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44322. Vědění pro všechny! :
- Creator:
- Šimůnek, Michal,
- Type:
- text, statický obraz, and publikace populárně-naučné
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, okupace nacistická, politika okupační, věda, technika, propaganda, nacismus, popularizace vědy, Československo 1938-1945, and dějiny vědy, umění, kultury a techniky, kulturní vztahy
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Název z obálky
- Rights:
- unknown
44323. Vedení terapie diabetes mellitus 2. typu ve zralém věku
- Creator:
- Hradec, Jiří and Račická, Eva
- Format:
- print, text, and regular print
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, přehledy, and TEXT
- Subject:
- diabetes mellitus 2. typu--farmakoterapie, věkové faktory, geriatrie, hypoglykemika--farmakologie--klasifikace, inzulin--farmakologie, staří, staří nad 80 let, lidé, and hyperglykemie--farmakoterapie
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Diabetes mellitus 2. typu představuje závažný medicínský, společenský i ekonomický problém, neboť se stal v posledních letech pandemickým onemocněním, postihuje ve stáří až třetinu české populace. Jde o klinicky nejvýznamnější metabolické onemocnění vyššího věku. Farmakoterapeutický přístup je třeba u seniorů přizpůsobit přítomnosti četných komorbidit, schopnosti pacienta spolupracovat na léčbě. Vzhledem k obávané hypoglykemii, která může přispívat ke zvýšené morbiditě, snižuje kvalitu života a limituje v mnoha případě možnosti léčby. Při rozhodování o léčbě je třeba vycházet z doporučení, která dělí diabetiky z geriatrického hlediska na seniory zdatné nebo křehké. Od toho se odvozují cílové hodnoty kompenzace diabetu. Cílem článku je popsat možnosti bezpečné léčby diabetes mellitus 2. typu u seniorů a upozornit na rizika, která může některá léčba seniorům přinášet., Type 2 diabetes mellitus represents a serious medical, social and economic problem, since it has become a pandemic in recent years, affecting up to 1/3 of the Czech population in old age. It is the clinically most significant metabolic disease in older age. A pharmacotherapeutic approach needs to be adjusted to the presence of multiple comorbidities in the elderly and to the patient’s ability to cooperate with treatment, and owing to the feared hypoglycemia which may contribute to increased morbidity, it detracts from the quality of life and limits the possibilities of treatment in many cases. When taking decisions about the treatment, the recommendations categorizing diabetic patients from the geriatric perspective as fit or fragile should be taken into account. The target values of diabetes compensation are derived from them. The purpose of the paper is to describe the possibilities of safe therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus in older patients and draw attention to the risks that some types of treatment may present for older people., and Jiří Hradec, Eva Račická
- Rights:
- and policy:public
44324. Vedlejší účinky farmakoterapie na hladinu lipidů
- Creator:
- Svačina, Štěpán
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- cholesterol--metabolismus, metabolický syndrom--farmakoterapie--chemicky indukované, hyperlipidemie--farmakoterapie--chemicky indukované, triglyceridy--metabolismus, psychotropní léky--farmakologie--metabolismus--škodlivé účinky, antikonvulzíva--farmakologie--metabolismus--škodlivé účinky, antihypertenzíva--farmakologie--metabolismus--škodlivé účinky, hormonální substituční terapie, hypoglykemika--farmakologie--metabolismus, antikoncepční látky orální hormonální--farmakologie--metabolismus--škodlivé účinky, and lidé
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Moderní účinná hypolipidemická farmakoterapie obvykle překrývá negativní vliv některých skupin farmak na lipidy. Přesto by určitý negativní účinek některých psychofarmak, antiepileptik, antihypertenziv či hormonální terapie měl být brán v úvahu. V přehledu uvádíme přehled některých lékových skupin vyvolávajících dyslipidemii i přehled farmak, která dyslipidemii ovlivňují pozitivně., Štěpán Svačina, and Lit. 39
- Rights:
- and policy:public
44325. Vedomosti astmatických pacientov o self-manažmente astmy
- Creator:
- Dingová, Michaela and Osacká, Petronela
- Format:
- 303-311, braille, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, statistics, and TEXT
- Subject:
- lidé, bronchiální astma--ošetřování--prevence a kontrola, průřezové studie, dospělí, statistika jako téma, péče o sebe--metody--statistika a číselné údaje, šíření informací, vzdělávání pacientů jako téma, lidé středního věku, mladiství, mladý dospělý, and průzkumy a dotazníky
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and English
- Description:
- Cieľ: V práci sme sa zamerali na vedomosti pacientov s astmou v oblastiach self-manažmentu tohto ochorenia a najmä na vplyv faktoru dĺžky trvania tohto ochorenia na úroveň vedomostí o self-manažmente. Zároveň sme zisťovali vzťah medzi úrovňou vedomostí o self-manažmente ochorenia a kontrolou astmy. Metodika: V tejto prierezovej štúdii bolo do súboru zaradených 297 respondentov. Na testovanie kontroly astmy a úrovne vedomostí pacientov sme použili valídne nástroje a to Dotazník vedomostí o self-manažmente astmy pre dospelých (Measuring asthma self-management knowledge in adults) a Test kontroly astmy (Astma Control Test ACTTM). Na štatistické spracovanie dát boli využité: Pearsonov Chi-kvadrat test nezávislosti a Spearmanov korelačný koeficient. Výsledky: Až 220 z 297 respondentov (74,07 %) preukázalo nedostatočné vedomosti, a to konkrétne v doméne Vedomosti o liečbe astmy. V oblasti Manažment bronchiálnej astmy malo nedostatočné vedomosti 191 respondentov (64,31 %). Početnosť správnych odpovedí zároveň naznačuje, že úroveň vedomostí v doménach self-manažmentu astmy, významných pre kontrolu ochorenia, bola vyššia v skupine pacientov diagnostikovaných v priemere jeden rok ako v skupine, ktorá trpí ochorením dlhšie (6-10 rokov), i keď rozdiel nie je štatisticky významný. Záver: Nedostatky vo vedomostiach astmatikov, vyššia frekvencia chýb v oblastiach self-manažmentu, vrátane self-monitoringu a horšia kontrola astmy pri ochorení diagnostikovanom viac ako 6 rokov naznačujú, že je potrebné v klinickej praxi venovať čas a pozornosť reedukácii, opakovanému posúdeniu vedomostí a praktických zručností (aplikácia metód self-manažmentu, inhalačnej techniky) v skupine už skôr diagnostikovaných astmatikov., Aim: This project is aimed to find out the patient knowledge with asthma in the area of self-management of this disease and particularly the influence of the length of the disease on the knowledge level about self-management. At the same time we tried to find out the relation between the knowledge level of the asthma self-management and control of asthma disease. Methods: The total number of 297 adult asthma patients were included in the cross sectional study. The valid instruments Asthma Control Test and Measuring asthma self management knowledge in adults were used for testing asthma control and the degree of patient knowledge in self management of asthma. The Chi-squared test and the Spearman´s rank correlation coefficient were used for statistical processing of data. Results: A total of 220 out of 279 respondents (74%) showed poor knowledge of selfmanagement of asthma, particularly in “Knowledge of asthma treatment” domain and 191 patients in “Management of bronchial asthma” domain (64%). Patients who had been diagnosed one year ago had better level of knowledge in selfmanagement of asthma than those who had been treated for asthma longer than six years (6-10 years). This difference was not significant, but it was related to those domains which has significant influence on asthma control (domains 2-5). Conclusion: Poor knowledge of asthma patients, higher frequency of errors in self management and worse control of asthma in patients with asthma longer than six years imply the need for better and repeated education, check of patient knowledge and skills for self-management, use of peak flow meter included in this group of patients., Michaela Dingová, Petronela Osacká, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
44326. Vegetable oils used as vitamin E vehicle affect the electrical activity of rat heart
- Creator:
- Ozdemir, S., Ayaz, M., Tuncer, T., Ugur, M., and Turan, B.
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- article, články, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Fyziologie člověka a srovnávací fyziologie, vitamin E, fyziologie, physiology, action potential, corn oil, penaut oil, hazelnut oil, papillary muscle, atrial muscle, repolarization, 14, and 612
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The aim of this study is to define the possible effects of vegetable oils used as vitamin E vehicle on the electrical activity of the rat heart. To test the possible effects of vitamin E vehicles we studied the effect of i.p. injected corn oil, hazelnut oil or peanut oil on the action potential parameters recorded in both papillary and left atrial muscle strips. Four experimental groups were used. The control group was injected (i.p.) with distilled water, while the three remaining groups received injections of corn oil, hazelnut oil, or peanut oil for five weeks (in a dose of 0.4 ml/kg/day - minimum amount of oil in which vitamin E could be dissolved). We used borosilicated (15-20 MΩ) capillary electrodes and intracellular action potentials (AP) were recorded in isolated papillary and left atrium muscle strips. While administration of three different types of vegetable oil had no significant effect on AP parameters of papillary muscle, they significantly prolonged the repolarization phase of AP in atrial strips. These results show that vegetable oils used as vitamin E vehicles may alter the electrical activity of the heart in a tissue-dependent manner. The present data indicate that the possible effect of vegetable oil vehicles should be kept in mind while evaluating the possible effects of in vivo vitamin E administration., S. Ozdemir, M. Ayaz, T. Tuncer, M. Ugur, B. Turan., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
44327. Vegetace České republiky 3. Vodní a mokřadní vegetace
- Creator:
- Schaminée, Joop
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- and policy:public
44328. Vegetace Vltavského luhu na Šumavě a problém reliktních praluk
- Creator:
- Sádlo, Jiří and Bufková, Iva
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- phytosociology, historical botany, palynology, Early Holocene, refuges, grassland, woodland, secular succession, Vltava (Moldau) river, Šumava Mts, and Czech Republic
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Nutrient-rich terrestric habitats form small areas in the peaty alluvial plain of upper stream of the Vltava river. Their vegetation consists of birch and grey alder alluvial woodland, willow and bridewort scrub and tall grassland of sedges, grasses and forbs. A hypothesis that this vegetation is an Early Holocene relic is presented. The relict origin is supported by recent dynamics of habitats and vegetation, findings of palynology, palaeoecology and history of land use, and by the analogical composition and history of relict vegetation of northernmost Europe. The refugial effect of the habitat is suggested by stable conditions on high temporal and spatial scales, and by permanent reclaiming of open gaps along the stream.
- Rights:
44329. Vegetation diversity of mesic meadows and pastures in the West Carpathians
- Creator:
- Rozbrojová, Zuzana, Hájek, Michal, and Hájek, Ondřej
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- hay meadow, mesic pasture, vegetation classification, vegetation diversity, and West Carpathians
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A phytosociological study of the West Carpathian mesic hay meadows and pastures (order Arrhenatheretalia elatioris) was performed and is the first unified investigation into the vegetation diversity in the area, which is situated in three countries (Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland). Because of the differences in the current classification systems used in different countries it was not possible to make a single selection of the Arrhenatheretalia relevés from the databases, so a data set containing relevés originally assigned to three orders encompassing this vegetation in hay meadows and pastures in the area (Arrhenatheretalia elatioris, Molinietalia and Nardetalia strictae) was established. This data set was classified using cluster analysis. Only the cluster corresponding to the order Arrhenatheretalia elatioris at the level of three clusters was further classified in the same way as the whole data set. The ecological interpretation of the classification was based on altitude, Ellenberg indicator values and geological bedrock. The clusters were also compared with the syntaxonomical assignment of the relevés by their authors. The classification at the level of 12 clusters reflected the most widespread vegetation types of mesicmeadows and pastures recorded in the area. The vegetation of extensive pastures, corresponding to the association Anthoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis, seemed to be more similar in floristic composition to the mesic meadows of Arrhenatherion elatioris than to the intensive pastures of Cynosurion cristati, where it was traditionally classified, which has important conservation consequences because of the different position of these units in conservation systems such as Natura 2000. Higher altitude meadows were divided into four vegetation types including meadows corresponding to the association Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum capillaris, which is a frequent community in the Polish Carpathians that does not occur in the other regions. Montane meadows currently classified in Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis were less clearly distinguished, probably because of their patchy distribution in theWest Carpathians. The differences in vegetation diversity of meadows and pastures between particular countries were confirmed, with Gladiolo imbricati-Agrostietum capillaris occurring predominantly in the northern part of the West Carpathians and Anthoxantho odorati-Agrostietum tenuis virtually absent here. The ecological determinants of variation in montane meadows are discussed.
- Rights:
44330. Vegetation gradients in fishpond mires in relation to seasonal fluctuations in environmental factors
- Creator:
- Navrátilová, Jana and Navrátil, Josef
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Central Europe, electrical conductivity, fen, fluctuation, mire veegtation, water pH, and water table
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The composition of the vegetation of fishpond mires in the Třeboň Basin (Czech Republic) was studied in relation to temporal fluctuations in certain environmental factors. The water-table depth, water pH and electrical conductivity at 49 permanent plots were measured at approximately threeweek intervals from March to October 2003. Minimum, maximum, mean, median and variation in the above-mentioned environmental factors were correlated with vegetation composition. The most important environmental factors explaining the variation in vegetation were mean pH and maximum water-table level. Median conductivity increased with increase in waterlogging and eutrophication. Some seasonal trends in the dynamics of these parameters were observed. The lowest conductivity was in spring, increased continuously throughout summer and peaked in autumn. In contrast, water level decreased in summer, when evapotranspiration was greatest, and rose in autumn after heavy rainfall. The pH increased from March to June, then was stable and decreased at the end of summer. Seasonal trends were generally identical in all vegetation types. The fluctuations in the environmental factors were so considerable that they may influence the reliability of vegetation environmental analyses.
- Rights: