Mezi většinou opomíjené artefakty, běžně nacházené na pravěkých sídlištích, patří hliněná závaží. Jejich podrobná analýza přitom může přispět k řešení mnoha důležitých otázek, jakými jsou technologie výroby keramiky a textilu, zacházení s odpadem, depoziční a postdepoziční procesy apod. Soubor závaží, který umožňuje položení takových otázek, pochází ze sídliště z mladší doby bronzové, zkoumaném v l. 2005–2009 v jihočeské Březnici. Ve dvou specifických žlabovitých objektech byly odkryty dva hromadné nálezy několika desítek kusů závaží, které byly v předložené studii podrobeny detailní archeologické i archeobotanické tech, stejně jako položení otázky o způsobech a důvodech jejich hromadného uložení v zmíněných žlabech. and Clay weights rank among frequently neglected artefacts commonly found at prehistoric settlements. However, their detailed analysis could in fact contribute to the resolution of numerous important questions, including the production technology of pottery and textiles, the handling of waste, depositional and post-depositional processes and others. An assemblage of weights that allows such questions to be raised comes from the Late Bronze Age settlement investigated in south Bohemian Březnice in 2005–2009. Two mass finds of several dozen weights found in two specific trench-like features were subjected to a detailed archaeological and archaeobotanical analysis. These analyses make it possible to study the role and purpose of these artefacts in societies at the time and to ask questions concerning how and why their mass deposition was made in the aforementioned trenches.
In the paper, authors are concerned with a hydraulic behaviour of bridges at high water stages and especially with the so far almost unregarded case when bridge roadway is overflowing. There are mentioned their own solutions for the estimation of the backwater by the bridge besides assessment of the applicability of some used relations. These new solutions were derived on the basis of research on the physical model at hydraulic laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2001 and 2002. and Studie se zabývá hydraulickým chováním mostů při vysokých vodních stavech a zejména dosud téměř opomíjeným případem, kdy dochází k přelévání mostovky. Vedle posouzení aplikovatelnosti některých používaných vztahů jsou zde také uvedena vlastní řešení pro stanovení vzdutí mostem. Tato nová řešení byla odvozena na základě výzkumu na fyzikálním modelu prováděného v letech 2001 a 2002 v hydraulické laboratoři Fakulty stavební ČVUT v Praze.
In this article we solve the non-standard situation that arose after publishing our paper "Crustal deformations in the epicentral area of the West Bohemia 2008 earthquake swarm in central Europe" (Schenk et al., 2012). Horálek and Fischer wrote a statement regarding our publication, sent it to specialists interested in research in the West Bohemia swarm area, and questioned the reliability of the seismic data used in our work. Since the statement regarding the reliability of our work was not directly sent to us we are using this journal to return to professional discussion regarding our results. In this paper we review scientific arguments made in their statement and provide review of various studies on West Bohemia tectonics and related seismicity., Vladimír Schenk and Zdeňka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
For low-alloyed cast ferritic steel simultaneous effect of temperature and notch root radius on fracture toughness has been investigated. Due to fact that fracture tests were performed on notched specimens (cylindrical tensile specimens with circumferential notch having there notch root radii), the concept of Notch Fracture Mechanics was applied. Volumetric fracture criterion with two parameters, effective stress and effective distance, was developed. The goal of the work was to quantify the influence of notch radius on transition temperature and notch fracture toughness, and, in addition, to present jointly the role of both these parameters in fracture behaviour.
In the case of the studied cast steel with a low yield stress (375 MPa), effective distance is 3 to 4 times longer than the Creager's effective distance (half of notch radius). The transition region and temperatures are shifted to higher values when notch radius decreases. At temperature higher than a temperature called plateau temperature Tp dactile filure appears. The Tp temperature is sensitive to nothe radius being affected by stress triaxiality. It is possible to define a notch sensitivity compensated temperature T* = √ρ/ρc. In the transition regime, critical notch stress intensity factor varies linearly with T*. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Within the frame of the mass discretisation method has been designed the mathematical - physical model of the pseudoplanetary system of seven degrees of freedom for the analysis of the influence of the number of satellites and for free or elastic mounting of the sun wheel as a next phase of the solution of general differential system with branched - split power flow.