This study was carried out to determine the possible use of evapotranspiration estimation (combination) methods under different climatic conditions of Turkey. Reference evapotranspiration values were calculated according to Penman (1963; Original wind function), FAO-24 Corrected Penman, Penman (Daytime wind speed), Kimberly-Penman (1972), Kimberly-Penman (1982), FAO-PPP-17, Penman (Merva-Fernandez), Penman-Monteith and Penman-Monteith (FAO) for selected 20 locations with different climatic conditions. Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) assessments were analyzed according to their annually, 8 monthly (March-October) and 3 monthly (June-August) values. In all periods evaluated, almost the same significant differences (P<0.01) were found between locations and methods. High ET0 values were obtained in the locations with high wind speed and low relative humidity. Low ET0 values were observed in the locations with low daily sunshine duration. In conclusion, FAO-PPP-17, Penman (Merva-Fernandez), Penman-Monteith and Penman-Monteith (FAO) could be more efficiently used. Penman (Daytime wind speed) and FAO-24 Corrected Penman over-predicted ET0 values as compared to other methods. and Referát obsahuje výsledky výpočtu referenčnej evapotranspirácie pomocou kombinovanej metódy, aplikovanej na klimatické podmienky Turecka. Referenčná evapotranspirácia (ET0) - čo je potenciálna evapotranspirácia referenčného porastu - bola vypočítaná podľa Penmana (1963; Originálna ''vetrová'' funkcia), upravenou metódou Penmana, označenou ako FAO-24, modifikovanou metódou Penmana (bola použitá rýchlosť vetra len počas dňa), metódou Kimberly-Penman(1972), Kimberly-Penman (1982), metódou FAO-PPP-17, Penmana (podľa autorov Merva-Fernandez), Penmana-Monteitha a Penmana-Monteitha (podľa FAO). Vybrali sme 20 lokalít s rozdielnymi klimatickými podmienkami na území Turecka, ktorých klimatické charakteristiky boli použité v uvedených metódach výpočtu referenčnej evapotranspirácie. Referenčná evapotranspirácia (ET0) pre ročné, 8-mesačné (marec - október) a trojmesačné (jún - august) obdobia bola podrobená analýze, v závislosti na metóde, ktorou bola určená. Pre všetky analyzované obdobia boli nájdené skoro také isté rozdiely medzi lokalitami a metódami (P < 0,01). Vysoké hodnoty ET0 boli určené pre lokality s výskytom vysokej rýchlosti vetra a nízkej relatívnej vlhkosti vzduchu. Nízke hodnoty ET0 boli určené pre lokality s krátkym trvaním slnečného svitu. Možno zhrnúť, že niektoré metódy dávajú realistické výsledky - FAO-PPP-17, Penmanova metóda (verzia autorov Merva - Fernandez), metóda Penmana-Monteitha a Penmana-Monteitha (FAO). Metóda Penmanova (použitá rýchlosť vetra len počas dňa) a upravená metóda Penmana, označená ako FAO-24, v porovnaní s inými metódami vypočítanú referenčnú evapotranspiráciu výrazne nadhodnocujú.
From 29th March to 09th April 2006, the Morava catchment in the Danube River basin was hit by severe flooding caused by snow melting and rainfall. The floods affected settlements and agricultural lands in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Austria. In the downstream Morava, 100-year flood and more peak discharges were observed. The European Flood Alert System (EFAS), under development and running in pre-operational mode at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, in partnership with Member States’ authorities and meteorological data providers, forecasted the event more than five days in advance. This paper investigates the performance of EFAS hydrologic forecasts for this event. Forecasts based on deterministic and probabilistic weather forecasts are presented and verified against observed data. The analysis showed that forecasts based on probabilistic weather ensembles were able to detect an earlier signal of the flood event. The lack of consistence between simulations based on different medium-range weather forecasts was the main reason for a late diffusion of EFAS forecasts to its partner in Slovakia, with an impact on the value of the forecasts as a pre-alert. The potential benefit of ensemble hydrologic forecasts to early flood warning and increased preparedness is highlighted. and V období 29. marca až 9. apríla 2006 zasiahla povodie Moravy, ktoré je súčasťou povodia Dunaja ničivá povodeň, zapríčinená prevažne topením sa snehu v kombinácii s pomerne výdatnou zrážkovou činnosťou. Povodeň spôsobila škody na obydliach a poľnohospodárskej pôde v Českej republike, Rakúsku a aj na Slovensku. V dolnej časti toku Morava bol zaznamenaný kulminačný prietok s dobou opakovania viac ako 100 rokov. Európsky povodňový varovný systém, vyvinutý a prevádzkovaný v tzv. predoperačnom režime JRC EU v spolupráci s členskými štátmi, ktoré sú aj poskytovateľmi hydrometeorologických údajov, prognózoval túto rozsiahlu povodňovú epizódu s predstihom 5 dní. Príspevok sa zameriava na skúmanie realizácie hydrologických predpovedí z EFAS systému pre uvedenú povodňovú udalosť. Predpovede vypočítané na základe deterministických a pravdepodobnostných predpovedí počasia sú verifikované pozorovanými údajmi. Analýza výsledkov ukázala, že predpovede robené na základe pravdepodobnostných ansámblových predpovedí vývoja počasia boli schopné dať signál, že sa povodňová udalosť stane, s väčším intervalom predstihu. V dôsledku nekonzistencie vyhodnocovaných predpovedí bola slovenskému partnerovi EFAS-u odoslaná oneskorene. Príspevok poukázal tiež na skutočnosť, že využitie ansámblov pre hydrologické predpovede a včasné varovanie pred nebezpečenstvom povodní umožňuje v dostatočnom predstihu zlepšiť pripravenosť na tieto udalosti.
Water quality of the Cidlina river (right tributary of the Labe river was studied during two years (1997 - 1998). Besides the examination of hydrology and land use, the main resources of pollution were identified. Physical, chemical and biological parameters of water were measured in 10 profiles and water quality was evaluated according to Czech norms 75 7221 and put into the grade of purity. Pollution of upper part of river is not so bad but lower part is very polluted. High concentration of BOD5 correspond with biological parameters - alfa-mesosaprobita. At the end some tools and strategies are added to manage water more effectively. and V létech 1997 a 1998 byla sledována kvalita povrchové vody v Cidline (pravostranný přítok Labe). Kromě studia hydrologických parametrů a využívání krajiny (land use) byly zjištěny hlavní zdroje znečištění - města Jičín a Nový Bydžov. Fyzikálně-chemické a biologické charakteristiky vody byly měřeny na 10 říčních profilech a kvalita vody hodnocena podle CSN 75 7221 a zařazena do tříd čistoty. Horní část toku, méne znečištěná, náleží do III. - IV. třídy, silně znečištená dolní část do V. třídy čistoty. Zvýšené koncentraci BSK5 v celém toku odpovídá i kvalita makrozoobentosu - vetšinou α -mezosaprobita. V závěru jsou navržena opatření k zlepšení kvality vody.
This paper contains the method and results of calculation evapotranspiration and its structure - transpiration and evaporation from traditionally tilled and mulched soil. The data considered indicate that in the arid regions of territory under study the evapotranspiration when soil is mulched does not change significantly and only the relation between the transpiration and soil evaporation changes. In the wet regions, evapotranspiration decreases when the soil is mulched which can result in a certain disturbance of the natural structure of the hydrological cycle and possible overmoistening soils.
A large-scale piano key weir laboratory study was conducted to investigate the evolution of the scour process occurring in the downstream basin for two non-cohesive granular bed materials, including the analysis of scour-hole geometry and patterns at equilibrium. It was observed that hydraulic conditions, particularly tailwater level, significantly affect the scour mechanisms and equilibrium morphology, eventually resulting in scour depths that exceeded the weir height. Unprecedented insights on the scour dynamics are also provided, along with tools to estimate the time evolution and maximum scour depth, its location in the streamwise direction, and the maximum scour length.
Analytical solutions of the advection-dispersion equation and related models are indispensable for predicting or analyzing contaminant transport processes in streams and rivers, as well as in other surface water bodies. Many useful analytical solutions originated in disciplines other than surface-water hydrology, are scattered across the literature, and not always well known. In this two-part series we provide a discussion of the advection-dispersion equation and related models for predicting concentration distributions as a function of time and distance, and compile in one place a large number of analytical solutions. In the current part 1 we present a series of one- and multi-dimensional solutions of the standard equilibrium advection-dispersion equation with and without terms accounting for zero-order production and first-order decay. The solutions may prove useful for simplified analyses of contaminant transport in surface water, and for mathematical verification of more comprehensive numerical transport models. Part 2 provides solutions for advective-dispersive transport with mass exchange into dead zones, diffusion in hyporheic zones, and consecutive decay chain reactions.
Contaminant transport processes in streams, rivers, and other surface water bodies can be analyzed or predicted using the advection-dispersion equation and related transport models. In part 1 of this two-part series we presented a large number of one- and multi-dimensional analytical solutions of the standard equilibrium advection-dispersion equation (ADE) with and without terms accounting for zero-order production and first-order decay. The solutions are extended in the current part 2 to advective-dispersive transport with simultaneous first-order mass exchange between the stream or river and zones with dead water (transient storage models), and to problems involving longitudinal advectivedispersive transport with simultaneous diffusion in fluvial sediments or near-stream subsurface regions comprising a hyporheic zone. Part 2 also provides solutions for one-dimensional advective-dispersive transport of contaminants subject to consecutive decay chain reactions.
Hydrological processes research remains a field that is severely measurement limited. While conventional tracers (geochemicals, isotopes) have brought extremely valuable insights into water source and flowpaths, they nonetheless have limitations that clearly constrain their range of application. Integrating hydrology and ecology in catchment science has been repeatedly advocated as offering potential for interdisciplinary studies that are eventually to provide a holistic view of catchment functioning. In this context, aerial diatoms have been shown to have the potential for detecting of the onset/cessation of rapid water flowpaths within the hillslope-riparian zone-stream continuum. However, many open questions prevail as to aerial diatom reservoir size, depletion and recovery, as well as to their mobilisation and transport processes. Moreover, aerial diatoms remain poorly known compared to freshwater species and new species are still being discovered. Here, we ask whether aerial diatom flushing can be observed in three catchments with contrasting physiographic characteristics in Luxembourg, Oregon (USA) and Slovakia. This is a prerequisite for qualifying aerial diatoms as a robust indicator of the onset/cessation of rapid water flowpaths across a wider range of physiographical contexts. One species in particular, (Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grunow), was found to be common to the three investigated catchments. Aerial diatom species were flushed, in different relative proportions, to the river network during rainfall-runoff events in all three catchments. Our take-away message from this preliminary examination is that aerial diatoms appear to have a potential for tracing episodic hydrological connectivity through a wider range of physiographic contexts and therefore serve as a complementary tool to conventional hydrological tracers.
The paper describes results of experiments with rotating spherical particles moving in water. Rubber spherical balls with the density close to that of water were speeded up in a special inclined chute that ensured the required particle rotational and translational velocity in the given plane. A standard video system was used to capture particle trajectory and the evaluation was focused on the effects of two dimensionless parameters of the particle motion, Reynolds number and rotational Reynolds number. The values of the drag force and drag torque coefficients were determined from the experimental data and compared with the results of the numerical simulation of the particle motion. Relationships describing the above mentioned quantities, taking into account the mutual influence of the translational and the rotational particle movements and convenient for numerical models were found. and V příspěvku jsou prezentovány výsledky experimentálního výzkumu pohybu rotující kulovité částice ve vodě. Kulovitá částice vyrobená z gumy o hustotě blízké hustotě vody byla uvedena do pohybu v šikmé štěrbině, kde získala rotační i translační rychlost v osové rovině štěrbiny. Trajektorie částic ve vodě byly snímány standardní video kamerou a byl vyhodnocen vliv dvou bezrozměrných parametrů (Reynoldsova čísla a rotačního Reynoldsova čísla) na pohyb částice. Z experimentálních údajů byly určeny hodnoty odporového koeficientu a odporového momentu částice a tyto hodnoty byly porovnány s výsledky numerické simulace pohybu částice. Byly vyhodnoceny vztahy vhodné pro využití při numerickém modelování a popisující vzájemné závislosti výše uvedených veličin a vzájemný vliv translačního a rotačního pohybu částice.
The effect of solid concentration and mixture velocity on the flow behaviour, pressure drops, and concentration distribution of coarse particle-water mixtures in horizontal, vertical, and inclined smooth stainless steel pipes of inner diameter D = 100 mm was experimentally investigated. Graded basalt pebbles were used as solid particles. The study revealed that the coarse-grained particle-water mixtures in the horizontal and inclined pipes were significantly stratified. The solid particles moved principally in a layer close to the pipe invert; however for higher and moderate flow velocities, particle saltation became the dominant mode of particle conveyance. Frictional pressure drops in the horizontal pipe were found to be markedly higher than in the vertical pipe, while the frictional pressure drops in the ascending pipe increased with inclination angle up to about 30°.