Cíl studie: Cílem této studie bylo morfologické zhodnocení vlivu DNCB na Langerhansovy buňky v epidermis v různých časových obdobích a najít vhodný test in vivo, který by charakterizoval imunoreaktivitu LCs a tím i celé kůže. Materiál a metody: Dvaceti dobrovolníkům byly aplikovány 0,2 ml DNCB (2,4-dinitrochlorobenzen) v acetonu na kůži levého předloktí. Kožní biopsie byly odebírány kožními průbojníky o průměru 3 mm do hloubky 2 mm v intervalech 1, 3, 10, 30 minut a 72 hodin po aplikaci. Výsledky: Sledovali jsme nejen morfologické změny těl Langerhansových buněk (LCs), ale také jejich dendritů. Zjistili jsme, že dendrity těchto buněk procházejí obdobnými morfologickými změnami jako těla LCs a že jejich ultrastrukturální složení je rovněž obrazem aktivace buněk. Naše nálezy potvrzují vznik Birbeckových granul (Bgs) jako ligand receptor zprostředkovanou endocytózu, což bylo nejvíce patrné u skupiny II, kde aktivace LCs probíhala rychleji, bouřlivěji a Bgs byla zachycena ve spojení s plazmatickou membránou v dendritech i v těle buněk. Dále jsme prokázali Birbeckovým granulím podobné struktury, zachycené v dendritech LCs skupiny II. Jsou projevem zvýšené reaktivity těchto buněk a nikoli jiným typem LCs. Současně s objevením Bgs v cytoplazmě Langerhansových buněk vznikají v cytoplazmě MIIC kompartmenty, jejichž množství převládá v období, kdy Langerhansovy buňky opouštějí epidermis. Závěr: Zjistili jsme, že za 30 minut po aplikaci 0,1% DNCB je možné posuzovat stupeň reaktivity kůže, protože 30 minut po aplikaci je aktivace LCs již plně rozvinuta. Domníváme se, že použitá koncentrace je dostatečná pro test vyvolávající aktivaci LCs a že přitom nemůže nepříznivě ovlivnit pacienta. Použití bioptických jehel malého průměru je šetrné, neboť jejich hloubka zasahuje jen epidermis a svrchní části koria, a není třeba užívat místní znecitlivění., Objective: The goals of this study were to assess morphologically the DNCB effect on Langerhans cells in the epidermis at different time intervals and to devise an in vivo test for characterization of immunoreactivity of Langerhans cells and thus of the whole skin. Methods: Reactivity of Langerhans cells (LCs) at different time intervals after the application of 0.1 % 2,4- -dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) on the skin of 20 volunteers was studied. Skin biopsy specimens were investigated 1, 3, 10, 30 minutes and 72 hours after DNCB application. Results: The dendrites underwent similar morphological changes as the bodies of Langerhans cells and the ultrastructural composition of the former also reflected cell activation. Other investigators did not previously pay attention to the dendrites. Our findings confirm formation of Birbeck granules (Bgs) resulting from ligand-receptor mediated endocytosis, most evident in group II where LCs showed more rapid and more vigorous activation and Bgs connected to the plasma membrane were detected in both dendrites and cell bodies. Furthermore, Birbeck granule-like structures were found in group II LCs dendrites. They reflect enhanced reactivity of these cells that do not represent a different type of LCs. A majority of the intracellular MHC class II molecules were found in vesicular structures, the so-called MHC-II compartment (MIIC). Simultaneously with Bgs, MIIC compartments develop in the cytoplasm and are most abundant at the moment when LCs leave the epidermis. Conclusions: We found that within 30 minutes after DNCB application, skin reactivity can be assessed, since at that interval the activation of Langerhans cells is fully completed. We suppose that the DNCB concentration used is sufficient for testing activation of Langerhans cells and at the same time no harm to the patient is to be expected. The use of biopsy needles of a small diameter is safe since the puncture affects only the epidermis and the upper layer of the corium and thus the use of local anaesthesia can be avoided., Jana Schramlová, L. Mardešičová, Pavel Barták, and Lit. 26
In Prorhinotermes simplex, tergal glands are present on the last three tergites (from the 8th to the 10th) in imagoes of both sexes. In addition, males possess posterior sternal glands of the same structure on sternites 8 and 9. The tergal and the posterior sternal glands consist of four cell types: class 1 and class 2 secretory cells, and class 3 cells with corresponding canal cells. The cytoplasm of class 1 cells contains smooth endoplasmic reticulum, elongated mitochondria and numerous microtubules. Apical parts of these cells are formed by dense and long microvilli with a central ductule. Class 2 cells contain predominantly lucent vacuoles (in females) or lipid droplets (in males). The structure of class 3 cells does not differ from class 3 cells found in other body parts.
A new microsporidian species of the genus Glugea Thélohan, 1891 parasitising the marine teleost fish Cephalopholis hemistiktos Rüppell, collected from the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, is described on the basis of microscopic and molecular procedures. Spherical and whitish xenoma were observed adhering to the intestinal wall. The numerous spores contained within these xenoma, were ovoid to pyriform and measured 4.3-6.0 µm (5.1 µm) in length and 1.8-2.9 µm (2.2 µm) in width. The spore's wall was composed of two thick layers, which were thinner in the area contacting the anchoring disk. The latter appeared at the spore's anterior pole, in an eccentric position to the longitudinal axis. A lamellar polaroplast surrounded the uncoiled portion of the polar filament projected to the basal region of the spore, giving rise to 26-29 turns with winding from the base to the anterior zone of the spore. The posterior vacuole, located at the spore's posterior pole, and surrounded by the polar filament coils, was irregular and composed of light material. Molecular analysis of the rRNA genes, including the ITS region, was performed using maximum parsimony, neighbour-joining and maximum likelihood methods. The ultrastructural features observed, combined with the phylogenetic data analysed, suggest this parasite to be a new species of the genus Glugea. This is the first species of this genus to be reported from Saudi Arabia and is herein named Glugea nagelia sp. n., Abdel-Azeem S. Abdel-Baki, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Sónia Rocha, Mohamed A. Dkhil, Graça Casal, Carlos Azevedo., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Using scanning and transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructure of the anterior organ and posterior funnel-shaped canal of Gyrocotyle urna Wagener, 1852 (Cestoda: Gyrocotylidea) from ratfish, Chimaera monstrosa (Holocephali), was studied for the first time. The proper anterior organ is localised at a short distance (about 170 µm) from an apical pore surrounded by a receptor field, whereas its distal end is marked by a muscular sphincter. The tegumental surface of this organ is covered with short filitriches of irregular length; large area of muscle layers traverse beneath the tegumental layer. The funnel-shaped canal of G. urna (2.5-3.0 mm long) is a specialised, muscular part of the posterior attachment organ; it opens on the rounded elevation on the dorsal body surface. The tegumental layer bears conical sclerite-like structures (up to 1.5 µm long). It produces electron-dense bodies that are transported into a canal lumen and surrounded thick muscle area mixed with numerous nerve fibres. The present ultrastructural study of G. urna indicates that gyrocotylideans share some ultrastructural characters of the anterior organ with spathebothriidean cestodes with a single anterior attachment sucker-like organ. In contrast, the unique posterior rosette attachment organ with funnel-shaped canal of the Gyrocotylidea resembles the haptor of polyopisthocotylean monogeneans in its position at the posterior end of the body and presumed origin. The above-mentioned features add more clarity to support the basal position of the Gyrocotylidea Poche, 1926 among cestodes. In addition, they also indicate a possible relationship of gyrocotylidean ancestors with monogeneans., Larisa G. Poddubnaya, Roman Kuchta, Glenn A. Bristow, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The frontal gland as a sac-like organ in Prorhinotermes simplex is present only in presoldiers, soldiers, and imagoes, but exists also in nymph-soldier intercastes. The secretory epithelium consists of a single type of secretory cells adhering directly to the cuticular intima. Secretory vacuoles originate in electron dense vesicles, which are transformed into large electron lucent vacuoles. Intermediate vacuoles frequently contain lipid droplets. The frontal gland cells in presoldiers reveal modifications connected with the production of a new cuticle; the new cuticle is thin and compact, whereas the old one is thick, porous, and wrinkled. None of these cuticles is present in soldiers (sic!). In soldiers, the cuticular intima is of endocuticular origin and is formed by dispersed dense material; the apical parts of secretory cells are formed by numerous irregular finger-like projections, true microvilli are completely lacking. In imagoes, the cuticle is composed of an epicuticle, a layer of epicuticular filaments, and one more basal layer; sexual differences were not observed. In nymph-soldier intercastes, the structure of the gland differs in the head and in the metathorax; the head part of the gland resembles the imaginal gland whereas the thoracic part resembles more that of the soldier; the development of secretory vacuoles stops at the stage of presence of lipid droplets. E-1-nitropentadecene was found in the highest amount in soldiers (comparable to P. inopinatus soldiers), in moderate amount in imagoes, and it is missing in both presoldiers and intercastes.
In the present paper, we describe the ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the notocotylid Notocotylus noyeri (Joyeux, 1922) by means of transmission electron microscopy. The mature spermatozoon of N. noyeri exhibits the general pattern described in the majority of digeneans: two axonemes of the 9 + "1" pattern of the Trepaxonemata, nucleus, mitochondria, parallel cortical microtubules, spine-like bodies and ornamentation of the plasma membrane. The glycogenic nature of the electron-dense granules was evidenced applying the test of Thiéry. The ultrastructural features of the spermatozoon of N. noyeri present some differences in relation to those of the Pronocephalidea described until now, but confirm a general pattern for the Notocotylidae, namely a spermatozoon with two mitochondria and an anterior region with ornamentation of the plasma membrane associated with spine-like bodies. The posterior extremity of the spermatozoon exhibits only some microtubules after the disorganisation of the second axoneme. The present study confirms that some ultrastructural characters of the sperm cell such as the presence or absence of lateral expansions, the number of mitochondria and the morphology of both anterior and posterior spermatozoon extremities are useful for phylogenetic purposes within the Pronocephaloidea. Thus, unlike notocotylids, pronocephalids exhibit external ornamentation and a lateral expansion in the anterior spermatozoon region. Moreover, notocotylid spermatozoa present two mitochondria, whereas pronocephalid spermatozoa exhibit a single mitochondrion. Finally, pronocephalids are characterised by a type 2 posterior spermatozoon extremity, whereas notocotylids exhibit a type 3 posterior spermatozoon extremity., Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Jordi Torres, Catarina Eira, Vladimir V. Shimalov, Jordi Miquel., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This review critically examines the ecological costs and benefits of ultraviolet vision in European owlflies. On the one hand it permits the accurate pursuit of flying prey, but on the other, it limits hunting to sunny periods. First the physics of detecting short wave radiation are presented. Then the advantages and disadvantages of the optical specializations necessary for UV vision are discussed. Finally the question of why several visual pigments are involved in UV vision is addressed.
Ultrazvukové vyšetrenie maternice po pôrode zahŕňa niektoré špecifiká, ktoré vyplývajú z rýchlo sa meniacich rozmerov maternice, ale aj compliance pacientky vo včasnom šestonedelí. Pri riešení popôrodných komplikácií je potrebné poznať normálny ultrazvukový nález, dynamické zmeny maternice v priebehu šestonedelia, aby sme vedeli lepšie rozpoznať patologický priebeh od normálneho priebehu šestonedelia. Klinický význam ultrazvukového posúdenia veľkosti maternice ako aj oblasti jazvy po cisárskom reze v priebehu šestonedelia doteraz nie je dostatočne popísaný. Prehľadový článok rozoberá špecifiká ultrazvukovej diagnostiky po vaginálnom pôrode a cisárskom reze. Autori článku prezentujú jednoduchú techniku vyšetrenia maternice po pôrode., Ultrasound examination of the uterus after delivery includes some features which result from rapidly changing dimensions of the uterus, but also patient compliance in the early puerperium. In dealing with postpartum complications is necessary to know the normal ultrasound findings, the dynamic changes in the uterus during the puerperium, so we can better recognize the pathological process during the normal puerperium. The clinical significance of ultrasound assessment of uterine size and the scar after Cesarean section during the puerperium have not been yet sufficiently described. Review article discusses the specifics of diagnostic ultrasound following vaginal delivery and Cesarean section. Authors of the article presents a simple technique of the uterus examination after childbirth., Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda, and Literatura 42
Hyperechogenní a rozšířená oblast substantia nigra je detekovatelná u více než 90 % pacientů s Parkinsonovou nemocí (PN). U zdravé populace se však tento nález vyskytuje maximálně v 10 %. Cílem naším práce bylo zjistit zastoupení nálezu hyperechogenní či rozšířené substantia nigra u pacientů s atypickým parkinsonským syndromem (APS). Metodika: Během 15 měsíců jsme vyšetřili pomocí transkraniální sonografie 209 pacientů s PN, multisystémovou atrofií (MSA), vaskulárním parkinsonským syndromem (VP) a esenciálním tremorem (ET). Jako kontrolní skupina byli vybráni pacienti s prokázanou PN a zdraví dobrovolníci. Výsledky: Hyperechogenní SN byla nalezena u 42,9 % u pacientů s MSA, 10 % u ET, a 18,2 % u VP. Rozšířená oblast SN větší než 0,25 cm2 byla detekována u pacientů s MSA v 50 %, u VP ve 20 % a u ET ve 27,3 %. Hyperechogenní, rozšířená SN byla signifikantně častější u PN (84,7 %) a MSA (50 %) (p > 0,05) ve srovnání s VP (27,3 %), ET (20 %) a zdravými dobrovolníky (0 %). Závěr: Nález hyperechogenní, rozšířená oblast SN je signifikantně častější u pacientů s PN a MSA. TCS detekce SN může být použita jako další metoda v diferenciální diagnostice PN a atypických parkinsonských syndromů., Petra Bártová, D. Školoudík, T. Fadrná, P. Ressner, M. Bar, R. Herzig, P. Kaňovský, and Lit.: 18
Cíl. Korelace ultrazvukového vyšetření polohy disku temporomandibulárního kloubu s vyšetřením na magnetické rezonanci. Metoda. Celkem bylo vyšetřeno 95 pacientů, 112 čelistních kloubů, soubor zahrnoval 10 mužů, 85 žen, věkové rozhraní 14-74 let, průměrný věk 37 let. Vyšetření na ultrazvuku probíhalo na přístroji Philips iu22 lineární 17 MHz sondou ve dvou fázích - klidové a dynamické - při otevírání úst. Na magnetické rezonanci byli pacienti vyšetření na přístroji Philips Achieva 1,5 T s povrchovou cívkou a mikroskopickou cívkou, každé vyšetření zahrnovalo sekvenci s postupným otevíráním úst. Výsledky. Souhlas mezi ultrazvukovým vyšetřením a magnetickou rezonancí při ventrální poloze byl 96%, z toho byla diagnostikována repozice disku v 94%, u pacientů bez repozice byla senzitivita nižší - 65%., Aim. The aim of this study was the correlation of an ultrasound examination of the disk of the temporomandibular joint with the magnetic rezonance examination. Method. In total has been examined 95 patients, 112 mandibular joints, file include 10 men, 85 women, age interface 14-74 years old, the average age of 37 years. The patients were examined using Philips iu22 with linear 17 MHz probe with dynamic phase - with opening the mouth. On the MRI, the patients were examined using Philips Achieva 1.5 T with the surface coil and microscopic coil, each examination included a sequence with the gradual opening of the mouth. Results. Consent between the ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging in the anterior position was 96%, disc reposition in 94% of patients, without reposition in 65% cases., Andrea Šprláková-Puková, Alena Štouračová, Miloš Keřkovský, Ondřej Liberda, Vojtěch Peřina, Karel Bartušek, Zdenek Smékal, Ondřej Šmirg, and Literatura