Studie Markéty Kratochvílové je věnována osobnosti hudebního skladatele a dirigenta Otakara Ostrčila, avšak zaměřuje se na jeho ediční činnost. Autorka se zde věnuje Ostrčilově participaci na kritickém vydávání děl Bedřicha Smetany, kterýžto projekt realizoval Zdeněk Nejedlý ve 20. a 30. letech 20. století. Prodanou nevěstou se Ostrčil zabýval od roku 1924 až do své smrti v roce 1935 a edicí se zabýval nejen jako standardní editor, ovšem velmi podrobně se vyjadřoval i k podobě hudební sazby a dalším parametrům edice., The present study familiarises the reader with the activity of the composer and conductor Otakar Ostrčil as a music editor and in particular his work on the critical edition of Bedřich Smetana’s opera Prodaná nevěsta (The Bartered Bride), which was realised as part of the first attempt at publishing a complete works edition of Smetana’s music between 1924 and 1936 under the leadership of Zdeněk Nejedlý. The study is based on correspondence exchanged between Ostrčil and Nejedlý and is placed in the context of efforts to publish Smetana’s works during the first decades of the twentieth century as well as the context of Ostrčil’s life and works., Markéta Kratochvílová., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 179-180, anglický abstrakt na s. 169.
Studie Roberta Škardy se zabývá tvorbou českých skladatelů, využívajících ve svých kompozicích polystylovost a koláž, stejně jako teoretickými aspekty takového typu děl a jejich reflexí v odborných časopisech., The topic of this study is the music of Czech composers based mainly on the juxtaposition of styles, stylizations of historical or jazz music, and the use of quotations in the years between 1960 and 2000. It deals with reconstruction of the meanings of the period musical terms polystylism and collage, and it maps out the use of these terms in the reception of this music at the time and in the compositional theory and practice of Czech musical culture during that forty-year period. The main sources for the analysis of terms were reviews, articles, and scholarly studies in music journals along with the contemporary statements of the composers themselves at the time and at the present. In that context, the study follows the leading representatives from among composers and critics, derives the meanings of the terms polystylism and collage, and places them in the context of Czech music of that period. As an example of a specific composition reflected upon in the context of polystylism and collage and exhibiting a number of elements typical of this compositional orientation, the study contains an analysis of the composition Útěk (The Flight) written by Arnošt Parsch in 1973., Robert Škarda., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 199, anglický abstrakt 169.
v nákresích dějepravných, životopisných a knihopisných líčí Hermenegild Jireček., S věnováním autora., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy.