The previously developed thoracic finite element model [8, 9] was used to investigate the human thoracic dynamic responses associated with the frontal, lateral and oblique loading and to predict injuries of the thorax associated with the frontal loading. The thoracic model was developed [8, 9] to improve the human articulated rigid body model ROBBY (the model of an average adult male) [13, 14], which was previously developed at the University of West Bohemia in cooperation with ESI Group (Engineering Simulation for Industry). There are implemented deformable models of the thorax and abdomen in the ROBBY model. The geometries of individual thoracic organs were based on the cadaver tomography data and color cross-section photographs obtained from Visible Human Project (VHP) [33]. The thoracic model material properties were obtained either by virtue of cooperation with ESI Group or from public sources (articles, Internet, books). Thoracic model includes the models of the sternum, ribs, costal cartilages, vertebrae, lungs, heart, trachea, main vessels (aorta, vena cava superior), intercostal muscles, diaphragm, flesh and skin. The presented study deals with the dynamic response and validation of the whole thoracic model and with the prediction of thoracic injuries by virtue of this model. The results of simulations are compared with the experimental results. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In this paper, we deal with sentences containing time references like ''five years ago'', ''three years older'', ''in five seconds''. It turns out that such sentences are pragmatically incomplete, because there is an elliptic reference to a calendar that makes it possible to determine the length of the time interval associated with a time duration like a year, month, day, or to compute the time interval denoted by terms like ''February 29, 2016''. Since Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) takes into account two modal parameters, namely possible worlds of type ω and times of type τ, and this system is particularly apt for the analysis of natural language expressions, our background theory is TIL. Within this system, we define time intervals, calendar time durations, and last but not least a method for adding and multiplying time durations in a way that takes into account the leap days and leap seconds. As sample applications, we analyse two sentences, to wit, ''A year has 365 days'' and ''Adam is 5 years older than Bill''. and V tomto článku se zabýváme věty obsahujícími časové odkazy jako ''před pěti lety'', ''o tři roky starší'', ''za pět sekund''. Ukazuje se, že takové věty jsou pragmaticky neúplné, protože existuje eliptický odkaz na kalendář, který umožňuje určit délku časového intervalu spojeného s časovým obdobím jako rok, měsíc, den nebo vypočítat časový interval označované slovy ''29. února 2016''. Vzhledem k tomu, že Transparentní Intenzivní Logika (TIL) zohledňuje dva modální parametry, jmenovitě možné světy typu ω a časy typu τ, a tento systém je obzvláště vhodný pro analýzu přirozených jazykových výrazů, je naší teorií pozadí TIL. V rámci tohoto systému definujeme časové intervaly, trvání kalendáře, a v neposlední řadě metoda pro přidání a násobení doby trvání způsobem, který bere v úvahu skokové a skokové sekundy. Jako vzorové aplikace analyzujeme dvě věty s názvem ''rok má 365 dní'' a ''Adam je o 5 let starší než Bill''.
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), a remote sensing technique, is used for detecting surface deformation in the cities of Prague and Ostrava. PSI is able to detect vertical movements with an accuracy of less than 1 mm for a long time series of the SAR data, but the maximum detectable rate of movement is only a few centimetres per year. This technique is quite suitable for detecting recent movements in most Prague localities. On the other hand, in Ostrava and its surroundings, affected by undermining, where subsidences (1992-2006) amount to decimetres per year, movements cannot be fully detected by the PSInSAR technique. The paper presents results of analysing PSI data for two localities in Prague and one locality in the Ostrava areas. The localities are strictly situated in built-up areas with many suitable reflectors. Data from the ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT satellites covering a 13-year period for the Prague (1992-2005) and a 14-year period for the Ostrava (1992-2006) area were used. Annual movement velocities and time-series of reflectors were determined. At these three localities, where different types of movements were identified, the application and possible limitations of PSI in urban areas are shown., Pavel Kadlečík, Vladimír Schenk, Zuzana Seidlová and Zdeňka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The main objective of this paper is to explain how the application of various interpolation methods influence the determination of vertical crustal movements at any given point. The paper compares several methods of interpolation and verifies their suitability, including kriging, minimum curvature, nearest neighbor, natural neighbor, polynomial regression, inverse distance to a power, and triangulation with linear interpolation. The calculations show that the chosen interpolation method has significant influence on the final result of the study. Nearest neighbor method was chosen to be the best., Kamil Kowalczyk, Jacek Rapinski and Marek Mroz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper proposes a non-trivial definition of the notion of analytic method. Working within the so-called instructional model of method, I distinguish three kinds of instructions which occur in methods: selective, executive, and declarative instructions. I discuss the relation between each of these and the analyticity of a method. Then I define the notions of an analytic use of an instruction and of an analytic instruction, which are at the basis of the proposed definition of an analytic method. Finally, I discuss the issue of circularity in the presented model which arises if we consider a finite agent testing a method for analyticity., Tato práce navrhuje netriviální definici pojmu analytická metoda. V rámci tzv. Instruktážního modelu metody rozlišuji tři druhy instrukcí, které se vyskytují v metodách: selektivní, exekutivní a deklarativní . Diskutuji o vztahu mezi každou z nich a analytičnosti metody. Dále definuji pojmy analytického použití instrukce a analytické instrukce , které jsou základem navrhované definice analytické metody. Závěrem se zabývám otázkou kruhovitosti v prezentovaném modelu, která vzniká, pokud uvažujeme konečný agent testující metodu analyticity., and Miloš Kosterec
We introduce an one-dimensional thermodynamical particle model which is efficient in predictions about a microscopical structure of animal/human groups. For such a model we present analytical calculations leading to formulae for time clearance distribution as well as for time spectral rigidity. Furthermore, the results obtained are reformulated in terms of vehicular traffic theory and consecutively compared to experimental traffic data.
Einstein-Barbarossa velocity or resistance equation (1952) is widely used to find resistance to flow in alluvial channel. In order to validate the equation in all ranges (smooth to rough); they introduced a correction factor based on the Nikuradse measurement. This correction factor is determined from the graphical method, which can be erroneous. Present work reanalyzes the Nikuradse measurements and gives an analytical formulation for the correction factor. and Einsteinova-Barbarossova rovnica (1952) sa často používa na určenie odporu voči prúdeniu v kanáloch. Autori do nej zaviedli korekčný faktor, založený na meraniach Nikuradzeho, aby overili platnosť rovnice v celom rozsahu drsností (od hladkých stien po drsné). Tento korekčný faktor sa určuje grafickou metódou, ktorá môže viesť k chybným výsledkom. V tejto práci sa znova analyzujú výsledky Nikuradzeho meraní a je navrhnutá analytická formulácia na výpočet korekčného faktora.
An improved theoretical formulation is proposed here to predict the moment field induced in laterally loaded RC rectangular stiffened plates including the effect of strength and stiffness of the internal stiffening beams. Design charts are also presented for their quick proportioning. The study reveals the effect of strength and stiffness of the internal beams on the moment field induced in the plate-system which was not considered, currently, by various methods prescribed by different design codes. The use of stiffened-plates becomes mandatory in buildings to accomodate some architectural constraints as well as for satisfying the serviceability criterion of design codes. This type of a structural system is efficient, economical and readily constructible in most of common materials. Moreover, it can be built as a monolithic unit or as a composite system comprising a plate cast in concrete and beams constructed in prestressed concrete, fabricated sections in steel, and so forth. A working example is presented to demonstrate the validity and efficiency of the simplified approach in comparison to finite element based design and other code prescribed methods. and Obsahuje seznam literatury a Appendix A
This paper presents closed form solution for unsteady flow equation corresponding to the transient hydraulic head, flow rate and volumetric exchange of a confined aquifer which is in contact with a constant piezometric head at one end and a stream whose water level is rising at a constant rate at the other end. The aquifer is also subjected to receive constant inflow due to rain infiltration. The unsteady groundwater flow equation is solved using Laplace transform to get analytical expressions for the transient hydraulic head and flow rate at the left and right interfaces and the net volumetric exchange of water at the aquifer-stream interface. The analytical results presented here show the effect of recharge due to rain infiltration on the net volumetric exchange and reveal the conditions for which net inflow in the aquifer could be positive, negative or zero. The results obtained have the capability to determine transient hydraulic head for two extreme scenarios: (i) very slow rise and (ii) very fast rise in the stream water. Analytical result show that the net volumetric exchange could be positive, zero or negative depending on the surface infiltration and stream water rise rate. and Príspevok obsahuje analytické riešenie rovnice neustáleného prúdenia vzhľadom na neustálenú hydraulickú výšku, rýchlosť prúdenia a objemové toky vo zvodnenom kolektore s napätou hladinou, ktorý je v kontakte s konštantnou piezometrickou výškou na jednej strane a s tokom s konštantne sa zvyšujúcou hladinou vody na strane druhej. Zvodnený kolektor je tiež napájaný konštantnou rýchlosťou infiltrovanou vodou zo zrážok. Rovnica neustáleného prúdenia podzemnej vody je riešená s použitím Laplaceovej transformácie, aby sme získali neustálenú tlakovú výšku na ľavej aj pravej strane a objemový prítok vody na rozhraní zvodnený kolektor - tok. Výsledky analytického riešenia, ktoré predkladáme, ukazujú vplyv infiltrácie zrážok na doplňovanie podzemnej vody a odhaľujú podmienky, za ktorých prítok do zvodneného kolektora môže byť kladný, negatívny, alebo nulový. Získané výsledky umožňujú určiť neustálené hydraulické výšky pre dva extrémne scenáre: (i) veľmi pomalé a (ii) veľmi rýchle zvýšenie hladiny vody v toku. Analytické riešenie ukazuje, že objem vody, ktorou je zvodnený kolektor doplňovaný, môže byť kladný, záporný, alebo nulový, v závislosti na intenzite infiltrácie a rýchlosti zvyšovania sa hladiny vody v toku.
The paper deals with a new manner of obtaining a closed-form analytical solution of the problem of bending of a beam on an elastic foundation. The basic equations are obtained by a variational formulation based on the minimum of the total potential energy functional. The basic methods for solving the governing equations are considered and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The author proposes a felicitous approach for solving the equilibrium equation and applying the boundary conditions by transformation of the loading using singularity functions. This approach, combined with the resources of the modern computational algebra systems, allows a reliable and effective analysis of beams on an elastic foundation. The numerical examples show the applicability and efficiency of the approach for the solution of classical problems of soil-structure interaction. and Obsahuje seznam literatury