Because greater Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) phosphorylation has been reported in insulin-stimulated skeletal muscles without improved Akt activation several hours post-exercise, we hypothesized that prior exercise would result in attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation in insulin-stimulated rat skeletal muscle. Epitrochlearis muscles were isolated from rats that were sedentary (SED) or exercised 3 h earlier (3 h postexercise; 3hPEX). Paired muscles were incubated with [3H]-2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) without insulin or with insulin. Lysates from other insulin-stimulated muscles from SED or 3hPEX rats were evaluated using AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation assays. Prior exercise led to greater 2-DG uptake concomitant with greater AS160Thr642 phosphorylation and a non-significant trend (P=0.087) for greater AS160Ser588. Prior exercise also reduced AS160Thr642 and AS160Ser588 dephosphorylation rates. These results support the idea that attenuated AS160 dephosphorylation may favor greater AS160 phosphorylation post-exercise., E. B. Arias, H. Wang, G. D. Cartee., and Seznam literatury
Considerable evidence demonstrates that phenotypic switching of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is influenced by aging and hypertension. During phenotypic switching, VSMCs undergo a switch to a proliferative and migratory phenotype, with this switch being a common pathology in cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to explore the joint influence of age and hypertension on thoracic aortic smooth muscle phenotypic switching and the balance of Akt and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling during this switch. Different ages of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY) were used to establish hypertension and aging models. The phenotypic state was determined by detecting the marker proteins α-SM-actin, calponin, and osteopontin (OPN) via immunohistochemical staining and Western blot. Signaling proteins associated with the Akt and MAPK pathways were detected in rat thoracic aorta using Western blot. Both aging and hypertension caused a decrease in contractile (differentiated) phenotype markers (α-SM-actin and calponin), while the synthetic (proliferative or de-differentiated) phenotype maker was elevated (OPN). When combining hypertension and aging, this effect was enhanced, with Akt signaling decreased, while MAPK signaling was increased. These results suggested that VSMCs phenotype switching is modulated by a balance between Akt and MAPK signaling in the process of aging and hypertension., Lin Zhang, Zhaoxia Xu, Ying Wu, Jingwen Liao, Fanxing Zeng, Lijun Shi., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Karcinom prostaty i přes stále se zlepšující diagnostiku patří ke druhé nejčastější příčině úmrtí na maligní onemocnění u mužů v ČR. Již od 80. let minulého století jsou vidět první pokusy o systematický screening zavedením pravidelných kontrol digitálním rektálním vyšetřením a ultrazvukem, poté se v 90. letech objevuje na scéně prostatický specifický antigen (PSA), který znamená opravdový průlom v časné detekci karcinomu prostaty. V současnosti je screening rutinně prováděn pomocí vyšetření per rektum, PSA doplněného o stanovení free PSA a v indikovaných případech odběru biopsie. Cílem práce je podat základní shrnutí současných možností screeningu a časné detekce karcinomu prostaty., Active approach to prostate cancer detection – what is reasonable and what may cause harm Despite the continuously improving diagnostics, prostate cancer represents the second most common cause of death from malignancy in men in the Czech Republic. Beginning in the 1980´s the first attempts of systematic screening were made by introducing regular check-ups using digital rectal examination and ultrasound screening, then in the 1990´s prostate specific antigen (PSA) appeared on stage, which meant a real breakthrough in the early detection of prostate cancer. Currently screening is routinely performed using rectal examination, PSA test supplemented by determination of free PSA and prostate biopsy, when indicated. The aim of this work is to present a basic overview of current possibilities of screening and early detection of prostate cancer., and Wasserbauer R.
Cíl: Aktualizace problémů měřením 25-hydroxyvitaminu D v séru. Metoda: Informace z webových stránek a dokumentů mezinárodního programu standardizace vitaminu D (VDSP) a přehled recentních prací, týkajících se tématu. Výsledky: Prozatímní pozitivní efekt výsledků standardizace vitaminu D v programu VDSP není po cca jednom roce výrazný ani v preciznosti, ani v hodnotách bias měření. Vcelku podle očekávání mají větší problémy s analytickou kvalitou imunochemické metody než separační. Proces standardizace pokračuje v roce 2016 testováním komutability kontrolních materiálů CAP USA a DEQAS UK, které jsou plánovány jako nástroje verifikace standardizačního procesu v rutinních klinických labo-ratořích. Velké úsilí je věnováno negativním vlivům na kvalitu a ovlivnění imunochemických metod, kterých je celá řada. Tyto vlivy jsou o to složitější, že jsou velmi rozdílné u různých imunochemických metod. Patří sem různá úroveň křížových reakcí u 25-hydroxyvitaminu D2, interference 24, 25-dihydroxyvitaminu D, vliv vazebného proteinu pro vitamin D (VDBP) a rozdílná reaktivita imunochemických metod pro 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3. Diskuse: Diference hodnot bias způsobují významné diference v počtech jedinců při klasifikaci deficience vitaminu D, vliv 3-epi-25-OH D3 může dělat problémy při měření a klasifikaci u dětí a ovlivnění výsledků VDBP problematizuje používání imunochemických metod u dialyzovaných pacientů., Objective: Actualization of statement in 25-hydroxyvitamin D measurement. Method: Information from websites and other documents of international vitamin D standardization program VDSP and from recent publications deals with 25-hydroxyvitamin D measurements in human serum Results:After 1 year we can see that effect of international standardization program VDSP is negligible both in precision and bias values. Significantly higher problems with analytical quality show immunochemical methods than separate measurements. Standardization process VDSP continues in 2015-2016 by study of the commutability experiments.Their target is to create highly commutable control materials for CAP and DEQAS programs, assured reliable verification of standardization level in routine and research clinical laboratories. Many recent publications are devoted to assessment of components, negatively influenced the results of 25-hydroxyvitamin D measurements in serum samples. Objects of interest are namely 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and its level of cross immunoreaction, influence on bias level by 24, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D content, problems with 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3, and also with vitamin D bound protein (VDSP). These influences, resulted to elevated bias values are much more frequented in immunochemical methods than in separate methods and are in different immunochemical methods very different. Discussion: Risk of increased bias values namely in immunochemical methods can decreased reliability of classification of deficiency by vitamin D in individual patients. It also can be the source of problems in analysis of children due to high concentration of 3-epi-25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and in analysis of dialyzed patients due to problems with VDBP., Friedecký B., Vávrová J., and Literatura