Visfatin was originally described as an adipokine with insulin mimetic effects. Recently, it was found that visfatin is identical with the Nampt (nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase) gene that codes for an intra- and extracellular NAD biosynthetic enzyme and is predominantly expressed outside the adipose tissue. In the current study, we found strong protein and mRNA expression of visfatin in rat heart, liver, kidney, and muscle, while the expression of visfatin in visceral fat was significantly lower and undetectable in subcutaneous fat. The insulin-mimetic effects of visfatin (extracellular form of Nampt or eNampt) are controversial and even less is known about autocrine effects of visfatin (intracellular form of Nampt or iNampt). Since liver plays a major role in glucose metabolism, we studied visfatin effects on insulin-stimulated cellular glucose uptake in Fao rat hepatocytes using RNA interference (RNAi). RNAi-mediated downregulation of visfatin expression in Fao cells was associated with significantly reduced NAD biosynthesis (0.3±0.01 vs. 0.5±0.01 mmol/h/g, P<0.05) and with significantly decreased incremental glucose uptake after stimulation with insulin when compared to controls with normal expression of visfatin (0.6±0.2 vs. 2.2±0.5 nnmol/g/2 h, P=0.02). These results provide evidence that visfatin exhibits important autocrine effects on sensitivity of liver cells to insulin action possibly through its effects on NAD biosynthesis., V. Škop ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Autoimunitní encefalitidy jsou akutní či subakutní monofázická nebo progresivní zánětlivá onemocnění CNS podmíněná autoimunitními mechanizmy (působením patogenních autoprotilátek nebo autoagresivních efektorových buněk). Mezi autoimunitní encefalitidy lze řadit klasické paraneoplastické syndromy s postižením CNS, limbické encefalitidy, anti‑NMDAR encefalitidu, Morvanův syndrom, Rasmussenovu encefalitidu, onemocnění z okruhu Stiff‑Person Syndromu včetně progresivní encefalomyelitidy s rigiditou a myoklonem, akutní autoimunitně podmíněné extrapyramidové poruchy hybnosti, encephalitis lethargica, neurologické syndromy se zvýšenou senzitivitou vůči glutenu a další. V posledních letech prodělala tato oblast neuroimunologie prudký rozvoj. Byly popsány nové syndromy, upřesněny klinické projevy a etiopatogenetické mechanizmy některých již známých chorob a identifikována řada nových typů protilátek. Tato minimonografie si klade za cíl podat ucelený přehled současných znalostí v oblasti autoimunitních encefalitid a umožnit tak klinikům snazší orientaci v této oblasti neurologie., Autoimmune encephalitis is a term used to describe a group of acute or subacute monophasic or progressive inflammatory CNS disorders with autoimmune pathogenesis (i.e. induced by pathogenic autoantibodies or autoreactive effector cells). This group includes such diverse conditions as paraneoplastic CNS syndromes, limbic encephalitis, anti-NMDAR encephalitis, Morvan’s syndrome, Rasmussen encephalitis, stiff-person syndrome spectrum disorders including progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus, autoimmune movement disorders, encephalitis lethargica, neurological syndromes with increased sensitivity to gluten, etc. This area of neuroimmunology has evolved dynamically during the past 10 years. Many new syndromes have been described, understanding of pathogenesis of the already known syndromes has improved and new antibodies were identified. This review aims to provide an overview of current knowledge in the field of autoimmune encephalitis in order to help clinicians navigate the rough waters of this exciting area of neurology. Key words: autoimmune diseases – autoantibodies – encephalitis – paraneoplastic syndromes –limbic encephalitis – anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis – epilepsy The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study. The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers., Vědomostní test, and D. Krýsl, M. Elišák
Autoimunitní forma pankreatitidy patří mezi specifickou formu onemocnění slinivky břišní s významným podílem autoimunitní složky v etiopatogenezi. V současné době existují 2 formy onemocnění, které jsou definované klinicky i histomorfologicky a jsou laboratorně popsány. Přes řadu společných rysů histomorfologických se obě formy zásadně odlišují přítomností tzv. endoteliálních granulárních lézí (GEL) u typu 2, resp. absencí GEL u typu 1. Abundantní přítomnost gamaglobulinu a imunoglobulinu G4 charakterizuje 1. formu nemoci, podobně jako častá přítomnost IgG4 pozitivních extrapankreatických lézí. Subtyp 2 bývá typicky spojen s nálezem idiopatických střevních zánětů, především ulcerózní kolitidy. Oba typy autoimunitní pankreatitidy se vyznačují rychlou odpovědí na terapii steroidy. Vzhledem k různým diagnostickým kritériím autoimunitní formy pankreatitidy byl v roce 2011 zveřejněn diagnostický konsenzus sjednocující stávající kritéria a vycházející z klinických symptomů, biochemických nálezů, nálezů při použití zobrazovacích metod, histomorfologie žlázy a pozitivní odezvy na podání steroidů. Stálým problémem zůstává včasná diferenciální diagnostika mezi fokální formou autoimunitní pankreatitidy a karcinomem hlavy pankreatu. MRI/CT, MRCP a v Japonsku ERCP, s cílenou biopsií žlázy pod EUS kontrolou, jsou doporučeny jako metody volby., The autoimmune type of pancreatitis represents the specific disease of pancreas, with significant contribution of autoimmune processes in its etiopathogenesis. Currently, there are two proved subtypes of this particular pancreatopathy, which are defined clinically, histomorphologically and serologically. They have many histomorphological signs in common, but differ in the presence of so-called granulocytic epithelial lesions (GEL), which are absent in subtype 1. The subtype 1 is characterized by the presence of gammaglobulines, esp. immunoglobuline G4 and IgG4 positive extrapancreatic lesions. The subtype 2 is typically associated with the inflammatory bowel diseases, esp. ulcerative colitis. But the common characteristic of both subtypes is the fact response to applied steroid treatment. Due to diverse diagnostic criteria in the past, in 2011 the consensus for the diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis was announced. It is based on clinical symptoms, biochemical results, the results got by using of imaging methods, histomorphology and positive response to steroid treatment. The matter to be solved is the question of early differential diagnosis between focal autoimmune pancreatitis and adenocarcinoma of pancreatic head. From imaging methods are MRI/CT, MRCP (in Asia ERCP), EUS with targeted biopsy of the gland (under EUS control), are recommended as the methods of choice., and Petr Dítě, Ivo Novotný, Bohuslav Kianička, Martin Rydlo, Hana Nechutová, Arnošt Martínek, Magdalena Uvírová, Martina Bojková, Jana Dvořáčková
The astrogeodetic method of detailed geoid determination need astronomical observations of longitude and latitude. Together with GPS observations it may be used to vertical deflections determination. In the article the portable system for automatic determination of astrogeodetic vertical deflection components developed at AGH University of Science and Technology is described. The design, main error sources, and preliminary results of the test measurements are presented., Jacek Kudrys., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The known vertical deflection values can be utilised to increase geoid’s accuracy. One of the methods of vertical deflection components (ξ, η) determination is to compare astronomic and geodetic coordinates. Presently it is easy possible to obtain geodetic coordinates with high accuracy from GPS observation. In the article the methods of astronomical CCD observation with aid of two different optical systems are discussed. Project realisation is in preliminary stage and there are no results available yet., Jacek Kudrys., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Automobily na vodíkový pohon ponúkajú mnoho výhod v porovnaní s automobilom s tradičným spal'ovacím motorom. Ekologicky čistá a tichá prevádzka spojená s vysokou účinnosťou vodíkového palivového článku (VPČ) z nich robí atraktívnych kandidátov na automobily budúcnosti. V tomto článku stručne rozoberám históriu a vývoj VPČ, jeho dizajn ako aj problémy, ktoré je nutné odstranit aby mohla byť táto technológia uvedená v masovom rozsahu do praxe., Fuel cell (FC) cars offer many advantages when compared to cars with combustion engines. Ecologically clean, noise-free and their high fuel efficiency makes fuel cell powered cars attractive candidates for future automobiles. In this paper I briefly discuss the history, development and design of the FC as well as the problems still plaguing this technology and preventing its deployment on the mass scale., Vladimír Komanický., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Let R be a prime ring of characteristic different from 2, Qr its right Martindale quotient ring and C its extended centroid. Suppose that F, G are generalized skew derivations of R with the same associated automorphism α, and p(x1, ..., xn) is a non-central polynomial over C such that \left[ {F(x),\alpha (y)} \right] = G(\left[ {x,y} \right]). for all x,y\in \left \{ p\left ( r_{1},...,r_{n} \right ):r_{1},...,r_{n}\in R\right \}. The there exist \lambda \in C such that F(x) = G(x) = λα(x) for all X\in R., Vincenzo De Filippis., and Obsahuje seznam literatury