a_1 We sought to examine the association between maternal erythrocyte omega-3, omega-6 and trans fatty acids and risk of preeclampsia. We conducted a case-control study of 170 women with proteinuric, pregnancy-induced hypertension and 185 normotensive pregnant women who delivered at Harare Maternity Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe. We measured erythrocyte omega-3, omega-6 and trans fatty acid as the percentage of total fatty acids using gas chromatography. After multivariate adjustment for confounding factors, women in the highest quartile group for total omega-3 fatty acids compared with women in the lowest quartile experienced a 14 % reduction in risk of preeclampsia (odds ratio 0.86, 95 % confidence interval 0.45 to 1.63). For total omega-6 fatty acids the odds ratio was 0.46 (95 % confidence interval 0.23 to 0.92), although there was suggestion of a slight increase in risk of preeclampsia associated with high levels of arachidonic acid. Among women in the highest quartile for arachidonic acid the odds ratio was 1.29 (95 % confidence interval 0.66 to 2.54). A strong statistically significant positive association of diunsaturated fatty acids with a trans double bond with risk of preeclampsia was observed. Women in the upper quartile of 9-cis 12-trans octadecanoic acid (C18:2n6ct) compared with those in the lowest quartile experienced a 3-fold higher risk of preeclampsia (odds ratio = 3.02, 95 % confidence interval 1.41 to 6.45). Among women in the highest quartile for 9-trans 12-cis octadecanoic acid (C18:2n6tc) the odds ratio was 3.32 (95 % confidence interval 1.55 to 7.13)., a_2 Monounsaturated trans fatty acids were also positively associated with the risk of preeclampsia, although of much reduced magnitude. We observed a strong positive association of trans fatty acids, particularly diunsaturated trans fatty acids, with the risk of preeclampsia. We found little support for the hypothesized in verse association between omega-3 fatty acids and preeclampsia risk in this population. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, were comparatively lower in Zimbabwean than among US pregnant women. Given the limited inter-person variation in omega-3 fatty acids among Zimbabwean women, our sample size may be too small to adequately assess the relation in this population., K. Mahomed, M. A. Williams, I. B. King, S. Mudzamiri., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Escherichia coli (2x104 bacteria) of the non-pathogenic O86 strain or enteropathogenic O55 strain were administered into the pig amniotic cavity at 79 to 86 days of gestation for six or ten hours. Translocation of bacteria into fetal lungs was confirmed by cultivation as well as by light and electron microscopy. Infection caused an influx of macrophages that were immunostained in cryostat sections by monoclonal antibody recognizing calprotectin., I. Šplíchal, I. Trebichavský, A. Šplíchalová, L. Dítětová, M. Zahradníčková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
From the perspective of the concept of aesthetic synthesis, i.e. the principle of the internal organization of works of art, this study looks at the question of the linkage of works of art and the possibility of social reconciliation in the thought of Theodor W. Adorno. The starting point of the interpretation consists of two passages from Aesthetic Theory. Subsequently, the meaning of Adorno’s concept of aesthetic synthesis as a principle open to the peculiar is clarified. This is also where the social significance of the aesthetic synthesis of works of art originates as a reference or reminder of the possibility of social change. and Tato studie nahlíží na otázku vazby uměleckých děl a možnosti společenského smíření v myšlení Theodora W. Adorna z perspektivy pojmu estetické syntézy, tj. principu vnitřní organizace uměleckých děl. Východiskem interpretace jsou dvě pasáže z Estetické teorie. Následně je objasněn význam Adornova pojetí estetické syntézy coby principu otevřeného vůči zvláštnímu. Odtud pramení také sociální význam estetické syntézy uměleckých děl jakožto poukazu či upomínky na možnost společenské změny.
A graphical method of estimating bed shear from measured velocity profiles is presented as an alternative to logarithmic law approach. In the present approach the entire velocity profile is considered as per binary law of velocity distribution i.e., logarithmic law in the wall region and parabolic law in the outer region. The validity of this method has been demonstrated for a typical velocity profile. An analysis has been also made in case of an erroneous measurement of bed level. and Práca obsahuje grafickú metódu určenia charakteristík trenia na dne koryta z meraných profilov rýchlosti ako alternatívu k používanému prístupu vychádzajúcemu z logaritmického zákona rozdelenia rýchlostí prúdenia. Predložený prístup charakterizuje profil rýchlosti ako binárny, t.j. zložený z logaritmického rozdelenia v oblasti steny a z parabolického rozdelenia mimo túto oblasť. Vhodnosť tohto prístupu bola demonštrovaná pre typický rýchlostný profil. Bola vykonaná analýza aj pre nepresné meranie úrovne dna koryta.
We analyzed the runoff and its temporal distribution during the catastrophic flood events on river Gidra (32.9 km2 ) and Parná (37.86 km2 ) of the 7th June 2011. The catchments are located in the Small Carpathian Mountains, western Slovakia. Direct measurements and evaluation of the peak discharge values after such extreme events are emphasized in the paper including exceedance probabilities of peak flows and of their causal flash rainfall events. In the second part of the paper, plausible modeling mode is presented, using the NLC (Non Linear Cascade) rainfall-runoff model. Several hypothetical extreme flood events were simulated by the NLC model for both rivers. Also the flood runoff volumes are evaluated as basic information on the natural or artificial catchment storage. and Predložený príspevok analyzuje tvorbu a priebeh odtoku počas katastrofickej povodňovej situácie na Gidre (32,9 km2 ) a na Parnej (37,86 km2 ) dňa 7. 6. 2011. Povodia týchto tokov sa nachádzajú v Malých Karpatoch na západnom Slovensku. V príspevku sa kladie dôraz na priame zameranie a vyhodnotenie kulminačných prietokov po výskyte takýchto povodní. Diskutujú sa problémy vyjadrenia pravdepodobnosti prekročenia kulminačných prietokov a dažďov, ktoré ich spôsobili. V druhej časti príspevku je prezentovaný možný spôsob modelovania povodne jednoduchým zrážkovo-odtokovým modelom NLC. Daným modelom NLC sú následne simulované prietoky Gidry v stanici Píla a Parná v stanici Horné Orešany za extrémnej hypotetickej zrážkovej udalosti. Hodnotené sú objemy odtoku počas povodní, ako základný údaj pre reálny odhad ich prirodzeného alebo umelého zadržania.
This paper presents the results of a laboratory study on the flow characteristics of sharp-crested weirs, broad-crested weirs, and labyrinth weirs. The variation of the maximum bubble penetration depth for different weir types is investigated depending on overfall jet expansion, discharge, and drop height. Moreover, most efficient depth, length and width of the downstream receiving pool in an open channel system are studied by considering the penetration depth, overfall jet expansion, jet trajectory and the bubble zone. The results show that overfall jet expansion at the labyrinth weirs is significantly wider than the rectangular sharp-crested weirs and the trapezoidal sharp-crested weir. It is demonstrated that the labyrinth weirs have the lowest values of bubble penetration depth among the weirs tested. Furthermore, it is found that the rectangular and the trapezoidal weirs are observed to have the highest bubble penetration depth among all weirs. Consequently, empirical equations are obtained for predicting the maximum penetration depth of bubbles, trajectory of free overfall nappe, jet expansion of free overfall nappe, and the length of the bubble zone. and Príspevok prezentuje výsledky laboratórneho výskumu charakteristík prúdenia cez ostrohranné priepady, cez priepady so širokou hranou a cez labyrintové priepady. Bola študovaná variácia maximálnej hĺbky prieniku vzduchových bublín pre rozdielne typy priepadov v závislosti od rozšírenia prúdu, prietoku a výšky priepadu. Okrem toho bola analyzovaná efektívna hĺbka, šírka a dĺžka vývaru v systéme otvorených kanálov s uvážením rozšírenia prúdu, prietoku a výšky priepadu a oblasti so vzduchovými bublinami. Z výsledkov vyplýva, že rozšírenie prúdu pri labyrintových priepadoch je výrazne väčšie, ako pri pravouhlých a lichobežníkových ostrohranných priepadoch. Bolo ukázané, že labyrintové priepady majú najmenšiu hĺbku prieniku vzduchových bublín spomedzi všetkých testovaných priepadov. Zistilo sa však, že pravouhlé a lichobežníkové priepady majú najväčšie hĺbky prieniku vzduchových bublín spomedzi všetkých testovaných priepadov. Tieto výsledky výskumu viedli k empirickým rovniciam, umožňujúcim výpočet maximálnej hĺbky prieniku vzduchových bublín, trajektórií prepadového lúča, rozšírenia prúdu a dĺžky prevzdušnenej oblasti.
The heat tolerance of 8 temperate- and 1 subtropical-origin C3 species as well as 17 tropical-origin ones, including C3, C4, and CAM species, was estimated using both F0-T curve and the ratio of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, prior to and after high temperature treatment. When leaves were heated at the rate of ca. 1 °C min-1 in darkness, the critical temperature (Tc) varied extensively among species. The Tc's of all 8 temperate-origin species ranged between 40-46 °C in winter (mean temperature 16-19 °C), and between 32-48 °C in summer (mean temperature ca. 30 °C). Those for 1 subtropical- and 12 tropical-origin C3 species ranged between 25-44 °C and 35-48 °C, and for 1 CAM and 4 C4 species were 41-47 and 45-46 °C, respectively. Acclimating three C3 herbaceous plants at high temperature (33/28 °C, day/night) for 10 d in winter caused their Tc's rising to nearly the values measured in summer. When leaves were exposed to 45 °C for 20 min and then kept at room temperature in darkness for 1 h, a significant correlation between RFv/m (the ratio of Fv/Fm before and after 45 °C treatment) and Tc was observed for all tested temperate-origin C3 species as well as tropical-origin CAM and C4 species. However, F0 and Fv/Fm of the tropical-origin C3 species were less sensitive to 45 °C treatment, regardless of a large variation of Tc; thus no significant correlation was found between their RFv/m and Tc. Thus Tc might not be a suitable index of heat tolerance for plants with wide range of environmental adaptation. Nevertheless, Tc's of tropical origin C3 species, varying and showing high plasticity to seasonal changes and temperature treatment, appeared suitable for the estimation of the degree of temperature acclimation in the same species. and J.-H. Weng, M.-F. Lai.
The paper by Jarušková and Hanek (2006) advocated application of the peaks over threshold method (POT method) for estimating the probability that a precipitation or discharges series exceeds a chosen high level. If daily precipitation amounts or average discharges are obtained at several stations one might be interested in estimating the probability that in the same time all variables of interest, e.g. precipitation amounts measured at several stations, exceed some chosen high levels. The paper explains how the method based on the point process approach may be used to get good estimates of such probabilities. Moreover, it presents some useful parametric models that were successfully applied by the author to some precipitation and discharges series of northern Moravia. and Článek navazuje na práci Jarušková, Hanek (2006), kde autoři doporučovali používání metody špiček nad prahem k odhadu pravděpodobností, s jakou srážková nebo průtoková řada překročí danou vysokou úroveň. V případě, že se denní srážková či průtoková řada měří ve více stanicích, může nás zajímat, s jakou pravděpodobností současně (to znamená ve stejný den) všechny studované řady, to je například srážkové řady měřené v několika stanicích, překročí nějaké předem stanovené vysoké úrovně. Článek vysvětluje, jak lze k odhadu takových pravděpodobností použít metodu založenou na bodovém procesu. Zároveň uvádí některé parametrické modely, které byly úspěšně použity autorkou článku pro odhady pravděpodobností překročení pro srážkové a průtokové řady na severní Moravě.