An algorithm for correction of two-axes laser mount direction and gates in case of atmospheric drag induces diviations from the predicted satellite motion is described. Results of numerical simulations are shown.
We tried to determine as accurately as possible the geocentric coordinates of the Hvar Doppler station in the coordinate system of broadcast and in one of precise ephemerides, on the basis of Doppler observations from the project IDOC-82 and of broadcast ephemerides alone. With this aim in view it was necessary in the first place to calculate for the project IDOC-82 two new variations of multipoint solutions by means of broadcast ephemerides (MPBE), taking into account 11 stations, i.e. 10 suitable stations. Coordinates X, Y, Z for the Hvar station contained in this way were thereupon converted from BE-system by means of
three-dimensional Helmert transformation and by using available identical stations from previous projects EDOC-2, ERIDOC and ALGEDOP-82 for all of which multipoint solutions with precise ephemerides (MPPE) are dsposable.
An analytical method od determination of luni-solat perturbations of the satellite motion is described here. The motion of perturbing body is described by trigonometrical series with the necessary accuracy. The determination of perturbations is made by numerous analytical transformations of the series by means of computer. As a result of these transformations the original accuracy is lost because of the limitation of the number of terms in series. The loss of accuracy is subjected to analysis by means of numerical tests and intotal accuracy of original series is estimated for fixed required accuracy of the calcualtion of satellite coordinates.
The effects of some non-gravitational perturbations on the intermediate coordinates *, *, * of the artificial earth´s satellites were investigated. The analytical theory used is based on the asymmetrical method of two fixed centres and powers of regularized time *. and Použity 4x * na místě nesrozumitelných (ručně psaných) znaků
The formulations and interpretations of some formally analogous expressions of the single-particle scalar quantum wave equations of electrons and photons, propagated in adequate isotropic static media under weak signals and interaction phenomena, are presented in this article. and V prezentovaném článku jsou obsaženy formulace a interpretace některých formálně analogických tvarů jednočásticových skalárních kvantových vlnových rovnic šířících se elektronů a fotonů v přiměřených izotropních statických prostředích při slabých signálech a interakčních jevech.
The work deals with design and implementation of an analogue electro-optic transmission system convenient to solve some specialized tasks in the field of diagnostics and measurements. The proposed system is designed to solve several requirements that are beyond the limits of conventional metallic transmission medium. Especially it is the case of broadband transmission, extreme length of the transmission medium and high galvanic barrier between input and output that have to be achieved simultaneously. and Práce popisuje vývoj a realizaci analogového elektro-optického přenosového systému použitelného v některých speciálních případech diagnostiky a měření. Navržený přenosový systém řeší několik vzájemně se limitujících požadavků, které není možné standardním metalickým propojením splnit. Jde zejména o současné dosažení velké šířky frekvenčního pásma, délky přenosového média a dostatečné galvanické bariéry mezi vstupem a výstupem.