Explikácia patrí medzi kľúčové metódy analytickej filozofie. V tejto práci predstavujem návrh explicitného odlíšenia metódy explikácie od jej výsledku. V nadväznosti na prácu Rudolfa Carnapa sa snažím jeho explikačný projekt rozvinúť. Poukazujem na otvorené problémy Carnapovych kritérií adekvátnej explikácie; ukazujem, v čom sa explikácie od definícií líšia, aká je ich logická forma a ktoré explicitné kroky sú typické pre metódu explikácie. Napokon, približujem dôvody, pre ktoré je možné explikáciu (t.j. výsledok explikovania) chápať ako reláciu nahradenia medzi významovou charakterizáciou a definíciou určitého druhu., Explication belongs among the core methods of analytic philosophy. In the paper I propose to distinguish explicitely between the method of explication and its outcome. Building on the explication project of Rudolf Carnap, I attempt to elaborate upon his work. I point out the open issues arising from Carnap's criteria of adequate explication. I present the aspects in which explications differ from definitions, a logical form of explications as well as the explicit steps that are characteristic for the method of explication. Finally, I consider reasons to conceive explication (in the sense of a product of explicating) to be a relation between meaning characterization and an appropriate definition., and Lukáš Bielik.
Extreme learning machine (ELM) is an emergent method for training single hidden layer feedforward neural networks (SLFNs) with extremely fast training speed, easy implementation and good generalization performance. This work presents effective ensemble procedures for combining ELMs by exploiting diversity. A large number of ELMs are initially trained in three different scenarios: the original feature input space, the obtained feature subset by forward selection and different random subsets of features. The best combination of ELMs is constructed according to an exact ranking of the trained models and the useless networks are discarded. The experimental results on several regression problems show that robust ensemble approaches that exploit diversity can effectively improve the performance compared with the standard ELM algorithm and other recent ELM extensions.
Microblogging filtering is intended to filter out irrelevant content, and select useful, new, and timely content from microblogs. However, microblogging filtering suffers from the problem of insufficient samples which renders the probabilistic models unreliable. To mitigate this problem, a novel method is proposed in this study. It is believed that an explicit brief query is only an abstract of the user's information needs, and its difficult to infer users' actual searching intents and interests. Based on this belief, a filtering model is built where the multi-sources query expansion in microblogging filtering is exploited and expanded query is submitted as users interest. To manage the external expansion risk, a user filter graph inference method is proposed, which is characterized by combination of external multi-sources information, and a risk minimization filtering model is introduced to achieve the best reasoning through the multi-sources expansion. A series of experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed framework on an annotated tweets corpus. The results of these experiments show that our method is effective in tweets retrieval as compared with the baseline standards.
We propose a new additive decomposition of probability tables - {\em tensor rank-one decomposition}. The basic idea is to decompose a {\em probability table} into a series of tables, such that the table that is the sum of the series is equal to the original table. Each table in the series has the same domain as the original table but can be expressed as a product of one-dimensional tables. Entries in tables are allowed to be any real number, i. e. they can be also negative numbers. The possibility of having negative numbers, in contrast to a multiplicative decomposition, opens new possibilities for a compact representation of probability tables. We show that {\em tensor rank-one decomposition} can be used to reduce the space and time requirements in probabilistic inference. We provide a closed form solution for minimal tensor rank-one decomposition for some special tables and propose a numerical algorithm that can be used in cases when the closed form solution is not known.
L'application d'une méthode basée sur la théorie météorique d'Öpik permet de confirmer les résultats de sondages crépusculaires de la haute atmosphère en ce qui concerne le faible gradient de densité. Sa variation saisonière a pu être mise en évidence. En outre cette méthode permet d'étudier les différentes catégories de météorites, dont une fut inconnue jusqu'à présent. Les assaims météoriques (Perséídes et Léonides ne se distinguent pas essentiellement de météores sporadiques. and Sloučením Öpikovy theorie svícení meteorů a autorovy theorie soumrakových zjevů podařilo se:
a) ověřit výsledky týkajíí se hustot vzduchu v ionosféře a jejího malého gradientu, b) ukázati, že gradient hustoty vzduchu je v létě větší než v zimě, což by se dalo interpretovati nižší tepúlotou v létě než v zimě, c) vedle existence železných a kamenných meteoritů byla nalezena též nová dosud neznámá kategorie lišící se buď tepelnými vlastnostmi nebo odlišným mechanismem svícení, než jaký předpokládá Öpik. K těmto poznatkům lze dospěti jen ze stanovení výšek zažehnutí a zhasnutí meteorů, což ukazuje na důležitost amatérských pozorování toho druhu pěstovaných ve větším měřítku dosud jen ve Spojených státech a v Anglii.
This paper is dealing with a detection of ground water flow in a granite massif. The flow was studied between boreholes of a testing polygon situated in a granite quarry. So called cross-hole (C-H) tests were used to detect fracture based connection between the boreholes. The tests were proceeded in steady-state ground water flow conditions. There were TV cameras used to detect a uranine tracer. The cameras were equipped by an orange filter and well defined blue light. A geometrical model of the fracture system in the area of interest was proposed according to C-H tests data. A hydrogeological model was calibrated using the very same data. Results pointed out subhorizontal fracture connection between the boreholes. Main advantages of the TV camera usage are possibil ities of accurate localization onto a structure, an immediate detection of tracer onset time and a continual data record., Karel Sosna, Milan Brož, Michal Vaněček and Michal Polák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
a1_In the present study, the effect of the medial septal (MS) lesions on exploratory activity in the open field and the spatial and object recognition memory has been investigated. This experiment compares three types of MS lesions: electrolytic lesions that destroy cells and fibers of passage, neurotoxic -ibotenic acid lesions that spare fibers of passage but predominantly affect the septal noncholinergic neurons, and immunotoxin - 192 IgG -saporin infusions that only eliminate cholinergic neurons. The main results are: the MS electrolytic lesioned rats were impaired in habituat ing to the environment in the repeated spatial environment, but rats with immuno - or neurotoxic lesions of the MS did not differ from control ones; the MS electrolytic and ibotenic acid lesioned rats showed an increase in their exploratory activity to the objects and were impaired in habituating to the objects in the repeated spatial environment; rats with immunolesions of the MS did not differ from control rats; electrolytic lesions of the MS disrupt spatial recognition memory; rats with immuno - or neurotoxic lesions of the MS were normal in detecting spatial novelty; all of the MS - lesioned and control rats clearly reacted to the object novelty by exploring the new object more than familiar ones. Results observed across lesion techniques indicate that: (i) the deficits after nonselective damage of MS are limited to a subset of cognitive processes dependent on the hippocampus, (ii) MS is substantial for spatial, but not for object recognition memory - the object recognition memory can be supported outside the septohippocampal system; (iii) the selective loss of septohippocampal cholinergic or noncholinergic projections does not disrupt the function of the hippocampus to a sufficient extent to impair spatial recognition memory;, a2_(iv) there is dissociation between the two major components (cholinergic and noncholinergic) of the septohippocampal pathway in exploratory behavior assessed in the open field - the memory exhibited by decrements in exploration of repeated object presentations is affected by either electr olytic or ibotenic lesions, but not saporin., M. G. Dashniani, M. A. Burjanadze, T. L. Naneishvili, N. C. Chkhikvishvili, G. V. Beselia, L. B. Kruashvili, N. O. Pochkhidze, M. R. Chighladze., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) has contributed to the success of the Czech pavilion at the World EXPO 2015 in Milan, the motto of which is: Feeding the Planet: Energy for Life. The motto was also reflected in the nine Days of Czech Science, held in early July under the partnership of the Joint Research Centre in Ispra. Several institutes of the CAS presented results of their most recent discoveries. The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, among others, displayed its research aimed at seeking new human medications for lifestyle diseases and showed, for instance, a human cell as a miniature “chemical plant” in which thousands of actions bring about the healthy functioning of an organism. The institute also prepared an exhibition entitled Czech Science fighting viruses, which also introduced one of the protagonists in this field, outstanding Czech scientist Antonín Holý.One of the Czech lecturers who addressed the audience both at the EXPO and in Ispra was Lenka Maletínská. She focused on the potential role of modified neuropeptides in the fight against obesity, which is also explained in the article by Lenka Maletínská and Jaroslav Kuneš in this edition. and Marina Hužvárová.
We consider the large time behavior of a solution of a parabolic type equation involving a nonlocal term depending on the unknown function. This equation is proposed as a mathematical model of carbon dioxide transport in concrete carbonation process, and we proved the existence, uniqueness and large time behavior of a solution of this model. In this paper, we derive the exponential decay estimate of the solution of this model under restricted boundary data and initial data.