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2022. P.F. Strawson and Stephen Davies on the ontology of art
- Creator:
- Pettersson, Anders
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- ontology of art, conceptual revision, elimination of the concept of a work of art, and literary and musical communication
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- P.F. Strawson’s Individuals (1959) contains a condensed version of an ontology of art. According to this ontology, musical and literary compositions are similar to types. They are abstract entities, instantiated in the performances of the piece of music or the copies of the literary work. Musical and literary compositions are ''well-entrenched'', Strawson says - we cannot eliminate these abstractions, or perhaps we have no need to do so. Strawson’s ontology of art forms an integral part of what he calls his ''descriptive metaphysics'', and his resistance to the elimination of types and type-like entities is one example of his reservations against ''revisionary metaphysics''. Nowadays, Strawson’s name is seldom mentioned in connection with the philosophy of art. Yet the general view of the ontology of art advocated in Individuals is still probably the one most widely held in analytical aesthetics today. Thus, for example, Stephen Davies adopts the same general position as Strawson in his article ''Ontology of Art'' (2003), the best informed contemporary overview of the complex of problems surrounding the mode of existence of works of art. Unlike Strawson, Davies also adduces explicit reasons why concepts of musical and literary compositions cannot be successfully eliminated. Critically reviewing Strawson’s and Davies’ standpoints and arguments, I maintain that concepts of artworks can in fact be successfully eliminated, and that the bracketing of such notions leads to a better theoretical perspective on musical and literary communication. Throughout the paper, I speak for an open-minded approach to conceptual revision., Jednotlivci PF Strawsona (1959) obsahují zhuštěnou verzi ontologie umění. Podle této ontologie jsou hudební a literární skladby podobné typům. Jsou to abstraktní entity, konkretizované v představeních díla nebo kopií literárního díla. Hudební a literární skladby jsou ,,dobře zakořeněné'', říká Strawson - tyto abstrakce nemůžeme eliminovat, nebo snad nemusíme. Strawsonova ontologie umění je nedílnou součástí toho, co nazývá jeho ,,deskriptivní metafyzikou'', a jeho odpor vůči odstranění typů a entit podobných typu je jedním z příkladů jeho výhrad proti ,,revizní metafyzice''. V současné době je Strawsonovo jméno v souvislosti s filozofií umění zřídka zmiňováno. Obecný pohled na ontologii umění, který se obhajuje u jednotlivců, je však zřejmě stále nejrozšířenější v analytické estetice. Tak například Stephen Davies zaujímá ve svém článku ,,Ontologie umění'' (2003) stejnou obecnou pozici jako Strawson, nejlépe informovaný současný přehled komplexu problémů souvisejících s způsobem existence uměleckých děl. Na rozdíl od Strawsona, Davies také vyjadřuje jasné důvody, proč pojetí hudebních a literárních skladeb nelze úspěšně odstranit. Kriticky hodnotím Strawsonovy a Daviesovy postoje a argumenty, tvrdím, že koncepty uměleckých děl mohou být ve skutečnosti úspěšně odstraněny a že bracketing takových pojmů vede k lepšímu teoretickému pohledu na hudební a literární komunikaci. V celém příspěvku hovořím o otevřeném přístupu k koncepční revizi., and Anders Pettersson
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2023. Papín
- Publisher:
- Vojenský zeměpisný ústav
- Format:
- map and 1 mapa : barevná ; 39 x 51 cm na listu 48 x 63 cm
- Type:
- model:map, cartographic, and IMAGE
- Subject:
- udc:913(4), Konspekt:7, udc:912, udc:913(437.6), udc:912.43, udc:(084.3), Konspekt:Geografie Evropy, reálie, cestování, Konspekt:Mapy. Atlasy. Glóby, and czenas:Papín (Slovensko : oblast)
- Language:
- Czech and Slovak
- Description:
- 4368, Legenda, Edice dle kladu listů, and (Language) Místní názvy slovensky, částečně polsky
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2024. Paradoxy vo vedeckých teóriách a medze jazyka vedy
- Creator:
- Kvasz, Ladislav
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- analytical boundaries, antinomies of pure reason, expressive boundaries, and Kant
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The aim of the paper is to study the analytical and the expressive boundaries of the language of physics. We try to bring these boundaries into a relation with Kant’s theory of antinomies of pure reason. It seems that Kant’s theory can be interpreted as the discovery of the expressive boundaries of the language of science. If this interpretation is tenable, Kant’s discovery is important for the contemporary philosophy of science., Cílem příspěvku je studium analytických a expresivních hranic jazyka fyziky. Snažíme se tyto hranice přenést do vztahu s Kantovou teorií antinomií čistého důvodu. Zdá se, že Kantovu teorii lze interpretovat jako objev expresivních hranic jazyka vědy. Pokud je tato interpretace udržitelná, Kantův objev je důležitý pro současnou filosofii vědy., and Ladislav Kvasz
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2025. Paradoxy, pravdivost a korespondence v sémantice Rogera Swynesheda
- Creator:
- Hanke, Miroslav
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Roger Swyneshed, medieval semantics, semantic paradoxes, network evaluation, and truth-value gaps
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The present paper is concerned with an exposé of the basic general-semantic theses presented in the tract called ''De insolubilibus'' written by the 14th century British logician Roger Swyneshed. Swyneshed‘s semantics is analysed as a highly specific theory of truth, correspondence and facts (truth-makers). Swyneshed’s theory revises the correspondence theory of truth and rejects the principle of bivalence, while offering the solution to two different types of paradoxes (the alethic paradox and the correspondence one). As it is usual for theories of this kind, Swyneshed’s semantics has to face the specific forms of revenge-arguments, which lead to a specific conception of truthmaking., Příspěvek se zabývá expozicí základních obecných sémantických tezí prezentovaných v traktu nazvaném ,,De insolubilibus'', který napsal britský logik Roger Swyneshed ze 14. století. Swyneshedova sémantika je analyzována jako vysoce specifická teorie pravdy, korespondence a faktů (pravdy). Swyneshedova teorie reviduje korektní teorii pravdy a odmítá princip bivalence, přičemž nabízí řešení dvěma různým typům paradoxů (aletický paradox a korespondenci). Jak je to obvyklé u teorií tohoto druhu, Swyneshedova sémantika musí čelit specifickým formám pomsty-argumentů, které vedou ke specifickému pojetí pravdy., and Miroslav Hanke
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2026. Parameter estimation of soil hydraulic and thermal property functions for unsaturated porous media using the HYDRUS-2D code
- Creator:
- Nakhaei, Mohammad and Šimůnek, Jiří
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- infiltration, heat transport, parameter estimation, Richards’ equation, and HYDRUS-2D
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Knowledge of soil hydraulic and thermal properties is essential for studies involving the combined effects of soil temperature and water input on water flow and redistribution processes under field conditions. The objective of this study was to estimate the parameters characterizing these properties from a transient water flow and heat transport field experiment. Real-time sensors built by the authors were used to monitor soil temperatures at depths of 40, 80, 120, and 160 cm during a 10-hour long ring infiltration experiment. Water temperatures and cumulative infiltration from a single infiltration ring were monitored simultaneously. The soil hydraulic parameters (the saturated water content θ s , empirical shape parameters α and n, and the saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks) and soil thermal conductivity parameters (coefficients b1 , b2 , and b3 in the thermal conductivity function) were estimated from cumulative infiltration and temperature measurements by inversely solving a two-dimensional water flow and heat transport using HYDRUS-2D. Three scenarios with a different, sequentially decreasing number of optimized parameters were considered. In scenario 1, seven parameters (θ s , Ks , α, n, b1 , b2 , and b3) were included in the inverse problem. The results indicated that this scenario does not provide a unique solution. In scenario 2, six parameters (Ks , α, n, b1 , b2 , and b3) were included in the inverse problem. The results showed that this scenario also results in a non-unique solution. Only scenario 3, in which five parameters (α, n, b1 , b2 , and b3) were included in the inverse problem, provided a unique solution. The simulated soil temperatures and cumulative infiltration during the ring infiltration experiment compared reasonably well with their corresponding observed values.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2027. Paraoxonáza a ateroskleróza
- Creator:
- Ďuračková, Zdeňka and Andrezálová, Lucia
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- ateroskleróza--enzymologie--genetika--metabolismus, aryldialkylfosfatasa--analýza--genetika--metabolismus, izoenzymy--genetika--metabolismus, lipoproteiny LDL--metabolismus, lidé, and financování organizované
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and English
- Description:
- Srdcovo-cievne ochorenia patria medzi vážne príčiny úmrtia ľudí. Ateroskleróza a oxidačne modifi kované lipoproteíny výraznou mierou prispievajú k patológii týchto ochorení. Významnú úlohu v antiaterogénnych procesoch hrajú HDL- -lipoproteíny a s nimi asociované enzýmy, najmä paraoxonáza. Živočíšne paraoxonázy (PON1, PON2 a PON3) sú rodinou významných hydroláz závislých od Ca2+ a aktívnych voči celému radu rôznych substrátov. Aj keď skutočný fyziologický substrát pre jednotlivé PON sa nepozná, v súčasnosti sa považujú za významné substráty laktóny, niektoré oxidované fosfolipidy, produkty oxidácie kyseliny arachidónovej a dokozahexaénovej ako aj laktóny odvodené od N-acetyl-homoserínu. Všetky PON sa pokladajú za enzýmy s významnou antiaterogénnou aktivitou. Ich aktivity sa stanovujú voči rôznym substrátom, pričom arylesterázová aktivita PON1 sa považuje za smerodatnejší ukazovateľ antiaterogénnej aktivity ako paraoxonázová aktivita PON1. Laktonázová aktivita je pravdepodobne bližšie k fyziologickému substrátu ako paraoxon, či fenylacetát., Cardiovascular diseases (CV) are one of the most important mortal diseases. Atherosclerosis and oxidatively modifi - ed lipoproteins are main risk factors that contribute to the pathology of CV diseases. HDL as well as HDL-associated enzyme paraoxonase play an important role in the antiatherogenic processes. Mammalian paraoxonases (PON1, PON2 and PON3) are a unique family of calcium dependent hydrolases, with enzymatic activity towards a broad range of substrates. Although PONs physiological substrates have not been identifi ed yet, some studies suggest some lactones, or some specifi c oxidized phospholipids, or products of oxidation of arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid as well as N-acyl-homoserine lactones to be suitable substrates for the enzyme. All three members of the PON family were shown to protect from atherosclerosis development. Their biological activities are determined towards different substrates and arylesterase activity is more decisive indicator of antiatherogenic activity than paraoxonase activity. However structure- -reactivity studies indicate that lactonase activity of PON1 is its native activity., Ďuračková Z., Andrezálová L., and Lit.: 28
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2028. Parkan
- Publisher:
- Vojenský zeměpisný ústav
- Format:
- map and 1 mapa : barevná ; 39 x 52 cm na listu 48 x 63 cm
- Type:
- model:map, cartographic, and IMAGE
- Subject:
- udc:913(4), Konspekt:7, udc:912, udc:913(437.6), udc:912.43, udc:(084.3), Konspekt:Geografie Evropy, reálie, cestování, Konspekt:Mapy. Atlasy. Glóby, and czenas:Štúrovo (Slovensko : oblast)
- Language:
- Czech and Slovak
- Description:
- 4861, Legenda, Edice dle kladu listů, and (Language) Místní názvy slovensky a maďarsky
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2029. Parkinsonova choroba JE priónové ochorenie
- Creator:
- Škorvánek, Matej
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, práce podpořená grantem, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Parkinsonova nemoc--etiologie--patologie, prionové nemoci, modely nemocí na zvířatech, myši, klinické zkoušky jako téma, lidé, and zvířata
- Language:
- Czech and Slovak
- Description:
- Matej Škorvánek
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2030. Partial compatibilism: free will in the light of moral experience
- Creator:
- Peroutka, David
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- compatibilism, free will, moral experience, and volitional necessity
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Partial compatibilism says that there are basically two kinds of freedom of the will: some free volitions cannot be determined, while others can. My methodological choice is to examine what as- sumptions will appear necessary if we want to take seriously—and make understandable—our ordinary moral life. Sometimes, typically when we feel guilty about a choice of ours, we are sure enough that we, at the considered moment, actually could have taken a different option. At other times, however, typically when we are aware of some unquestionable moral reasons for a certain choice, we may perceive our choice as voluntary and free in spite of the fact that it is, in the given situation, unthinkable for us to choose otherwise than we actually do (there are situations when responsible agents, because of their strong moral reasons/motives, cannot choose differently). The assumption that experiences of the first kind are not always mistaken excludes our world being deterministic. Yet free will and determinism go together in some of those possible worlds which contain only the second kind of free volitions. Partial compatibilism represents a ‘third way’ between standard compatibilism and incompatibilism, a way to solve that old dilemma.
- Rights:
- and policy:public