Parallel glucose measurements in blood and other different tissues give us knowledge about dynamics of glycemia changes, which depend on vascularization, distribution space and local utilization by tissues. Such information is important for the understanding of glucose homeostasis and regulation. The aim of our study was to determine the time-lag between blood, brain, and adipose tissue during rapid glucose changes in a male hHTG rat (n=15). The CGMS sensor Guardian RT (Minimed/Medtronic, USA) was inserted into the brain and into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue. Fixed insulin and variable rate of glucose infusion was used to maintain euglycemia during sensor calibration period. At 0 min, 0.5 g/kg of bolus of glucose was administered, and at 50 min, 5 IU/kg of bolus of insulin was administered. Further glucose and insulin infusion was stopped at this time. The experiment was finished at 130 min and animals were euthanized. The time-shift between glycemia changes in blood, brain, and subcutaneous tissue was calculated by identification of the ideal correlation function. Moreover, the time to achieve 90 % of the maximum glucose excursion after intervention (T90) was measured to compare our data with the literature. The time-lag blood vs. brain and blood vs. subcutaneous tissue was 10 (10; 15) min and 15 (15; 25) min, respectively. The difference was statistically significant (P=0.01). T90 after glucose bolus in brain and subcutaneous tissue was 10 min (8.75; 15) and 15 min (13.75; 21.25), respectively. T90 after insulin bolus in brain and subcutaneous tissue was 10 min (10; 15) and 20 min (20; 27.5), respectively. To the contrary, with literature, our results showed earlier glucose level changes in brain in comparison with subcutaneous tissue after glucose and insulin boluses. Our results suggest that glucose dynamics is different within monitored tissues under rapid changing glucose level and we can expect similar behavior in humans. Improved knowledge about glucose distribution and dynamics is important for avoiding hypoglycemia., M. Žourek, P. Kyselová, D. Čechurová, Z. Rušavý., and Seznam literatury
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a clinical condition with very high mortality rate. Its pathophysiological background is still poorly understood, which necessitates a search for optimal experimental ALF models with features resembling those of the human disorder. Taking into consideration reproducibility of induction of ALF, adequate animal size, cost of animals, the required time gap between insult and death of animals (“therapeutic window”), potential risk to investigator and other aspects, administration of thioacetamide (TAA) in rats is currently most recommended. However, the fundamental details of this ALF model have not yet been evaluated. This prompted us to investigate, first, the course of ALF as induced by intraperitoneal TAA at doses increasing from 175 to 700 mg/kg BW per day. The animals’ survival rate, plasma alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activities, and bilirubin and ammonia levels were determined over the follow-up period. Second, we examined whether Wistar and Lewis rats exhibit any differences in the course of ALF induced by different TAA doses. We found that the optimal dose for ALF induction in rats is 350 i.p., given as a single injection. Wistar rats proved more susceptible to the development of TAA-induced ALF compared with Lewis rats. Collectively, our present findings provide a sound methodological background for experimental studies aimed at evaluation of pathophysiology and development of new approaches in the therapy of ALF., E. Koblihová, I. Mrázová, Z. Vernerová, M. Ryska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Huntingtonova choroba (HD) je autozomálně dominantní neurodegenerativní onemocnění způsobené zvýšením počtu polyglutaminových repetic (> 35 repetic) v genu pro protein huntingtin. HD je charakteristická pomalými progresivními změnami pohybového aparátu a osobnosti, kdy tyto změny jsou často doprovázeny ztrátou tělesné hmotnosti. Do dnešního dne není znám přesný mechanizmus patofyziologie choroby. Poruchy pohybových funkcí reflektují masivní poškození specifických částí mozku (striatum), které bylo popsáno u pacientů s HD. V roce 2013 Sbodio et al [1] popsali zvýšené množství proteinu Acyl‑CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) ve striatu HD pacientů. Protein ACBD3 hraje nezastupitelnou roli v mnoha buněčných procesech, a to především díky interakci s různými vazebnými partnery. ACBD3 je esenciální při neuronálním dělení, neurodegeneraci, udržení lipidové homeostáze, stresové odpovědi, virové replikaci, apoptóze, udržení struktury golgiho komplexu. V této práci jsme prokázali nepřítomnost proteinu ACBD3 v mitochondriích v lidských kožních fibroblastech a navíc jsme potvrdili, že změny celkové hladiny proteinu ACBD3 ve fibroblastech HD pacientů nejsou konzistentní., Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal‑dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion of polyglutamine repeats (> 35 repeats) in the nuclear gene for the huntingtin protein. HD is characterized by slow progressive changes in motor behaviour and personality that are sometimes accompanied by weight loss. To date, the exact mechanisms of HD pathophysiology have not been defined. Impaired motor behaviour reflecting massive and selective destruction of the striatum has been observed in patients with HD. Sbodio et al. [1] reported in 2013 that Acyl‑CoA binding domain containing 3 (ACBD3) protein levels were elevated in the striatum of HD patients and connected with higher neurotoxicity in HD. The ACBD3 protein plays essential roles in many different cellular functions via interactions with a multitude of partners. ACBD3 is involved in neuronal stem cell self‑renewal, neurodegeneration, lipid homeostasis, stress resistance, intracellular vesicle trafficking, organelle maintenance, viral replication and the apoptotic response. Herein, we found that ACBD3 in not present in the mitochondria in skin fibroblasts. Moreover, our findings also revealed that the total cellular level of ACBD3 is not consistent among the fibroblasts of HD patients., and H. Kratochvíľová, M. Rodinova, J. Sladkova, J. Klempir, I. Liskova, J. Motlik, J. Zeman, H. Hansíková, M. Tesarova
We hypothesized that hypertension-related myocardial remodeling characterized by hypertrophy and fibrosis might be accompanied by cell-to-cell gap junction alterations that may account for increased arrhythmogenesis. Intercellular junctions and expression of gap junction protein connexin-43 were analyzed in rat heart tissues from both spontaneous (SHR) and L-NAME model of hypertension. Isolated heart preparation was used to examine susceptibility of the heart to lethal ventricular fibrillation induced by low potassium perfusion. Ultrastructure observation revealed enhanced neoformation of side-to-side type while internalization of end-to-end type (intercalated disc-related) of gap junctions prevailed in the myocardium of rats suffering from either spontaneous or L-NAME-induced hypertension. In parallel, immunolabeling showed increased number of connexin-43 positive gap junctions in lateral cell membrane surfaces, particularly in SHR. Besides, focal loss of immunopositive signal was observed more frequently in hearts of rats treated with L-NAME. There was a significantly higher incidence of hypokalemia-induced ventricular fibrillation in hypertensive compared to normotensive rat hearts. We conclude that adaptation of the heart to hypertension-induced mechanical overload results in maladaptive gap junction remodeling that consequently promotes development of fatal arrhythmias., M. Fialová, K. Dlugošová, L. Okrouhlicová, F. Kristek, M. Manoach, N. Tribulová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a biblioigrafické údaje
Diapause is a common dormancy strategy exhibited by many species of invertebrates and insects to temporarily avoid seasonally recurring unfavourable conditions for their development, most usually in winter. Less frequently, a prolonged diapause lasting two or more years is described in species living in unpredictable environments where it is adaptive, but with significant costs. In this paper we examine the occurrence of prolonged diapause in the lycaenid butterfly Tomares ballus. Pupae of this species undergo an obligate diapause from mid-May to late January the following year. However, during our rearing experiments (from 2009 to 2016) the emergence of adults occurred sequentially and a fraction of the pupae remained in diapause for up to seven years. The annual percentage emergence after the first year of diapause was 45.6%, and only barely exceeded 50.0% in 2015. Remarkably, 12 pupae (11.4% of the initial brood) remained in diapause in their eighth year. The negative exponential equation fitted to the emergence data suggests that further emergences may occur within the next five years. Therefore, the potential for successful prolonged diapause of T. ballus pupae may be more than 10 years. The adaptive value of this strategy is discussed in relation to the effects of adverse and unpredictable weather during the flight period of the butterfly, intra-guild competition, parasitoids and changes in habitat quality. We suggest that this strategy may also be exhibited by other species of Mediterranean lycaenids., Rafael Obregón, Juan Fernández Haeger, Diego Jordano., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Adaptavní optické systémy se vyznačují schopností měnit své optické vlastnosti na požádání a v reálném čase. V tomto příspěvku jsou diskutovány základní prvky adaptivních optických systémů využívaných v astronomii ke kompenzaci vlivu atmosféry na zobrazení velkých pozemských teleskopů., Adaptive optical systems are those whose optical responses can be adjusted on demand, in real time. Here we discuss the basics of adaptive optical systems utilised in astronomy for compensation of aberrations due to atmospheric turbulence, which seriously impairs the performance of uncorrected large ground-based telescopes., Jaroslav Řeháček, Bohumil Stoklasa., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cíl: Cílem této studie je poskytnout orientační normy k Addenbrookskému kognitivnímu testu (ACE‑<span class=""></span>R) a jeho jednotlivým kognitivním doménám pro českou populaci. Soubor a metodika: Do studie bylo zařazeno 143 osob (89 žen a 54 mužů) ve věku 55–<span class=""></span>89 let. Subjekty byly zástupci zdravé populace, bez onemocnění mozku, smyslové poruchy a závažného psychiatrického onemocnění, s MMSE nad 27 bodů. Osoby byly podrobeny detailnímu anamnestickému rozhovoru pro zjištění případných onemocnění mozku v minulosti a pro zjištění míry soběstačnosti v běžných denních činnostech. Osoby s poškozením mozku v anamnéze či porušenou soběstačností v běžných denních činnostech nebyly do studie zařazeny, stejně jako osoby s MMSE nižším než 27 bodů. Srovnání hodnot ACE‑<span class=""></span>R a jeho složek u mužů a žen bylo provedeno pomocí Mannova‑<span class=""></span>Whitneyova testu a srovnání hodnot u čtyř skupin daných věkem a vzděláním pomocí Kruskalova‑<span class=""></span>Wallisova testu. Výsledné p‑<span class=""></span>hodnoty byly korigovány na mnohonásobné testování užitím Bonferroniho korekce. Hraniční skóry byly vytvořeny na úrovni 2. a 7. percentilu. Výsledky: Byla prokázána negativní korelace s věkem (p < 0,001; r = –<span class=""></span>0,43) a pozitivní korelace s proměnnou vzdělání na celkový výsledek v testu (p < 0,001; r = 0,41) i v dosažených výsledcích některých jednotlivých kognitivních domén. Vliv pohlaví nebyl statistický prokázán. Hraniční skór pro všechny subjekty ve věku 55–<span class=""></span>89 na úrovni 2. percentilu je 74 bodů pro celkový skór v Addenbrookském kognitivním testu a 79 bodů na úrovni 7. percentilu. Závěr: Studie poskytuje orientační normy pro českou populaci pro Addenbrookský kognitivní test a nabízí bázi pro vytvoření kvalitních norem za předpokladu navýšení počtu subjektů., Aim: The aim of this study was to provide benchmark normal values for Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination (ACE-R) and its domains for the Czech population. Methods: The study included 143 healthy subjects (89 women and 54 men) aged 55–89 years, without brain injury, neurodegenerative disease, severe hearing or visual impairment and without a psychiatric disease, with MMSE above 27 points. Participants were interviewed in detail to ascertain any previous brain injury history and to determine the level of self-sufficiency in daily living activities. Individuals with a history of brain injury or impaired self-sufficiency were excluded from the study. ACE-R values and values for its domains in men and women were compared with Mann-Whitney test and values for the four age and education groups were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. P-values were corrected for multiple testing using Bonferroni correction. Results: Cut-off scores were set at 2nd and 7th percentile. Negative correlation with age (p < 0.001, r = –0.43) and positive correlation with education (p < 0.001, r = 0.41) were statistically significant for the overall test performance and also for the performance in individual cognitive domains except for the Attention and orientation domain. The effect of sex was not statistically significant. The cut-off score for the total score in Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination for all subjects aged 55–89 years is 74 points at the 2nd percentile and 79 points at the 7th percentile. Conclusion: The study suggests cut-off scores for the Czech population of ACE-R and provides the basis for the development of Czech norms for this test. Key words: Addenbrooke’s cognitive examination – normal values – cognitive deficit <span class="">The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, </span>or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manu<span class="">script met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” </span>for biomedical papers., and D. Beránková, P. Krulová, M. Mračková, I. Eliášová, M. Košťálová, E. Janoušová, I. Stehnová, M. Bar, P. Ressner, P. Nilius, M. Tomagová, I. Rektorová
V souboru 39 případů adenokarcinomu in situ děložního hrdla byly sledovány: věk pacientek, cytologické, kolposkopické a histologické nálezy, operační výkony a definitivní řešení. Medián věku byl 38 let (24–75). Prebioptická suspekce žlázové léze byla vyslovena v 7 cytologických (18 %) a v 7 kolposkopických (18 %) nálezech. U 28 nemocných (72 %) byla současně přítomna koexistující skvamózní léze. V 16 případech (46 %) z 35 konizací byly popsány histologicky pozitivní okraje léze a u 15 z nich byl proveden opakovaný nebo definitivní operační výkon. V něm byl ve 2 případech již invazivní adenokarcinom. Klíčová slova: adenokarcinom in situ – cytologie – děložní hrdlo – kolposkopie – pozitivní okraje, In a series of 39 cases of adenocarcinoma in situ of the uterine cervix, age of patients, cytological, colposcopical and histological findings, operations and definitive solutions have been analyzed. Median age was 38 (24 – 75). Praebioptic suspicion of a glandular laesion was expressed in 7 cytological (18 %) and 7 colposcopical (18 %) findings. In 28 patients (72 %) the coexistent squamous laesion was concurrently present. In 16 cases (46 %) from 35 conisations histologically positive margins were described and in 15 of them repeated or definitive operation was performed. Among them, in 2 cases invasive adenocarcinoma was present. Key words: adenocarcinoma in situ – colposcopy – cytology – positive margine – uterine cervix, and doc. MUDr. Pavel Freitag, CSc.
Four mouse bone marrow or thymus cell populations, namely granulopoietic/monocytopoietic, erythropoietic, B-lymphopoietic, and T-lymphopoietic precursor cells have been assayed by RTPCR technique for the presence and relative amounts of adenosine A1, A2a, A2b, and A3 receptor mRNA. It has been found that (i) all four populations studied express all four adenosine receptor subtypes, (ii) the A1 receptor is the least expressed in all populations studied, (iii) the A3 receptor is markedly expressed in the populations of granulopoietic/monocytopoietic and erythropoietic cells, (iv) the A2a receptor is markedly expressed in the populations of B-lymphopoietic and T-lymphopoietic cells, and v) the A2b receptor does not predominate in any of the precursor cells studied. Our data offer a new possibility for the assessment of the readiness of these cells to respond, by receptor-mediated mechanisms, to adenosine or its analogs present in the tissues as a result of endogenous processes and/or following their administration., D. Štreitová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Expression of mRNA for adenosine receptor subtypes A1, A2a, A2b, and A3 in normal and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-activated murine RAW 264.7 macrophages has been investigated using the method of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The results have shown a very low, unquantifiable expression of adenosine A1 receptor mRNA in both normal and LPS-activated macrophages. The other three adenosine receptor mRNAs have been found to be expressed at various but always quantifiable levels. Activation of the macrophages by LPS induced upregulation of the expression of adenosine receptor A2a and A2b mRNA, whereas the expression of adenosine receptor A3 mRNA was downregulated. Unstimulated macrophages exhibited a high expression of the A2b adenosine receptor mRNA. The findings are discussed from the point of view of the antiinflammatory and hematopoiesis-stimulating roles of the adenosine receptor signaling., D. Štreitová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy