This study examines the possibilities and limitations of centralizing reforms within the western part of the Habsburg monarchy, as illustrated by the problematic issue of ennoblement in the Czech lands. The administrative reforms of 1749 resulted in the administrative union of both state entities in a single whole of (all) so-called Hereditary Lands. They also led to the closure of separate offices at court representing the Czech and Austrian lands, replacing them with a single Directorium in publicis et cameralibus, which took over the ennoblement programme hitherto operated by those two offices. Despite the apparently centralizing tendency of the reforms, this did not extend to any unification of entitlements to ennoblement, which continued to be based on particular ranks and titles specific to either the Kingdom of Bohemia or the Archduchy of Austria. It was not until 1752 that, on the urging of Maria Theresa herself, a unified, legally binding system for dispensing preferment and privilege, including a unified scale of aristocratic titles for all the Hereditary Lands, was introduced. In practice, ennoblement rights in the two state entities remained differentiated as to specific titles up until the early 19th century, when the two systems were superseded by a new Austrian Imperial ranking. Thus one of the last relics of the conception of the Czech Crown Lands as an autonomous historical entity finally ceased to exist., Jiří Brňovják., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The concept of "Exclusivism" is considered to represent one of the most characteristic features of International Nuclear Law. This concept is reflected by regulating matters of uses of nuclear energy and ionising radiation exclusively by distinct principles, that govern legal relations arising in these matters. The concept of "Exclusivism" has been widely reflected in the provisions of international conventions, which have been adopted since the 1960s. This article aims to revisit this concept, taking the most recent developments in international and European law into regard. The article is dealing with the reasons and origins of the concept of "Exclusivism" in International Nuclear Law, with reflections of this concept in existing international treaties and at last but not at least, with most recent tendencies, that aim at jeopardising this concept., Jakub Handrlica., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
We suggest and use a test for evaluation of the accuracy of the harmonic coefficients in the Earth gravity field models (EMs), in which just the harmonics of the order mmin ≤ mm ≤ mmax and degree m ≤ 1 ≤ 1max are selected from the whole EMs. These parts will be called "frequency window(s)" (FWs). We treat the FWs of various recent EMs. One FW has been constructed solely from the resonant results for 12 ≤ m ≤ 15; we call it RFW. This RFW is used as a standard, sometimes independent, for comparing and testing other FWs. By means of the FWs, radius-vectors of the relevant parts of gecid are determined and compared to those of RFW. We intend to evaluate the differences between the EMs and to distinguish the models, FWs differ significantly from the RWF. and Celý článek bude publikován v Bull. Astron. Instit., sv..1985
Ciele výskumu. Hlavným cieľom tejto štúdie bolo hlbšie preskúmať názory a presvedčenia žiakov v oblasti fajčenia a pitia alkoholu s využitím kvalitatívneho prístupu a údajov prierezovej štúdie HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children) 2013/2014. Cieľom bolo tiež porovnať variabilitu názorov a presvedčení žiakov z hľadiska rodu a veku.
Výskumná vzorka a metódy. Výskumnú vzorku tvorilo 75 žiakov 4 základných škôl. Výskumná vzorka kopírovala cieľovú populáciu HBSC štúdie, teda žiakov vo veku 11-, 13- a 15- rokov. Dizajn výskumu bol založený na kvalitatívnom prístupe s využitím elicitácie formou pripravených pracovných listov a iniciačných otvorených otázok. Metódou zberu dát boli pracovné listy a záznamy tichého pozorovateľa.
Výskumná otázka. Aké sú postoje a presvedčenia žiakov ku prezentovaným výsledkom v oblasti fajčenia a pitia alkoholu ich rovesníkov, a aké sú následné odporúčania školákov v týchto oblastiach.
Analýza dát. Získané údaje boli analyzované kvalitatívnou riadenou obsahovou analýzou.
Výsledky. Participanti majú dostatočné informácie predovšetkým o rôznych negatívnych vplyvoch fajčenia a užívania alkoholu na zdravie a život človeka, avšak neuvedomujú si dostatočne vlastný potenciál pri riešení zdravotných rizík. Výsledky naznačili niektoré osobitosti vzhľadom na vek a rod participantov.
Limitácie výskumu. Množstvo a kvalita materiálu získaného od participantov môže byť ovplyvnená nedostatočnou skúsenosťou participantov s diskusnými metódami a aktivitami rozvíjajúcimi aktívny prístup žiakov. Veľkosť diskusných skupín. and Objectives. The main objective of this study was to explore the views and beliefs of school-aged children on smoking and drinking of alcohol, using a qualitative approach and data of the cross-sectional HBSC (Health behaviour in school-aged children) 2013/2014 study. The aim was also to compare the variability of identified views and beliefs in terms of gender and age.
Sample and settings. The sample comprised 75 participants from four Slovak elementary schools. The characteristics of the present sample were similar to those of the target population of HBSC study (11-, 13- and 15-years-old children). The research design was based on a qualitative approach using elicitation in a form of prepared worksheets and initial open questions. The data were collected using worksheets and observer’s records.
Research questions. What are the views and beliefs of school-aged children about the HBSC findings regarding smoking and drinking and what are their recommendations regarding these issues.
Data analysis. A qualitative controlled content analysis was carried out.
Results. Participants have sufficient information particularly about the various negative impacts of smoking and alcohol use on health and life in general. However, they do not realize their own potential in addressing health risks. The results indicated some specifics in terms of the gender and age.
Study limitation. The quantity and quality of the material gained from participants might be affected by their lack of experience with discussion methods and activities aimed at the development of active engagement. Focus groups size.
The author in his article analyses and compares the literary output of Josef Škvorecký with that one of Gustaw Herling-Grudziński on the background of their reflections on Under Western Eyes, the novel written by Joseph Conrad.