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2532. Súčasnosť a budúcnosť v manažmente vénových vaskulárnych chorôb
- Creator:
- Gavorník, Peter, Dukát, Andrej, Gašpar, Ľudovít, and Gavorníková, Eva
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, přehledy, and TEXT
- Subject:
- vény--patologie, chronická nemoc, žilní trombóza--prevence a kontrola--terapie, žilní tromboembolie--prevence a kontrola--terapie, směrnice pro lékařskou praxi jako téma, inhibitory agregace trombocytů--farmakologie--klasifikace, inhibitory faktoru Xa--farmakologie--klasifikace, antithrombiny--farmakologie--klasifikace, tromboflebitida, heparin nízkomolekulární--aplikace a dávkování--klasifikace--terapeutické užití, kompresní obvazy--klasifikace, skleroterapie, and lidé
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and English
- Description:
- Prevalencia a incidencia chronických i akútnych vénových cievnych chorôb je globálne veľmi vysoká v priemyslovo rozvinutých i rozvojových krajinách. Vénové choroby dolných končatín sú aktuálne integrálnou súčasťou smrtiacej angiopandémie 3. milénia. Najzávažnejšie prípady s pokročilým štádiom vénového zlyhávania sú v populácii asi v dvojnásobnom počte (2,1 %) voči do nedávno známym údajom. Mikronizovaná purifikovaná flavonoidná frakcia (MPFF) diosmín hesperidínu zostáva medzi venofarmakmi preparátom s najvyšším stupňom odporúčaní a indikovaná je aj k farmakoterapeutickej podpore hojenia vredov predkolenia, spolu so sulodexidom a pentoxifylínom. Kompresívna skleroterapia roztokom alebo penou je účinná a bezpečná invazívna metóda liečby telangiektázií, retikulárnych vén a varixov. Nové priame orálne antikoagulanciá predstavujú jednu z možností terapie a prevencie hĺbkovej vénovej trombózy (HVT) a vénovej tromboembólie (VTE) s limitáciou u pacientov s malígnymi chorobami a v gravidite. Najefektívnejšia je trojaká simultánna farmako-kinezio-mechano-flebotromboemboloprofylaxia. Povrchové vénové trombózy dlhšie než 5 cm sú tiež indikované na antikoagulačnú liečbu., The prevalence and the incidence of chronic and acute venous vascular disease has been shown to be globally very high, in both industrialized and developing countries. Chronic venous diseases of lower extremities are being an integral part of the third millennium´s deadly angiopandemy, at the present time. The rate of the most severe cases with advanced stage of venous failure is approximately twice as high in the population (2.1 %) as has been assumed so far. Among venoactive drugs (VAD), micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) of diosmin hesperidin remains the agent with the highest degree of recommendation and it also indicated to pharmacotherapeutical support of leg ulcer healing, along with sulodexide and pentoxifylline. Compressive sclerotherapy, liquid or foam, is a safe and effective invasive method to treat telangiectasias, reticular varicose veins and subcutaneous varicose veins. Direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) represent one of the therapeutic and preventive options of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and of venous thromboembolism (VTE) with a limitation in patients with malignant conditions and in pregnancy. The most effective is triple simultaneous pharmaco-kinezio-mechano-phlebothromboemboloprophylaxis. Superficial vein thromboses longer than 5 cm are indicated to anticoagulant therapy too., and Peter Gavorník, Andrej Dukát, Ľudovít Gašpar, Eva Gavorníková
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2533. Sue Savage-Rumbaugh’s research into ape language - science and methodology
- Creator:
- Hanzel, Igor
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- ape language project, Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, Lana, Kanzi, Austin and Sherman, behaviorism, and ethnography
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The aim of the paper is to investigate, from the point of view of philosophy of science and philosophy of social science, the turn in the ape language project as accomplished in the works of Sue Savage- Rumbaugh and her collaborators. In this project took place a highly interesting turn from the orientation of research on natural sciences to that on humanities. We shall analyze all the relevant works of Savage-Rumbaugh from the point of view of the two central levels of ALP: its scientific level and the methodological level., Cílem příspěvku je z hlediska filosofie vědy a filosofie společenských věd zkoumat obrat v projektu lidoopského jazyka, který byl realizován v dílech Sue Savage-Rumbaugh a jejích spolupracovníků. V tomto projektu se odehrál velmi zajímavý obrat od orientace výzkumu přírodních věd na humanitní vědy. Budeme analyzovat všechna relevantní díla Savage-Rumbaugh z hlediska dvou ústředních úrovní ALP: jeho vědecké úrovně a metodické úrovně., and Igor Hanzel
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2534. Šuhaj Slovák ; K Slovenkám
- Creator:
- Ambros, Ezechiel
- Publisher:
- Waldheim-Eberle
- Format:
- hudebnina and 1 partitura (5 s.) ; 18 cm
- Type:
- notated music, sheetmusic, model:sheetmusic, and TEXT
- Subject:
- čtyřhlasý sbor a capella (1), mužské sbory, mužský sbor a capella (1), and vokální partitury
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- upravil Ezechiel Ambros
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2535. Supinačná versus pronačná poloha pri adjuvantnej rádioterapii u pacientok s pendulujúcimi prsníkmi
- Creator:
- Masaryková, Andrea and Lederleitner, Dávid
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, přehledy, kazuistiky, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, ženské pohlaví, lidé středního věku, nádory prsu--radioterapie, radioterapie adjuvantní--škodlivé účinky, pronační poloha, supinační poloha, erytém--etiologie, edém--etiologie, lymfatické uzliny--účinky záření, prsy--anatomie a histologie--účinky záření, dávkování radioterapie, srdce--účinky záření, plíce--účinky záření, radiační poranění--prevence a kontrola, kritické orgány--účinky záření, plánování radioterapie pomocí počítače, and radioterapie konformní--metody--škodlivé účinky
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and English
- Description:
- Adjuvantná rádioterapia prispieva k lepším výsledkom u pacientov s karcinómom prsníka po prsník zachovávajúcej operácii. Ožarovanie celého prsníka je spojené s poškodením srdca a pľúc, zvýšením kardiovaskulárných ochorení a mortality, a vývojom karcinómu pľúc, teda s rizikami, ktoré sa môžu objaviť 15–20 rokov po liečbe. Ožarovanie prsníka v pronačnej polohe pacientky je jednou z možností ako redukovať radiačne podmienenú toxicitu u pacientiek s veľkými prsníkmi podstupujúcimi adjuvantnú liečbu. V kazuistikách poukážeme na rozdiely v objeme srdca a pľúc pri oboch polohách, porovnáme dozimetrické parametre pri ožarovaní prsníka v oboch pozíciách a poukážeme na rozdiely pri ich plánovaní. Tieto techniky nie je možné kombinovať s ožiarením lymfatických uzlín, ale môžu byť použité pri liečbe obojstranných nádorov., Adjuvant radiotherapy contributes to better outcomes in patients with breast cancer after breast conserving surgery. Whole breast irradiation is associated with damage to the heart and lungs, increased cardiovascular mortality, and the development of lung cancer, that is, with the risks that may occur 15–20 years after treatment. Breast irradiation in the prone position, is one of the way to reduce radiation toxicity in patients conditioned with large breasts undergoing adjuvant therapy. In case reports point out the differences in the volume of the heart and lungs at both locations, we compare the dosimetric parameters in breast irradiation in both positions and point out the differences in their planning. These techniques can not be combined with irradiation of the lymph nodes, but they can be used in the treatment of bilateral tumors., Andrea Masaryková, David Lederleitner, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2536. Šurany
- Publisher:
- Vojenský zeměpisný ústav
- Format:
- map and 1 mapa : barevná ; 39 x 51 cm na listu 48 x 62 cm
- Type:
- model:map, cartographic, and IMAGE
- Subject:
- udc:913(437), Konspekt:7, udc:912, udc:(437.6), udc:912.43, udc:(084.3), Konspekt:Geografie Česka a Slovenska, reálie, cestování, Konspekt:Mapy. Atlasy. Glóby, and czenas:Šurany (Slovensko : oblast)
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian
- Description:
- 4760, Legenda, Edice dle kladu listů, and (Language) Místní názvy slovensky a maďarsky
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2537. Surface and subsurface flow in eucalyptus plantations in north-central Portugal
- Creator:
- Boulet, Anne-K., Prats, Sergio A., Malvar, Maruxa C., González-Pelayo, Oscar, Coelho, Celeste O.A., Ferreira, Antonio J.D., and Keizer, Jan J.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- overland flow, subsurface flow, streamflow, soil moisture, and Eucalypt
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- In the Baixo Vouga region of north-central Portugal, forests occupy half of the territory, of which two thirds are Eucalypts plantations. The hydrological implications of this large-scale introduction of eucalypt are unknown and the aim of this exploratory study, realized in the Caramulo Mountains, was to describe overland flow (OLF), subsurface flow (SSF) and stream flow (Q) in a catchment dominated by Eucalyptus plantations. The main conclusions are that annual OLF rate is low, spatially heterogeneous between 0.1% and 6% and concentrated during the wet season as saturation excess, particularly as return flow. Infiltration-excess OLF due to the strong soil water repellence (SWR) is dominant during dry season, but produces residual runoff amount. SSF is the principal mechanism of runoff formation. It originates from matrix flow and pipe flow at the soil-bedrock interface, principally during the wet season. Matrix flow is correlated with soil moisture (SM) content, with a threshold of 25 %. Pipe flow starts with saturation of soil bottom but without saturation of the entire soil profile, due to a large network of macropores. Stream flow response is highly correlated with matrix flow behaviour in timing and intensity. SWR induces a very patchy moistening of the soil, concentrates the fluxes and accelerates them almost 100 times greater than normal percolation of the water in the matrix.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2538. Susan Wolf on supererogation and the dark side of morality
- Creator:
- Grigore, Nora
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- morality, moral saints, and supererogation
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Wolf proposes supererogation as a solution for curbing the exaggerated demands of morality. Adopting supererogation is supposed to prevent us from considering that all morally good deeds are obligatory. Supererogation, indeed, makes some morally good deeds merely optional, saving the agent from the requirement of behaving as much as possible like a Moral Saint. But I argue that Wolf cannot use supererogation in service of her overall project, for two reasons. First, because implied in the concept of supererogation is that going beyond duty adds to our humanity rather than detract from it (as Wolf argues). Secondly, after analyzing attempts to acclimatize supererogation in other theoretical frameworks, I conclude that supererogation can limit morality’s claims only if Wolf’s reasons of “individual perfection” can defeat moral reasons. I argue that a common scale of evaluation between moral and non-moral reasons is needed for their comparison, but Wolf explicitly rejects this way out.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2539. Suspended particulate matter concentrations retrieved from self-calibrated multispectral satellite imagery
- Creator:
- Onderka, Milan, Rodný, Marek, and Velísková, Yvetta
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- self-calibration, suspended sediments, SPM, saturation, optimization, samokalibrácia, suspendované sedimenty, saturácia, and optimalizácia
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Inland waters are known to be laden with high levels of suspended particulate matter (SPM). Remotely sensed data have been shown to provide a true synoptic view of SPM over vast areas. However, as to date, there is no universal technique that would be capable of retrieving SPM concentrations without a complete reliance on time-consuming and costly ground measurements or a priori knowledge of inherent optical properties of water-borne constituents. The goal of this paper is to present a novel approach making use of the synergy found between the reflectance in the visual domain (~ 400-700 nm) with the near-infrared portion of the spectrum (~ 700-900 nm). The paper begins with a brief discourse of how the shape and spectral dependence of reflectance is determined by high concentrations of SPM. A modeled example is presented to mimic real-world conditions in fluvial systems, with specific absorption and scattering coefficients of the virtual optically active constituents taken from the literature. Using an optical model, we show that in the visual spectral domain (~ 400-700 nm) the water-leaving radiance responds to increasing SPM (0-100 g m-3) in a non-linear manner. Contrarily to the visual spectra, reflectance in the near infrared domain (~ 700-900 nm) appears to be almost linearly related to a broad range of SPM concentrations. To reduce the number of parameters, the reflectance function (optical model) was approximated with a previously experimentally verified exponential equation (Schiebe et al., 1992: Remote sensing of suspended sediments: the Lake Chicot, Arkansas project, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 13, 8, 1487-1509). The SPM term in Schiebe’s equation was expressed as a linear function of top-of-atmosphere reflectance. This made it possible to calibrate the reflectance in the visual domain by reflectance values from the near-IR portion of the spectrum. The possibility to retrieve SPM concentrations from only remote sensing data without any auxiliary ground mea-surements is tested on a Landsat ETM + scene acquired over a reservoir with moderately turbid water with SPM concentrations between 15-70 g m-3. The retrieved concentrations (on average) differ from in-situ measurement by ~ 10.5 g m-3. and Cieľom príspevku je prezentovať alternatívne spracovanie satelitných snímok na odhad koncentrácie suspendovaných sedimentov vo vodných útvaroch. Prvá časť článku sa venuje teórii a fyzikálnej podstate reflektancie a vplyvu prirodzene sa vyskytujúcich opticky aktívnych prvkov vo vode (suspendované sedimenty, pigmenty a rozpustené látky) na reflektanciu snímanú prostriedkami diaľkového prieskumu Zeme. Na modelovom príklade sme ukázali, že so zvyšovaním koncentrácie suspendovaných látok dochádza k saturácii signálu reflektancie.V druhej časti príspevku sme opísali spôsob využitia nelineárnosti vzťahu medzi reflektanciu vo viditeľnej časti (~ 400-700), a kvázi-linearitov v infračervenej časti (~ 700-900 nm) elektromegnetického spektra a koncentrácie suspendovaných sedimentov. Optimalizáciou tohto nelineárneho vzťahu sme odhadli koncentrácie suspendovaných sedimentov pre zdrž Hrušov pri Bratislave s RMSE 10.5 g m-3.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
2540. Svobodná vůle: reakce na Stodolovu kritiku
- Creator:
- Dolák, Antonín
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Dolák, Antonín
- Rights:
- and policy:public