Upon presenting perceptual theories of emotions and their main weaknesses we concentrate on Prinz’s account that characterizes emotions as valent embodied appraisals. Granting his assumptions we propose a counterargument against his proposal, based on Darwin’s work on bodily expression of emotions. We show that it is possible for non-emotional mental states to be brought about by perceptions of bodily changes and that these perceptions satisfy both the conditions of valence and externally directed semantics that Prinz believes are unique to emotions. and Juraj Hvorecký
The paper introduces the Special Section on the Hydrology of the Carpathians in this issue. It is the result of an initiative of the Department of Land and Water Resources Management of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management of the TU Vienna and the Institute of Geomatics and Civil Engineering of the University of Sopron to allow young hydrologists in the Carpathian Basin (and from outside) to present their research and re-network on the emerging topics of the hydrology of the Carpathians at the HydroCarpath Conferences since 2012.
V minulosti bola hypertyreóza považovaná za chorobu mladších ľudí, v súčasnosti sa s jej výskytom stretávame vo všetkých vekových skupinách. Hypertyreóza postihuje približne 2 % žien a 0,2 % mužov, pričom jej najčastejšou príčinou je Graves? Basedowova choroba. Starší pacienti môžu vykazovať mnoho typických príznakov hypertyreózy, avšak, tak ako aj pri iných chorobách v starobe, môžu byť znaky a symptómy hypertyreózy u seniorov atypické a nešpecifické. Znaky hypertyreózy sa môžu zameniť so symptómami iných ochorení spojených so starobou, alebo so starobou samotnou. Hypertyreóza často imituje choroby najčastejšie postihnutých orgánov v staršom veku, napr. kardiovaskulárneho systému, a znaky samotnej hypertyreózy ostávajú časti nerozpoznané. Tyreotoxikóza môže zhoršovať preexistujúce choroby srdca, vyvolávať fibriláciu predsiení alebo zhoršovať príznaky angina pectoris. U seniorov je dôležité diagnostikovať aj subklinickú hypertyreózu. Laboratórne vyšetrenie tyreoideálneho statusu by malo byť ordinované všetkým pacientom s klasickými príznakmi hypertyreózy, seniorom s apatickými príznakmi nejasnej etiológie a pacientom s fibriláciou predsiení., Hyperthyroidism was thought to be more common in young adulthood and middle age, but nowadays we can find it in all age groups. Hyperthyroid conditions affect approximately 2% of women and 0.2% of men with Graves? Basedow thyrotoxicosis as a leading cause. Older people with hyperthyroidism may have many of the usual signs and symptoms found in younger people but, as with many diseases that occuring in the elderly, the signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism are often nonspecific and have an atypical presentation. Hyperthyroidism can be confused with other diseases attributed to old age or with age itself. The physiologic presentation of true thyroid disease often focuses on the most compromised organ system (i.e. the cardiovascular system) and the symptoms of hyperthyroidism in the elderly may be hidden. Thyrotoxicosis can aggravate pre?existing heart disease and can also lead to atrial fibrillation, congestive heart failure, or worsening of angina pectoris. In older patients it is also important to detect subclinical hyperthyroidis. Thyroid laboratory tests should be ordered for all patients with the classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism, elderly people with apathetic symptoms of uncertain etiology, all people admitted to geriatric care units, and elderly people with atrial fibrillation., M. Pytliak, V. Vargová, V. Mechírová, and Lit.: 30
Poruchy štítnej žľazy v starobe sú časté, aj keď často ostanú nepoznané. Hypotyreóza je častá a jej výskyt s s vekom zvyšuje. Hypotyreózou je v staršom veku postihnutých asi 5? 20 % žien a 3? 8 % mužov. U seniorov nemusia byť klasické príznaky hypotyreózy vyjadrené a pri ich diagnostike je potrebná veľká miera klinických skúseností. U hypotyreóznych seniorov nemusí byť prítomný nárast hmotnosti, intolerancia chladu či svalové kŕče. Hypotyreóza je prehliadaná najmä u pacientov s vysokým výskytom chronických ochorení, s polypragmáziou a zmenami kognitívnych funkcií. U starších pacientov s hypotyreózou môžu dominovať psychiatrické symptómy ? depresia, delírium a demencia. Prognózu pacienta ovplyvňujú najmä zmeny kardiovaskulárneho systému, ktoré zahŕňajú bradykardiu, hypertenziu, dyslipidémie, koronárnu chorobu srdca a perikardové výpotky. Diagnostický problém môže predstavovať tzv. syndróm eutyreoidovéch chorého, ktorý častý u kriticky chorých seniorov a subklinická hypotyreóza. Liečba manifestnej hypotyreózy v starobe musí byť opatrná a dôkladne monitorovaná. Pri subklinickej hypotyreóze je jej liečba stále kontroverzná a rozhodnutie o liečbe musí byť striktne individuálne., Thyroid dysfunction occurs frequently in the elderly population, yet often goes unnoticed. Hypothyroidism is common and increases with age affecting 5? 20% of women and 3? 8% of men. The classical symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism may not be so obvious in the elderly, and a high degree of clinical suspicion is necessary. Elderly hypothyroid patients may have less weight gain, cold intolerance and muscle cramps, and the hypothyroidism can be easily overlooked in these patients who also have a higher prevalence of other chronic illnesses, use of medications and cognitive change than their younger counterparts. In the aged, psychiatric symptoms may dominate, with most texts on psychogeriatrics listing hypothyroidism as a cause for depression, delirium and dementia. The effects on the cardiovascular system can be a major problem and include bradycardia, hypertension, dyslipidaemia, ischaemic heart disease, and pericardial effusions. Another diagnostics problems could represents euthyroid sick syndrome, common in critically ill seniors, and subclinical hypothyroidism. Treatment of the hypothyroidism in the elderly patients should be careful and closely monitored. Whether or not to treat patients with subclinical hypothyroidism is still debated and treatment decisions should be made on an individual basis., V. Vargová, M. Pytliak, V. Mechírová, and Lit.: 27
In scientific practice, we find ideal models that rely on a sort of idealization. These ideal-model descriptions are usually construed as distorted representations of some real system. As such, the ideal-model descriptions count as appeals to (scientific) fictions. Here, I present a category of ideal-model descriptions which – even though involving some idealization assumptions – are nevertheless true. These cases come out as puzzling though. On the one hand, they presuppose some misrepresentations of an intended target system; on the other hand, they are true of that target system. and Lukáš Bielik