Artificially created treebank of elliptical constructions (gapping), in the annotation style of Universal Dependencies. Data taken from UD 2.1 release, and from large web corpora parsed by two parsers. Input data are filtered, sentences are identified where gapping could be applied, then those sentences are transformed, one or more words are omitted, resulting in a sentence with gapping. Details in Droganova et al.: Parse Me if You Can: Artificial Treebanks for Parsing Experiments on Elliptical Constructions, LREC 2018, Miyazaki, Japan.
The paper deals with semantic content of elliptic sentences and its relation to semantic content of the corresponding non-elliptic sentences. On the basis of certain kinds of examples it is shown that syntactic theories of ellipsis have serious limits. It is also demonstrated that the so-called Property Theory, which is an example of a semantic theory of ellipsis, bears serious limitations. Another semantic theory, namely that of Minimal Indexicalism, is analyzed thereafter. Theoretical tools of the theory - in particular, its criteria of linguistic expressions identity and three layers of content - that are vital to its handling of ellipsis are discussed in some detail. Finally, a new theory of ellipsis based on Transparent Intensional Logic is proposed and argued for., Příspěvek se zabývá sémantickým obsahem eliptických vět a jeho vztahem k sémantickému obsahu odpovídajících eliptických vět. Na základě určitých druhů příkladů se ukazuje, že syntaktické teorie elips mají vážné limity. Je také prokázáno, že takzvaná teorie vlastností, která je příkladem sémantické teorie elips, nese vážné omezení. Následně je analyzována další sémantická teorie, a to teorie minimálního indexismu. Teoretické nástroje teorie - zejména její kritéria identity jazykových výrazů a tří vrstev obsahu - které jsou nezbytné pro její zvládnutí elipsy, jsou podrobně diskutovány. Nakonec je navržena a argumentována nová teorie elipsy založená na transparentní intenzivní logice., and Miloš Kosterec
The paper focuses on which role is given to elided sentence participants in coreference chains, i.e. whether (and to which degree) the participants that are present only implicitly in the surface layer are involved in relations of textual and grammatical coreference. Generally, the paper introduces the methods how it is possible to examine the interplays of different language phenomena in corpus data of the Prague Dependency Tree-bank containing multilayer annotation.
It is only the aid of large corpora (several billions of words) that enables us to discover some intuitively and spontaneously followed rules of grammar. Different kinds of ellipsis and non-ellipsis (repetition of a word or a nominal phrase, which - under some conditions - can be omitted) can also be governed by such rules. The corpus findings of sentence structures as (1) Zastavila se a podívala se na hodinky or (2) Zastavila se a podívala na hodinky (She stopped and looked at her watch) have clearly shown that ellipsis as well as repetition is a (strict) rule under specific semantic and syntactic conditions.
A test set that contains manually annotated sentences with gapping.
The test set was compiled from SynTagRus (v. 2015) the dependency treebank for Russian that provides comprehensive manually-corrected morphological and syntactic annotation.