Co je dobré umět, chcete-li obstát v polárních krajích? Půdní vířníky nic nepřekvapí. Odpovědí na extrémní podmínky jsou anhydrobióza či partenogeneze., What is good to know if you want to survive in a polar region? Anhydrobiosis and/or parthenogenesis improve the ability of hydrobionts to adapt to extremes., and Miloslav Devetter.
Českou verzi knihy vyhlásil časopis „Dějiny a Současnost“ v roce 2013 jako nejlepší českojazyčnou historickou práci roku. Využití konceptů moderních západoevropských sociálních a kulturních dějin na české matérii se nakonec ukázalo i jako velmi atraktivní pro mezinárodní vědeckou obec, o čemž svědčí v dubnu 2016 publikovaný překlad rozšířeného a dopracovaného textu anglo-americkým nakladatelským domem Berghahn Books., The book by the historian Rudolf Kučera, a permanent researcher at the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, contributes to our understanding of the working-class life in central Europe during World War I. Far from the battlefront, hundreds of thousands of workers toiled in Bohemian factories over the course of World War I, and their lives were inescapably shaped by the conflict. In particular, they faced new and dramatic forms of material hardship that strained social ties and placed in sharp relief the most mundane aspects of daily life, such as when, what, and with whom to eat. This study reconstructs the experience of the Bohemian working class during the Great War through explorations of four basic spheres - food, labor, gender, and protest - that comprise a fascinating case study in early twentieth-century social history., and Rudolf Kučera.
dle vidění ctihodné Anny Kateřiny Emmerichové napsal Klement Brentano ; z jazyka německého přeložil Matěj Fencl, Bibliofilie, Sáňka 401, Zdobený tit. list, and Converted from MODS 3.5 to DC version 1.8 (EE patch 2015/06/25)
Marian devotion has represented until today crucial aspect of Christian, especially Catholic, spirituality. Its extraordinary flourishing took plače in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when Pietas Mariana became an imprescindible component of Baroque religiousness. The vigour of Baroque Marian devotion brought about not only the veneration of statues and pictures, but also the reintroduction of pilgrimages and the building of Marian pilgrimage sites throughout the land. One of the most influential Catholic orders that contributed in an important degree to development and spreading of Marian devotion was the Society of Jesus. Aside of their educational and pastora! activities, the Jesuits served as custodians of important Marian pilgrimage sites, as was also the case of the residence in Golčův Jeníkov, where they remained in the years 1657-1773. Throughout this time, they constructed Marian pilgrimage site of regional importance where religious brotherhood had been established and where Loretan devotion had been spread. The everyday life of the residence brought about many activities, among them the organization of festivals along the lines of Baroque ostentatiousness and regular radius of pilgrimages.