This article deals with the issue of the regulation of biomedical research. The article first discusses the term biomedical research in general, including its subsets and methods of classification. The historical context, which had a fundamental influence on the development of regulation, is also elaborated. Furthermore, the article deals with ways of regulating biomedical research. It deals with non-legal regulation, ie ethical regulation and regulation in the form of technical-organizational standards. Finally, the legal regulation is discussed, at the international, European and national levels. and Tento článek se zabývá problematikou regulace biomedicínského výzkumu. V článku je nejprve pojednáno obecně o termínu biomedicínského výzkumu, včetně jeho podmnožin a způsobů členění. Rozvedeny jsou také historické souvislosti, které měly na vývoj regulace zásadní vliv. Dále se článek věnuje způsobům regulace biomedicínského výzkumu, je zde rozebrána regulace mimoprávní, tedy etická regulace a regulace ve formě odvětvových a profesních standardů. V závěru je pak pojednáno o regulaci právní, a to na úrovni mezinárodní, evropské i národní.
Nuptial flights of Crematogaster teranishii Santschi occur in autumn. Queens and possibly larvae pass the first winter without workers in Okayama, Japan. This study examines and tests the hypothesis that C. teranishii queens regulate not only their own diapause, but also that of their larvae. Some queens collected immediately after their nuptial flight in early October were exposed to a low temperature of 10°C for 3 months before transfer to 25°C; these queens started oviposition approximately 8 days after the transfer. Larvae reared by these previously chilled queens pupated synchronously until day 50. Other field-collected queens reared at 25°C without prior chilling reproduced soon after collection. They started oviposition, but the development of their larvae was arrested and pupation occurred late or not at all within the120 day experimental period. The delay in pupation in colonies in which the queens were not previously exposed to low temperature strongly indicates that many larvae are in diapause. Because eggs and larvae were not exposed to low temperatures, they were unable to determine the developmental pathway providing the best response to environmental factors. Results indicate that queens regulate whether their larvae undergo diapause.
General weather conditions may have a strong influence on the individual elements of the hydrological cycle, an important part of which is rainfall interception. The influence of general weather conditions on this process was analysed, evaluating separately the influence of various variables on throughfall, stemflow, and rainfall interception for a wet (2014), a dry (2015), and an average (2016) year. The analysed data were measured for the case of birch and pine trees at a study site in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The relationship between the components of rainfall partitioning and the influential variables for the selected years was estimated using two statistical models, namely boosted regression trees and random forest. The results of both implemented models complemented each other well, as both indicated the rainfall amount and the number of raindrops as the most influential variables. During the wet year 2014 rainfall duration seems to play an important role, correlating with the previously observed influence of the variables during the wetter leafless period. Similarly, during the dry year 2015, rainfall intensity had a significant influence on rainfall partitioning by the birch tree, again corresponding to the influences observed during the drier leafed period.
Obesity is characterized by chronic, low-grade systemic inflammation. Obesity may also be associated with chronic cough. The aim of this pilot study was to clarify relation of cough reflex sensitivity and body mass index (BMI) in children with chronic cough. Altogether 41 children having symptoms of chronic cough were submitted to cough reflex sensitivity measurement. We assessed the relation of cough reflex sensitivity (CKR) due to BMI. Cough reflex sensitivity was defined as the lowest capsaicin concentration which evoked two (C2) or five (C5) coughs. Capsaicin aerosol in doubling concentrations (from 0.61 to 1250 µmol/l) was inhaled by a single breath method (KoKo DigiDoser; nSpire heath Inc, Louisville, CO, USA), modified by the addition of an inspiratory flow regulator valve (RIFR; nSpire heath Inc, Louisville, CO, USA). BMI was calculated. Pulmonary function was within normal range. Concentrations of capsaicin causing two (C2) and five coughs (C5) were reported. Children' (22 boys and 19 girls, mean age 6.8 years) cough reflex sensitivity (median, with the InterQuartile Range) for C2 was 19.5 (73.4) µmol/l; for C5 it was 78.1 (605.5) µmol/l. We have noticed statistically significant relation of the cough reflex sensitivity (C5) and body mass index (P<0.0001); however, the effect size was small, R2 =0.03. Increase of body mass index in one unit is associated with -34.959 µmol/l decrease of C5. We did not find a statistically significant relation between C2 and BMI (P=0.41). The median value of CKR (C2) in boys is not statistically significantly different than the median value of CKR (C2) in girls (P-value 0.5). The median value of CKR (C5) in boys is not statistically significantly different than the median value of CKR (C5) in girls (P-value 0.5). Increase of body mass index in children suffering from chronic cough relates to decrease of cough reflex sensitivity (C5 value).
Several studies address the question of which forest attributes are most important for the conservation of biodiversity. Unfortunately, there are no unequivocal answers because the response of a biological group to changes in forest structure depends on its natural history and scale of organization. It is important to increase our knowledge of the potential relationships between under studied groups of species and forest variables in order to adopt timber harvesting strategies not detrimental to biodiversity, especially in old-growth forests. We assessed the importance of 10 forest attributes and old-growth for Psychidae (Lepidoptera) species and communities. Research was carried out in 12 forest stands in a mountainous beech dominated landscape in southern Italy, in the middle of the Mediterranean Basin. Samples were collected in 2001 and 2013 and data were merged after pairwise comparison analyses that confirmed the long term stability of communities. Correspondence Analysis, Cluster Analysis and non-parametric Spearman Rank Order Correlation were used to identify determinants of Psychidae abundance and diversity. We collected 2,732 Psychidae belonging to 8 species. Correspondence analysis identified old-growth as the main determinant of communities. Most significant attributes for individual species were beech dominance, diameter at breast height and its standard deviation. For Taleporia defoliella there were positive correlations with these forest parameters, whereas for Psyche crassiorella the correlations were negative. This study underlined the importance of forest attributes associated with old-growth forests for sustaining biodiversity. These findings indicate the need to incorporate these attributes in forest planning, especially those aspects that are easily recognizable such as the number of large trees., Stefano Scalercio, Teresa Bonacci, Rosario Turco, Vincenzo Bernardini., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V roce 2009 patřil dotazník SPARO k nejpoužívanějším metodám psychologické diagnostiky v ČR (Urbánek, 2010), a to zejména mezi psychology působícími v personalistice, vězeňství, policii a armádě. Empirické důkazy jeho validity a reliability ovšem chybějí. S využitím rozsáhlého vzorku policistů a uchazečů o práci u policie jsme proto ověřili reliabilitu a faktorovou validitu dotazníku. Výsledky ukazují, že vnitřní konzistence je neuspokojivá u zhruba poloviny škál, jednotlivé škály navíc nejsou jednodimenzionální. Faktorová validita je problematická zejména u hlavních komponent dotazníku, které spolu oproti předpokladům silně korelují. Tyto korelace navíc byly přítomny i v původních standardizačních vzorcích, protože se neliší námi pozorované a originální korelační matice. Faktorová struktura dvou „obecnějších faktorů“ je komplikovaná, nelze v rozporu s teorií identifikovat dvě nezávislé latentní proměnné. Výsledky nepodporují využití dotazníku v běžné praxi. Za tímto účelem by bylo nezbytné prokázat prediktivní validitu jednotlivých škál dotazníku; souběžnou validitu ověřujeme v další studii (Cígler & Rudá, 2021). and In 2009, the SPARO questionnaire was one of the most used assessment methods in the Czech Republic (Urbánek, 2010), especially between psychologists in human resources, prisons, police, or the army. However, empirical evidence of its reliability and validity is missing. Using a significant sample of police officers and applicants to police, we researched the questionnaire's reliability and factor validity. About half of the scales do not have adequate internal consistency; the majority of them are not unidimensional. Factor validity is questionable, especially in the main components of the questionnaire, which are highly correlated. These correlations were also present in the original standardized samples as our and original correlation matrices do not differ. The factor structure of the two general factors items is not clear and two-dimensional. Our results do not support the use of the questionnaire in practice. It is necessary to confirm its’ predictive validity; the criterion validity is evaluated in our follow up study (Cígler & Rudá, 2021).
Reproductive traits are among the most important biological characteristics that facilitate or impede the establishment of non-native fish into new environments. In several tributaries of the Lower River Danube (Bulgaria), the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814) is a recent invader. Specimens from the edge of the invasion front were collected monthly (March 2017 to May 2018) from each river. The pioneer individuals displayed relatively small body sizes. First maturation of females occurs at 49 mm total length. Based on the dynamics of oocyte size and GSI, it was established that spawning begins in early spring, at a relatively low water temperature (6-7 °C). The breeding season extended from March to June. Average absolute fecundity was 162 ± 62 oocytes, while average relative fecundity was 94 oocytes/g ± 24. Female fecundity is linearly dependent on the length and weight. Both of the known male alternative reproductive tactics were observed. Body condition factor was lowest during April for both sexes. The relationship between reproductive traits and invasive potential in N. melanostomus is discussed.
Polystomatid monogeneans have a wide diversity of life cycles correlated with the varied ecology and behaviour of their aquatic vertebrate hosts. Typically, transmission involves a swimming infective larva but most hosts are amphibious and invasion is interrupted when hosts leave water. A key life cycle adaptation involves a uterus that, in the most specialised cases, may contain several hundred fully-developed larvae prepared for instant host-to-host transmission. By contrast, one subfamily of the Polystomatidae - the Polystomoidinae, specific to chelonians (freshwater turtles) - has a simplified reproductive system without a uterus. Recently, Polystomoides nelsoni Du Preez et Van Rooyen, 2015 has been described with a uterus containing multiple eggs. The present study explores the exceptional interest of this parasite - for the functional biology of egg production, for the evolution of a reproductive system unique amongst ca 60 species in the subfamily, and for systematic relationships. A new genus is proposed, Uteropolystomoides gen. n., separate from the four currently-recognised genera Polystomoides Ward, 1917, Uropolystomoides Tinsley et Tinsley, 2016, Neopolystoma Price, 1939 and Polystomoidella Price, 1939 which lack a uterus. In addition, U. nelsoni (Du Preez et Van Rooyen, 2015) comb. n. has a suite of distinctive copulatory stuctures: a massive genital bulb with an exceptionally large number of very long genital spines and hyper-development of the vaginal openings. These characters set U. nelsoni apart from all other polystomoidines worldwide except Polystomoides multifalx Stunkard, 1924 and P. stunkardi Harwood, 1931. Missing data for these latter species preclude definitive assessment of inter-relationships but the distinguishing characters of U. nelsoni, especially the unique occurrence of the uterus, suggest a novel evolutionary pathway isolated from other lineages of polystomatids infecting chelonians., Richard C. Tinsley., and Obsahuje bibliografii