Interception is one of the most underestimated processes in hydrological cycle in arid and semiarid regions. In Qilian Mountains of northwestern arid and semiarid China, the Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) forest plays an important role in the hydrological cycle of the inland Heihe River basin. The historical disturbance of Qinghai spruce forest has resulted in various ecological problems. In order to realize the sustainable development of Heihe River basin, the Chinese government implemented restoration practices for Qinghai spruce in the past three decades. In this study, we estimated the rainfall interception in the actual and potential distribution of Qinghai spruce forest. Some of the important findings include: (1) The interception ratio of rainfall events ranged from 11-51% with a mean value of 27.02%; (2) Totally, 147 Mt of rainfall is intercepted by canopy of actual Qinghai spruce forest, in the projected potential distribution of the forest, totally 407 Mt of rainfall will be intercepted.
In the study presented, different hybrid model approaches are proposed for reservoir inflow modeling from the meteorological data (monthly precipitation, one-month-ahead precipitation and monthly mean temperature data) by the combined use of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and different black box techniques. Multiple linear regression (MLR), feed forward neural networks (FFNN) and least square support vector machines (LSSVM) were considered as the black box methods. In the modeling strategy, meteorological input data were decomposed into wavelet sub-time series at three resolution levels and ineffective sub-time series were eliminated by Mallows’ Cp based all possible regression method. As a result of all possible regression analyses, 2-months mode of time series of monthly temperature (D1_Tt), 8-months mode of time series (D3_Tt) of monthly temperature and approximation mode of time series (A3_Tt) of monthly temperature were eliminated. Remained effective sub-time series were used as the inputs of MLR, FFNN and LSSVM. When the performances of the training and testing periods were compared, it was observed that the DWTFFNN conjunction model has better results in terms of mean square errors (MSE) and determination coefficients (R2 ) statistics. The discrete wavelet transform approach also increased the accuracy of multiple linear regression and least squares support vector machines.
In this paper, I argue that activities as crossing the road, riding a bike or going through a door involve body representations with non-conceptual mental content. Firstly, I discuss some key objections to the notion of body representations for action, in order to draw out their main consequences. Then I introduce an approach to the content of body representations involved in the guidance of everyday action, which seems to satisfy crucial demands in exchange for moving away from conceptual views on mental content. I conclude by discussing a potential objection to that proposal and presenting some thoughts on the relationship between conceptual and non-conceptual content in this field.
Karl Popper lamented the prevalence of dogmatic argument in philosophy and commended the kind of critical argument that is found in the sciences. David Miller criticises the uncritical nature of so-called critical thinking because of its attachment to dogmatic arguments. I expound and clarify Popper’s distinction between critical and dogmatic arguments and the background to it. I criticise some errors in Miller’s discussion. I reaffirm the need for philosophers to eschew dogmatic arguments in favour of critical ones., Karl Popper naříkal nad převahou dogmatického argumentu ve filozofii a pochválil druh kritického argumentu, který se nachází ve vědách. David Miller kritizuje nekritickou povahu takzvaného kritického myšlení z důvodu jeho vazby na dogmatické argumenty. Vysvětluji a objasňuji Popperův rozdíl mezi kritickými a dogmatickými argumenty a pozadím. Kritizuji některé chyby v Millerově diskusi. Znovu potvrzuji, že je třeba, aby se filozofové vyhýbali dogmatickým argumentům ve prospěch kritických argumentů., and Danny Frederick
Current debates on the nature of explanatory understanding have converged on the idea that at least one of the core components of understanding is inferential. Philosophers have characterized the inferential dimension of understanding as consisting of several related cognitive abilities to grasp a given explanation and the nexus of complementing explanations to which it belongs. Whilst analyses of both the subjective epistemic abilities related to grasping and objective features of the inferential links within explanations have received much attention, both within theories of explanation and in the literature on understanding, the criteria for evaluating the specific structure and organization of explanatory clusters or nexuses have received much less attention. Nevertheless, two notable exceptions stand out—Khalifa’s characterization of an explanatory nexus and theories of explanatory unification. I take Khalifa’s ideas, together with the basic criteria of successful explanatory unification, as my starting point. To both, I make some corrections and additions, in order to arrive at a more robust notion of an explanatory nexus and ultimately show that its structural properties and the inter-explanatory relations it contains are relevant to the resulting understanding. I propose to represent such nexuses as directed graph trees and show that some of their properties can be related to the degree of understanding that such nested explanatory structures can offer. I will further illustrate these ideas by a case study on an eco-logical theory of predation.
The paper focuses on the problem of identification of laws of nature and their demarcation from other kinds of regularities. The problem is approached from the viewpoint of several metaphysical, epistemological, logical and methodological criteria. Firstly, several dominant approaches to the problem are introduced. Secondly, the logical and semantic explicatory framework - Transparent Intensional Logic - is presented for the sake of clarification of logical forms of sentences that are supposed to express the laws of nature. Finally, a complementary strategy to the demarcation problem is proposed, including reconsideration of relevant metaphysical, epistemological, logical and methodological requirements and principles behind the former conceptions., Příspěvek je zaměřen na problematiku identifikace přírodních zákonů a jejich vymezení od jiných druhů zákonitostí. K problému je přistupováno z hlediska několika metafyzických, epistemologických, logických a metodologických kritérií. Nejprve je představeno několik dominantních přístupů k problému. Za druhé, logický a sémantický vysvětlující rámec - Transparent Intensional Logic - je prezentován pro objasnění logických forem vět, které mají vyjadřovat přírodní zákony. V neposlední řadě je navržena komplementární strategie k demarkačnímu problému, včetně přehodnocení relevantních metafyzických, epistemologických, logických a metodických požadavků a principů, které jsou v pozadí dřívějších koncepcí., and Lukáš Bielik
Slurs are both derogatory and offensive, and they are said to exhibit “derogatory force” and “offensiveness.” Almost all theories of slurs, except the truth-conditional content theory and the invocational content theory, conflate these two features and use “derogatory force” and “offensiveness” interchangeably. This paper defends and explains the distinction between slurs’ derogatory force and offensiveness by fulfilling three goals. First, it distinguishes between slurs’ being derogatory and their being offensive with four arguments. For instance, ‘Monday’, a slur in the Bostonian argot, is used to secretly derogate African Americans without causing offense. Second, this paper points out that many theories of slurs run into problems because they conflate derogatory force with offensiveness. For example, the prohibition theory’s account of offensiveness in terms of prohibitions struggles to explain why ‘Monday’ is derogatory when it is not a prohibited word in English. Third, this paper offers a new explanation of this distinction from the perspective of a speech act theory of slurs; derogatory force is different from offensiveness because they arise from two different kinds of speech acts that slurs are used to perform, i.e., the illocutionary act of derogation and the perlocutionary act of offending. This new explanation avoids the problems faced by other theories.
In this paper I intend to defend Broome’s cognitivist view that reduces practical normativity to theoretical normativity, but argue that this leaves unaccounted for distinctively practical norms that I seek to capture as a system of local obligations to have particular intentions. The krasia requirement dictates what obligations we have relative to the normative beliefs that we have but does not tell us what intentions it is rational to have all-things-considered., V této práci zamýšlím obhájit Broomeův kognitivistický pohled, který redukuje praktickou normativnost na teoretickou normativitu, ale argumentuje tím, že tyto listy nezohledňují výrazně praktické normy, které se snažím zachytit jako systém místních povinností, které mají konkrétní záměry. Požadavek krasia diktuje, jaké povinnosti máme ve vztahu k normativním názorům, které máme, ale neříká nám, jaké úmysly je racionální mít všechny věci., and David Botting
The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of COM (Cellular Organic Matter) produced by Microcystis aeruginosa on the process of water purification by destabilisation and subsequent aggregation of the impurity particles. The research was carried out with a raw water into which COM was added. The removal efficiency of the most significant components of COM, i.e. polysaccharides and proteins, was investigated. It was found that the removal efficiency of polysaccharides and proteins was dependent on the reaction conditions (pH, type of destabilisation reagent and its dosage). The removal efficiency of COM was relatively low. It was about 46% and 41% using ferric sulphate and aluminium sulphate aggregation, respectively. In comparison to the other organic components of COM, mainly polysaccharides, the proteins are removed with a higher efficiency. The GPC analyses of the residual COM showed that the proteins of higher molecular weight were aggregated with a higher efficiency. and Cílem práce je opis vlivu buněčných organických látek (COM) produkovaných sinicí Microcystis aeruginosa na proces úpravy vody pomocí destabilizace a následné agregace znečišťujících příměsí. Výzkum byl uskutečňován se syntetickou surovou vodou, do které byly přidány COM získané laboratorní kultivací M. aeruginosa. V průběhu laboratorních testů byla sledována především účinnost odstranění dvou základních složek COM, tj. polysacharidů a proteinů. Bylo zjištěno, že tato účinnost závisí především na reakčních podmínkách (typu a dávce destabilizačního činidla a pH). Účinnost odstranění COM byla poměrně nízká, maximální dosažená účinnost byla 46% při destabilizaci pomocí síranu železitého a 41% při použití síranu hlinitého. Bylo zjištěno, že s vyšší účinností jsou odstraňovány proteiny, obzvláště pak proteiny s vyšší molekulovou hmotností.
Results of the effect of subsidence of the Little Hungarian Plain on vertical movement of the riverbed and the downstream riverbed slope changes of the regulated flowchannel of Danube are presented. Subsidence of the flowchannel is also affected by the tectonic movements. The subsidence rate is attenuated by the andesitic Börzsöny and Visegrád Mountains since they function as natural barriers for the river. In the eastern vicinity of the Börzsöny and the Mátra, where the river flows in loose, unconsolidated sediments, the deepening of the flowchannel is considerable. and Príspevok prezentuje výsledky účinku poklesu Malej Uhorskej nížiny (geogr.) na vertikálny pohyb riečneho koryta a na zmeny pozdĺžneho sklonu upraveného koryta Dunaja. Pokles koryta toku je ovplyvnený aj tektonickými pohybmi. Intenzita poklesu je tlmená účinkom andezitovej línie horských celkov Börzsöny a Visegrád, ktoré pôsobia na rieku ako prírodné bariéry. Na východ od týchto horských celkov, kde rieka preteká cez voľnejšie uložené, nespevnené usadeniny, vyskytuje sa značné prehĺbenie riečneho koryta.