Derek Walcott’s colonial schoolhouse bears an interesting relationship to space and place: it is both a Caribbean site, and a site that disavows its locality by valorizing the metropolis and acting as a vital institution in the psychic colonization of the Caribbean peoples. Th e situation of the schoolhouse within the Caribbean landscape, and the presence of the Caribbean body, means that the pedagogical relationship works in two ways, and that the hegemonic/colonial discourses of the schoolhouse are inherently challenged within its walls. While the school was used as a means of colonial subjugation, as a method of privileging the metropolitan centre, and as a way of recreating that centre within the colonies, Walcott’s emphasis on place complicates and ultimately rewrites colonial discourses and practices. While the school attempts to legitimize colonial space, it in fact fosters what Walter Mignolo has termed “border thinking.”, Koloniální škola Dereka Walcotta s sebou nese zajimavý vztah mezi prostorem a místem: je to jak místo v Karibiku, tak i místo, které své locality vzdává tím, že zvyšuje hodnotu metropole a jedná jako nepostradatelná instituce v psychické kolonizaci karibského lidu. Poloha školy v karibské krajině a přítomnost karibského těla znamenají, že pedagogický vztah působí dvěma způsoby a že hegemonické/ koloniální diskursy školy jsou uvnitř jejích zdí z vlastní podstaty zpochybňovány. Přestože škola byla používána jako prostředek koloniálního podmanění, jako metoda pro privilegování metropolitního centra a jako způsob znovuvytváření tohoto centra uvnitř kolonií, Walcottův důraz na místo komplikuje a v konečném důsledku přepisuje koloniální diskursy a praktiky. Zatímco škola usiluje o legitimizaci koloniálního prostoru, ve skutečnosti pěstuje to, co Walter Mignolo nazval “hraničním myšlením”., and Ben Jefferson.
This article focuses on the long-term trends in the development of social policy between the First World War and the mid-1950s. The author begins by summarising the main ideas of his own previous articles and books. He emphasises the continuity and discontinuity in the general conception of Czechoslovak social policy in this period. He also considers conceptual questions, particularly those that would help to explain how the basic terms are employed in historical analysis. The article moves between the two poles of the construction of causality - structural explanation and voluntaristic explanation. The content of the article can be aptly summed up in a neat metaphor: from Bismarck by way of Beveridge to Stalin. In personifi ed form, this shortcut expresses the long-term development of Czechoslovak social policy: from an emphasis on principles of merit, characteristic of the traditional German and Austrian social insurance schemes, by way of a considerably more egalitarian national insurance from 1948 (strongly infl uenced by the British system), to the Soviet model of social security, which developed from 1951 to 1956. The article also considers important changes in social legislation in the Czechoslovak Republic in this period, including the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.
If f is a Henstock-Kurzweil integrable function on the real line, the Alexiewicz norm of f is || f || = sup I | f I f| where the supremum is taken over all intervals I ⊂ . Define the translation τx by τxf(y) = f(y − x). Then ||τxf − f || tends to 0 as x tends to 0, i.e., f is continuous in the Alexiewicz norm. For particular functions, ||τxf − f || can tend to 0 arbitrarily slowly. In general, ||τxf − f || ≥ osc f|x| as x → 0, where osc f is the oscillation of f. It is shown that if F is a primitive of f then ||τxF − F || || ≤ ||f || |x|. An example shows that the function y → τxF(y) − F(y) need not be in L 1 . However, if f ∈ L 1 then || τxF − Fk1 || ≤ || f ||1|x|. For a positive weight function w on the real line, necessary and sufficient conditions on w are given so that ||(τxf − f)w || → 0 as x → 0 whenever fw is Henstock-Kurzweil integrable. Applications are made to the Poisson integral on the disc and half-plane. All of the results also hold with the distributional Denjoy integral, which arises from the completion of the space of Henstock-Kurzweil integrable functions as a subspace of Schwartz distributions.
Let $B$ be a Brownian motion, and let $\mathcal C_{\mathrm p}$ be the space of all continuous periodic functions $f\:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ with period 1. It is shown that the set of all $f\in \mathcal C_{\mathrm p}$ such that the stochastic convolution $X_{f,B}(t)= \int _0^tf(t-s)\mathrm{d}B(s)$, $t\in [0,1]$ does not have a modification with bounded trajectories, and consequently does not have a continuous modification, is of the second Baire category.
Let $A={\mathrm d}/{\mathrm d}\theta $ denote the generator of the rotation group in the space $C(\Gamma )$, where $\Gamma $ denotes the unit circle. We show that the stochastic Cauchy problem \[ {\mathrm d}U(t) = AU(t)+ f\mathrm{d}b_t, \quad U(0)=0, \qquad \mathrm{(1)}\] where $b$ is a standard Brownian motion and $f\in C(\Gamma )$ is fixed, has a weak solution if and only if the stochastic convolution process $t\mapsto (f * b)_t$ has a continuous modification, and that in this situation the weak solution has a continuous modification. In combination with a recent result of Brzeźniak, Peszat and Zabczyk it follows that (1) fails to have a weak solution for all $f\in C(\Gamma )$ outside a set of the first category.
We present here the problem of continuous dependence for generalized linear ordinary differential equations in the case when uniform convergence is violated. This work continues research of M. Ashordia (1993) and M. Tvrdý (2002).
In this paper, we first prove that the self-affine sets depend continuously on the expanding matrix and the digit set, and the corresponding self-affine measures with respect to the probability weight behave in much the same way. Moreover, we obtain some sufficient conditions for certain self-affine measures to be singular.