Gravity-driven open-channel flows carrying coarse sediment over an erodible granular deposit are studied. Results of laboratory experiments with artificial sediments in a rectangular tilting flume are described and analyzed. Besides integral quantities such as flow rate of mixture, transport concentration of sediment and hydraulic gradient, the experiments include measurements of the one-dimensional velocity distribution across the flow. A vertical profile of the longitudinal component of local velocity is measured across the vertical axis of symmetry of a flume cross section using three independent measuring methods. Due to strong flow stratification, the velocity profile covers regions of very different local concentrations of sediment from virtually zero concentration to the maximum concentration of bed packing. The layered character of the flow results in a velocity distribution which tends to be different in the transport layer above the bed and in the sediment-free region between the top of the transport layer and the water surface. Velocity profiles and integral flow quantities are analyzed with the aim of evaluating the layered structure of the flow and identifying interfaces in the flow with a developed transport layer above the upper plane bed.
Dams have an important role in the industrial development of countries. Irrespective of the reason for dam break, the flood can cause devastating disasters with loss of life and property especially in densely populated areas. In this study, the effects of the vegetation on the flood wave propagation in case of dam break were investigated experimentally by using the distorted physical model of Ürkmez Dam. The horizontal and vertical scales of the distorted physical model are 1/150 and 1/30, respectively. The dam break scenarios were achieved by means of a gate of rectangular and triangular shape. The results obtained from experiments performed with vegetation were compared and interpreted with those obtained from experiments at which the vegetation configuration was absent. The analysis of the experimental data showed that the presence of vegetation causes a significant decrease in water depths as the flood wave propagates to the downstream and greatly reduces its impact on the settlements. It is also revealed that dam break shape plays an important role in temporal variation of flood wave.
Snow accumulation and melt are highly variable. Therefore, correct modeling of spatial variability of the snowmelt, timing and magnitude of catchment runoff still represents a challenge in mountain catchments for flood forecasting. The article presents the setup and results of detailed field measurements of snow related characteristics in a mountain microcatchment (area 59 000 m2 , mean altitude 1509 m a. s. l.) in the Western Tatra Mountains, Slovakia obtained in winter 2015. Snow water equivalent (SWE) measurements at 27 points documented a very large spatial variability through the entire winter. For instance, range of the SWE values exceeded 500 mm at the end of the accumulation period (March 2015). Simple snow lysimeters indicated that variability of snowmelt and discharge measured at the catchment outlet corresponded well with the rise of air temperature above 0°C. Temperature measurements at soil surface were used to identify the snow cover duration at particular points. Snow melt duration was related to spatial distribution of snow cover and spatial patterns of snow radiation. Obtained data together with standard climatic data (precipitation and air temperature) were used to calibrate and validate the spatially distributed hydrological model MIKE-SHE. The spatial redistribution of input precipitation seems to be important for modeling even on such a small scale. Acceptable simulation of snow water equivalents and snow duration does not guarantee correct simulation of peakflow at shorttime (hourly) scale required for example in flood forecasting. Temporal variability of the stream discharge during the snowmelt period was simulated correctly, but the simulated discharge was overestimated.
Extensive experimental investigations were carried out to evaluate the rheological behaviour of fly ash (FA) slurry without and with the addition of bottom ash (BA) and BA slurry without and with the addition of FA. The FA slurries exhibited Bingham behaviour at solid mass concentrations ranging from 60-65% and mixing proportions from 10- 40%. A substantial reduction in yield stress was observed except for mixing proportion of 40% on which the yield stress and viscosity were increased drastically for all solid concentrations. Hence, it can be concluded that the yield stress and viscosity of FA slurry were very much influenced by adding BA up to the mixing proportion of 30%. The rheological behaviour of BA slurries with and without the addition of FA in proportions of 10-50% was investigated and exhibited Newtonian behaviours for solid mass concentrations ranging from 30-50% without and with the addition of FA. The viscosity increases with increasing the solid concentrations and proportion of FA. Based on these experimental data, a correlation was developed to predict the relative viscosity of BA slurries as a function of solid volume fraction and FA mass proportion of 0-50% and the RMSE and R2 values showed good agreement between the experimental and the predicted data.
The experimental basins in the Jizera Mountains were established at the beginning of the 1980th as a result of the forest devastation due to acid rain and repercussions of following human activities during its disposal with the aim to gain data for the quantification of runoff conditions changes in a changing environment. Seven small catchments with an area from 1.87 km2 to 10.6 km2 are situated in the spring regions in an elevation from 700 m a.s.l. to 1100 m a.s.l. in the catchments of the Černá Nisa, Kamenice, Jizerka and Směda streams. The long-term average annual temperature in the elevation of 780 m a.s.l. is +4.4°C, the long-term annual precipitation sum fluctuates between 1300 mm and 1800 mm. The Jizera Mountains are known for numerous intensive rainfalls in the summer period. The administrator of the experimental basins is the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), Department of Hydrological Research, Experimental Base Jablonec nad Nisou, which performs all operative activities and basic processing of data. In the basins, the monitored elements are water stages and discharges in rivers, surface water quality, rainfall, snow depth and snow water equivalent and climatological parameters. The following contribution gives an overview of information obtained from the hydrological research in the period 1981 - 2004. and Příspěvek se zabývá přehledem poznatků z hydrologického výzkumu v období let 1982-2005 v experimentálních povodích Českého hydrometeorologického ústavu (ČHMÚ) v imisně poškozené oblasti Jizerských hor. Základnu tvoří 7 malých povodí s rozlohou od 1,87 km2 do 10,6 km2 celkové plochy 37 km2 . Všechna povodí leží ve vrcholové části Jizerských hor v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Jizerské hory, na rozvodí řek Labe a Odry. Nadmořská výška povodí se pohybuje mezi 700 až 1100 m. Správcem povodí je Oddělení hydrologického výzkumu, pracoviště Jablonec nad Nisou. Zpočátku byly práce zaměřeny převážně na získání co největšího počtu informací o srážkách, sněhu, množství a jakosti povrchové vody. Po roce 1995 byl monitoring rozšířen na více parametrů hydrologické bilance, sledování klimatických prvků a složek hydrologického procesu. Následně byl upřesňován jejich režim i jejich prostorové rozložení. Byla studována problematika rozdílnosti akumulace a odtávání sněhu na mýtině a v lese a odtoková a kvalitativní odezva na srážkovou činnost a tání sněhu. Za pomoci hydrologických a chemických modelů byly hledány odhady změn jejich závislosti na změně vegetačního pokryvu.
An experimental study on initial water flow through an empty pipe under conditions of free level and steady inflow into the pipe. The study presents results of the analysis of experimental values of wave front velocity and outflow from a pipe and their experimental eqautions. and Experimentální studie pojednává o napouštění prázdného potrubí vodou s volnou hladinou a s konstantním přítokem do potrubí. Studie předkládá výsledky rozboru experimentálních hodnot rychlostí čela vlny a odtoku vlny z potrubí i jejich experimentální rovnice.
The two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients is solved by the explicit finitedifference method for the transport of solutes through a homogenous two-dimensional domain that is finite and porous. Retardation by adsorption, periodic seepage velocity, and a dispersion coefficient proportional to this velocity are permitted. The transport is from a pulse-type point source (that ceases after a period of activity). Included are the firstorder decay and zero-order production parameters proportional to the seepage velocity, and periodic boundary conditions at the origin and at the end of the domain. Results agree well with analytical solutions that were reported in the literature for special cases. It is shown that the solute concentration profile is influenced strongly by periodic velocity fluctuations. Solutions for a variety of combinations of unsteadiness of the coefficients in the advection-diffusion equation are obtainable as particular cases of the one demonstrated here. This further attests to the effectiveness of the explicit finite difference method for solving two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients in finite media, which is especially important when arbitrary initial and boundary conditions are required.
In the first part of the paper, I argue that explicating systems which fall under the simple theory of types are limited in explicating our conceptual scheme. Such limitation is avoided if one utilizes, instead, a ramified type theory, especially the one developed by Pavel Tichý. In the third part of the paper, I explain the role of so-called constructions and derivation systems within such a framework, elucidating how deduction demonstrates properties of objects., V první části příspěvku tvrdím, že vysvětlující systémy, které spadají pod jednoduchou teorii typů, jsou omezeny na vysvětlování našeho konceptuálního schématu. Tomuto omezení se vyhýbáme, pokud místo toho využijeme teorii rozvětveného typu, zejména teorii vyvinutou Pavlem Tichým. Ve třetí části práce vysvětluji roli takzvaných konstrukcí a derivačních systémů v takovém rámci, objasňujícím, jak dedukce demonstruje vlastnosti objektů., and Jiří Raclavský