The paper deals with detecting of selected chemical substances, compounds and undesirable chemical compounds in the examined lubricants. Measurements were performed by spectrometer Nicolet 6700 FT-IR. Infrared spectroscopy is an optical non-destructive analytical method, which provides quick and comprehensive information about the condition of the lubricant. This method is used for determination of parameter changes in the oil. The oil contamination by other products can be detected by mentioned method. The infrared spectrometer uses two methods of measurement (transmission and reflective). The principle of the transmission method is the absorption of infrared radiation by the sample. During the transition the changes in rotation-vibrational energy states of the molecule occur in dependence on the molecule dipole moment variations. Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer is variable spectrometric system suitable for wide range of analytic applications. The analysis of absorption spectrum in the middle infrared part of the spectrum (from 7.800 cm-1 and 350 cm-1) is possible to realize by spectrophotometer Nicolet 6700. and Príspevok sa zaoberá zisťovaním prítomnosti vybraných chemických látok a zlúčenín v skúmaných mazivách a tiež prítomnosťou nežiaducich chemických zlúčením v mazive, ktoré sme zistili pomocou spektrometra Nicolet 6700 FT-IR. Infračervená spektroskopia je optická nedeštruktívna analytická metóda, ktorá poskytuje rýchle a komplexné informácie o stave použitého maziva a využíva sa na stanovenie zmien oleja, napr. pri olejoch pre plynové motory sa touto metódou stanovuje oxidácia, nitrácia a sulfanácia oleja. Touto metódou sa dá zistiť aj kontaminácia oleja iným olejom, alebo produktom, ale aj vodou. V infračervenom spektrometri sú používané dve techniky merania, a to transmisné a reflektančné (reflexné). Princípom transmisnej metódy je absorpcia infračerveného žiarenia pri prechode vzorkou, pri ktorej dochádza k zmenám rotačno-vibračných energetických stavov molekuly v závislosti na zmenách dipólového momentu molekuly. Nicolet 6700 FT-IR Spektrometer je variabilný spektrometrický systém vhodný pre najširšiu škálu analytických aplikácií. Nicolet 6700 je spektrofotometer pre strednú infračervenú oblasť a je určený pre meranie absorpčných spektier v MIR (stredný rozsah IČ, od 7 800 cm-1až do 350 cm-1).
The paper is aimed at the subject and spatial analyses of flood situations that occurred in Slovakia in the period 1996-2006. The subject analysis include analysis of flood situations frequency in communities of Slovakia, classification of flood situations into individual types, analysis of flood situations occurrence regarding the stream size, and a brief characteristics of the most important floods that occurred in Slovakia in the period 1996-2006. Spatial analysis is focused on: a) identification of pattern in spatial distribution of flood situations, b) explanation of spatial distribution of flood situations by means of regional variability of flood hazard in small basins of Slovakia. and Príspevok je zameraný na vecnú a priestorovú analýzu povodňových situácii, ktoré sa vyskytli v obciach Slovenska v období r. 1996-2006. Vecná analýza zahrňuje analýzu frekvencie výskytu povodňových situácií v obciach Slovenska, klasifikáciu povodňových situácií do typov, analýzu výskytu povodňových situácií vzhľadom na veľkosť vodného toku, ako aj stručnú charakteristiku najvýznamnejších povodňových situácií v období 1996-2006. Priestorová analýza je zameraná na: a) identifikovanie konfigurácie v priestorovom rozložení výskytu povodňových situácií, b) objasnenie priestorového rozloženia povodňových situácií prostredníctvom regionálnej variability povodňovej hrozby v malých povodiach Slovenska.
The article deals with relation identification of cutting time and morphology of tooled surface, expressed by surface roughness profile parameters - average roughness and creation of mathematical - statistical model of the investigated dependence.
Leaf canopy plays a determining role influencing source-sink relations as any change in source activity (photosynthesis) affects sink metabolism. Defoliation (removal of leaves) influences growth and photosynthetic capacity of plants, remobilizes carbon and nitrogen reserves and accelerates sink metabolism, leading to improved source-sink relations. The response of plants to defoliation could be used to manipulate source-sink relations by removing lower and senescing leaves to obtain greatest photosynthetic capacity and efficient carbon and nitrogen metabolism under optimal and stressful environments. The present work enhances our current understanding on the physiological responses of plants to defoliation and elaborates how defoliation influences growth, photosynthetic capacity and source-sink relations under optimal and changing environmental conditions., N. Iqbal, A. Masood, and N. A. Khan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Leaf anatomy and eco-physiology of Elymus repens, a temperate loess grassland species, were determined after seven years of exposure to 700 μmol (CO2) mol-1 (EC). EC treatment resulted in significant reduction of stomatal density on both surfaces of couch-grass leaves. Thickness of leaves and that of the sclerenchyma tissues between the vessels and the adaxial surfaces, the area of vascular bundle, and the volumes of phloem and tracheary increased at EC while abaxial epidermis and the sclerenchyma layer between the vessel and the abaxial surface were thicker at ambient CO2 concentration (AC). Stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were lower in EC, while net CO2 assimilation rate considerably increased at EC exposure. Contents of soluble sugars and starch were higher in EC-treated couch-grass leaves than in plants grown at AC. and A. I. Engloner ... [et al.].
In the three presented newspaper articles from 1920s, Soviet writer Andrei Platonov criticizes the exploitation of the earth and human alienation from nature in the context of the Russian famine of 1921–1922, pointing to solar energy as the basis for socialist development. Introduced by Monika Woźniak and translated by Thomas H. Campbell.
Andrej Hlinka, the Catholic priest and Slovak patriot, was a key Slovak politician of the first half of the 20th century. He was a founder of the Slovak People's Party. He was persecuted by the Hungarian authorities for his Slovak political activities. He was imprisoned for two years in 1906 and was also suspended from the priesthood by Sander Párvy, the bishop of Spiš. However, the canonical process in Rome cleared Hlinka from all accusations and Párvy had to restore him to his parish in Ružomberok after he left prison. In 1918 Hlinka became a member of the Slovak National Council and advocated the separation of Slovakia from Hungary and its unification with the Czech Lands. In the First Czechoslovak Republic he was permanently elected deputy to the House of Deputies of the Czechoslovak National Assembly. However, Hlinka was not satisfied with the centralist model of Czechoslovakia and advocated Slovak autonomy. He died in August 1938. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou