The article aims to analyse the consequences that interrupting labour market participation for the purpose of childcare has on the careers of Czech women. The analysis is conducted in two steps. In the first step the author examines patterns of employment breaks for childcare between different groups of women, in particular between women who had their children before and those who had them after the fall of the socialist regime. In the second step, the author explores how Czech women perceive the consequences of these career breaks and what socio-economic factors affect the perceptions of women. The analyses are based on the ESS data from 2004. The outcome of the analyses suggests that women who had at least one child after 1989 are more likely to interrupt their career for longer periods of time than women who gave birth before 1989. At the same time, these women report that employment breaks had more negative consequences on their career compared to women who had children before the fall of the socialist regime., Marie Valentová., 3 tabublky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
Some free-living amoebae are a potential threat to human health. The best known species are those of the genus Acanthamoeba Volkonsky, 1931, which cause Acanthamoeba keratitis, granulomatous amoebic encephalitis and other forms of tissue inflammation. The aim of the present study was to search for potential pathogenic genotypes of free-living amoeba in the sand in children's playgrounds. Our results confirmed that free-living amoebae were present in all examined playgrounds. Sequences of the 18S rDNA have shown that all isolated potentially pathogenic strains of amoebae belong to genotype T4 of Acanthamoeba. The potential pathogenicity of isolates was confirmed on mice. The presence of pathogenic amoebae in the examined sand may be a potential source of human infection., Marcin Cholewiński, Piotr Solarczyk, Monika Derda, Agnieszka Wojtkowiak-Giera, Edward Hadaś., and Obsahuje bibliografii
An examination of a sample of European eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.), collected from Lake Bracciano near Rome in 1993, the only known European locality with the occurrence of the introduced swimbladder nematode Anguillicola novaezelandiae Moravec et Taraschewski, 1988, revealed for the first time the presence of two Anguillicola species, A. novaezelandiae and A. crassus. In view of the investigations carried out by current authors in Bracciano Lake in the years 1982-1992, it is apparent that the latter species has been introduced into the lake quite recently, where it quickly became a dominant species. The development of A. novaezelandiae was experimentally studied in the copepod intermediate host, Cyclops strenuus, for the first time. The copepods were infected with nematode second-stage larvae at 21-22°C; fully developed infective third-stage larvae were obtained 13 days p.i. The general morphology of individual larval stages of A. novaezelandiae was similar to that of larvae of the related species Λ. crassus.
The fault displacement monitoring network EU-TecNet was established to define microdisplacements across faults in the territory of Central Europe ( using three-dimensional optical-mechanical extensometers. The results of long-term neotectonic activity obtained from two caves localized in the eastern part of the Slovenský kras Mts. (SE Slovakia) show generally NE-SW oriented dilatation. This orientation is in a good accordance with the orogen-parallel extension monitored in the Western Carpathians. Differing short-lasting trends were distinguished in 2011-2012 and 2013-2015, which supports the significance of the tectonic pulse at the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013. Moreover, simultaneous short-lasting faulting occurred at both sites under the transtensional tectonic regime, where the principal maximum compressional axis operated in a NW-SE direction (σ1). The observed results were compared to data from monitoring points in distant areas of the European plate. and Briestenský Miloš, Hochmuth Zdenko, Littva Juraj, Hók Jozef, Dobrovič Roman, Stemberk Josef, Petro Ľubomír, Bella Pavel.
Cíl studie: Hlavním cílem studie bylo srovnat výsledky stanovení presepsinu s výsledky rutinně používané metody ke stanovení prokalcitoninu (PCT) u pacientů v septickém stavu, na jednotlivých kazuistikách pak popsat diagnostický a prognostic - ký význam presepsinu vedle PCT a jejich případné shodné či odlišné vlastnosti. Materiál a metody: Ze skupiny 70 pacientů, kteří se v daném období léčili ve FN Brno s diagnózou sepse, bylo vybráno 31 jedinců, u kterých byl delší dobu monitorován prokalcitonin a CRP. U těchto pacientů jsme stanovili presepsin. Při vyhod - nocení studie byla srovnávána skupina pacientů, kteří sepsi přežili (23 pacientů), se skupinou zemřelých (8 pacientů). Čtyři kazuistiky byly popsány detailně. K analýze presepsinu byla využita chemiluminiscenční enzymoimunoanalytická metoda na analyzátoru PATHFAST od firmy Mitsubishi Chemical. Výsledky: U vybraného souboru byly srovnány koncentrace presepsinu, prokalcitoninu a CRP mezi skupinou přeživších pacientů a těch, kteří zemřeli. K hodnocení výsledků byly použity koncentrace presepsinu, PCT a CRP při příjmu či v době stanovení diagnózy sepse, při ukončení monitorování sepse a v době dosažení maximálních hodnot sledovaných parame - trů. Statisticky významný rozdíl mezi skupinou zemřelých a uzdravených byl zaznamenán u parametrů získaných při příjmu a v době ukončení monitorování sepse, a to jak u presepsinu (P=0,023 resp. P=0,002), tak u prokalcitoninu (P=0,021 resp. P=0,0003). Na vybraných kazuistikách je vidět, že při špatné prognóze zůstává presepsin na rozdíl od prokalcitoninu vyso - ký. Závěr: Presepsin je podobně jako PCT vhodný marker pro diagnostiku, monitorování i prognózu sepse. Dle našich výsledků potvrzených nejnovějšími literárními údaji se dokonce jeví jako lepší prognostický marker než prokalcitonin, Objective: To compare the results of presepsin determination with the results of the routinely used method of procalcitonin (PCT) determination on patients with sepsis. We use individual casuistries to describe the diagnostic significance of prese - psin compared with PCT and their identical and different properties. Material and Methods: From the original cohort of patients treated for sepsis in University Hospital Brno, 31 individuals with long-term monitoring of procalcitonin and CRP sepsis markers were selected, and measured simultaneously for presepsin. The patients were further divided into two groups - 23 survivors and 8 non-survivors. Four casuistries are described in detail.Analysis of presepsin was carried out using chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay on the fully automated POCT instrument PATHFAST from Mitsubishi Chemical. Results: The concentration of presepsin and PCT was compared between survivors and non-survivors. The evaluation of the results was based on samples from the first day after admission or development of sepsis, the day when the para - meters reached the maximum value, and the date when monitoring of the septic condition was terminated (termination of hospitalization, exitus). A statistically significant difference between both groups was found at admission and at the end of sepsis monitoring for both presepsin (P=0.023 resp. P=0.002) and PCT (P=0.021 resp. P=0.0003). The given casuistries demonstrate that presepsin stays high in cases with a bad prognosis when compared to PCT. Conclusions: Like PCT, presepsin is a suitable marker for diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of sepsis. Our results and findings in the latest literature even indicate that presepsin is superior to procalcitonin as a prognostic marker of sepsis., Beňovská M., Bučková D., Petříková D., Stašek J., Gottwaldová J., and Literatura
Plastination is a preservation method for biological specimens, with important advantages over classic conservation techniques with formaldehyde or alcohol. Plastinated specimens are dry, odourless, and free of carcinogenic and toxic solutions. There are only few references about the plastination of parasites. Moreover, there is no information on the effect of plastination on the morphology and morphometry of these animals. The aim of this study was to define a plastination protocol to preserve various species of parasites, namely the nematodes Parascaris equorum (Goeze, 1782); Ascaris suum Goeze, 1782 and Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856); the acanthecephalan Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (Pallas, 1781); the trematodes Fasciola hepatica Linnaeus, 1758 and Dicrocoelium dendriticum (Rudolphi, 1819) and the tapeworm Taenia sp. in the best morphological and morphometric conditions. Results showed that some individuals suffered collapse (P. equorum, A. suum, and D. dendriticum). However, other parasites presented good results with almost no change after plastination (D. immitis, M. hirudinaceus and F. hepatica). In conclusion, conventional plastination allowed anatomical preservation of all helminths tested, but modifications to the protocol are needed to prevent collapse., Moisés Gonzálvez, Juana Ortiz, María Navarro, Rafael Latorre., and Obsahuje bibliografii
On the occasion of the Optics and Optoelectronics 2007 Congress (16-19 April 2007) Professor Theodor Hänsch, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics in 2005, visited the PALS laboratory (see A decade of PALS) and received De Scientia et Humanitate Optime Meritis Medal. The founder of laser spectrometry and laser frequency comb techniques, which could lead to a detection of gravitational waves as well as holographic television, have been working on laser atomic clock as well as a laser spectrometry of hydrogen atom during last decade. and Lenka Kovaříková.
Studie je věnována zkoumání přesnosti regionálních stereotypů založenému na porovnání stereotypních charakteristik s vlastnostmi reálných lidí. Vztahovým rámcem pro oba druhy posuzování je pětifaktorový model (PFM) obsahující pět obecných dimenzí osobnosti. 945 vysokoškolských studentů z různých částí ČR posuzovalo typického Čecha, Moravana, Slezana a sebe sama na škálách National Character Survey (NCS) obsahujících 30 dílčích vlastností z pětifaktorového modelu osobnosti. Stereotypní a reálné profily osobnostních vlastností byly porovnávány pomocí vnitrotřídních korelací (ICC). Hlavním cílem studie je stanovení míry shody mezi profilem stereotypních vlastností a profilem osobnostních vlastností reálných lidí žijících na území Čech, Moravy a Slezska. Regionální stereotypy byly porovnány také s profily národních stereotypů pěti středoevropských zemí s cílem přispět do diskuse o faktorech a mechanismech podílejících se na vzniku a šíření stereotypů. Výsledky analýz ukázaly, že posuzovatelé pocházející z různých částí ČR se v percepci regionálních stereotypů shodují. Regionální stereotypy jsou nepřesné, neboť nekorespondují s posouzením reálných lidí žijících v těchto regionech. Profily stereotypních vlastností Čecha, Moravana a Slezana se neshodují. Stereotyp Moravana se vymezuje vůči stereotypu Čecha a dochází k zrcadlení osobnostních vlastností. V některých charakteristikách, v nichž je typickému Moravanovi přisuzována vysoká míra dané vlastnosti, má typický Čech nízkou míru této vlastnosti a naopak. Ze srovnání regionálních a národních stereotypů vyplývá, že na jejich vytváření může mít vliv ekonomická prosperita a bohatství nebo geografická blízkost regionů/národů., Objectives. The research deals with accuracy and consistency of regional stereotypes (a typical Bohemian, Moravian, Czech Silesian). The five-factor model of personality was used as a framework for ratings of regional stereotypes and self-reports. Subjects and setting. Altogether, 945 university students (79 % women) rated personality characteristics of a typical inhabitant of three regions in the Czech Republic as well as their personality characteristics on National Character Survey (NCS). In addition 186 social scientists provided self-reports on NCS. On NCS 2.241 university students form Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Slovakia rated national auto- and heterostereotypes. Hypothesis. When the same method for assessing stereotypical and real people traits is used, stereotypes are moderately related with personality traits of real people. Statistical analysis. Profile agreement was calculated as an intraclass correlation (ICC) across the 30 NCS facets, using the double-entry method. Results. In consistency of regional stereotypes,high agreement in ratings of a typical Moravian and Bohemian, and average agreement for rating typical Silesian were found. The comparison of regional stereotypes with self-reports of real people from the corresponding region revealed no convergence. Personality traits of a typical Bohemian, Moravian and Silesian bore no resemblance. Concerning formation of regional stereotypes, we found mirroring or polarization of stereotypical traits in stereotypical profiles of typical Moravian and Bohemian. In several traits, a typical Moravian mirrors personality traits of a typical Bohemian. Regional stereotypes correspond with national stereotypes of neighboring countries. Economical prosperity or wealth and geographical closeness of regions/nations thus could play a role in stereotype formation and sharing. Study limitations. The present study was based on com, Martina Hřebíčková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury