In this present paper, attention is paid to the possibility of using the viscoelastic properties analysis carried out on the dynamic thermomechanical analyser as a method for identifying appropriate tool construction materials, which are suitable for selective mid spatial frequencies suppressing. For this purpose, a method of measuring the frequency dependencies of the elastic modules and the internal damping coefficient was proposed. Practical utilization of the obtained results was demonstrated on examples of tested samples, where the mechanism of their viscoelastic behaviour was analysed according to oscillation loading frequency. and V předkládaném článku je pozornost věnována možnosti využití analýzy viskoelastických vlastností materiálů prováděné na dynamickém termo-mechanickém analyzátoru, jakožto metody pro identifikaci vhodných konstrukčních materiálů nástrojů selektivně odstraňujících střední frekvence (MSF), které vznikají při subaperturním CNC opracování optických elementů. Za tímto účelem byla navržena metoda měření frekvenčních závislostí modulů pružnosti a činitele vnitřního tlumení. Praktické využití takto získaných výsledků bylo demonstrováno na příkladech testovaných vzorků, kdy byl analyzován mechanismus jejich viskoelastického chování v závislosti na frekvenci oscilačního zatěžování.
Portrét čínského fyzika, který získal v r. 2009 Nobelovu cenu za vynikající zásluhy o realizaci přenosu světla vlákny pro optické komunikace., Charles Kuen Kao ; přeložil Ivan Gregora., and Rubrika: Nobelova cena za fyziku
Th e essay follows a certain symmetry that is between the dissident organization Charter 77 (founded in Czechoslovakia in 1977) and the current Czech radical left. Th e essay works from the assumption that the defi nition of “systems” is more important than the nature of these “systems.” One way to understand the issue is to look at the relationship between Charter 77 and the Western radical left of its day, which provides the ideological antecedent of today’s Czech left. But in the contemporary political context, paradoxically, the position of the radical left is structurally moving away from that of the left that was a part of Charter 77 and is coming closer to that of the anti-communist constituents of Charter 77 and to the cultural underground that remained outside Charter 77. Evidence of the continuity between those tendencies can be seen in the police repression of recent years, which points to similarities in how the police view representatives of these diff erent “antisystemic” movements. But perhaps the most striking point of comparison between the dissidents and today’s left can be seen in their separation from majority society and in their ambition to forge something like that society’s moral conscience. Th is leads to a situation known in the Czechoslovak dissent of the 1970s and 1980s as the “dissident ghetto.” Th e notion of the self as a holder of knowledge of the true nature of things, which enables the self to preserve its moral integrity in relation to the “system,” appears to be of no less signifi cance to the present radical left than it was to Charter 77.
Opportunities and risks following current European elections and maintaining and improving the health of citizens in EU countries was a major theme of the EHFG annual conference in October in Gastein, Austria. The Ebola crisis in six African nations, with about 14,000 reported cases and 4,900 deaths, was another topic of discussion by the 600 leading experts in attendance. The World Health Organization states 4.7 million people could be infected and 1.2 million people could die from Ebola by June 2015. The crisis is not just an epidemic, it is a systemic failure of our global health care model, according to experts. Moreover, it is a failure on governance, international development assistance, but primarily on the failure to take immediate action. and Marina Hužvárová.