Cieľ: Obsahová validácia ošetrovateľskej diagnózy Chronická zmätenosť a identifi kácia defi nujúcich charakteristík v podmienkach slovenskej a českej ošetrovateľskej praxe. Metódy: Na validáciu bol použitý retrospektívny Diagnostic Content Validity Model (DCV Model) podľa Fehringa. Za expertov boli považované sestry, ktoré získali minimálne 4 body podľa modifi kovaných Fehringových kritérií. Súbor expertov tvorilo 144 slovenských a 107 českých sestier. Výsledky: Za hlavné defi nujúce charakteristiky (vážené skóre VS viac ako 0,75) považovali zhodne slovenskí aj českí experti: narušená interpretácia podnetov a reakcia na ne, progresívna kognitívna porucha, klinicky podložená organická porucha mozgu, zmeny v časopriestorovej orientácii a dlhotrvajúca kognitívna porucha, ktoré sú totožné s charakteristikou syndrómu demencie. Závery: Experti nepovažovali všetky defi nujúce charakteristiky za rovnako významné. Určitý podiel zohralo zloženie samotného súboru expertov, ktorý naplnil iba spodnú hranicu kritérií na experta (6 bodov), nekompatibilita NANDA-I Taxonómie II so Zoznamom sesterských diagnóz platným v SR a absencia štandardizovanej ošetrovateľskej terminológie v Českej republike., Aim: Content validation of the nursing diagnosis Chronic confusion and identification of the defining characteristics in Slovak and Czech nursing practices. Method: Fehring’s retrospective Diagnostic Content Validity Model (DCV Model) was used. Experts were nurses who obtained minimum four points according to modified Fehring’s criteria. The group of respondents comprised of 144 Slovak and 107 Czech nurses. Results: Slovak and Czech experts alike considered the following characteristics to be defining (weighted score higher than 0.75): altered interpretation and altered response to stimuli, progressive cognitive impairment, clinical evidence of organic impairment, changes in spatiotemporal orientation and long-standing cognitive impairment, which are congruent with the characteristic features of dementia syndrome. Conclusion: Experts did not regard all the defining characteristics to be of the same importance. This was due to the composite of respondents, who only reached bottom level of criteria for an expert (6 points), incompatibility of NANDA-I Taxonomy II with the List of nursing diagnosis used in the Slovak Republic and lastly the absence of standardised nursing terminology in the Czech Republic., Martina Tomagová, Ivana Bóriková, and Literatura 28
The paper presents validation of a mathematical model describing the friction factor by comparing the predicted and measured results in a broad range of solid concentrations and mean particle diameters. Three different types of solids, surrounded by water as a carrier liquid, namely Canasphere, PVC, and Sand were used with solids density from 1045 to 2650 kg/m3, and in the range of solid concentrations by volume from 0.10 to 0.45. All solid particles were narrowly sized with mean particle diameters between 1.5 and 3.4 mm. It is presented that the model predicts the friction factor fairly well. The paper demonstrates that solid particle diameter plays a crucial role for the friction factor in a vertical slurry flow with coarse solid particles. The mathematical model is discussed in reference to damping of turbulence in such flows. As the friction factor is below the friction for water it is concluded that it is possible that the effect of damping of turbulence is included in the KB function, which depends on the Reynolds number.
Efekt rádiofrekvenčnej ablácie predsieňovokomorového spojenia môže byť sprevádzaný nežiadúcim vplyvom pravokomorovej stimulácie. Cieľom práce bolo zhodnotiť včasné hemodynamické dôsledky katétrovej ablácie u pacientov s trvalou fibriláciou predsiení rezistentnou na medikamentóznu liečbu. Metóda: Do štúdie sme zahrnuli 19 pacientov s priemerným vekom 66,9 ? 12,4 roka. V závislosti na bazálnej ejekčnej frakcii (EF) sme pacientov rozdelili do dvoch skupín (I. skupina pacientov s EF menej ako 50 %, II. skupina s EF 50 % a viac). Pacienti sa podrobili rádiofrekvečnej ablácii predsieňovokomorového spojenia a implantácii kardiostimulátora. Hemodynamické zmeny sme hodnotili pomocou stanovenia vývrhového (VO) a minútového objemu (MO) echokardiografickým spôsobom bazálne pred zákrokom a po zákroku pri rôznych frekvenciach stimulácie. Na presnejšie zhodnotenie stavu pacientov sme vytvorili indexy VOi a MOi ako pomer týchto veličín pri rôznych frekvenciach stimulácie voči ich bazálnej hodnote. Výsledky: U pacientov s nízkou EF stúpa VO pri všetkých frekvenciach stimulácie, pričom maximum účinku možno badať vo frekvenčnom pásme 60?100/min. Pri frekvencii stimulácie 60/min stúpol z 26,4 ml pred abláciou na 39,5 ml po ablácii. MO stúpa alebo sa nemení pri všetkých frekvenciach okrem frekvencie 60/min, pri ktorej zvýšenie VO nestačí kompenzovať pokles MO v dôsledku výrazného poklesu frekvencie. Pacienti v II. skupine mali pred abláciou vysokú hodnotu VO (52,3 ml). Po zákroku stúpol VO len pri frekvencii stimulácie 60 a 80/min (64,0 a 55,1 ml). Rovnako mali títo pacienti pred abláciou vysoký aj MO (6 097 ml). Po výkone MO poklesol pri všetkých frekvenciach stimulácie, ale vykazoval stúpajúcu tendenciu. Štatistickým vyhodnotením sme zistili negatívnu koreláciu medzi VOi a MOi na jednej strane a EF a priemerom ľavej komory v systole na druhej strane. Záver: Naše výsledky ukazujú, že rádiofrekvenčná katétrová ablácia atrioventrikulárneho uzla (RFCA AVN) je prínosom vo vybraných prípadoch pacientov v oboch skupinách, i keď mechanizmus zlepšenia klinického stavu je odlišný., Silvia Mišíková, Branislav Stančák, E. Komanová, and Lit. 33
Cieľ: V práci sme sa zamerali na vedomosti pacientov s astmou v oblastiach self-manažmentu tohto ochorenia a najmä na vplyv faktoru dĺžky trvania tohto ochorenia na úroveň vedomostí o self-manažmente. Zároveň sme zisťovali vzťah medzi úrovňou vedomostí o self-manažmente ochorenia a kontrolou astmy. Metodika: V tejto prierezovej štúdii bolo do súboru zaradených 297 respondentov. Na testovanie kontroly astmy a úrovne vedomostí pacientov sme použili valídne nástroje a to Dotazník vedomostí o self-manažmente astmy pre dospelých (Measuring asthma self-management knowledge in adults) a Test kontroly astmy (Astma Control Test ACTTM). Na štatistické spracovanie dát boli využité: Pearsonov Chi-kvadrat test nezávislosti a Spearmanov korelačný koeficient. Výsledky: Až 220 z 297 respondentov (74,07 %) preukázalo nedostatočné vedomosti, a to konkrétne v doméne Vedomosti o liečbe astmy. V oblasti Manažment bronchiálnej astmy malo nedostatočné vedomosti 191 respondentov (64,31 %). Početnosť správnych odpovedí zároveň naznačuje, že úroveň vedomostí v doménach self-manažmentu astmy, významných pre kontrolu ochorenia, bola vyššia v skupine pacientov diagnostikovaných v priemere jeden rok ako v skupine, ktorá trpí ochorením dlhšie (6-10 rokov), i keď rozdiel nie je štatisticky významný. Záver: Nedostatky vo vedomostiach astmatikov, vyššia frekvencia chýb v oblastiach self-manažmentu, vrátane self-monitoringu a horšia kontrola astmy pri ochorení diagnostikovanom viac ako 6 rokov naznačujú, že je potrebné v klinickej praxi venovať čas a pozornosť reedukácii, opakovanému posúdeniu vedomostí a praktických zručností (aplikácia metód self-manažmentu, inhalačnej techniky) v skupine už skôr diagnostikovaných astmatikov., Aim: This project is aimed to find out the patient knowledge with asthma in the area of self-management of this disease and particularly the influence of the length of the disease on the knowledge level about self-management. At the same time we tried to find out the relation between the knowledge level of the asthma self-management and control of asthma disease. Methods: The total number of 297 adult asthma patients were included in the cross sectional study. The valid instruments Asthma Control Test and Measuring asthma self management knowledge in adults were used for testing asthma control and the degree of patient knowledge in self management of asthma. The Chi-squared test and the Spearman´s rank correlation coefficient were used for statistical processing of data. Results: A total of 220 out of 279 respondents (74%) showed poor knowledge of selfmanagement of asthma, particularly in “Knowledge of asthma treatment” domain and 191 patients in “Management of bronchial asthma” domain (64%). Patients who had been diagnosed one year ago had better level of knowledge in selfmanagement of asthma than those who had been treated for asthma longer than six years (6-10 years). This difference was not significant, but it was related to those domains which has significant influence on asthma control (domains 2-5). Conclusion: Poor knowledge of asthma patients, higher frequency of errors in self management and worse control of asthma in patients with asthma longer than six years imply the need for better and repeated education, check of patient knowledge and skills for self-management, use of peak flow meter included in this group of patients., Michaela Dingová, Petronela Osacká, and Literatura
Recent studies have shown that the presence of ice cover leads to an intensified local scour pattern in the vicinity of bridge piers. To investigate the local scour pattern in the vicinity of bridge pier under ice-covered flow condition comparing to that under open channel flow condition, it is essential to examine flow field around bridge piers under different flow conditions. In order to do so, after creation of smooth and rough ice covers, three-dimensional timeaveraged velocity components around four pairs of bridge piers were measured using an Acoustic Doppler velocimetry (ADV). The ADV measured velocity profiles describe the difference between the velocity distributions in the vicinity of bridge piers under different covered conditions. Experimental results show that the vertical velocity distribution which represents the strength of downfall velocity is the greatest under rough covered condition which leads to a greater scour depth. Besides, results show that the turbulent intensity increases with pier size regardless of flow cover, which implies that larger scour depth occurs around piers with larger diameter.
Intense collisional transport of bimodal sediment mixture in open-channel turbulent flow with water as carrying liquid is studied. The study focusses on steep inclined flows transporting solids of spherical shape and differing in either size or mass. A process of vertical sorting (segregation) of the two different solids fractions during the transport is analyzed and modelled. A segregation model is presented which is based on the kinetic theory of granular flows and builds on the Larcher-Jenkins segregation model for dry bimodal mixtures. Main modifications of the original model are the carrying medium (water instead of air) and a presence of a non-uniform distribution of sediment across the flow depth. Testing of the modified model reveals that the model is applicable to flow inclination slopes from 20 to 30 degrees approximately, making it appropriate for debris flow conditions. Changing the slope outside the specified range leads to numerical instability of the solution. A use of the bimodal mixture model is restricted to the grain size ratio 1.4 and no restriction is found for the grain mass ratio in a realistic range applicable to natural conditions. The model reveals trends in the vertical sorting under variable conditions showing that the sorting is more intense if flow is steeper and/or the difference in size or mass is bigger between the two sediment fractions in a bimodal mixture.