In the paper, authors are concerned with a hydraulic behaviour of bridges at high water stages and especially with the so far almost unregarded case when bridge roadway is overflowing. There are mentioned their own solutions for the estimation of the backwater by the bridge besides assessment of the applicability of some used relations. These new solutions were derived on the basis of research on the physical model at hydraulic laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague in 2001 and 2002. and Studie se zabývá hydraulickým chováním mostů při vysokých vodních stavech a zejména dosud téměř opomíjeným případem, kdy dochází k přelévání mostovky. Vedle posouzení aplikovatelnosti některých používaných vztahů jsou zde také uvedena vlastní řešení pro stanovení vzdutí mostem. Tato nová řešení byla odvozena na základě výzkumu na fyzikálním modelu prováděného v letech 2001 a 2002 v hydraulické laboratoři Fakulty stavební ČVUT v Praze.
Canola (Brassica napus) is cultivated for oil as a biofuel crop. Few quantitative data concerning its tolerance to abiotic stresses has been presented. We evaluated the tolerances of canola to drought and salinity stresses in terms of parameter values in a macroscopic root water uptake model. We conducted an experiment using nine columns with two plants in each: three columns were under drought stresses, another three were under saline stress and others provided potential transpiration. Two soil moisture and salinity probes were inserted into each of the six columns under stress to monitor water content and electrical conductivity. Weight of the columns was manually measured to obtain daily transpiration. Water uptake at each depth and time was calculated by substituting linearly interpolated matric and osmotic potentials into the stress response function. Determined stress response functions indicated that canola is more sensitive to drought compared to Jatropha. While, it was found to be as tolerant as Jatropha to salinity stress in terms of transpiration. Matric potential was more determining than osmotic potential to root water uptake of canola.