Záměrem stejnojmenné mezinárodní konference, jež se každoročně koná v České republice v polovině května a je hlavní událostí v oboru, je získat přehled současného stavu rozvoje mechaniky tuhých a deformovatelných těles, mechaniky tekutin a termodynamiky, a to především ve vztahu k projektům řešeným v ČR a na spolupracujících univerzitách po celém světě. and Jiří Náprstek.
On February 20 of this year, 70 years passed since the death of the traveller, writer, photographer, collectioner and adventurer in the best sense of the word - Enrique Stanko Vráz. His origin and youth have been up to now covered with doubts. The first documents relate only to the first journey of Vráz outside Europe. Since 1880, Vráz lived in Africa - in Marocco, Gambia and on the Gold Coast (modern Ghana), where he started to photograph. After a short stay on the Canary Islands he headed for South America and decided to transverse it in the equatorian part. This goal he completed successfully. After this, he travelled between America and Europe, he visited Japan, New Guinea, Thailand, China, Korea, Siberia. Then he again started for South America and for Mexico. During all his trips Vráz made photos. Some of his photographs, preserved today in the Náprstek Museum, are absolutely unique. Vráz perceived photography as a natural media for documentation, he placed its informative value above the emotional. The most frequent topics of his photographs were architecture and its details, nature, landscape and especialy the recordings of the everyday life. These photos have a high documentary value because of the place and the time of origin and also because of the fact that Enrique Stanko Vráz was a sensitive observer that wanted to utilize the photography to informe about the life in the distant, strange lands.
Année scolaire 1920/21, tableaux dressés par l'office de statistique de la République tchécoslovaque, partie textuelle par František Čvančara, and Francouzský text, tabulková část pouze česky
Entomopathogenic nematodes from families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabdi - tidae and the molluscoparasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita are enigmatic soil creatures. These lethal pathogens of invertebrates can also be used as effective and safe biocontrol agents. In this article, we review the biology, ecology and distribution of these organisms and we de - pict their current use in biological control. and Jiří Nermuť, Vladimír Půža, Zdeněk Mráček.
Zatiaľ' čo jadrové skúšky spôsobili globálnu rádioaktívnu kontamináciu, Černobyľská havária (1986) mala dopad predovšetkým na európske krajiny a Fukušimská havária (2011) predovšetkým na Japonsko, aj keď uvoľnené rádionuklidy bolo možné sledovať v malých koncentráciách na všetkých kontinentoch ako aj vo svetových oceánoch a moriach. Havária Fukušimskej jadrovej elektrárne spôsobila v porovnaní s Černobyľskou haváriou (1986) približne 10-násobne nižší únik 131I a päťnásobne nižší únik 137Cs do životného prostredia. Radiačné dávky obyvateľstva nepresiahli v Japonsku 25 mSv/rok a v Európe boli rádovo 1 µSv/rok., Historical atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons have had a global impact on the radioactive contamination of the environment. Recent accidents at Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) have had an impact on Europe and Japan, respectively, in addition small concentrations of radionuclides released from Fukushima have been registered on all continents as well as in oceans and seas. When compared with the Chernobyl accident, the Fukushima accident resulted in about a 10 fold increase in the release of 131I but a 3 fold decrease in the release of 137Cs to the environment. Following the Fukushima accident radiation doses did not exceed 25 mSv/year in Japan, whilst following the Chernobyl accident they were in the order of 1 µSv/year in Europe., Pavel P. Povinec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Environmentální rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie představuje jeden z posledních vývojových trendů mikroskopických metod. Umožňuje zkoumání vzorků živé či neživé přírody v podmínkách vysokého tlaku plynů - až 3000 Pa oproti tlaku pod 0.001 Pa v klasickém rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu., Vilém Neděla, Rudolf Autrata., and Obsahuje seznam literatury