On 28th February 2010 at 22:24:46 UT a bright bolide lit up the night sky over Central Europe. Despite the late hour many people were watching the Olympics ice hockey finals on TV and witnessed this astonishing celestial spectacle. The glare of the bolide illuminated streets and the interior of apartments, and in some parts of Eastern Slovakia a cannon-like burst or series of low frequency blasts were heard. Trajectory specialists calculated the impact area to be near the town of Kosice in Eastern Slovakia. The first meteorite was discovered by Juraj Tóth on 20th March 2010. Preliminary analysis reveals that the recovered meteorite is classified as an ordinary HS chondrite. Ongoing data analysis will reveal also other parameters of this bolide such as the meteorite atmospheric velocity, pre-atmospheric mass and initial orbit in the Solar System., Ján Svoreň, Juraj Tóth., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The International Workshopo on Astronomical X-Ray Optics took place in Prague during the second week of December 2010. Its goal was to present and discuss recent and forthcoming technologies for future X-ray astronomy missions, with an emphasis on IXO of ESA/NASA/JAXA. These missions require development mostly of innovative technologies, and invited speakers discussed the possibilities, results obtained so far, and new ideas in detail. It is ovious that the requirements of future large space X-ray astronomy missions are so demanding that they need a truly interdisciplinary approach through wide international collaboration. The technologies will include X-ray optics based on Si wafers, advanced glass forming for precise X-ray optics, but also other possible technologies, as well as related advanced metrology, measurements and tests. and Jana Poledniková.
Smoking becames the important and relevant health and social problem in the Czech republic as well as in the world. Tobacco together with alcohol is the first habit forming substance, which the child contacts or which somebody offers to him. The aim of the research is to map the situation of using of legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, by the children in the basic schools of the region of South Bohemia. The pupils of the 4th- 9 th classes of basic schools of region of South Bohemia of age 10 – 16 years present the basic group. The methods of questionning, technique questionnaire was used for the primary colection of data. More than the tenth of children - 12 % are the regular smokers – they smoke every day. Regular strong smokers, who smoke regularly more than 10 cigarettes a day, present more then 3 %. The most often beginning of the regular (daily) smoking is about 12 and 13 years. Only 16 % adolescents have never drunk the alcohol, less than half of them did not drink it in the last month. Only 57 % of respondents have never been drunken. The biggest popularity of beverages among the teen-agers has traditionally the beer followed wine and then destillates. The biggest experiences with alcohol had got the questionned people until 10 years of age., Tento článek seznamuje čtenáře s výsledky výzkumu, který byl provedený jako školní studie zahrnující populaci nižší věkové kategorie než u dosud provedených školních studií v ČR, a snaží se díky tomu lépe zachytit nástup užívání a zneužívání legálních návykových látek, tabáku a alkoholu. Cílem výzkumu bylo zmapovat situaci v užívání legálních drog, tabáku a alkoholu, u dětí na základních školách Jihočeského kraje. Výzkum se zaměřuje jak na pravidelné uživatele těchto legálních drog, tak na reprezentativní vzorek mladých lidí, kteří jsou potenciálně (a pochopitelně i reálně) ohrožených legálními drogami., Markéta Kastnerová., and Seznam literatury