A historical and instrumental earthquake catalogue is prepared for the Northwest Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt and Makran Subduction Zone Pakistan from 1960 to 2019 with homogenized moment magnitude. The local and some international published sources were utilized for the preparation of catalogue. This earthquake catalogue contained numbers of duplicate, repeated, dependent and independent events. Declustering process was opted to remove the dependent events such as foreshock and aftershock from catalogue to separate the mainshock only in term of distance and time space window. The declustering found 2714 clusters of earthquakes with total of 19512 (57.19 %) events out of 34112. Only cluster events which contained the mainshock or independent events were drawn on seismicity map with color identification. Maximum likelihood method was used to compute the value of magnitude of completeness i.e., Mc = 3.8 with estimation of a and b-values. Years vise magnitude of completeness was also computed to check the time period variation. The completeness of magnitude for different intervals of time indicates the impartial approximation of previous recorded seismicity. Temporal and spatial maps were also drawn to investigate the slope “b” and rate of productivity “a” in the study region. It is noted that b-values varied from 0.2 to 2.0 due to stress and intensive tectonic setting whereas a value increases due to increase the seismicity rate with respect to region. Seismotectonic map was drawn to delineate the major faults, seismicity pattern and tectonic activities. This work further can be used for single value hazard assessment for any region and their response spectra to update buildings and bridges codes.
As gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is both a frequent and serious complication, steroid levels in pregnancy are extremely elevated and their role in pregnancy is crucial, this review focuses on the role of steroids and related substances in the GDM pathophysiology. Low SHBG levels are associated with insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, while also predicting a predisposition to GDM. Other relevant agents are placental hormones such as kisspeptin and CRH, playing also an important role beyond pregnancy, but which are synthesized here in smaller amounts in the hypothalamus. These hormones affect both the course of pregnancy as well as the synthesis of pregnancy steroids and may also be involved in the GDM pathophysiology. Steroids, whose biosynthesis is mainly provided by the fetal adrenal glands, placenta, maternal adrenal glands, and both maternal and fetal livers, are also synthesized in limited amounts directly in the pancreas and may influence the development of GDM. These substances involve the sulfated Δ5 steroids primarily acting via modulating different ion channels and influencing the development of GDM in different directions, mostly diabetogenic progesterone and predominantly anti-diabetic estradiol acting both in genomic and non-genomic way, androgens associated with IR and hyperinsulinemia, neuroactive steroids affecting the pituitary functioning, and cortisol whose production is stimulated by CRH but which suppresses its pro-inflammatory effects. Due to the complex actions of steroids, studies assessing their predominant effect and studies assessing their predictive values for estimating predisposition to GDM are needed.
Stomatocystis goerresi sp. n., a gregarine (phylum Apicomplexa, Monocystidae) parasite of an important invasive earthworm in North America, Amynthas tokioensis (Beddard), is described. This is the second species placed into the genus, and details of its morphology and life cycle support Stomatocystis Bandyopadhyay, Mitra et Göçmen, 2006 as a valid taxon. The new species is described using standard nomenclature, measurements, shape descriptors, and photographs of living cells. The parasite was found only in A. tokioensis, and absent in sympatric earthworm species, suggesting it arrived when the earthworms were introduced from their origin from Japan. The species is distinctive from the type species in the genus, S. indica Bandyopadhyay, Mitra et Göçmen, 2006, in being substantially larger in all stages, found in only the host's seminal vesicles, and found in a different host species from East Asia. The distinctive trophozoites/gamonts develop a large funnel structure ringed with a collar of pronounced ridges, and the funnel appears even in the smallest cells. This funnel varies greatly in relative size (to the cell body) and shape, sometimes forming a large fan. The life cycle of S. goerresi is described including distinctive syzygy in which the funnels fuse and then produce a large cell with local centres of isogamete production (thus sex without gender). Gametes are large ( ~5 μm) spheres with complex tips. Oocyst production is large, > 1,000 per mature gametocyst. The genus Stomatocystis is placed into the Monocystidae, but the life cycle of the new species differs from those of other monocystid taxa, which may mean the Monocystidae are not monophyletic or life cycles are variable within the family. Prevalence of S. goerresi at the type locality was high (~ 90%). The parasites destroy the earthworm's organ of sperm self-storage thus eliminating the male function in the hermaphroditic host which may influence the ability of the earthworm to invade and be successful at new sites
The ongoing covid-19 epidemic has affected the entire world. Somewhat surprisingly, it is not the case that the most successful countries are the richest one, with the best health care. Nor is there a clear link between success and geographical location. Above all, much of the rich Western world has failed so far to protect public health effectively, and so it is appropriate to consider the question why. In this article, I focus mainly on the choice of the basic epidemiological strategy, which I consider to be one of the key factors of success or failure of many countries. I further criticize the view that the protection of human lives would harm the economy or other important values of societies. and Probíhající epidemie onemocnění covid-19 se dotkla celého světa. Poněkud překvapivě neplatí, že nejúspěšnější země jsou ty nejbohatší a s nejlepším zdravotnictvím. Stejně tak neplatí ani jasná souvislost mezi úspěchem a geografickou polohou. Především značná část bohatého západního světa v ochraně veřejného zdraví doposud selhávala a je proto vhodné položit si otázku, proč tomu tak je. V tomto článku se zaměřuji především na volbu základní epidemiologické strategie, kterou považuji za jeden z klíčových faktorů úspěchu či neúspěchu mnoha zemí. Kritickému rozboru dále podrobuji názor, že by ochrana lidských životů poškozovala ekonomiku či jiné důležité společenské hodnoty.
Farmakologická léčba psychiatrických poruch je součástí komplexní péče o nemocné s psychickými potížemi, vedle psychoterapie a poradenství, aktivizace a psychosociální rehabilitace. Volba psychofarmaka a strategie jeho podávání by měla být individualizována pro potřeby pacienta. Strategie podávání psychofarmak by měla od počátku zahrnovat i úvahy o délce podávání a možnosti jejího vysazování. Sami pacienti se kromě možných nežádoucích účinků již při první konzultaci ptají, kdy bude medikace vysazená. Toto opomíjené téma se s proměňujícím pojetím léčby, vyléčení a úzdravy v psychiatrii dostává do popředí. Je vhodné, aby tím, kdo vysazuje léky, byl psychiatr, a ne pacient sám. Základem zodpovědného rozhodnutí, kdy a jak vysadit medikaci, jsou dobře vedené, dlouhodobé studie. and Pharmacological treatment of psychiatric disorders is part of the complex care of patients with mental health problems, in addition to psychotherapy and counselling, behavioral activation and psychosocial rehabilitation. The choice of psychiatric medication and the strategy for its administration should be individualized to the needs of the patient. The strategy for the administration of psychiatric medication should include from the outset considerations about the duration of administration and the possibility of discontinuation. In addition to possible side effects, patients themselves ask when the medication will be discontinued at the first consultation. This neglected topic is coming to the fore with the changing concepts of treatment, cure, and recovery in psychiatry. It is appropriate that the psychiatrist, and not the patient, should be the one who discontinues the medication. Well-conducted, long-term studies are the basis for responsible decisions about when and how to discontinue medication.
Objectives. Teaching is a stressful job, but it is not clear what stressors teachers perceive at school and how these perceptions are associated with teacher characteristics and burnout.Sample and setting. The data were collected from 594 teachers of 6th to 9th grades from 118 schools. In an online survey, participants an-swered an open-ended question about what they perceive as the most important problems at school, and they filled a burnout scale.Questions and hypotheses. The study described types of stressors that teachers perceive. Then, it verified whether stressors and their number reported by teachers associate with gender, so-cio-economic status (SES), teaching experience, and burnout.Analyses. A mixed design was used. Stressors were identified using thematic analysis and re-lationships were verified using statistical tests.Results. The stressors found were as follows: problematic relationships with student,s parents (31%), student inappropriate behaviors (29%), non-functioning policies (27%), student lack of motivation (23%), underappreciation of educa-tion (22%), administrative overload (22%), im-proper parenting (17%), poorly handled inclu-sion (13%), and unfavorable collegial climate (8%). On average, teachers mentioned two stressors. Women more often reported student inappropriate behaviors. SES proved no signifi-cant effects. More experienced teachers less of-ten mentioned student inappropriate behaviors and unfavorable collegial climate and reported a lower number of stressors. Teachers with higher level of burnout more often complained about problematic relationships with parents and re-ported a higher number of stressors.Limitations. Although the generalizability of the results may be limited to 6th to 9th grade teachers in the Czech Republic, the study brings novel insights into the demands of teaching. and Cíle. Učitelství je považováno za stresující po-volání, ale dosud nebylo zkoumáno, jak stresory ve školách vnímají samotní učitelé a zda souvisí s jejich individuálními charakteristikami a vy-hořením.Soubor a metody. Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 594 učitelů 6.–9. ročníků ze 118 škol. Účastníci v online dotazníku odpověděli na otevřenou otázku, co považují za nejdůležitější problémy, se kterými se ve škole potýkají, a vyplnili škálu měřící vyhoření.Otázky a hypotézy. Výzkum zachytil, jaké typy stresorů ve škole učitelé vnímají. Poté ověřoval, zda jednotlivé stresory a jejich počet souvisí s pohlavím, socioekonomickým statusem, dél-kou praxe a vyhořením učitele.Analýzy. Použitý byl smíšený výzkumný design. Stresory byly identifikovány tematickou analý-zou a souvislosti mezi proměnnými byly ověřo-vány pomocí statistických testů.Výsledky. Učitelé považují za stresory ve škole tyto oblasti: problematické vztahy s rodiči žáků (31 %), nevhodné chování žáků (29 %), ne-funkční koncepce (27 %), nemotivovanost žáků (23 %), nedoceněnost školství (22 %), zahlcení administrativou (22 %), špatnou rodičovskou výchovu (17 %), nezvládnutou inkluzi (13 %) a nekolegiální klima (8 %). Ve svých odpově-dích zmiňovali průměrně dvě oblasti. Ženy si častěji než muži stěžovaly na nevhodné chování žáků. Socioekonomický status s vnímáním stre-sorů nesouvisel. Učitelé s delší praxí si méně často stěžovali na nevhodné chování žáků a ne-kolegiální klima a uváděli menší počet stresorů. Učitelé s vyšší mírou vyhoření uváděli častěji problematické vztahy s rodiči a vyšší počet stre-sorů.Limity. Přestože může být zobecnitelnost vý-sledků studie omezena na populaci učitelů 6.– 9. ročníků v ČR, výzkum přináší nové vhledy do nároků učitelské profese.
Phoridae (scuttle flies) are widely distributed, occur in many types of habitats and are ecologically versatile, which makes them an excellent bioindicator group for evaluating faunal diversity. The structure of scuttle fly communities was compared in two Mediterranean habitats in the Montseny Natural Park (Catalonia, Spain) that differ in vegetation and microclimate: beech forest and highland scrubland. 3684 male individuals belonging to 135 species of scuttle flies were identified. Scuttle flies were more abundant in beech forest than scrubland. Observed and estimated species richness were lower in scrubland than in beech forest, while diversity was similar in both habitats. Community evenness was greater in scrubland than beech forest. Therefore, the percentage of dominant and subdominant species was higher in scrubland than beech forest, while the percentage of rare species was higher in beech forest than scrubland. Scuttle fly species composition was significantly different in the two habitats, but it was similar among plots within the same habitat. Megaselia pectoralis (Wood, 1910) and Megaselia subpleuralis (Wood, 1909) were the dominant species in beech forest, while Megaselia pusilla (Meigen, 1830), Megaselia pumila (Meigen, 1830), Megaselia superciliata (Wood, 1910) and Megaselia diversa (Wood, 1909) were the dominant species in scrubland. Trophic specialization was higher in beech forest than scrubland. Saprophages were the dominant trophic group in beech forest, while fungivores and polyphages were dominant in scrubland. The high biodiversity of scuttle flies recorded in the Montseny Natural Park indicates that there is also a high diversity of other taxa there and that these Mediterranean mountains are of high conservation status., Carlos García-Romera, José A. Barrientos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is a specialized tubular network, which not only maintains the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ at a low level but is also known to release and accumulate Ca2+ for the occurrence of cardiac contraction and relaxation, respectively. This subcellular organelle is composed of several phospholipids and different Ca2+-cycling, Ca2+-binding and regulatory proteins, which work in a coordinated manner to determine its function in cardiomyocytes. Some of the major proteins in the cardiac SR membrane include Ca2+-pump ATPase (SERCA2), Ca2+-release protein (ryanodine receptor), calsequestrin (Ca2+-binding protein) and phospholamban (regulatory protein). The phosphorylation of SR Ca2+-cycling proteins by protein kinase A or Ca2+-calmodulin kinase (directly or indirectly) has been demonstrated to augment SR Ca2+-release and Ca2+-uptake activities and promote cardiac contraction and relaxation functions. The activation of phospholipases and proteases as well as changes in different gene expressions under different pathological conditions have been shown to alter the SR composition and produce Ca2+-handling abnormalities in cardiomyocytes for the development of cardiac dysfunction. The post-translational modifications of SR Ca2+-cycling proteins by processes such as oxidation, nitrosylation, glycosylation, lipidation, acetylation, sumoylation, and O-GlcNacylation have also been reported to affect the SR Ca2+-release and uptake activities as well as cardiac contractile activity. The SR function in the heart is also influenced in association with changes in cardiac performance by several hormones including thyroid hormones and adiponectin as well as by exercise-training. On the basis of such observations, it is suggested that both Ca2+-cycling and regulatory proteins in the SR membranes are intimately involved in determining the status of cardiac function and are thus excellent targets for drug development for the treatment of heart disease.
a1_The long-term feeding of a high-concentrate diet (the concentrate ratio is greater than 60 %) leads to mammary gland inflammatory response in ruminants and decreased quality in dairy cows and affects the robust development of the dairy industry. The main reason is closely related to elevated lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the body. In this experiment, a bovine mammary epithelial cell line (MAC-T) was used as a model, and LPS at different concentrations (0 ng/ml, 1 ng/ml, 10 ng/ml, 100 ng/ml, 1000 ng/ml, 10000 ng/ml) was added to the cells. The cell survival rate, oxidative stress indicators, total lipid droplet area, triglyceride content and key genes regulating lipid metabolism were detected by 3-(4,5)-dimethylthiahiazo(-z-y1)- 3,5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide (MTT), assay kit, microscope observation and RT-PCR methods to explore the regulatory mechanism of mammary health and milk fat synthesis.The results showed that compared with those of the control group, the survival rates of cells were significantly decreased after 9 h of stimulation with 1000 ng/ml and 10000 ng/ml LPS (P<0.01).The contents of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) in cells were significantly decreased (P<0.05).Compared with that of the control group, the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in cells was significantly increased (P<0.05) after stimulation with 10000 ng/ml LPS for 9 h. After 9 h of stimulation with 100 ng/ml, 1000 ng/ml and 10000 ng/ml LPS, the total lipid drop area and triglyceride (TG) content of MAC-T cells were significantly decreased (P<0.05).The expression levels of fatty acid synthesis-related genes AcetylCoA carboxylase (ACC) and Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD-1) were significantly decreased after 9 h of stimulation with 100 ng/ml, 1000 ng/ml and 10000 ng/ml LPS (P<0.05), while the expression levels of Fatty Acid synthetase (FAS) were significantly decreased after stimulation with 1000 ng/ml and 1000 ng/ml LPS (P<0.05)., Lin Li, Weibin Tang, Mei Zhao, Binbin Gong, Meng Cao, Jianyuan Li., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Introduction. With growing interest in hallucinogens, majority of psychedelic research focus mostly on the therapeutic potential and benefits. The objective of this paper is to explore how users of psychedelics verbalize their experience and perceived risks of using such substances. Methods. The authors used a questionnaire with open-ended and multiple-choice items. The sample included persons with at least one phenomenological experience with psychedelics (N = 422, age M=27.78; SD=7.84; SE=0.38; 35.1% women). Qualitative data were analyzed using concepts of The Grounded Theory using the Atlas.ti suite. Results. The target group uses terms taken from the English language (“bad trip”, “set and setting”, “sitter”, or the grammatically localized version of the word „psychedelic“), with shared and well-understood semantic meaning within the community. The central domain “inappropriate set and setting” and its inadequate preparation is linked to the negative experience of “bad trip” which can lead to difficult “integration of experience” or even “psychotic disorders”. Users of psychedelics report various harm reduction strategies which are consistent with relevant literature. Conclusion. This study illustrates that Slovak users of psychedelics seem to understand and use the established terminology of international discourse related to these substances. At the same time, the authors suggest that users seem to use various relevant strategies to lower risks associated with the use of psychedelics. and Úvod. Záujem o halucinogény rastie, pričom do-terajšie štúdie sa orientujú prevažne na terape-utický potenciál a benefity. Cieľom štúdie bolo objasniť, akými slovami verbalizujú užívatelia psychedelík svoje skúsenosti a v čom vidia naj-väčšie riziká užívania týchto látok. Metóda. Autori použili dotazník s uzavretými aj otvorenými otázkami. Výskumu sa zúčastnili ľudia s prinajmenšom jednou fenomenologic-kou skúsenosťou so psychedelikami (N = 422, vek M = 27,78; SD = 7,84; SE = 0,38; 35,1 % žien). Kvalitatívne dáta boli analyzované po-mocou konceptov zakotvenej teórie za pomoci softwaru Atlas.ti. Výsledky. Cieľová skupina používa cudzoja-zyčné pojmy („bad trip“, „set and setting“, „sitter“, „psychedelický“), ktoré sú sémanticky adekvátne etablované v rámci komunity uží-vateľov. Najviac vnímanými rizikami sú nea-dekvátne prípravy intrapsychických aspektov („set“) a externých i interpersonálnych aspektov („setting“). Centrálna doména „Nevhodný set and setting“ môže viesť k negatívnemu zážitku tzv. „bad trip“, čo môže ďalej vyvolať náročné „integrácie skúsenosti“ a následne „psychické poruchy“. Užívatelia psychedelík reportujú roz-manité stratégie znižujúce poškodenia („harm reduction“), ktoré sú v súlade s odbornou lite-ratúrou.Záver. Výskum ilustruje, že užívatelia psychede-lík na Slovensku adekvátne používajú etablova-né pojmy drogového cudzojazyčného diskurzu. Zároveň naznačuje, že užívatelia sú oboznámení s rôznymi stratégiami znižujúcimi nimi vnímané riziká súvisiace s užívaním psychedelík.