Brain Awareness Week is a series of events held around the world to increase public awareness of the brain. Top Czech scientists attracted more then 1,300 students with lectures as part of the annual Brain Awareness Week that took place in the administration building of the Czech Academy of Sciences extending from 10-13 March 2008. and Gabriela Adámková.
Vzpomínám si na první dojmy, které ve mně pan profesor Černohorský vzbudil, když jsem jej před necelými sedmi lety poprvé, coby fyzikální elév, na přírodovědecké fakultě potkal. Již na první pohled se lišil od ostatních lidí, které jsem na fyzice vídal. Svým vzhledem a chováním byl podoben nejvíce anglickému džentlmenovi. Vyzařovala z něj jakási důstojnost. Naplňoval zcela mou tehdejší představu o vysokoškolských profesorech, kterou jsem si utvořil na střední škole. and Jan Čech.
Článek shrnuje současné znalosti o taxonomickém postavení, rozšíření a ekologii žížaly Allolobophora hrabei a o jejím vlivu na stepní ekosystémy. A. hrabei dnes chybí na většině lokalit, kde se historicky vyskytovala a je nutno ji považovat za ohrožený druh. Na místech s dostatečně velkou populací může významně ovlivňovat půdní vlastnosti i společenstva ostatních půdních organismů., This contribution summarizes current knowledge about the taxonomic position, distribution and ecology of the earthworm Allolobophora hrabei and its role in fragile fragments of central European steppe ecosystems. Nowadays, A. hrabei should be classified endangered as it is absent at most of its historical sites. Nevertheless, it may significantly affect both soil parameters and other soil organisms at the sites inhabited by larger populations., and Václav Pižl.
Příspěvek shrnuje dosavadní poznatky o skupině mořských bezobratlých - nohatkách (Pantopoda). Přibližuje jejich ekologii, morfologii, rozmnožování a fylogenezi. Zároveň ukazuje preparáty nohatek uložené ve sbírkách Národního muzea v Praze., This contribution summarizes the current knowledge about the sea spiders (Pantopoda). It is focused mainly on their ecology, morphology, reproduction and phylogeny. The review is also accompanied by figures of the specimens deposited in the National Museum in Prague., and Petr Dolejš.
Tento text představuje komplexní úvod k systému NESSTAR. Je určen především (potenciálním) uživatelům tohoto programového balíku, určeného pro publikování, prohledávání a analýzu dat na webu. V úvodní části je popsán vznik tohoto programu, jeho jednotlivé části a také možnosti, které nabízí producentům a depozitorům dat. V druhé části je pak Nesstar představen jako nástroj pro on-line prohledávání a analýzu dat. Jde současně o uživatelský manuál, který by měl ukázat cestu k sociologickým datům na internetu., Tomáš Čížek, Martin Vávra., 22 obrázků, and Obsahuje bibliografii
The cis(c)-9, trans(t)-11 (c9,t11) and t10,c12 isomers of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have been reported as agonists of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and beneficial in lipidemia and glycemia. However, it is unclear whether CLA isomers enhance or antagonize effects of conventional drugs targeting PPAR. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks and treated without or with CLA, rosiglitazone or both for 4 weeks. Oral glucose tolerance and surrogate markers of insulin resistance were not significantly different for all treatments compared to untreated normal diet (ND) or HFD group, except lipoprotein levels. The combination of CLA and rosiglitazone had suppressed levels of low and high density lipoproteins (46 % and 25 %, respectively), compared to HFD-alone. Conversely, the atherogenic co-efficient of the animals received HFD or HFD+rosiglitazone+CLA was 2-folds higher than ND, HFD+rosiglitazone or HFD+CLA. Isolated aortic rings from the combined CLA and rosiglitazone treated animals were less sensitive to isoprenaline-induced relaxation among endothelium-denuded aortas with a decreased efficacy and potency (Rmax=53±4.7 %; pEC50=6±0.2) compared to endothelium-intact aortas (Rmax=100±9.9 %; pEC50=7±0.2). Our findings illustrate that the combination of CLA and rosiglitazone precede the atherogenic state with impaired endotheliumindependent vasodilatation before the onset of HFD-induced insulin resistance., B. K. Chai, Y. S. Lau, B. J. Loong, M. M. Rais, K. N. Ting, D. M. Dharmani, S. K. Mohankumar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
By use of plastic or rubber admixtures in the stamped charges, it is possible to affect the properties of tar, in contrast to the calorific value of resulting coking gas; further, it was found that the reactivity- and strength parameters of the obtained blast-furnace coke are good or acceptable. Unused plastics or rubber can economize on part of the coal used in a stamped charge. Additions of both light and heavy plastics can be used up to 5 % of a charge weight; in the case of rubber it is not advisable to exceed 2 wt.-% in a charge. In contradiction to the other methods, which process the unused plastics of up to a content of 1 % in a charge, it is possible, in the case of used stamping method, to process even 2 % or more., Pavel Straka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The abnormal proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) is thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Adipocytes produce several bioactive paracrine substances that can affect the growth and migration of VSMCs. Our study focuses on the direct effect of the bioactive substances in conditioned media (CM) that was obtained by incubation with primary adipocyte-derived cell lines, including cell lines derived from both preadipocytes and from more mature cells, on the proliferation rate of human aortic smooth muscle cells (HAoSMCs). We used a Luminex assay to measure the adipokine content of the CM and showed that there was a higher concentration of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in renal preadipocyte-CM compared with the HAoSMC control (p<0.5). The addition of both renal preadipocyte- and epicardial adipocyte-CM resulted in the elevated production of vascular endothelial growth factor compared with the control HASoSMC CM (p<0.001). The adiponectin content in renal adipocyte-CM was increased compared to all the remaining adipocyte-CM (p<0.01). Moreover, the results showed a higher proliferation rate of HAoSMCs after co-culture with epicardial adipocyte-CM compared to the HAoSMC control (p<0.05). These results suggest that bioactive substances produced by adipocytes have a stimulatory effect on the proliferation of VSMCs., J. Ždychová, S. Čejsková, I. Králová Lesná, A. Králová, J. Malušková, L. Janoušek, L. Kazdová., and Obsahuje bibliografii