The author analyses the organization of selected nursery schools and their interactive patterns with the assistance of ethnological concept of rituals of transition. Two types of nursery schools were chosen for this purpose - the alternative model of initial schooling represented by approach of Maria Montessori and the common public nursery school. The author describes the Montessori-preschool as a place of sacral ritual practices which correspond to transitional schema of A. van Gennep and V. Turner. The common public nursery school can be also understood as organization based on rituals of transition, but its rituals are symbolically reduced and meet more profane purposes. These propositions are demonstrated with the assistance of conceptual and field data (resulting from school ethnography). The significant symbolic divergence of transitional schéma in both organizations is in contrast to similar formative effects on children. The common implicit aim of these schemas seems to be the effective conformization of behavior, which Montessori calls “joyful obedience”.
Dieser Beitrag behandelt - auf Grunde einer soziolinguistischen Forschung - die Position der Muttersprache im sprachlichen und nationalen Bewusstsein der Bevölkerung einer national gemischten Region der Tschechischen Republik (konkret der Teschener und teilweise auch Ostrauer Region). - Man realisierte diese Forschung bei Tschechen und zwei Minderheiten - Slowaken und Polen. Es handelt sich um Ethnika, die vom Sprach-, Kultur- und Bildungsgesichtspunkt sich ähnlich sind und die durch viele ethnisch gemischten formalen und nonformalen Beziehungen miteinander verbunden sind (einschliesslich der hohen nationalen He-terogamie). Die laufenden ethnischen Prozesse spiegeln sich auch in der sprachlichen Sphäre ab - unter anderem entstehen Unterschiede zwischen Bewusstsein der nationalen Identität der Muttersprache und dem Bewusstsein der Angehörigkeit der Personen zur bestimmten Nation. (In dem mitteleuropäischen Milieu sind diese beiden Zeichen unter anderem als wichtige Ethnoidentifikationsfakloren wahrgenommen.)
Dieser Beitrag verfolgt die Intensität der Änderungen der Muttersprache und der nationalen Angehörigkeit bei den einzelnen Ethnika und die Unterschiede zwischen ihnen (öfter kann man dies bei den Minderheiten als bei der Mehrheitsgruppe beobachten). Weiterhin werden Ansichten verfolgt, welche Sprache als Muttersprache angenommen ist (es dominiert die Sprache der Eltern, weiterhin folgen die anderen Faktoren - die Sprache der Schulerziehung, die Sprache, in der man sich in der Umgebung verständigt ua.), man verfolgt die Intensität der Beziehung zur Muttersprache (ein grosser Teil der Respondenten betrachtet diese als sehr stark und bringt sie emotionell zur Geltung - als „Erbgut“ oder als „Kulturvermittler“). Weiterhin handelt es sich auch um die Position der Muttersprache in den Lebenswertkategorien. (Jede Veränderung der Muttersprache wird unter grösseren Vorbehalten als die Änderung der nationalen Angehörigkeit aufgenommen.) Auch in den Bedingungen der national gemischten Gesellschaft gilt die Muttersprache als wichtiger Faktor des national- und sprachlichen Bewusstseins. - Diese Änderung der Muttersprache begleitet aber nur selten eine Änderung der nationalen Identität. Der Beitrag gelangt zu der Schlussfolgerung, dass für das Bewusstsein der Identität mit einer Nation (in dem Sprach- und Kulturkontext der Tschechischen Republik) bei der Beurteilung der Priorität zwischen der Muttersprache und dem nationalen Bewusstsein, handelt es sich um die Priorität des Zweiteren.
The Czech Republic is chosen by Ukrainian transnational mothers as a destination for their economic migration, mainly because it is possible, due to the geographical distance, to conduct a circulation migration between the two countries. The life “here” and “there” and the mobility of female labor migration gives, on the one hand, Ukrainian mothers the possibility of coordinating productive and reproductive work but, on the other hand, they are “trapped” in the net of unskilled work, and it is hard for them to get a stable job position. I analyze how gender operates in transnational spaces, and what impacts it has on the experience of motherhood. I describe how transnational Ukrainian mothers narratively construct and emphasize their experiences with transnational motherhood., Petra Ezzeddine., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A structural look at the employment of women with young children shows that this group is marginalized in the labour market when it is unable or only with difficulty is able to find employment in the labour market, as the current labour market revolves around the principle of independent, fully flexible individuals unencumbered by any obligations outside work. What significance in their lives do these women ascribe to being mothers and what significance do they assign to work? How does the perception of the relationship between work and family influence how they define for themselves the combination of these two spheres of life? How does this group of women see their opportunities for finding work in the labour market? Answers to these questions were sought from an analysis of 29 semi-structured interviews carried out in 2006 with women on parental leave or women just returning to work from leave, who had taken a requalification course. Their view is the view from “below”, which is a legitimate one, but given that it mainly relates to their own experiences or the experiences of others in their social surroundings there may be limitations to it. The potential limitations in this view are pointed out in the article’s conclusion., Hana Maříková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Matematicko-fyzikální fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze slaví v roce 2012 šedesáté výročí svho vzniku (formálně vznikla oddělením od Přírodovědecké fakulty ke dni 1. září 1952). Při této příležitosti je organizováno množství akcí pro veřejnost. Mezi nejoriginálnější a nejzdařilejší bude jistě možné zařadit FilmFest. Tento soutěžní festival filmů o matematice, fyzice a informatice (MF) získal neobvykle velký ohlas především mezi studenty středních škol. and Jan Valenta.
The aim of this work is to present the efficacy of a previously introduced computational procedure, developed for evaluation of vascular responsiveness. On this reason, as an example a common study of noradrenaline (NA) effect on a rat renal artery under in vitro conditions was arbitrarily selected. The response of the arterial segment to NA doses (0.1-10 μg) was digitally recorded on a PC and employed to develop mathematical model of NA effect. Using the model, the following NA effect variables were determined: the vessel sensitivity parameter, mean effect time and rate constant, respectively, characterizing the effect intensity, duration, and regression and also classic response variables: the maximal effect and time of the maximal effect. The two-way analysis of variance followed by Bonferroni’s test revealed a significant influence of the increasing NA dose on the vessel sensitivity parameter and mean effect time. These findings indicated nonlinearity of processes underlying NA effect on the rat renal artery over the given range of NA doses. The procedure exemplified has the potential for use as an effective adjunct to routine studies of vascular responsiveness as it enables the extraction of meaningful information which cannot by obtained by common manual evaluation procedures., M. Ďurišová, L. Dedík, V. Kristová, R. Vojtko., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The biochemical model of excitation-contraction coupling in cardiomyocyte is presented and the validity of simulations of both physiological and pathological processes is discussed. The model of regulatory and actomyosin subsystems, even if it is rather simple in its regulatory subunit, gives results well consistent with experimental data. Specifically, intracellular free calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) were computed under various states of sarcoendoplasmic reticular Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA2) and compared to experimental findings. Computed results reproduced well both the increase in resting [Ca2+]i level and the attenuation of [Ca2+]i decline commonly observed in heart failure. Thus the computational simulations could help to identify core relations in studied systems by comparing results obtained using similar models of various complexities., M. Mlček, J. Neumann, O. Kittnar, V. Novák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effect of temperature in underground mines is related to the geothermal gradients of rocks overlying the mining excavation. This may exceed the standards of comfort for human beings to work in an underground environment thus causing thermal discomforts and associated risk. In order to evaluate the influence of high ventilation temperatures on mine workers a mathematical model has been developed based upon the concept of heat transfer from the rock mass to the air flow in the underground environment. This model has been validated in the Noves Corvo underground copper mine, Portugal., Vidal F. Navarro Torres, C. Dinis Da Gama and Raghu N. Singh., and Obsahuje bibliografii