The aim of the current study was to clarify the effect of high sucrose diet (HSD) on bile formation (BF) in rats with hereditary hypertriglyceridemia (HHTg). Potentially positive effects were studied for boldine, a natural choleretic agent. Administration of HSD to HHTg rats led to increased triglyceride deposition in the liver. HSD reduced BF as a consequence of decreased biliary secretion of bile acids (BA) and glutathione. Responsible mechanism was down-regulation of hepatic transporters for BA and glutathione, Bsep and Mrp2, respectively. Moreover, gene expressions of transporters for other constituents of bile, namely Abcg5/8 for cholesterol, Abcb4 for phospholipids, and Oatp1a4 for xenobiotics, were also reduced by HSD. Boldine partially attenuated cholestatic effect of HSD by promotion of biliary secretion of BA through up-regulation of Bsep and Ntcp, and by increase in biliary secretion of glutathione as a consequence of its increased hepatic disposition. This study demonstrates mechanisms of impaired BF during nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced by HSD. Altered function of responsible transporters suggests also potential for changes in kinetics of drugs, which may complicate pharmacotherapy in subjects with high intake of sucrose, and with fatty liver disease. Sucrose induced alterations in BF may be alleviated by administration of boldine., M. Zagorova, A. Prasnicka, Z. Kadova, E. Dolezelova, L. Kazdova, J. Cermanova, L. Rozkydalova, M. Hroch, J. Mokry, S. Micuda., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Demence jsou častými onemocněními zejména vyššího věku. Bolest není u lidí s demencí dostatečně diagnostikována. To způsobuje zbytečné zhoršení kvality života. Bolest u lidí s demencí je možné měřit různými škálami. Některé z nich v tomto sdělení stručně představujeme, v tab. 1 uvádíme škálu PAINAD., Dementia is a frequent condition in the old age. Pain is not properly diagnosed in persons with dementia. This causes unnecessary worsening of the quality of life of these people. It is possible to assess pain of persons with dementia by different scales. Some of them are briefly described in this paper. PAINAD scale is enclosed in full version., Iva Holmerová, Hana Vaňková, Michaela Baumanová, Božena Jurašková, and Lit.: 13
Cíl: Cílem příspěvku je literární analýza dosavadních nejvíce využívaných nefarmakologických metod tlumících bolest u novorozencůpro nejlepší praxi založenou na důkazech. Metodika: Pro získání dat za období 2000–2012 byly použity elektronické licencované a volně přístupné databáze. Hodnocení nalezených důkazů bylo realizováno dle metodiky Fineout-Overholt, Johnstona (2005), kteří řadí studie dle specifi ckých kritérií do sedmi kategorií. Do výběru předkládaného příspěvku byly zařazeny důkazy úrovně I, II, III. Zvolená kritéria splňovalo 42 studií (4 meta-analýzy, 6 systematických přehledů, 1 multicentrická studie a 31 randomizovaných kontrolovaných studií). Výsledky: Nefarmakologické metody využívané k tlumení bolesti u novorozenců jsou mnohem více efektivní, pokud jsou použity v kombinaci s dalšími nefarmakologickými metodami, jako jsou muzikoterapie, zavinutí, usnadněné zasunutí, multisenzorická stimulace, klokánkování a non-nutritivní a nutritivní sání. Závěr: Nefarmakologické postupy jsou účinné a vedou k efektivnímu zmírnění bolesti především při drobných procedurálních výkonech jako je odběr krve z patičky pomocí lancety, venepunkce, apod. Léčba bolesti a řízení její prevence by měla být nezbytnou součástí standardní i intenzivní zdravotní péče o novorozence., Aim: The aim of study is a literary analysis of the current most used non-pharmacological methods of relieving pain in neonates for the best evidence-based practice. Methods: For obtain data for the period 2000–2012 were used e-licensed and freely accessible database. Evaluation of the evidence found was carried out according to the methodology Fineout-Overholt, Johnston (2005), who put the study according to specifi c criteria in seven categories. The selection of the present study were classifi ed evidence level I, II, III. Selected criteria met the 42 studies (4 meta-analyzes, 6 systematic reviews, 1 multicenter study and 31 randomized controlled study). Results: Non-pharmacological methods used to control pain in neonates are much more eff ective when used in combination with other non-pharmacological methods, such as swaddling, facilitated tucking, multisensory stimulation, kangaroo care and non-nutritive and nutritive sucking. Conclusion: Non-pharmacological methods are eff ective and lead to eff ective pain relief especially when minor procedural performance as the heel lanceting, venipuncture, etc. Treatment of pain and management prevention should be an essential part of the standard and intensive care of the newborn., Jana Chromá, Lucie Sikorová, and Literatura
Cieľ: Cieľom štúdie bolo posúdiť bolesť, funkčný stav, úzkosť, depresiu, sociálne aktivity a sociálnu oporu u seniorov s reumatoidnou artritídou (RA) a ich vzájomné vzťahy, posúdiť možné rozdiely vzhľadom na pohlavie, rodinný stav, vek, trvanie ochorenia a komorbiditu. Metódy: U 60 seniorov s RA bola posudzovaná intenzita bolesti vizuálnou analógovou škálou (VAS), funkčná disabilita Stanfordským dotazníkom hodnotiacim zdravie indexom disability (HAQ-DI), úzkosť Beckovým inventárom úzkosti (BAI), depresia Zungovým sebahodnotiacim dotazníkom depresie (SDS) a sociálna interakcia škálou sociálnych aktivít (SA) a sociálnej opory (SO) nástroja Škály merania vplyvu chorôb kĺbov 2 (AIMS2). Výsledky: U seniorov s RA bolo zistené pociťovanie priemerne silnej bolesti, stredná až ťažká funkčná disabilita, prežívanie stredne silnej úzkosti a depresie, obmedzovanie v spoločenských aktivitách. Vo vnímaní sociálnej opory bolo zistené najlepšie skóre. Medzi sledovanými premennými boli Pearsonovou koreláciou zistené väčšinou signifikantné (P ≤ 0,05) kladné slabé až silné vzťahy. Medzi pohlaviami neboli zaznamenané rozdiely. Horšie skóre (P ≤ 0,05) bolo zistené v oblasti prežívania úzkosti a vo vnímanej sociálnej opore u osamelo žijúcich seniorov oproti seniorom žijúcim v manželskom zväzku. Štatisticky významný pozitívny vzťah (P ≤ 0,05) sa potvrdil medzi vekom a prežívaním úzkosti, medzi trvaním ochorenia a depresiou, medzi komorbiditou a funkčným stavom a depresiou. Záver: Ako naznačujú výsledky, prioritou v starostlivosti o túto skupinu seniorov by nemalo byť iba zmierňovanie bolesti a zlepšovanie/udržiavanie funkčných schopností, ale aj redukcia úzkosti a depresie, a to o to viac, čím sú seniori starší, čím u nich trvá ochorenie dlhšie, s komorbiditou a tiež u osamelo žijúcich., Aim: The aim of this study was to assess pain, functional status, anxiety, depression, social activity, and social support and their interactions in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to assess possible differences by gender, marital status, age, duration of disease, and co-morbidity. Methods: Pain intensity was assessed by the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), functional disability by the Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire – Disability Index (HAQ-DI), anxiety by the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), depression by the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS), social activity by the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 (AIMS2) with scale of Social Activity (SA), and social support (SO) by AIMS2 with scale Support from family and friend in 60 elderly with RA. Results: There were found average strong pain, moderate to severe functional disability, moderate anxiety and moderate-to-marked depression, and limitation in social activity in elderly with RA. The best score was found in scale of social support. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) mild to severe relations were confirmed between explored objectives by Pearson’s correlations. Between genders no significant differences were recorded. Worse score (p ≤ 0.05) was detected in anxiety and social support in elderly living alone compared to married elderly. Between age and anxiety, duration of disease and depression, co-morbidity and functional disability, and depression were confirmed significant (p ≤ 0.05) positive relationships. Conclusion: According to results, not only pain reduction and improving/maintaining of functional status is the priority of care in elderly with RA, but also reduction of anxiety and depression is important, mainly in older, with longer duration of disease, co-morbidity and also for elderly living alone., Mária Sováriová Soósová, Renáta Suchanová, Libuša Tirpáková, and Literatura
Příspěvek přináší komparaci životních osudů a osobnostního vývoje dvou archeologů německého původu, Bolko von Richthofena a Helmuta Preidela. Cílem tohoto srovnání má být zodpovězení otázky před- a poválečné kontinuity nacionálních mýtů, stereotypů a schémat v uvažování německých vědců, kteří působili v tzv. německých východních územích a kteří se po roce 1945 angažovali v tzv. vyhnaneckých organizacích. and The article presents a comparison of the fates and personality developments of two archaeologists of German origin: Bolko von Richthofen and Helmut Preidel. The aim of this comparison is to address the issues of the pre-war and post-war continuity of national myths, stereotypes and schemes in the reflections of German scientists who were active in the so-called eastern German territories and who became involved in expellee organisations after their forced resettlement in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Longlasting nociceptive stimulation is known to cause atrophy of adjacent muscles. The aim of this study was to determine further the possible mechanisms of this pathological phenomenon. Unilateral fracture of the paw was performed under pentobarbital anaesthesia in several experimental groups (n = 8-11) of female and male rats. Dry muscle weights of the soleus (SOL), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), gastrocnemius (GA) and tibialis anterior (TA) were determined 7 days following the bone fracture and compared to the weight of contralateral control muscles. To demonstrate the reflex origin of this atrophy, deafferentation of the paw by dorsal root section (L4_5) was performed before or after unilateral fracture of hindlimb metatarsal bones. In female rats, the fracture resulted in a significant loss of muscle weight in all the four muscles examined. When the hindlimb was deafferented prior to the fracture, no muscle atrophy developed, and neither did deafferentation itself cause any appreciable change in muscle weight except in male rats. This supports the concept that this type of atrophy is reflex in origin. Deafferentation, when performed after the fracture, did not prevent the weight loss in extensor muscles (SOL, GA), while the flexors (EDL, TA) did not in general lose any weight. The results in male rats had a similar trend as in female rats, although the weight loss was significantly smaller. Our results showed that the mechanism of reflex muscle atrophy following metatarsal bone fracture involves a component which is dependent on afferent information from the injured paw. Differences in the degree of affection of different muscle types (extensors vs flexors, slow vs fast muscles) and of female and male rats suggest that the muscle atrophy is the result of a complex process that probably also involves hormonal mechanisms.
The cellular components of the satellite cell niche participate in the regulation of skeletal muscle regeneration. Beside myogenic cells at different developmental stages, this niche is formed by cells of the immune system, the interstitial connective tissue and the vascular ystem. Unambiguous determination of the origin of these cell types could contribute to optimization of the cell-based therapy of skeletal muscle disorders. In our work, we intravenously transplanted mouse GFP+ unseparated bone marrow cells into whole-body lethally irradiated immunocom-petent mice four weeks before cardiotoxin-induced injury of the recipients’ skeletal muscles. Seven and 28 days after the toxin injection, the injured regenerating and contralateral intact muscles were examined for identification of GFP+ bone marrow-derived cells by direct fluorescence, protein immunohistochemistry and immunogold transmission electron microscopy. In both the intact and injured muscles, GFP positivity was determined in immune cells, mainly in macrophages, and in interstitial spindle-shaped cells. Moreover, in the injured muscles, rare GFP+ endothelial cells of the blood vessels and newly formed myotubes and muscle fibres were present. Our results confirmed the ability of bone marrow-derived cells to contribute to the cellular component of the satellite cell niche in the intact and regenerating skeletal muscle. These cells originated not only from haematopoietic stem cells, but obviously also from other stem or progenitor cells residing in the bone marrow, such as multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and endothelial progenitors. and Corresponding author: Dana Čížková
This minireview briefly surveys the complexity of regulations governing the bone metabolism. The impact of clinical studies devoted to osteoporosis is briefly summarized and the emphasis is put on the significance of experimental mouse models based on an extensive use of genetically modified animals. Despite possible arising drawbacks, the studies in mice are of prime importance for expanding our knowledge on bone metabolism. With respect to human physiology and medicine, one should be always aware of possib le limitations as the experimental results may not be, or may be only to some extent, transposed to humans. If applicable to humans, results obtained in mice provide new clues for assessing un foreseen treatment strategies for patients. A recent publication representing in our opinion the important breakthrough in the field of bone metabolism in mice is commented in detail. It provides an evidence that skeleton is endocrine organ that affects energy metabolism and osteocalcin, a protein specifically synthesized and secreted by osteoblasts, is a hormone involved. If confirmed by other groups and applicable to humans, this study provides the awaited connection of long duration between bone disorders on one hand and obesity and diabetes on the other., O. Raška, K. Bernášková, I. Raška Jr., and Obsahuje seznam literatury