This study explores the collection of Czech books in the Strängnäs Cathedral Library. The books were taken to Sweden as war booty at the end of the Thirty Years’ War and are today the most compactly preserved collection of books of Czech provenance in Sweden. This so-called war library, which the Chapter received as a gift from Queen Christina I, was not seen by the new administrators as an integral part of the Church’s property. This paper aims to answer two questions: First, when and how the Chapter’s mental barrier broke down; second, what factors played a role in the reorganisation of Cathedral Library in 1764–1765 and the selection of books for the auction sale. To answer these questions, I analysed the manuscript catalogue of the Cathedral Library from the 1750s and the printed auction catalogue of 1764. In addition, I surveyed preserved copies, particularly those auctioned by the Cathedral Library. My findings reveal that it took more than a century for the looted books to integrate into the new cultural environment in Strängnäs. Their merger with the original Cathedral Library did not take place until the 1750s and 1760s as part of a reorganisation aimed at creating a modern historical collection. This reorganisation included massive disposal of books, a large amount of which came from the Czech book spoils. The research findings also indicate that the war origin played no significant role in their selection and sale. The fate of the Czech book spoils in Strängnäs represents a complex case of incorporating books from war booty into a new cultural environment. The study is one of the first contributions to the question of the so-called second life of Czech book spoils in Sweden.
At the beginning of the 20th century the task of reviewing all available literature across different scientific fields was initiated by professor Raýman, the general secretary of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Joseph for Science, Literature and Arts (CASLA). The first review for 1901 (in Czech language) appeared in the CASLA Bulletin during 1902. However, later, until the 1914 review, which was partially published in 1916, the reviews only consisted of physics reports. Usually, about five authors wrote the physical review covering different fields. Beginning in 1903, the review was also published as a separate book. The first 10 years of physical reviews referenced about 15 thousands papers from all available global literature., Jan Valenta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Pro vězení je na rozdíl od jiných institucí příznačné, že za svými zdmi shromažduje chovance nedobrovolně. Veškerý čas a aktivity vězňů jsou striktně strukturovány. Autoritě instituce, která za své svěřence přebírá zodpovědnost a tím pádem i možnost sankcionovat nežádoucí chování, jsou podřízeny veškeré aspekty života (některé aspekty, jako je např. rodinný život, jsou pak ze života v lůně totální instituce zcela vyňaty). Odsouzený má pouze omezený manévrovací prostor pro prosazení svých zájmů. Navíc vězení představuje značnou zátěž nejen pro odsouzené, ale klade vysoké nároky také na vězeňský personál, jenž má za úkol starat se o izolaci a převýchovu vězňů., The article concern on the prison system. In the first part are described attitudes of public opinion towards crime and prison system. Not only in the terms of causes of criminal behavior. It also brings an evaluation of particular conditions and facilities which are available or which would be hypothetically available for prisoners in contemporary Czech prison system. The second part brings information about prison from prisoners point of view. It sums up the particular needs and problems resulting from imprisonment. And the third part comes with a c omparison of prisoners and public opinion attitudes on some moral dilemmas of chosen kinds of human behavior., and Michal Veselský.
Článek shrnuje současné názory na vnitrodruhové genetické rozrůznění a taxonomii zmije obecné (Vipera berus). Zvláštní pozornost je věnována genetické příslušnosti populací českých zmijí., This article summarizes contemporary knowledge of the intraspecific genetic differentiation and taxonomy of the Common Adder (Vipera berus). Special attention is paid to the genetic status of the Czech adders., and Jiří Moravec, Jiří Šmíd.
The paper examines the rising significance of propaganda after the First World War and focuses in particular on how it was perceived in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. The increasing danger posed by neighboring Nazi Germany elevated it to a conscious effort to use spiriual means to control the masses in order to help defend democratic Czechoslovakia. The paper analyzes the era's ideas on the significance of propaganda. It focuses on discussons on the relationship between propaganda and democracy, and attempts to create a ministry of propaganda in a democratic state. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Perloočky rodu Daphnia jsou intenzivně studovaní vodní bezobratlí. Proto byl pro nás velkým překvapením objev pro vědu nového druhu tohoto rodu v tůni na Kokořínsku. Druh byl pojmenován po významném českém hydrobiologovi Jaroslavu Hrbáčkovi, ale jeho jméno odkazuje i na hrbatý tvar těla. Jeho doposud známé lokality jsou pouze v Čechách a na Slovensku., Species of water fleas that belong to the genus Daphnia have been used intensively in studies as “model organisms”. The discovery of a new Daphnia species in a pool in Central Bohemia was, therefore, a surprise. All known localities of this species, which we named after the prominent Czech hydrobiologist Jaroslav Hrbáček, are restricted to Czechia and Slovakia., and Adam Petrusek, Petr Jan Juračka.