Human post-edited test sentences for the WMT 2017 Automatic post-editing task. This consists in 2,000 German sentences belonging to the IT domain and already tokenized. Source and target segments can be downloaded from: All data is provided by the EU project QT21 (
Human post-edited and reference test sentences for the En-De PBSMT WMT 2018 Automatic post-editing task. This consists of 2,000 German sentences for each file belonging to the IT domain and already tokenized. All data is provided by the EU project QT21 (
Description: this xml file describes the Arabic phonetic constraints (rules) resulting from the analysis of the lexicons(Taj Alarous, Al ain, Lisan Al arab, Alwassit and almoassir ). These rules are to be applied to Arabic roots and are classified into a number of categories. Each category has a certain type of constraints as follow: The first category defines that the root must not consist of three identical letters. The second category defines that the root must not start with two repeating letters. The third category lists the letters that must not occur in the same root, regardless of their order. The fourth category lists the letters that may not be used together in a certain order in a root.
ISLRN: 190-535-098-473-3
Description: This xml file is a lexicon containing all 21952 (28x28x28) Arabic triliteral combinations (roots). the file is split into three parts as follow: the first part contains the phonetic constraints that must be taken into account in the formation of Arabic roots (for more details see all_phonetic_rules.xml in the second part contains the lexicons that were used to create this lexicon (see in lexicons tag). the third part contains the roots.
ISLRN: 813-907-570-946-2
This improved version is an extension of the original Arabic Wordnet (, it was enriched by new verbs, nouns including the broken plurals that is a specific form for Arabic words.
Artificially created treebank of elliptical constructions (gapping), in the annotation style of Universal Dependencies. Data taken from UD 2.1 release, and from large web corpora parsed by two parsers. Input data are filtered, sentences are identified where gapping could be applied, then those sentences are transformed, one or more words are omitted, resulting in a sentence with gapping. Details in Droganova et al.: Parse Me if You Can: Artificial Treebanks for Parsing Experiments on Elliptical Constructions, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
This dataset contains a number of user product reviews which are publicly available on the website of an established Czech online shop with electronic devices. Each review consists of negative and positive aspects of the product. This setting pushes the customer to rate important characteristics.
We have selected 2000 positive and negative segments from these reviews and manually tagged their targets. Additionally, we selected 200 of the longest reviews and annotated them in the same way. The targets were either aspects of the evaluated product or some general attributes (e.g. price, ease of use).
The corpus contains pronunciation lexicon and n-gram counts (unigrams, bigrams and trigrams) that can be used for constructing the language model for air traffic control communication domain. It could be used together with the Air Traffic Control Communication corpus ( and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, project No. TA01030476
This record contains audio recordings of proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The recordings have been provided by the official websites of the Chamber of Deputies, and the set contains them in their original format with no further processing.
Recordings cover all available audio files from 2013-11-25 to 2023-07-26. Audio files are packed by year (2013-2023) and quarter (Q1-Q4) in tar archives audioPSP-YYYY-QN.tar.
Furthermore, there are two TSV files: audioPSP-meta.quarterArchive.tsv contains metadata about archives, and audioPSP-meta.audioFile.tsv contains metadata about individual audio files.
This dataset contains automatic paraphrases of Czech official reference translations for the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation shared task. The data covers the years 2011, 2013 and 2014.
For each sentence, at most 10000 paraphrases were included (randomly selected from the full set).
The goal of using this dataset is to improve automatic evaluation of machine translation outputs.
If you use this work, please cite the following paper:
Tamchyna Aleš, Barančíková Petra: Automatic and Manual Paraphrases for MT Evaluation. In proceedings of LREC, 2016.