Faecal samples from 162 wild animals were collected from 32 distinct sites of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland (eastern Poland). The presence of Giardia duodenalis (Stiles, 1902) was assessed by a Direct Fluorescence Assay (DFA) and by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and sequencing of a fragment of the beta-giardin gene. DFA showed the presence of cysts of G. duodenalis in 12 of 162 faecal samples (7%), namely in four wild boars (15%), four foxes (19%), two roe deer (4%), and two wolves (29%). PCR identified 34 of the 162 (21%) samples as positive, including 11 wild boars (41%), five red deer (18%), 11 roe deer (23%), four moose (17%), two wolves (29%) and a single sample from the European badger. Thus, PCR detected a significantly higher number of infection than DFA (P = 0.0005). However, 14 of 34 PCR products could not be sequenced because of their insufficient amount; the low number of cysts, poor conservation of the faeces or presence of PCR inhibitors may have contributed to weak DNA amplification. Sequence analysis of the remaining 20 products showed the presence of assemblage B in wild boars, red deer and roe deer, whereas samples from wolves were identified as assemblage D. This is the first detection of assemblage B in wild boars and deer. As assemblage B has zoonotic potential, wild animals from eastern Poland may act as reservoirs of cysts of G. duodenalis infectious for humans., Krzysztof Stojecki, Jacek Sroka, Simone M. Cacciò, Tomasz Cencek, Jacek Dutkiewicz, Paweł Kusyk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Macropod Progressive Periodontal Disease (MPPD), colloquially referred to as “lumpy jaw”, is a commonly observed disease in captive macropods. However, the prevalence of this disease in the wild is largely unknown. A systematic study of MPPD in wild macropods would provide an indication of the endemic presence of this disease in wild populations, and could assist those managing disease in captive populations, by highlighting potential risk factors for disease development. Utilising kangaroos culled as part of a population management program, this study used visual observation and computer tomography (CT) of skulls to investigate the prevalence of MPPD in wild western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus) from the Perth metropolitan region, Western Australia. The sample suitable for visual and CT analysis comprised 121 specimens, 71 (58.7%) male and 50 (41.3%) female, with the mean age for all 121 specimens being 4.5 years (±2.63 SD). No evidence of MPPD was detected in any of the specimens examined. Overabundance may not be associated with the development of MPPD, as previously considered, and age-related factors should not be eliminated. This results may reflect low susceptibility to MPPD in western grey kangaroos, given low prevalence is reported in this species in captive populations. Further investigation into species-specificity is recommended, and should include samples with soft tissue to improve sensitivity of disease detection. Surveillance of MPPD in wild populations of macropods helps to improve our understanding of the biological significance, development and potential spread of this disease. Notably, this information may assist in the management of MPPD in captive populations, and may have a positive impact on both the welfare and conservation of macropods in captivity.
Cílem studie je popsat narativní charakteristiky vyprávění o změně u klientů skupinové psychoterapie, kteří dosáhli klinicky významné změny. Studie byla součástí tříletého projektu, zaměřeného na výzkum efektivity a faktorů psychoterapie v denních stacionářích pro léčbu úzkostných poruch a deprese. Léčba trvala 3 měsíce, klienti docházeli do stacionáře vždy v pracovní dny. Sběr dat probíhal v letech 2014 až 2016, z celkového počtu n = 220 klientů (celkově 21 skupin v délce trvání 12 týdnů) v kvantitativní části projektu se opakovaných rozhovorů v kvalitativní části (uprostřed léčby, na jejím konci a 9 až 10 měsíců po ukončení léčby) účastnilo 32 klientů.
Prezentovaná studie pracuje s užším výběrem osmi klientů, kteří absolvovali nejméně dva rozhovory a dle objektivních ukazatelů měření změny v psychoterapii dosáhli klinicky významné změny. Data byla analyzována pomocí kategorické narativní analýzy za užití narativních kategorií: témata změny; aktérství; narativní pozice; hodnoty a přesvědčení. Ukazuje se, že u některých klientů dochází v průběhu procesu změny ke „zrodu“ aktérství, k jakési re-autorizaci vlastního jednání. Objevují se zde dvě varianty aktérství, systematicky režisérský typ a uvolněnější, otevřenější typ. V kategorii narativní pozice se klienti vymezují k ostatním členům skupiny jako i vůči celé skupině a také jako skupina vůči „zbytku světa“. V kategorii hodnoty a přesvědčení se ukazuje hodnotový a normativní aspekt dosažení změny v psychoterapii. and The main goal of the study is to describe narrative characteristics of stories of change in psychotherapy group, narrated by clients, who reached clinically significant change. The current study was a part of a three-year project, focused on the research of efficiency and curative factors of therapy in daily treatment centres specialized at treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. From the total participants n=220 (21 groups) in the quantitative part of the project, 32 clients took part in repeated qualitative interviews (in the middle, at the end of treatment, and 8 – 9 months after treatment). The present study involves eight participants who participated in at least two interviews and reached a clinically significant change. Data were analysed by means of categorical narrative analysis, using the following narrative categories: thematic lines; agency; positioning; values, and beliefs. Results indicate, that some clients develop the agentic capacity only during the process of change, it is a certain „re-authorisation“ of one´s action. There appear to be two types of agency, a systematic, directive type and more relaxed, open type. In the category of positioning, clients tend to the narrative delimitation toward other members of group and also toward the group as a whole. In the category of values and beliefs, clients describe normative and moral aspects of reaching the change in psychotherapy.
On the one hand, Austrian social housing is stronger than ever due to the growing importance that social rental apartments play on the housing market. The volume, price, and quality standards of this housing are competitive with what is found in other sectors of the market and the social housing sector also helped to mitigate the effects of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). On the other hand, pressure on the rental housing market has increased because demand for cheap housing has grown more than supply. The social housing sector thus has to address the vital question of how to increase targeting on low-income households and vulnerable groups and at the same time to maintain social mix and public support. In this paper I argue that the sector, in spite of its strong position, is facing some common European challenges that will redefine its role in the future. Yet, the social housing sector is overburdened if expected to solve many problems that have arisen due to non-housing issues.
The present study was undertaken to identify potentially immunoreactive proteins of the muscle larvae (ML) and adult stage (Ad) of the nematode Trichinella spiralis Owen, 1835. To identify immunoreactive proteins that are specifically recognised by anti-Trichinella antibodies, ML and Ad crude extracts and their excretory-secretory (E-S) products were subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblot with serum samples from pigs experimentally infected with T. spiralis. A total of 18 bands were selected for final identification by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. To further understand the functions of the proteins identified in this study, gene ontology terms were applied. Results showed that the specific antibodies against T. spiralis reacted with protein bands matching heat shock proteins, aminopeptidase, enolase, isocitrate dehydrogenase NADP-dependent, tropomyosin, P49 antigen, serine proteinase, secreted 5'-nucleotidase, antigen targeted by protective antibodies, 53 kDa E-S antigen, putative trypsin and paramyosin. Three proteins common for both adult stage and muscle larvae, including heat shock proteins, enolase and 5'-nucleotidase, might play important role during T. spiralis infection. These proteins are presumably presented to the host immune system and may induce humoral immune response. Thus, these proteins may be potential antigens for early diagnosis and the development of a vaccine against the parasite., Justyna Bien, Wladyslaw Cabaj, Bozena Moskwa., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effectiveness of natural enemies in controlling pests may be determined by many traits linked to their ability to regulate the density of their prey. In this respect, the phenomenon of pseudoparasitism, in which female parasitoids reject a host after inserting their ovipositor into it, is fairly common among hymenopteran parasitoids. However, in spite of this its effect on hosts is rarely reported in entomological and biological control literature. For this reason, in the present study, the pseudoparasitism by the parasitoid Spalangia cameroni Perkins of the Mediterranean pest Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and its effect on several biological parameters of the host were studied under laboratory conditions. The results indicate that the percentage pseudoparasitism by S. cameroni of medfly in the laboratory is high, even slightly higher than host-feeding, which is commonly used to evaluate the potential of parasitoids as biological control agents. In addition, the adults that emerge from pseudoparasitized medfly pupae have a male-biased sex ratio, low levels of survival and are frequently damaged, which results in small adults and an inability to mate successfully. In conclusion, our results indicate that pseudoparasitism is common and enhances the effectiveness of S. cameroni attacking medfly, which highlights the importance of this phenomenon when selecting parasitoids to be included in a biological control programme., Luis De Pedro, Francisco Beitia, Josep D. Asís, José Tormos., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kniha je zaměřená na problematiku výchovy dítěte od jeho narození až po období dospívání. Autor se zabývá problematikou ze širokého úhlu pohledu, promítá do svého hlediska jak historické a ideologické náhledy, tak i názory různých odborníků. Odkazovaná literatura a citáty pocházejí převážně z pera psychologických klasiků, nicméně Jedlička místy doplňuje i aktuální poznatky z konferencí či soudobé literatury.
Objectives. This study aimed to assess psychometric properties, such as reliability, construct validity, and cut-off scores, for the Czech version of the Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation – General Population (GP-CORE) questionnaire, a tool usable for repeated measurement of psychological distress within routine clinical settings. Participants and setting. Two general populations and one clinical sample were used with N values of 420, 394, and 345, respectively. Hypotheses. One of the competing theoretical factor solutions will demonstrate the best fit. Statistical analysis. To examine the factor structure of the GP-CORE, a confirmatory multidimensional item response theory analysis (graded response model) was employed. Results. The best fitting model was a bifactor solution representing one content domain of overall distress and two item wording domains (positively and negatively worded items). Clinical cut-off scores were determined to be 1.85 (men) and 1.90 (women). Study limitations. The GP-CORE can be used as an unidimensional measure of overall distress, but users have to be aware of the influence of positive vs. negative item wording on the responses. and Cíle. Tato studie si kladla za cíl zhodnotit psychometrické vlastnosti české verze škály Clinical Outcome in Routine Evaluation - General Population (GP-CORE), konkrétně poskytnout informace o reliabilitě, konstruktové validitě a klinickém cut-off skóru. GP-CORE je nástroj využitelný pro opakované měření psychologického stresu. Vzorek a design. Byly využity tři vzorky respondentů, z nichž dva pocházely z obecné (N = 420 a 394) a jeden z klinické populace (N = 345). Hypotézy. Jedno z faktorových řešení bude mít superiorní fit oproti ostatním. Statistické analýzy. K ověření faktorové struktury GP-CORE bylo využito konfirmační multidimenzionální teorie odpovědi na položku (graded response model). Výsledky. Jako finální model byl zvolen bi-faktorový model reprezentující obecný obsahový faktor distresu a dva metodické faktory způsobené pozitivní a negativní formulací položek. Kromě toho, že vykazoval nejlepší fit, byl také dobře teoreticky interpretovatelný. Klinický cut-off skór pro průměrnou hodnotu napříč položkami byl ustanoven na 1,85 pro muže a 1,90 pro ženy. Limity. GP-CORE lze využít jako jednodimenzionální nástroj pro měření obecného psychologického stresu, ale uživatelé by si měli být vědomi také možného vlivu pozitivní či negativní formulace položek na odpovědi respondentů.
Problematice stresu je věnována značná pozornost. Proto je třeba mít k dispozici jednoduchý a přitom spolehlivý nástroj umožňující stanovit aktuální hladinu stresu. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je představit prvotní psychometrické ověření české verze Škály vnímaného stresu vyvinuté původně Cohenem v roce 1983, která je v tomto směru jednou z nejčastěji užívaných metod. Ověření dotazníku obsahujícího 10 položek bylo realizováno na vzorku zahrnujícím 358 respondentů z řad studentů vysokých škol. Statistické zpracování zahrnovalo mimo jiné i stanovení vnitřní konzistence dotazníku a konfirmační faktorovou analýzu. Česká verze dotazníku vykazovala vysokou míru vnitřní konzistence, když Cronbachovo alfa bylo 0,871. Konfirmační faktorová analýza potvrdila v literatuře preferovanou dvoufaktorovou strukturu dotazníku a ukázala, že uvedený model dosahuje vyhovujících výsledků v absolutních i relativních indexech shody modelu s daty stejně jako v indexech vystihujících úspornost modelu. Česká verze Škály vnímaného stresu je tak reliabilním a validním nástrojem umožňujícím měření aktuální hladiny vnímaného stresu. and Recently, a great attention has been devoted to stress. Thus, it is worth to have a simple and reliable tool measuring the current level of perceived stress. The aim of this paper is to present a validation of the Czech version of the Perceived Stress Scale which was developed by Cohen in 1983 and is a widely used instrument in this field. Verification of the questionnaire containing 10 items was carried out on a group of 358 university students. The statistical analysis included besides other things determination of the internal consistency and confirmatory factor analysis. The Czech version exhibited a high level of internal consistency with Cronbach´s alpha of 0.871. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a two-factor structure preferred also in the literature and showed adequate values of both absolute and relative fit indices as well as indices of parsimony. The Czech version of the Perceived Stress Scale is valid and reliable instrument enabling measurement of perceived stress.