The article deals with an applicability of John Searle’s theory of social ontology to linguistic category of proper names. We suggest that in the context of Searle’s theory we can consider proper names to be a kind of social institution. By several examples from anthropolinguistic research and from the field of theoretical onomastics we try to show that proper names meet conditions specified by John Searle, in particular that - through different communities all over the world - they are ''holders'' of various types of deontic power. At the end of our article we shortly weigh the possibility that proper names can be regard as status indicators (in terms of Searle’s theory) too., Článek pojednává o aplikovatelnosti teorie sociální ontologie Johna Searle na jazykovou kategorii vlastních jmen. Navrhujeme, že v kontextu Searlovy teorie můžeme považovat vlastní jména za druh sociální instituce. Několik příkladů z antropolingvistického výzkumu az oblasti teoretické onomastiky se snažíme ukázat, že vlastní jména splňují podmínky stanovené Johnem Searlem, zejména, že - prostřednictvím různých komunit po celém světě - jsou ,,držiteli''
různých typů deontické moci . V závěru našeho článku stručně zvažujeme možnost, že vlastní jména mohou být považována za stavové indikátory (z hlediska Searlovy teorie)., and Marek Nagy
Below-average precipitation and above-average air temperature are important factors in the occurrence and intensity of drought. In the context of global climate change, air temperature increase, as a key climatological parameter, has to be considered when calculating the drought index. We introduce a new method of drought analysis, relying on standardized values of precipitation and mean air temperatures for a certain period. The standardized value is calculated by subtracting the average value for each period from each measured value and dividing the obtained value by the standard deviation of the sample. Next, the New Drought Index (NDI) is calculated by subtracting the standardized temperature value from the standardized precipitation value. NDI values were determined for the monthly and annual precipitation time series and mean monthly and annual air temperatures measured at the stations Split-Marjan and Zagreb-Grič between 1948 and 2020. The NDI indicates that the risk of drought has intensified significantly in recent decades, which may be related to the effect of global warming.
This paper focuses on two interrelated issues about the prospects for research projects in experimental philosophical logic. The first issue is about the role that logic plays in such projects; the second involves the role that experimental results from the cog-nitive sciences play in them. I argue that some notion of logic plays a crucial role in these research projects, and, in turn, the results of these projects might inform substantive debates in the philosophy of logic.
Elemente der gotischen Mode in Kleidung und Schmuck bei der ländlichen Bevölkerung auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei. (Grabhorizont aus dem 14.-15. Jh. in Ducové, Gemeinde Moravany nad Váhom).