The aim of the article is to characterise for the first time ever the role of book culture in building the confessionality of post-Hussite society and subsequent generations. For such an extensive research goal, it was necessary to choose a broad interdisciplinary approach, making it possible to place social phenomena previously assessed in isolation into the context of the day. The individual passages of the article are therefore devoted to editorial models, to the archaeology of the printed text and the basics of reading, to the history of illustration and book printing, to language and bookbinding. It has been confirmed that book culture - created by the reception of manuscript and printed products - can be understood as a faithful mirror of a religiously pluralistic society. However, where modern historiography ends with the research of confessionality, the study of book culture may begin to reveal the much more general mechanisms of the individual and social mentality in which the religious-political process took place. The mentality of the readers (burghers and partly the lesser aristocracy) for whom the copied and printed books were intended, was negatively impacted by the remnants of Hussitism and by contemporary Utraquism, which coexisted in a dualistic symbiosis with minority Catholicism. These influences, which at the time were commonly referred to as “renaissance”, bound readers to the Middle Ages. The more massive growth of their intellectual potential was made possible only by the cultural restart brought about by the change in the political situation after the Schmalkaldic War of 1547, which met with a somewhat negative response in both earlier and modern historiography. However, through the study of book culture, we are becoming convinced that the bourgeoisie began to compensate for the privileges which the monarch had deprived them of through various forms of self-education and self-presentation, by means of which it revived itself from these medieval residuals and at the same time competed with the aristocracy., Petr Voit., Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy, and Jan Pulkrábek [překladatel]
Drawing on literary paratexts such as prologues, reviews and letters, this study seeks answers to the question of Meissner’s role in the German-language canon, or rather why his literary legacy has endured for so long. First, Meissner’s personal contacts in the world of literature from a social-historical perspective is considered. This reveals that the repeated criticism of Meissner’s texts, which despite their popularity were to a large extent at odds with the taste of the time, cast him in a bad light. Selected relevant texts will be placed in their discursive context and Meissner’s writings within the parameters of 18th century literary practice examined., Sarah Seidel., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
At present, the catalogue of early mediaval bridges in the nort-western part of territory with Slavic settlement contains 81 localities: 47 in Germany and 34 in Poland. In some of them more than one bridge (2 to 3 structure) was documented, bringing the total number of bridges to 101. Construction dates, different prhases in the lives of the bridges and dates ranges for when they were reapired were obtained based on dendrochronology and spartial-chronological analysis. The present anaylsis deals with 48 bridges from 37 localities in north-west Slavic territory: 22 in Germany and 16 in Poland. In 16 cases more or less probable reconstructions have been made and four basic types of bridges ascertained., Gerard Wilke., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Recenzent nejprve nastiňuje odbornou produkci věnovanou hudbě (především vážné) a hudební kultuře ve vztahu k politice a jejím institucím v Československu v období komunistického režimu. V recenzované monografii si autorka podle něj jako jedna z prvních v českém prostředí klade otázku, jak a díky čemu je možné fungování špičkového hudebního tělesa v totalitním prostředí, a vlastně jemu navzdory. Jádro její práce tvoří líčení působení České filharmonie v ovzduší prvního desetiletí po únoru 1948, v konfrontaci s neustálou snahou komunistického režimu kontrolovat jeho činnost prostřednictvím stranických, a především bezpečnostních orgánů. Vypomáhá si exkurzy do reality šedesátých let až osmdesátých let a uvádí, že snahy o zneužití hudebníků České filharmonie k agenturní spolupráci se za celou dobu prakticky nezměnily. Autorka sleduje i program a dramaturgii filharmonie, v nichž museli hudebníci přistupovat na kompromisy s požadavky na uvádění ideologicky angažovaných děl. Přes dílčí kritické připomínky se práci dostává pozitivního hodnocení, zejména z faktografického hlediska., The reviewer first offers an overview of scholarly research on music (primarily serious music) and music culture in relation to politics and institutions in Czechoslovakia under the Communist régime. The author of the book under review, he claims, is one of the first Czechs to ask how and why a leading music ensemble could operate in totalitarianism and even in opposition to it. The core of book comprises the author´s discussion of the Czech Philharmonic durign the first decade after the Communist takeover in late February 1948, in the face of continuous efforts by the régime to keep an eye on the orchestra by means of Party institution and, particularly, the secret police. The author uses excursions into Czechoslovak life from the 1960s to the 1980s, and writers that the offorts to enlist Czech Philharmonic musicians to collaborate with the secret police were practically continuous throughout the period. She discusses the programme and production plans of the orchestra, in which the musicians had to accept comprises with the demands to perform ideologically engagé works. Despite some minor criticisms, the reviewer, on the whole, judges the book positively, particularly concerning the factual information it presents., [autor recenze] Václav Nájemník., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The article publishes an as yet unknown fundamental report on the history of the Cistercian Monastery in Sedlec near Kutná Hora and its Gothic Convent Church of the Assumption of Our Lady and Saint John the Baptist. According to annals dating back to the mid-fifteenth century, namely folio 169v in codex Mk 108 of the Moravian Library in Brno, the foundation stone for the new Convent Basilica was laid in 1304 by the Bohemian King Wenceslas II. This record thus gives a precise date for the commencement of work to build this exceptional example of Gothic architecture and presents further proof of the close ties between Wenceslas II and the Cistercian order and Heidenreich, the abbot of Sedlec. and Jiří Doležel.
Monografie se na vybraných tématech zabývá vztahem velmocí k Československu v dramatické dekádě 1938 až 1948. Recenzent komentuje zpracování těchto témat v jednotlivých kapitolách a oceňuje autorovu velkou erudici, bohaté využití pramenů i širokou kontextualizaci a přesvědčivost výkladu. Konstatuje, že jeho práce vybočuje z tradičních českých a slovenských přístupů k dané problematice přednostním zájmem o postoje a motivy zahraničních politických aktérů a zohledněním mezinárodních souvislostí v celé jejich spletitosti, jejichž analýza ho dovádí častěji k závěrům otevřeným další diskusi než ke kategorickým soudům. Osobnost prezidenta Edvarda Beneše (1884-1948) nestojí v takto rozvrženém podání tolik v popředí, jak bývá zvykem, a je autorem nahlížena v podstatných ohledech spíše kriticky. Podle recenzenta by se Smetanova monografie, kterou charakterizuje jako pestré plátno dějinných zápletek napnuté v pevném rámu, měla stát pro historiky období druhé světové a počátků studené války klasickým dílem., Using selected topics, the monograph Neither war, nor peace: The powers, Czechoslovakia and Central Europe in seven dramas at the threshold of the Second World and Cold Wars describes the relationship of the powers to Czechoslovakia during the dramatic decade between 1938 and 1948. The reviewer comments on how these topics are dealt with in each chapter, appreciating the author´s erudition. ample use of sources, as well as the broad contextualization and convincing power of interpretation. He concludes, that Smetana´s work deviates from traditonal Cezch and Slovak approaches to the themes in that it assigns priority to attitudes and motives of foreign political players and takes into account the international context in all its complexity the analysis of which leads the author to conclusions open ot further discussion rahter than to categorical judgments. The author´s approach does not make the personality of President Edvard Beneš (1884-1948) stand out as much as is usually the case; instead, the author views President Beneš rather critically. According to the reviewer, Smetana´s smonograph, which he characterizes as a colourful canvas of historical plots stretched in a solid frame, should become a classical work for historians studying the period of the Second World War and beginnings of the Cold War., [autor recenze] Pavol Jakubec., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The first Noble Colleges were founded in the 17th and 18th centuries by Jesuits and Piarists as an extension of existing secondary schools with the aim of providing education for the sons of impoverished gentlefolk. In the context of the Counter-Reformation these institutions placed especial emphasis on religious education and the formation of moral and ethical values in their pupils. They were intended chiefly for Catholics of noble birth and Catholic converts who would otherwise have received no education because their parents could not afford it or had died young. After the accession of Marie Theresa and the introduction of new legislation (Articles 74/1715 and 70/1723), the state took charge of these establishments, and with them their scholars, their welfare and their upbringing. Religious education and rote-learning of a narrow curriculum was now supplemented by foreign languages (German, Hungarian and French) and other subjects (calligraphy, arithmetic and geography). In the latter half of the 18th century the Viennese court set up a number of noble academies, including several in Hungary where young Hungarian noblemen could acquire an education commensurate with their social standing. Under Marie Theresa’s system of royal scholarships many poor students from the middle and lower nobility were able to receive an education. During her reign scholarship places in the academies and noble colleges became an instrument of social policy used by senior civil servants as rewards for services rendered, thus ensuring a new generation of public officials indebted and loyal to the Viennese Court., Ingrid Kušniráková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
a1_Článek se na příkladu plánování Prahy v šedesátých až osmdesátých letech minulého století zabývá proměnou chápání socialistického města mezi urbanisty a architekty. Autor popisuje, jak se po projevu Nikity Chruščova o architektuře z roku 1954 znovu prosazovala generace meziválečné modernistické avantgardy inspirovaná pracemi Karla Teigeho (1900-1951). Hlavním architektem Prahy se stal její vlivný příslušník Jiří Voženílek (1909-1986), pod jehož vedením vznikl na přelomu padesátých a šedesátých let Směrný plán hlavního města Prahy. Autor analyzuje tento plán jako příklad socialistického modernismu a urbanistického optimismu jeho tvůrců, kteří věřili, že při správné aplikaci principů meziválečné avantgardní architektury se může urbanistická transformace stát základem společenské transformace socialismu. Plánu měly padnout za oběť nejen všechny obytné čtvrtě Velké Prahy postavené na přelomu století, ale také samotný princip tradičního města se sítí živých ulic, které v očích socialistických urbanistů zosobňovaly všechna zla dosavadní výstavby měst: míšení funkcí, přílišnou hustotu obyvatel, nedostatek světla a vzduchu. Opakem tradičních ulic se měla stát nově budovaná sídliště s mnohapatrovými panelovými domy uprostřed zeleně., a2_Článek sleduje, jak již od poloviny šedesátých let sílila kritika sídlištní výstavby, na které se podílel především urbanista Jiří Hrůza (1925-2012). Pod dojmem prací americké novinářky a urbanistické aktivistky Jane Jacobsové (1916-2006) pak na počátku sedmdesátých let podal soustavnou kritiku socialistického modernismu a zpochybnil samotný princip urbanistického plánování jako prostředku společenské transformace. Tato intelektuální skepse se brzy přenesla i do praxe pražského městského plánování, které ustoupilo od modernistických principů zónování a přiznalo tradičním čtvrtím nejdříve urbanistickou a později i architektonickou hodnotu. Nakonec autor sleduje, jak se tento urbanistický obrat střetával s praxí stavební výroby a politickou preferencí rychlé bytové výstavby., a1_Using the planning in Prague between the 1960s and 1980s as an example, the article deals with the transformation of the concept of a socialist city among urbanists and architects. The author describes how the generation of the inter-war modernist avant-garde inspired by works of Karel Teige (1900-1951) started reasserting itself again after Khrushchev´s speech on architecture in 1954. Its influential member, Jiří Voženílek (1909-1986), became the Chief Architect of Prague. It was under his leadership that the General Plan of the Capital City of Prague was drafted at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. The author analyzes the plan as an example of the socialist modernism and urbanistic optimism of its creators who believed that, subject to a correct application of principles of inter-war avant-garde architecture, an urbanistic transformation might become the base of a social transformation of socialism. The plan envisaged sacrifing not only all residential quarters of Greater Prague built at the turn of the century, but also the very principle of a traditional city with a network of living streets which socialist urbanists saw as an incarnation of all evils that the development of towns and cities had thitherto been governed by: mixing of functions, too high density of population, lack of light and air. New housing projects comprising high-rise prefab residential buildings set in greenery were to become the opposite of traditional streets., a2_The article explains how criticism of the housing schemes, the chief representative of which was urbanist Jiří Hrůza (1925-2012), had been growing stronger since as early as the mid-1960s. Influenced by works of US journalist and urbanistic activist Jane Jacobs (1916-2006), he presented a comprehensive critique of socialist modernism and questioned they very principle of urban planning as a tool of social transformation. The intellectual skepticism was soon thereafter reflected in urban planning practices in Prague; they abandoned the modernistic principle of zoning and acknowledged the value (first urbanistic, later architectural) of traditional quarters. In the end of the article, the author analyzes how the urbanistic turning point was confronted with building industry practices and political preferences demanding rapid construction of flats and apartments., Petr Roubal., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy