This review focuses on current knowledge of leptin biology and the role of leptin in various physiological and pathophysiological states. Leptin is involved in the regulation of body weight. Serum leptin can probably be considered as one of the best biological markers reflecting total body fat in both animals and humans. Obesity in man is accompanied by increased circulating leptin concentrations. Gender differences clearly exist. Leptin is not only correlated to a series of endocrine parameters such as insulin, glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, testosterone, but it also seems to be involved in mediating some endocrine mechanisms (onset of puberty, insulin secretion) and diseases (obesity, polycystic ovary syndrome). It has also been suggested that leptin can act as a growth factor in the fetus and the neonate., R. Janečková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of our study was to explore the effects of regular aerobic exercise on anthropome tric, biochemical and hormonal parameters and mRNA expression of selected factors involved in metabolic regulations in subcutaneous adipose tissue of patients with obesity. Fifteen obese wome n with arterial hypertension underwent a three-month exercise program consisting of 30 min of aerobic exercise 3 times a we ek. Fifteen healthy lean women with no intervention served as a control group. Obese group underwent anthropometric measurements, blood sampling, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SCAT) biopsy and 24-h blood pressure monitoring at baseline and after three months of exercise, while control group was examined only once. At baseline, obese group had increased SCAT expression of proinflammatory cytokines and adipokines relative to control group. Three months of regular exercise improved anthropometric parameters, decreased CRP, blood glucose and HOMA-IR, while having no significant effect on lipid profile and blood pressure. Gene expressions in SCAT were not affected by physical activity with the exce ption of increased aquaporin-3 mRNA expression. We conclude that three months of regular exercise decrease systemic subc linical inflammation with only minor influence on the blood pressure and the endocrine function of subcutaneous fat., P. Trachta, J. Drápalová, P. Kaválková, V. Toušková, A. Cinkajzlová, Z. Lacinová, M. Matoulek, T. Zelinka, J. Widimský Jr., M. Mráz, M. Haluzík., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of mortality and morbidity in most populations. As the traditional modifiable risk factors (smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, and obesity) were defined decades ago, we decided to analyze recent data in patients who survived acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The Czech part of the study included data from 999 males, and compared them with the post-MONICA study (1,259 males, representing general population). The Lithuanian study included 479 male patients and 456 age-matched controls. The Kazakhstan part included 232 patients and 413 controls. In two countries, the most robust ACS risk factor was smoking (OR 3.85 in the Czech study and 5.76 in the Lithuanian study), followed by diabetes (OR 2.26 and 2.07) and hypertension (moderate risk elevation with OR 1.43 and 1.49). These factors did not influence the ACS risk in Kazakhstan. BMI had no significant effect on ACS and plasma cholesterol was surprisingly significantly lower (P<0.001) in patients than in controls in all countries (4.80 ±1.11 vs. 5.76 ±1.06 mmol /l in Czechs; 5.32 ±1.32 vs. 5.71 ±1.08 mmol /l in Lithuanians; 4.88 ±1.05 vs. 5.38±1.13 mmol /l in Kazakhs/Russians). Results from our study indicate substantial heterogeneity regarding major CVD risk factors in different populations with the exception of plasma total cholesterol which was inversely associated with ACS risk in all involved groups. These data reflect ethnical and geographical differences as well as changing pattern of cardiovascular risk profiles., J. A. Hubacek, V. Stanek, M. Gebauerova, V. Adamkova, V. Lesauskaite, D. Zaliaduonyte-Peksiene, A. Tamosiunas, A. Supiyev, A. Kossumov, A. Zhumadilova, J. Pitha., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Tuková tkáň je endokrinní orgán produkující početné cytokiny. Změna v jejich regulacích může být příčinou patologických pochodů u obézních jedinců. Význam tukové tkáně ve vztahu k diabetu a ateroskleróze je intenzivně studován., Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ that produces numerous cytokines. Their dysregulations cause morbidity in obese individuals. The importance of this tissue in relation to diabetes and atherosclerosis is the subject of intense research., and Ilja Trebichavský, Petr Šíma.
The aim of our study was to develop a model producing obese mice in early adulthood (4-6 weeks) based on their over-nutrition during fetal and early postnatal development. The fertilized dams of the parental generation were fed the standard diet supplemented with high-energy nutritional product Ensure Plus during gestation and lactation. De livered weanlings were then fed with standard or supplemented diet and assessed for body fat deposits using EchoMRI at the ti me of early and late adulthood. Maternal over-feeding during th e period before weaning had the most significant effect on obesity development in the filial generation. In weanlings, signific antly higher body fat deposits and average body weight were recorded. Later, further significant increase in percentage of body fat in both male and female mice was observed. Withdrawal of the Ensure Plus supplement caused a decrease in the percentage of body fat in part of the filial generation. In offspring fed the standard diet, higher fat deposits persisted till the time of late adulthood. We conclude that this diet-induced obesity model might be used in exploration of the effects of elevated body fat on physiological functions of various organ systems during juvenile and early adulthood periods of life of a human being., J. Kubandová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
„Upside-down stomach syndrome“ je sporadicky se vyskytující typ velké paraezofageální hiátové hernie vyžadující při známkách uskřinutí neodkladné chirurgické řešení. Autoři článku prezentují kazuistiku 53letého nemocného s volvulem žaludku při „upside-down stomach syndromu“. Chirurgický výkon byl komplikován poraněním abdominální části jícnu, které bylo úspěšně léčeno mimo jiné použitím samoexpandibilního metalického stentu. Přes závažný klinický pooperační průběh s nutností revize dutiny břišní, zavedení jícnového stentu, provedení torakotomie pro absces mediastina a sekundárního hojení laparotomie byl pacient po padesáti dvou dnech propuštěn do domácího léčení v uspokojivém stavu, plně realimentován a rehabilitován, se zhojenou perforací jícnu i laparotomií., Upside-down stomach syndrome is a rare type of a large paraoesophageal hiatal hernia, which requires an immediate surgical treatment in case of incarceration. The authors present a case report of a 53-year-old male patient with gastric volvulus related to the upside-down stomach syndrome. Surgical treatment was complicated by an injury to distal oesophagus, which was successfully treated using a self-expandable metallic stent among other methods. Despite the complicated postoperative course with a necessity of reoperation, insertion of an oesophageal stent, thoracotomy for a mediastinal abscess and secondary healing of the laparotomy, the patient was discharged in a good condition with healed oesophageal perforation and laparotomy after 52 days., and L. Hána, M. Kasalický, E. Koblihová, Š. Suchánek, P. Horažďovský, M. Ryska
Úvod: Projekt PROROK (Prospektivní observační projekt významu diference glykemie nalačno a postprandiální glykemie pro odhad úspěšnosti terapie diabetu 2. typu) měl charakter neintervenčního, prospektivního, multicentrického observačního projektu s délkou trvání 6 měsíců, jehož cílem byla kvantifikace významu rozdílu mezi glykemií nalačno a postprandiálně pro úspěšnost léčby agonisty pro GLP1 resp. léčby inzulinem bazálním, premixovaným, nebo kombinací bazálního a bolusového inzulinu. Lékaři vybírali léčbu pro neuspokojivě kompenzované pacienty dle vlastního uvážení, zařazeno bylo celkem 4 972 pacientů. Cíl: Cílem práce bylo zhodnocení rozdílů v základních antropometrických a biochemických parametrech mezi skupinami pacientů zařazených do projektu PROROK se zřetelem k volbě terapie ošetřujícím diabetologem. Metodika a výsledky: Pacienti léčení agonisty receptoru GLP1 byli významně mladší, trpí diabetem kratší dobu a zároveň byli obéznější a měli nejvyšší koncentraci triacylglycerolů. Pacienti, u nichž byla volena terapie bazálním inzulinem, měli nejvyšší glykemii nalačno. Pacienti, u nichž byla volena terapie premixovaným inzulinem nebo režimem bazálního a bolusového inzulinu, měli nejvyšší glykemii postprandiálně, pacienti s režimem bazálního a bolusového inzulinu měli nejvyšší vstupní glykovaný hemoglobin. Rozdíl mezi glykemií nalačno a postprandiálně byl nejmenší ve skupině, u níž byla volena terapie bazálním inzulinem a nejvyšší ve skupině vybrané k terapii premixovaným inzulinem resp. kombinací bazálního a bolusového inzulinu. Průměrné zlepšení glykovaného hemoglobinu bylo v celém souboru 1,6 %, medián výsledného glykovaného hemoglobinu byl 5,9 % resp. 5,8 % (léčení agonisty receptoru pro GLP1). Všechny rozdíly p < 0,001. Závěr: Při vědomí skutečnosti, že rozdíly nalezené v parametrech popisujících soubory jsou sice statisticky významné, ale klinicky jsou méně relevantní, považujeme za důležitou skutečnost, že výběr terapie je v konkordanci se základními poznatky o patofyziologii diabetu 2. typu a možnostmi individuálně volené cílené intervence antidiabetickou terapií. Lékaři účastnící se v projektu PROROK tedy volí většinou terapii racionálně., Introduction: The PROROK project (A prospective observation project to assess the relevance of the difference between fasting glycemia and postprandial glycemia to estimation of success of type 2 diabetes therapy) had a character of a non-interventional, prospective, multicentric observation project conducted for a period of 6 months, whose aim was to quantify the relevance of the difference between fasting and postprandial glycemia to the success of GLP1 receptor agonist treatment, or insulin therapy with basal or premixed insulin, or a combination of basal and bolus insulin. Physicians chose therapy for inadequately compensated patients at their own discretion, with 4 972 patients included. Aim: The study aimed at the assessment of the differences in basic anthropometric and biochemical parameters between the patient cohorts included in the PROROK project with regard to the therapy selected by the treating diabetologist. Methodology and results: The patients treated with GLP1 receptor agonists were quite young, they have suffered from diabetes for a shorter period of time and at the same time were more obese and had the highest concentration of triacylglycerols. The patients who underwent basal insulin therapy, had the highest fasting glycemia. The patients for whom premixed insulin therapy or basal/bolus insulin regimen were chosen, manifested the highest postprandial glycemia, those with basal/bolus insulin regimen had the highest initial glycated haemoglobin. The difference between fasting and postprandial glycemia was the smallest in the cohort for which basal insulin therapy was chosen and the greatest in the cohort chosen for the therapy with premixed insulin, or with the basal/bolus insulin combination. Average improvement in glycated haemoglobin values reached 1.6 % within the whole cohort, a median of the resulting glycated haemoglobin reached 5.9 % or 5.8 % (GLP1 receptor agonist treatment). All the differences amounted to p < 0.001. Conclusion: Bearing in mind that the differences established in the parameters describing the cohorts, although statistically relevant, are of smaller clinical relevance, we regard as an important finding that the choice of therapy is in accordance with the basic knowledge about the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes and possibilities of an individually chosen targeted intervention with antidiabetic therapy. We may conclude that most of the physicians participating in the PROROK project choose their therapy in a rational manner., and Denisa Janíčková Žďarská, Pavlína Piťhová, Tomáš Pavlík, Milan Kvapil
C-reaktivní protein (CRP) je citlivý marker zánětu, jehož hladiny se zvyšují u jedinců s diabetem a metabolickým syndromem v souvislosti s rozvojem subklinického zánětu. Ukazují se možnosti využití stanovení hladin CRP jako indikátoru potenciálního rizika onemocnění metabolickým syndromem nebo aterosklerózou na podkladě rozvoje inzulínové rezistence. Práce ověřuje koncentrace C-reaktivního proteinu u vybraných skupin jedinců a jejich korelace s parametry typickými pro inzulínovou rezistenci. Byly studovány skupiny zdravých jedinců (A, n=126), jedinců s obezitou (B, n=213) a jedinců s diagnózou metabolického syndromu (C, n=79). Jedinci s obezitou ve skupině B mají parametry svědčící pro počínající inzulínovou rezistenci: hypertenzi, hyperglykemii, QUICKI (0,305), nižší adiponektinemii a vyšší aFABP ve srovnání se skupinou zdravých. Jedinci ve skupině C mají diagnózu metabolického syndromu, čemuž odpovídají markery inzulínové rezistence QUICKI (0,293), více se snižující adiponektinemie (7,3 mg/l) a vysoké aFABP (35,3 mg/l). Koncentrace CRP je ve skupině zdravých A nejnižší (0,75 mg/l), ve skupině obézních B se zvyšuje (2,65 mg/l) a ve skupině C s metabolickým syndromem je nejvyšší (3,62 mg/l). Největší korelace je mezi CRP a aFABP (0,46) a dále pak mezi aFABP a Body Mass Index (BMI) (0,57). Na patofyziologii rozvoje inzulínové rezistence se podílí subklinická zánětlivá reakce, vyjádřená hlavně ve viscerální tukové tkáni. U obézních jedinců byly stanoveny koncentrace CRP odlišné od zdravých jedinců, které se přibližují k hladině 3 mg/l označované za rizikovou. Jedinci s metabolickým syndromem vykazovali hodnoty CRP rizikové. Přítomnost obezity v asociaci se zvýšením hladiny CRP je považováno za významný rizikový faktor postupného rozvoje metabolického syndromu., C-reactive protein (CRP) is a sensitive marker of inflammation. It has been shown to be potentially useful as an indicator for predicting the risk of metabolic syndrome, based on the development of insulin resistance. The study verified CRP levels in selected groups of individuals and their correlations with parameters typical for insulin resistance. The following groups were studied: healthy individuals (A, n=126), obese individuals (B, n=213) and patients diagnosed with metabolic syndrome (C, n=79). Obese persons in Group B had parameters suggestive of early insulin resistance: hypertension, hyperglycaemia, QUICKI (0.305), lower adiponectin and higher aFABP levels as compared with the healthy subjects. Group C individuals were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome, as evidenced by the QUICKI markers for insulin resistance (0.293), much lower adiponectin (7.3 mg/L) and high aFABP levels (35.3 mg/L). CRP concentrations were lowest in Group A healthy individuals (0.75 mg/L), higher in Group B obese subjects (2.65 mg/L) and highest in Group C patients with metabolic syndrome (3.62 mg/L). The highest correlations were between CRP and aFABP (0.46) and between aFABP and Body Mass Index (0.57). The pathophysiology of insulin resistance is contributed to by subclinical inflammatory reaction, mainly expressed in visceral adipose tissue. Obese individuals were found to have CRP concentrations different from those in healthy individuals, approaching the level of 3 mg/L, known as the risk level. Individuals with metabolic syndrome had risk CRP levels. The presence of obesity in association with increased CRP levels is considered a significant predictor of the gradual development of metabolic syndrome., Dagmar Horáková, Helena Kollárová, Kateřina Azeem, Vladimír Janout, and Literatura 16