The Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences in the cooperation with the Faculty of Humanities. University of Zilina in Slovakia held its World Congress Meeting on the topic SVU and its Role in the Era of Globalisation: Transatlantic Collaboration, Innovation and Preservation. The SVU Congress, from July 1 to July 6. 2012, brought together scholars. scientists, artists, writers, students and others from throughout the world, who have a professional interest in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, their history, peoples, cultural and intellectual contributions. and Marina Hužvárová.
The article focuses on the problem of denominationally mixed marriages in the Helvetian Church in Bohemia and Moravia at the turn of the nineteenth and the twenti eth century. The problem is studied, on the one hand, for the whole Church on the basis of yearly reports of official performances for the years 1900-1914, and on the other for the Protestant parish Velim on the basis of the register of marriages for the years 1891-1914. Besides the share of denominationally mixed couples the article also pays attention to the numerical development of the Choir in Velim in the general context of development of the Helvetian church as such., Markéta Pražáková Seligová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of the article is to characterise for the first time ever the role of book culture in building the confessionality of post-Hussite society and subsequent generations. For such an extensive research goal, it was necessary to choose a broad interdisciplinary approach, making it possible to place social phenomena previously assessed in isolation into the context of the day. The individual passages of the article are therefore devoted to editorial models, to the archaeology of the printed text and the basics of reading, to the history of illustration and book printing, to language and bookbinding. It has been confirmed that book culture - created by the reception of manuscript and printed products - can be understood as a faithful mirror of a religiously pluralistic society. However, where modern historiography ends with the research of confessionality, the study of book culture may begin to reveal the much more general mechanisms of the individual and social mentality in which the religious-political process took place. The mentality of the readers (burghers and partly the lesser aristocracy) for whom the copied and printed books were intended, was negatively impacted by the remnants of Hussitism and by contemporary Utraquism, which coexisted in a dualistic symbiosis with minority Catholicism. These influences, which at the time were commonly referred to as “renaissance”, bound readers to the Middle Ages. The more massive growth of their intellectual potential was made possible only by the cultural restart brought about by the change in the political situation after the Schmalkaldic War of 1547, which met with a somewhat negative response in both earlier and modern historiography. However, through the study of book culture, we are becoming convinced that the bourgeoisie began to compensate for the privileges which the monarch had deprived them of through various forms of self-education and self-presentation, by means of which it revived itself from these medieval residuals and at the same time competed with the aristocracy., Petr Voit., Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy, and Jan Pulkrábek [překladatel]
Drawing on literary paratexts such as prologues, reviews and letters, this study seeks answers to the question of Meissner’s role in the German-language canon, or rather why his literary legacy has endured for so long. First, Meissner’s personal contacts in the world of literature from a social-historical perspective is considered. This reveals that the repeated criticism of Meissner’s texts, which despite their popularity were to a large extent at odds with the taste of the time, cast him in a bad light. Selected relevant texts will be placed in their discursive context and Meissner’s writings within the parameters of 18th century literary practice examined., Sarah Seidel., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Podle recenzenta je publikace zřetelnou známkou snahy současné české afrikanistiky o navázání na dřívější úspěšnou tradici, částečně přerušenou v devadesátých letech. Autor v ní poskytuje základní terminologický a metodologický vhled do dané problematiky, podává shrnující přehled historie afrického kontinentu od dekolonizace po současnost a nakonec analyzuje příčiny a souvislosti konfliktů v postkoloniální Africe. Obecnější výklady přitom kombinuje s případovými studiemi, v nichž se zaměřuje hlavně na oblasti Súdánu, Etiopie, Eritreje a Somálska, takzvaný region Velkých jezer (Rwanda a Burundi), Demokratickou republiku Kongo (dřívější Zair) a západní Afriku. Celá práce je založena především na zahraniční literatuře a vlastních terénních výzkumech. and [autor recenze] Jan Dvořáček.