This paper deals with composition technique in the poetry of Dhūmil (Sudāmā Pāṇḍey “Dhūmil”, 1936-1975). While the poet is capable of producing “attractive” images, as may be seen in some unpublished fragments of his earliest work, in the poems in the collection Sansad se saṛak tak (From Parliament to the Street, 1972, 2nd edn. 1975), he uses a “visionary” or hallucinatory method to create provocative images. This provocative vein runs through the entire collection, as one image does not slide seamlessly to the next as it does in Muktibodh’s poetry
We investigate the relationship between the Gröbner-Shirshov bases in free associative algebras, free left modules and "double-free" left modules (that is, free modules over a free algebra). We first give Chibrikov's Composition-Diamond lemma for modules and then we show that Kang-Lee's Composition-Diamond lemma follows from it. We give the Gröbner-Shirshov bases for the following modules: the highest weight module over a Lie algebra $sl_2$, the Verma module over a Kac-Moody algebra, the Verma module over the Lie algebra of coefficients of a free conformal algebra, and a universal enveloping module for a Sabinin algebra. As applications, we also obtain linear bases for the above modules.
In this paper, we introduce six basic types of composition of ternary relations, four of which are associative. These compositions are based on two types of composition of a ternary relation with a binary relation recently introduced by Zedam et al. We study the properties of these compositions, in particular the link with the usual composition of binary relations through the use of the operations of projection and cylindrical extension.
Many lifetime distributions are motivated only by mathematical interest. Here, eight new families of distributions are introduced. These distributions are motivated as models for the stress of a system consisting of components working in parallel/series and each component has a fixed number of sub-components working in parallel/series. Mathematical properties and estimation procedures are derived for one of the families of distributions. A real data application shows superior performance of a three-parameter distribution (performance assessed with respect to Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics, AIC values, BIC values, CAIC values, AICc values, HQC values, probability-probability plots, quantile-quantile plots and density plots) versus thirty one other distributions, each having at least three parameters.\\
Objectives. The aim of the study is to investigate reading comprehension and metacomprehension as they occur in preschool age in relation to sociocultural environment of the family, in comparison with traditional predictors of beginning reading acquisition represented by several indicators of phonological awareness. Participants and setting. A group of 327 preschool- age children from middle-SES families and 55 children from low-SES families were compared. Hypotheses. It was assumed that children from low-SES families would perform worse than children from middle-SES families namely in literacy tasks requiring specific social experience with reading, i.e. text comprehension and metacognitive monitoring. Statistical analysis. The differences between the groups were tested using independent samples t-tests, monitoring accuracy on the correct and incorrect answers using the chi-squared test and the relationship between monitoring accuracy and performance in the two text comprehension tasks using 2-way ANO VA. Results. Results showed that children from low- SES families demonstrated significantly lower overall performance in all literacy tasks, however, the group differences in text comprehension varied in relation to the task difficulty (complexity and the level of comprehension). Moreover, in metacognitive monitoring, children from low-SES families showed significantly higher tendency to underestimate their correct performance, indicating lower self-esteem. Study limitations. The main limitation of the study was the lack of information about everyday reading behaviour in children’s family environment. and Ciele. Cieľom štúdie je sledovanie porozumenia textu a jeho metakognitívneho monitoringu u detí predškolského veku v závislosti od sociokultúrnych podmienok rodinného prostredia, v porovnaní s klasickými prediktormi gramotnosti zastúpenými niekoľkými ukazovateľmi fonematického uvedomovania. Výskumná vzorka. Skupina 327 detí predškolského veku z bežných rodín sa porovnávala so skupinou 55 detí z rodín s nízkym sociálno-ekonomickým statusom. Hypotéza. Predpokladalo sa, že deti z nízkopríjmových rodín budú v porovnaní s referenčnou skupinou dosahovať horšie výsledky osobitne v ukazovateľoch gramotnosti vyžadujúcich bohaté skúsenosti s čítaním, t.j. porozumení textu a jeho metakognitívneho monitoringu. Štatistické analýzy. Rozdiely medzi skupinami boli testované t-testom pre nezávislé výbery, na analýzu presnosti monitoringu správnych a nesprávnych odpovedí bol použitý chí-kvadrát test a vzťah medzi presnosťou monitoringu a výkonom v dvoch úlohách na porozumenie textu sa testoval použitím 2-faktorovej ANO VA. Výsledky. Výsledky ukázali, že deti z nízkopríjmových rodín podávali signifikantne nižšie celkové výkony vo všetkých ukazovateľoch gramotnosti, pričom rozdiely medzi skupinami záviseli aj od charakteru a náročnosti úlohy. V metakognitívnom monitoringu vykazovali navyše štatisticky významne vyššiu tendenciu k podceňovaniu správnych výkonov, čo poukazuje na znížené sebahodnotenie týchto detí. Limity štúdie. Hlavným obmedzením štúdie je nedostatok informácií o každodenných čitateľských aktivitách v rodinách sledovaných detí.
Phosphatase and tensin homologue (PTEN) is a tumour suppressor gene implicated in tumorigenesis of melanoma, with distinct cytoplasmic and nuclear functions. Cytoplasmic PTEN negatively regulates the PI3K/AKT/mTOR signalling pathway, while nuclear PTEN works as a tumour suppressor. Clinical data suggest that the loss of PTEN function in melanoma is associated with aggressive tumour behaviour. We performed a comprehensive analysis of PTEN in 112 primary cutaneous melanomas including immunohistochemical (IHC), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), next-generation sequencing (NGS), and epigenetic analysis. The goal of our study was to: (a) correlate PTEN expression with selected clinico-pathological variables, and assess its prognostic significance; (b) correlate molecular aberrations with PTEN expression to consider the utility of immunohistochemical analysis of PTEN protein expression for screening PTEN genetic alterations; (c) review the literature and evaluate the PTEN expression level in melanoma with respect to possible therapeutic targeting. Our results showed that PTEN molecular alterations were present in 4/20 (20 %) cases with a loss of expression, 3/11 (27 %) cases with clonal-like expression, and 1/81 (1 %) cases with positive PTEN expression. No PTEN promoter methylation was found in any of the cases. Even though the value of our observation is limited by the low number of cases fully evaluated by IHC (112 cases), FISH (19 cases) and NGS (30 cases), our data suggest that IHC is not an appropriate method for the screening of PTEN genetic alterations. Our survival analysis suggests that patients with positive cytoplasmic PTEN expression show better disease-free survival (P < 0.05).
Since October 2011, the Russian GLObal NAvigation Satellite System (GLONASS) has been revitalized and is now fully operational with 24 satellites in orbit. It is critical to assess the benefits and problems of using GLONASS observations (i.e. GLONASS-only or combined Global Positioning System (GPS) and GLONASS) for precise positioning and zenith total delay (ZTD) retrieval on a global scale using precise point positioning (PPP) technique. In this contribution, extensive evaluations are conducted with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data sets collected from 251 globally distributed stations of the International GNSS Service (IGS) network in July 2016. The stations are divided into 30 groups by antenna/radome types to investigate whether there are ante nna/radome-dependent biases in position and ZTD derived from GLONASS-only PPP. The positioning results do not show obvious antenna/radome-dependent biases except the stations with JAV_RINGANT_G3T/NONE. For these stations, the averaged biases in horizontal component, especially in the north component, can achieve as high as -9.0 mm. The standard de viation (STD) and root mean square (RMS) are used as indicators of positioning repeatability and accuracy, respectively. The averaged horizontal STD and RMS of GLONASS-only PPP are comparable to GPS-only PPP, while in vertical component, those for GLONASS-only P PP are larger. Furthermore, the STD and RMS of GPS+GLONASS combined PPP solutions are the smallest in horizontal and vertical components, indicating that adding GLONASS observations can achieve better positioning performance than GPS-only PPP. With the IGS final ZTD as reference, we find that ZTD biases and accuracy of GLONASS-only are latitude - and antenna/radome-independent. The ZTD accuracy of GLONASS-only PPP is slightly worse than that of GPS-only PPP. Compared with GPS-only PPP, the ZTD accuracy is only improved by 1.3% from 7.8 to 7.7 mm by adding GLONASS observations., Feng Zhou, Shengfeng Gu, Wen Chen and Danan Dong., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy