On a common formulation, rationalist infallibilism is committed to two main theses: (i) ''analytic a priori infallibilism'' and (ii) ''synthetic a priori infallibilism''. According to thesis (i), a relatively wide range of analytic a priori propositions can be infallibly justified. According to thesis (ii), a relatively wide range of synthetic a priori propositions can be infallibly justified. In this paper, I focus on rationalist infallibilism’s second main thesis, what is being called ''synthetic a priori infallibilism''. I argue that synthetic a priori infallibilism, and by extension rationalist infallibilism, is untenable. In particular, exploring what seems to be the only potentially plausible species of synthetic a priori infallibility, I reject the infallible justification of propositions about the self., Na společné formulaci se racionalistický infallibilismus věnuje dvěma hlavním tezím: (i) ,,analytický a priori infallibilismus'' a (ii) ,,syntetický a priori infallibilismus''. Podle teze (i) lze poměrně široký rozsah analytických a priori návrhů neomylně odůvodnit. Podle teze (ii) lze poměrně široce rozšířit řadu syntetických a priori návrhů. V této práci se zaměřuji na druhou hlavní tezi racionalistického infallibilismu, která se nazývá ,,syntetický a priori infallibilismus''. Argumentuji, že syntetický a priori infallibilismus a rozšířený racionalistický infallibilismus je neudržitelný. Zejména zkoumáním toho, co se zdá být jediným potenciálně pravděpodobným druhem syntetické a priori neomylnosti, odmítám neomylné ospravedlnění výroků o sobě., and Glen Hoffmann
In this paper I will examine Helen Beebee’s argument that anti-Humeans are not in a better position to justify induction. I will first argue that her argument proves too much and that it can jeopardize the status of inference to the best explanation as a useful inductive principle. I will then propose a principle that should govern our use of disjunctive explanations in the context of inference to the best explanation and show that Beebee’s use of disjunctive explanations violates this principle., V tomto článku se budu zabývat argumentem Heleny Beebeeové, že anti-Humeans nejsou v lepší pozici pro ospravedlnění indukce. Nejdříve uvedu, že její argument se ukazuje příliš mnoho a že může ohrozit stav odvození z nejlepšího vysvětlení jako užitečného indukčního principu. Pak navrhnu princip, který by měl řídit naše použití disjunktivních vysvětlení v kontextu závěrů k nejlepšímu vysvětlení a ukázat, že Beebeeovo použití disjunktivních vysvětlení porušuje tento princip., and Jaeho Lee
In the paper problem solving processes that involve reasoning with question are analysed. These reasonings with questions are compared to normative solution scenarios based on A. Wiśniewski’s Inferential Erotetic Logic. An on-line game with a purpose QuestGen has been used to gather data for the analysis., V papírovém problému jsou analyzovány procesy, které zahrnují úvahy s otázkou. Tyto úvahy s otázkami se porovnávají s scénáři normativního řešení založenými na inferenční erotetické logice A. Wiśniewského. Online hra s cílem QuestGen byla použita k shromažďování dat pro analýzu., and Paweł Łupkowski, Ignaszak Olivia
In this paper we argue that inferentialist approach to meaning does not, by itself, show that meaning is normative in a prescriptive sense, and that the constitutive rules argument is especially troubling for this position. To show that, we present the proto-inferentialist theory developed by Ajdukiewicz and claim that despite the differences between his theory and contemporary inferentialism rules of language in both theories function more like classificatory devices than prescriptions. Inferentialists can respond by claiming that in their theory meaning is essentially social and hence normative, but we claim that then semantic normativity becomes derivative of social normativity. and V tomto příspěvku tvrdíme, že inferenční přístup k významu sám o sobě neumožňuje ukázat, že smysl je normativní v normativním smyslu a že argument pro konstitutivní pravidla je obzvláště znepokojující pro tuto pozici. Abychom ukázali, že předkládáme protoinferenciální teorii vyvinutou Ajdukiewiczem a tvrdíme, že navzdory rozdílům mezi jeho teorií a současným inferencionalismem pravidla jazyka v obou teoriích fungují spíše jako klasifikační přístroje než předpisy. Inferenciálové mohou reagovat tvrzením, že v jejich teorii je význam v podstatě společenský a tudíž normativní, ale tvrdíme, že tehdy se sémantická normativita stává derivátem sociální normativity.
In this study, the quality of the aquatic habitats of mountain and piedmont streams was evaluated using the ‘Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM)’ decision-making tool. The quality of habitats was interpreted from the behaviour of bioindicators in the form of habitat suitability curves (HSCs). From 1995 until the present, 59 different reaches of 43 mountain streams in Slovakia and 3 validation reaches were evaluated, and the results analysed. The aim of this study was to generalize the parameters of the HSCs for the brown trout. The generalized curves will be useful for water management planning. It is difficult and time-consuming to take hydrometrical and ichthyological measurements at different water levels. Therefore, we developed a methodology for modifying suitability curves based on an ichthyological survey during a low flow and a flow at which fish lose the ability to resist the flow velocity. The study provides the information how such curves can be modified for a wider flow range. In summary, this study shows that generalized HSCs provide representative data that can be used to support both the design of river restoration and the assessment of the impacts of the water use or of climate change on stream habitat quality.
Large-scale forest dieback was reported in recent decades in many parts of the world. In Slovakia, the most endangered species is Norway spruce (Picea Abies). Spruce dieback affects also indigenous mountain forests. We analysed changes in snow cover characteristics in the disturbed spruce forest representing the tree line zone (1420 m a.s.l.) in the Western Tatra Mountains, Slovakia, in five winter seasons 2013–2017. Snow depth, density and water equivalent (SWE) were measured biweekly (10–12 times per winter) at four sites representing the living forest (Living), disturbed forest with dead trees (Dead), forest opening (Open) and large open area outside the forest (Meadow). The data confirmed statistically significant differences in snow depth between the living and disturbed forest. These differences increased since the third winter after forest dieback. The differences in snow density between the disturbed and living forest were in most cases not significant. Variability of snow density expressed by coefficient of variation was approximately half that of the snow depth. Forest dieback resulted in a significant increase (about 25%) of the water amount stored in the snow while the snowmelt characteristics (snowmelt beginning and time of snow disappearance) did not change much. Average SWE calculated for all measurements conducted during five winters increased in the sequence Living < Dead < Meadow < Open. SWE variability expressed by the coefficient of variation increased in the opposite order.
The aim of this paper is to define the correlation between the geometry of grains and saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils. The particle shape characteristics were described by the ζ0C index (Parylak, 2000), which expresses the variability of several shape properties, such as sphericity, angularity and roughness.
The analysis was performed on samples of four soils, which were characterised by the same grain size distribution and extremely different particle structure. The shape characteristics varied from ideally spherical, smooth grains (glass microbeads
GM) to highly irregular and rough particles (fly ash FA).
For each soil, laboratory tests of saturated hydraulic conductivity (constant head test CHT and falling head test FHT) were performed. Additionally, an empirical analysis of effective pore diameter was conducted with use of the analytical models developed by Pavchich (Wolski, 1987) and Indraratna and Vafai (1997). The models were modified by introducing the ζ0C index.
Experiments have shown that saturated hydraulic conductivity depends on grains shape and surface roughness. This parameter decreases with the increase in the irregularity of soil particles. Moreover, it was proven that the ζ0C reflects the relationship between effective pore diameter and grain shape characteristics.