cells and acute lymphoblastic leukemia CEM tumor cells in vitro have been studied. The purpose of this research was to compare the effect of aqueous and ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on selected tumor cells. Colorimetric MTT assay have been used for the study of the antiproliferative effect of aqueous and ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus on cell viability in vitro. The results of the experiments have shown the cytotoxic effect of the aqueous and the ether Chelidonium majus haulms extract on the individual tumor cells. The aqueous Chelidonium majus haulms extract was the most effective on CEM cells, it was less effective on MCF 7 cells and it was the least effective on HeLa cells. The ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus was the most effective at all of studied concentrations on CEM cells and MCF 7 cells in comparison with HeLa cells, where it was significantly effective only at the highest concentration. Aqueous and ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus tested in vitro indicated their cytotoxic activity. Both haulms extract of Chelidonium majus were more efficient on CEM cells. It is assumed that higher antiproliferative activity of ether haulms extract of Chelidonium majus is the result of higher antiproliferative activity of lipophilic substances. The lipophilic substances pass through membrane and bind to various proteins and change their biological activity., Vladimíra Tomečková, Veronika Tkáčová, Peter Urban, Marek Stupák, and Literatura
Současné studie naznačují možnou důležitou úlohu melatoninu v Huntingtonově nemoci (HN) a jeho možné terapeutické využití při léčbě této nemoci. HN je dědičné neurodegenerativní onemocnění, které doprovází snižování hladiny melatoninu s postupem onemocnění. U normálních (nenádorových) buněk působí melatonin antiapoptoticky díky svým antioxidačním vlastnostem a schopnosti zabránit aktivaci proteinu p53. Dále melatonin zvyšuje expresi BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) a dalších neuroprotektivních faktorů. Cílem této studie bylo stanovit netoxickou dávku melatoninu pro primární kožní fibroblasty izolované z transgenních miniprasat pro N‑koncovou část lidského mutovaného huntingtinu (TgHD) a popsat efekt tohoto ošetření na tyto buňky vystavené genotoxickému stresu. Buňky byly kultivovány v médiu obohaceném různými dávkami melatoninu. Analýzou proliferačních křivek získaných mikroskopováním živých buněk v pravidelných časových intervalech jsme stanovili efekt různých koncentrací melatoninu.Ukázali jsme, že vyšší dávky melatoninu jsou pro primární prasečí buňky toxické. Je zajímavé, že TgHD buňky byly oproti kontrolním buňkám více citlivé k tímto dávkám melatoninu. Stanovili jsme efektivní dávku melatoninu a současně jsme ukázali její efekt na proliferaci u buněk vystavených genotoxickému stresu. Klíčová slova: Huntingtonova choroba – melatonin – mikroskopie buněk v čase – miniprasečí model –proliferační křivky – kožní fibroblasty Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy. Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do biomedicínských časopisů., According to the recent studies, melatonin might play an important role in Huntington’s disease (HD) and act as a novel therapeutic approach in the treatment of the disease. HD, the inherited neurodegenerative disorder, is accompanied by gradual melatonin reduction as it progresses. Melatonin in normal cells (non‑tumor) has the anti‑apoptotic ability due to its antioxidant property and its ability to prevent the activation of p53. Furthermore, melatonin increases the expression of BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) and other neuroprotective factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nontoxic dose of melatonin for primary skin fibroblasts isolated from minipigs transgenic for the N‑terminal part of human mutated huntingtin (TgHD), and the effect of melatonin treatment to these cells exposed to genotoxic stress. Cells were cultured in medium supplemented with different doses of melatonin. Using time lapse microscopy, we estimated the effect of decreasing melatonin concentrations by analyzing the proliferation curves. We show that higher doses of melatonin are toxic for primary porcine fibroblasts. Interestingly, TgHD cells were more sensitive to these doses of melatonin treatment than wild type cells. We evaluated the effective dose of melatonin and demonstrated its rescue proliferative effect on porcine primary cells exposed to genotoxic stress., and P. Rausova, J. Valasek, Z. Ellederová, J. Motlik
AIM: The ability of two newly developed oximes (K727, K733) to reduce tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms was evaluated and compared with currently available trimedoxime in rats. METHODS: The neuroprotective effects of the oximes studied combined with atropine on Wistar rats poisoned with tabun at a lethal dose (380 µg/kg i.m.; 90% of LD50 value) were evaluated. Tabun-induced neurotoxicity was monitored by the functional observational battery consisting of 38 measurements of sensory, motor and autonomic nervous functions at 2 hours following tabun challenge. RESULTS: All tested oximes combined with atropine enable tabun-poisoned rats to survive till the end of experiment. Both newly developed oximes (K727, K733) combined with atropine were able to decrease tabun-induced neurotoxicity in the case of lethal poisoning although they did not eliminate all tabun-induced acute neurotoxic signs and symptoms. CONCLUSION: The ability of both novel bispyridinium oximes to decrease tabun-induced acute neurotoxicity was slightly lower than that of trimedoxime. Therefore, the newly developed oximes are not suitable for the replacement of commonly used oximes such as trimedoxime in the treatment of acute tabun poisonings. and J. Kassa, J. Hatlapatková, J. Žďárová Karasová
Large animal models to explore the safety and tolerability of novel therapeutic approaches for Huntington’s disease (HD) are in exploration to achieve higher translational reliability in future studies. Recently, a Libechov minipig has been established as one new transgenic (Tg) large animal model for HD. We here discuss the advantages and limitations in using this model in HD with regards to breeding, housing, handling, and with respect to homology to humans and ethical considerations. A group of TgHD and wild type (WT) female minipigs (n = 36) was used to gain first evidence about abovementioned aspects. It is concluded that Libechov minipigs may fulfill an important role to bridge the gap between rodents and non‑human primates in the translation to humans. and S. Schramke, R. Schubert, F. Frank, M. Wirsig, M. Fels, N. Kemper, V. Schuldenzucker, R. Reilmann
In this article the possibilities of MR tractography in symptomatic epilepsy patients have been presented. We determined the quantitative standards of numerical values of diffusion of white matter in children with symptomatic epilepsy of various etiology. In children with symptomatic epilepsy, the pathological changes of white matter were localized not only in the epileptogenic, but also in the opposite hemisphere. The regions with abnormal white matter FA and ADC values not only matched to limbic circle zones, but also to areas of intra- and interhemispheric connections uniting the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes of the brain. Determining the specific clusters of brain tracts in symptomatic epilepsy, regardless of etiology, is important to predict the prognosis of the disease and the likely possibility of cognitive impairment. The study proved that symptomatic epilepsy is characterized by a variety of changes in the white matter of the brain tracts that lead to the dissociation of certain regions of the brain, interrupting connections between cortical and subcortical regions and inhibiting the transfer of information. It can be concluded, that diffusion-weighted imaging are much more sensitive to the structural and metabolic changes occurring in the brain, in comparison with conventional MRI images., Khabibulla Aminov, and Literatura
Background: The data on the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) in patients with HIV/AIDS vary. Even though some authors have reported higher prevalence of high blood pressure and systemic arterial hypertension in this group, compared to the prevalence of AH in subjects without infection, other studies have found similar prevalence of AH between men and women with HIV and individuals without the infection. In Uzbekistan such researches were not conducted yet. Objective: Evaluate the prevalence of prevalence of arterial hypertension and its risk factors at the HIV-positive persons of Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan. Methods:A cross-sectional study aligned to a cohort of patients with HIV/AIDS. The study considered hypertension at levels ≥ 140/90 mmHg or use of antihypertensive drugs and prehypertension at levels > 120/80 mmHg. Results: Out of this total, 138 patients (48%) were male and 149 were female (52%); 65% of them were 40 years-old or younger, and other 35% were over 40 years of age. Among the individuals evaluated, 184 (64.1%) had blood pressure within the normal range, 62 (21.6%) were considered prehypertensive, and 41 (14.3%) were considered hypertensive. Twenty five patients (61%) knew they had hypertension, and 9 of them (36.0%) used antihypertensive medication on a continuous basis. The blood pressure levels were controlled in only 5 (20.0%) patients that knew that they were hypertensive. Conclusion: Among HIV-infected persons, 21.6% were considered prehypertensive, and 14.3% were considered hypertensive. It is important to warn clinicians who provide care to HIV/AIDS patients that such patients are not only individuals infected with a potentially fatal virus, but, despite the benefit of new antiretroviral therapies, they are also patients whose prognosis may be affected by comorbidities, such as hypertension., Mirzoulugbek Mirsaydullaev, Nematjon Mamasaliev, and Literatura
The management of chronic diseases shall be considered a priority in the work of the global international institutions, which are related to health policies. In the search for effective and efficient solutions for the treatment of chronic diseases, scientists are developing different programs. In Bulgaria the continuous monitoring of chronically ill people is defined with the term dispensarization. The objective of the research is to analyze the place and the role of patients in the monitoring of their chronic diseases and how the concept of quality of life relates to this process. Method The research in focus groups is planned within a research project on the monitoring of chronic diseases. Five group discussions were held. The number of participants in all focus groups was sixty. Results The two discussed directions - the active role of the patient and the focus on the results are weak links in the current organization of the care for the chronically ill people. The topic of creating and adopting an Act of the patient was also presented, in which to be paid attention to the evaluation of the quality of life. In general was brought the need for a clear delineation of the roles and the competencies of everyone involved in the monitoring process of chronic diseases. The chronic disease cannot be defined only as a medical problem, as there are economic and social, including political consequences. Conclusions The management of the chronic disease requires coordination of doctor-patient interaction, a model of partnership and trust in the relations, self-management of the condition by the patients and their inclusion in the health team. The most important step to achieve this goal is the education of the patients, increasing their knowledge and motivation, psycho-emotional support, instilling hope and faith in the capacity of the patients., Teodora Dimcheva, Gergana Foreva, Radost Аsenova, Nonka Маteva, Todor Stoev, Rosica Dimova, and Literatura
The widespread introduction of dental implant in the dental practice will determine progress and the future of prosthetic dentistry. At the same time, like any new direction dental implantation has generated a lot of questions and unsolved problems. On many of these issues and problems can be answered only by using morphological methods. Therefore, after the development of a new construction of the dental implant one of the main issues was the question of its interaction with the jawbone and soft tissues of the oral cavity. We performed the experiment on 24 long snout dogs of both sexes, weighing 30-35 kg, with normal bite, at the age of 20-24 months. Animals were divided into 2 groups, according to samples of screw dental implants used in the experiment: basic group - 12 dogs in which were used samples of the new construction of dental implant “” (Uzbekistan); control group – 12 dogs in which were applied screw dental implant system “Dentium” (South Korea). Terms of derivation of animals from experiments were 1, 3, and 6 months. By using morphological techniques were studied implants “” from medical titanium BT-1.00 brand, their interaction with bone of alveolar ridge. “” did not cause pathological changes in the bone tissue of alveolar ridges of jaws and could be an alternative to known dental implants., Nigman Lukmanovich Khabilov, Tatyana Olegovna Mun, Farkhodjon Komiljonovich Usmonov, Iskander Mukhamedovich Baybekov, and Literatura
Východiska: Implementace mezinárodní klasifikace NIC v podmínkách intenzivní péče v ČR. Cíl: Identifikace intervencí NIC Klasifikačního systému, které všeobecné sestry označí jako použitelné v klinické praxi intenzivní péče minimálně jednou týdně. Metody: Kvantitativní analýza četnosti intervencí NIC. Dosáhla-li konkrétní intervence NIC 75% hranice (po sečtení v kategorii denní a týdenní péče), byla identifikována jako intervence NIC, která je použitelná minimálně jednou týdně v klinické péči prostředí intenzivní péče. 386 záznamových archů, ve kterých všeobecné sestry označovaly frekvence použití vybraných 184 intervencí Klasifikačního systému NIC. Získaná data byla získána z klinické praxe intenzivní péče u 12 poskytovatelů zdravotnických služeb v České republice (ČR). Ke statistickému porovnání získaných dat z jednotlivých klinických pracovišť byl použit Pearsonův chi kvadrát, na hladině významnosti 5 % (p ≤ 0,05). Výsledky: 46 intervencí z vybraných intervencí NIC, bylo identifikováno jako intervence, použitelné minimálně jednou týdně v klinické péči prostředí intenzivní péče ČR. U 14 intervencí NIC nebyly shledány signifikantní rozdíly v označení použitelnosti jednou týdně na pracovištích ARO a JIP interního a chirurgického typu. U 32 intervencí NIC byly shledány signifikantní rozdíly v označení použitelnosti jednou týdně v klinické praxi mezi výše uvedenými pracovišti. Použitelnost těchto intervencí NIC minimálně jednou týdně častěji označily všeobecné sestry na pracovišti ARO. Závěry: Ze 184 mapovaných intervencí Klasifikačního systému NIC bylo identifikováno 46 intervencí, které všeobecné sestry označily, jako použitelné v klinické praxi intenzivní péče minimálně jednou týdně. Tyto intervence NIC podstoupí expertní validaci., Background: Implementation of the International Classification of NIC in conditions intensive care in the Czech Republic. Aim: The aim of this enquiry was the choice of interventions NIC of the classification system, which are marked by nurses as usable minimaxy once a week in the clinical practice of intensive care. This contribution maps the posibility of the usage of chosen interventions of classification system Nursing Interventions Classification NIC, which will be used for the future implementation in the intensive care sector. The aim of this enquiry was the choice of interventions NIC of the classification system, which are marked by nurses as usable minimaxy once a week in the clinical practice of intensive care. Methods: Reaches the specific interventions NIC 75% threshold for counting records in the category of daily and weekly care has been identified as an intervention NIC, which is applicable at least once a week in clinical care intensive care environment. The quantitative analysis of 386 records with 184 interventions NIC in the clinical practice, by 12 health service proveders in the Czech Republic. Pearson‘ s chi quadrat (p≤0,05) was used for the statistic comparison of the data from the individual clinical workplaces. Results: By the quantitative analysis was confirmed 46 interventions NIC of Classification system which possible usage in clinical intensive care minimally once a week in the CR. In comparison with the data distribution at individual clinical workplaces, there were not found any significant differences in minimal weekly usage indication at 14 NIC intervention of the classification system. There were found some differences in usage marking in 32 interventions NIC classification system by nurses at some workplaces. Higher frequency of presence was recorded by Anesthesiologic Resuscitation ward nurses. Conclusions: Analysis from 184 intervention NIC confirms the possibility 46 of serviceability of classification system NIC in our country. There are interventions, which usage in clinical care workplaces Anesthesiologic Resuscitation ward, Intensive Care Unit surgery minimally once a week. These interventions NIC undergo expert validation., and Jitka Hůsková, Petra Juřeníková