V souvislosti s ochranou lidských práv zaručených Úmluvou o ochraně lidských práv a základních svobod se v poslední době čím dál častěji diskutuje otázka, zda přístup k asistované reprodukci také spadá pod rámec ochrany poskytovaný Úmluvou. Příspěvek přináší přehled rozhodnutí Evropského soudu pro lidská práva, která se problematikou asistované reprodukce zabývaly. Na pozadí těchto rozhodnutí se příspěvek snaží analyzovat hranice rozšiřujícího pojetí práva na respektování rodinného a soukromého života podle čl. 8 Úmluvy a poukázat na skutečnost, že v oblasti řešení složitých biomedicínckých a bioetických otázek nemá Soud dostatečnou autoritu na to, aby se stal finálním arbitrem při posuzování hodnotových měřítek společnosti v jednotlivých evropských státech., In the last few decades decided European Court of Human Rights very problematic cases involving “right to access to assisted reproduction”. These cases are concerning very controversial ethical aspects of biomedical developments in the field of medical techniques of artificial procreation and reshape the content (meaning) of Article 8 of European Convention of Human Rights. This paper provides short overview of cases of European Court of Human Rights involving “right to access to assisted reproduction” and focuses especially on the latest developments in this field (case S.H. and Others v. Austria - Application no 57813/00) . Although the technology of medically assisted procreation had been available in Europe for several decades, many of the issues to which it gave rise, remained the subject of debate. There is no consensus towards the use of IVF treatment in general and even less clear are trends in some particular questions (f.e. allowing gamete donation). These unsolved problems give to raise serious doubts about the possibility of the Court provide “final decisions” in these matters., Tomáš Doležal, and Literatura 10
V léčbě cervikálního karcinomu se používají tři standardní modality: chirurgie, radioterapie a chemoterapie. Jsou testovány nové léčebné modality formou klinických studií. Léčebná rozvaha musí být individualizována a vycházet z prognostických faktorů – stadia nemoci, věku, zdravotního stavu pacientky, histologického typu a diferenciace tumoru, stavu lymfatických uzlin a přítomnosti vzdálených metastáz., Three types of standard treatment of cervical cancer are used: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy. New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials.Treatment decisions should be individualized and based on prognostic factors including the stage of the disease, age, medical condition of the patient, histological type and grade of tumor and lymph nodes status., Josef Chovanec, Monika Náležinská, and Literatura
In the department of coloproctology of NORC MH RUz 17 patients with disseminated forms of colorectal cancer was made the study of oncogenes and complex treatment by 2 protocols using FOLFOX4 regime and FOLFIRI regime. In second protocol there used 2 sessions of endolymphatical polychemotherapy FOLFOX4 regime against EHFhyperthermia. All patients were performed additional investigations directed to study the presence of multiple drug resistance in them where definition of р53, bcl2 oncogene expression. In our observations we followed resistance to FOLFOX4 scheme in 4 patients, and to FOLFIRI scheme in 2 cases. In our studies hyperexpression of oncoproteine р53 was correlated with the effect of conducted therapy whereas hyperexpr, Navruzov S. N., Abdujapparov S. B., Pulatov D. A., Islamov H. D., Matniyazova Sh. Ya., Akbarov E. T., and Literatura
To study defects and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, we retrospectively analyzed results of comprehensive dynamic survey of 26,404 pregnant women aged 1850 years old at 6 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. Of them, 25,956 (98.3%) women had physiological course of pregnancy, 448 (1.7%) women had abnormal pregnancy. For the diagnosis of fetal defects, we carried out ultrasound, biochemical, invasive and cytogenetic studies. The results of study showed that the majority of fetal defects and pathological course of pregnancy was noted in women at the age of 2125 years old, since at this age period women have the highest number of pregnancies. At the older age, we noted a gradual decrease in the number of pregnant women, as well as the number of abnormalities of the fetus. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, we have developed an algorithm for early fetal ultrasound examination. In order to exclude nondeveloping pregnancy and intrauterine fetal death, as well as for early diagnosis of fetal defects, we recommend screening women in the first trimester of pregnancy., Shahnoza Kamalidinova, and Literatura
Background: To evaluate the clinical usefulness of serum levels of soluble form of endoglin in stage III colorectal adenocarcinomas (CRC) patients for detection of recurrence. Methods: The case-control study consisted of 80 stage III CRC patients who underwent surgery with curative intent and 70 age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers. Serum levels of soluble form of endoglin (sol-end) were measured in both groups. Also, predictive factors of recurrence were evaluated using multivariate analyses. Results: Serum levels of sol-end in stage III CRC patients were significantly higher than those in controls. There was not a significant association between serum levels of sol-end and clinicopathological features in CRC patients. Multivariate regression analysis showed the LN R (hazard ratio, 2.54; 95% CI , 1.46–4.34; p < 0.001), to be significant independent factors to estimate local recurrence in stage III CRC patients. Conclusion: Preoperative serum levels of sol-end do not seem useful as a marker for detection of recurrence in stage III CRC patients., Ismail Gomceli, Mesut Tez, Erdal B. Bostanci, Nesrin Turhan, Ahu S. Kemik, Musa Akoglu, and Literatura 18
Introduction Cutaneous malignant melanoma prevalence, incidence and mortality rates are increasing in white populations worldwide more rapidly than any other cancer site (American Cancer Society, 2006). Despite the potential importance of regular skin selfexamination and promotion of selfprotection practices, little is known about the prevalence of these practices in medical students in Albanian population. Methods This is a descriptive, quantitative crosssectional study. In this study were included a sample of 150 individuals chosen among the students of Faculty of Medicine based on their family history for skin cancer. This study was started on October the 3rd and finished on November the 12th. Subjects had to fill in a structured, selfadministered questionnaire. All participants lived within Republic of Albania but at the time of the study were students in University of Tirana, Faculty of Medicine. Results In this study that we conducted we included 150 individuals supposed to have a risk for skin cancer based on their family history. 200 individuals were approached for participation. Of these, 150 individuals returned questionnaire data, yielding a response rate of 75% among eligible, successfully contacted participants. The mean age of the sample was 20.05 years (Std. Dev. = 0.925), with males (22%) and females (78%) represented unequally, because the gender configuration of the faculty itself has gender disparities with more than 80% females and only 20% male students. The majority of the sample was born in city or town (85.3%), 14.7% was born in a village. In terms of income level, 79.3% of participants had a medium income family background, 15.3% high income and 5.3% had a low income level family background. Conclusion It is important for those individuals with family history for skin cancer (which inherently indicates risk for skin cancer) to develop selfexamination and SSE behaviours and practices in order to have a protection and at least an early detection (if onset) of the different forms of Melanoma. The results of this study provide some guide as to the key areas or 'hot spots' on which to focus attention when designing supportive care interventions for melanoma survivors and those at high risk of skin cancer., Yllka Bilushi, Rozeta Luci, Loreta Kuneshka, Numila Maliqari, and Literatura
Toxoplasmóza je jedna z nejčastějších zoonóz u nás. Patří mezi onemocnění, která mohou při primoinfekci v graviditě ohrozit vývoj plodu či způsobit mnohočetná poškození, často manifestovaná až po narození dítěte. Závažnost postižení, jeho variabilita a pravděpodobnost vzniku závisí na době, kdy se těhotná žena nakazila. V ČR máme k dispozici několik diagnostických metod. Základem je sérologické vyšetření (protilátky celkové i jednotlivých tříd, avidita IgG, komparativní imunoblot), prováděné z krve či plodové vody. Možný je i přímý průkaz DNA Toxoplasma gondii pomocí PCR z krve, plodové vody či po porodu z placenty. Prenatálně se provádí izolační pokus na myši (inokulací plodové vody). Pomocnou metodou je také ultrazvuk či MRI v průběhu těhotenství, se zaměřením na případnou fetopatii. Po narození je dítě z rizikové gravdity podrobně vyšetřeno a dlouhodobě sledováno. Terapii lze podat prenatálně i postnatálně, o jejím efektu se vedou diskuze. Základními preparáty jsou spiramycin, pyrimethamin a sulfadiazin (doplněny kyselinou folinovou). V článku jsou probrány indikace k jednotlivým vyšetřením a doporučeny nejvhodnější postupy v diagnostice, léčbě a také prevenci tohoto onemocnění u těhotných. Text se podrobně věnuje i interpretaci možných výsledků a obsahuje vyjádření k preventivnímu vyšetření těhotných žen u nás., Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses in the Czech Republic. Toxoplasma infection during pregnancy can affect fetal development and cause multiple damages that often do not manifest until after the birth. The severity of pediatric disability, its variability and the probability of occurrence depend on the time of maternal infection. Serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women is performed in two steps: first, total anti-Toxoplasma antibodies are detected, most commonly by the complement fixation test (CFT) combined with IgG ELISA. In the case of a negative result, the woman can be retested 1-3 months later. Low CFT titers show latent infection with a minimal risk of primary infection during pregnancy. When CFT titers of 1:64 or higher are obtained, the second step follows. Positivity in the IgM and IgA tests and low IgG avidity can confirm a recent infection. The diagnosis of fetal infection is based on the detection of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies, and of IgM antibodies in particular, and/or on the detection of Toxoplasma in amniotic fluid by PCR or the mouse test. Other helpful methods are fetal ultrasound or MRI focusing on fetopathy. Each child born from a high-risk pregnancy is thoroughly examined and followed up on a long-term basis. The detection of neonatal anti-Toxoplasma IgM antibodies and a neonatal IgG profile differing from the maternal IgG profile in comparative Western blot are the major markers of congenital infection. Toxoplasma infection can be treated prenatally and postnatally and the therapeutic outcomes are still being considered. The first-line options for congenital toxoplasmosis are spiramycin, pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine with folinic acid. The article discusses the indications for screening and recommends best practices for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. It also addresses in detail the interpretation of the diagnostic results and provides guidance for preventive screening of pregnant women in the Czech Republic., Petr Kodym, Markéta Geleneky, and Literatura 31
It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it. This postulate is a foundation stone of the contemporary medicine, furthermore its mission. The Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD), amongst them the Chronic Pyelonephrites (CP) and the mass kidney reduction take an important place in human pathologies in general, and in particular in renal ones. The Chronic Pyelonephrites are chronic renal pathologies, which on one side are of various causes and on the other side are multi systemic. At the same time they tend, earlier or later, depending on their course, to bring the patient towards the Chronic Kidney Insufficiency in stage of uremia, consequently in need of substitution therapies e.g. dialysis, peritoneum dialysis or transplant. It is worthy to emphasize that from the prevention and correct cure of CP make profit the patients, the family, the state and in the last analyses the entire society, because in that way the budget expense destined for the fore going substitution cures, dialysis, peritoneum dialysis or transplant, is considerably reduced. The same should be mentioned in relation to the CP and the mass kidney reduction, speaking about our country, which are still at the first place as the very cause of Chronic Kidney Insufficiencies (CRI), later on advancing toward uremia and terminal uremia along with its grave consequences. In general the very foundation of the CP is on the infections of urinary roads, in particular on the complicated ones, among them it should be mentioned-congenital kidney anomalies, renal calculosis so much present in our country, and pathologies of segment or vesical-ureteral reflux, and rarely the pathologies of prostate., Fejzi Alushi, Nestor Thereska, and Literatura
Vrozené vady představují v oblasti perinatální péče velmi významnou skupinu diagnóz. Pouze u některých případů můžeme jejich příčiny jasně určit (komplexní vady u chromozomových aberací, vrozené vady s monogenním typem dědičnosti, typické vrozené vady způsobené dokumentovatelným působením teratogenů velkého účinku apod.). Ve většině případů vznikají vrozené vady na základě uplatnění více faktorů, které lze v daném konkrétním případě jen obtížně identifikovat. V poslední době je proto kladen zvláštní důraz na tzv. primární prevenci vrozených vad. Ta je tvořena komplexem postupů a doporučení, jejichž účelem je zabránit samotnému vzniku vrozené vady. Specifickou roli zde pak má plánované užívání kyseliny listové v perikoncepčním období, které je celosvětově doporučováno jako prevence vzniku poruch uzávěru neurální trubice., Congenital anomalies are an important diagnostic group in the perinatal healthcare. Only some of these anomalies have an individual cause (complex anomalies accompanying chromosomal aberrations, congenital anomalies with monogenic inheritance, typical anomalies caused by strong teratogens etc.). The majority of cases of congenital anomalies is caused by multiple and complex factors that are hard to identify. Therefore – the so called primary prevention of congenital anomalies becomes much more important during last years. Primary prevention of congenital anomalies itself is composed of various guidelines and recommendations that should prevent the formation of the anomaly. Specific role in the primary prevention has the folic acid supplementation that is world-wide recommended as the prevention of neural tube defects., Antonín Šípek jr., Vladimír Gregor, Antonín Šípek, Pavel Calda, and Literatura