Studie Milady Jonášové se zabývá využitím jmenované kantáty italského hudebního skladatele Benedetta Marcella operním impresáriem Antoniem Denziem v pasticciu "Sansone", provedeným v roce 1729 na scéně pražského divadla v paláci hraběte Františka Antonína Sporcka., Milada Jonášová., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 51, anglický abstrakt na s. 5.
The Academies of St John presented by the Society of Bohemian Journalists in the form of a series of orchestral concerts held in Prague took place as a part of celebrations in honour of St John of Nepomuk held each May from 1878 until 1885. The Society of Bohemian Journalists held the events for the purpose of raising money, and on an ideological level, the events were intended to create room for the presentation of orchestral works by Bohemian composers. The organizer of the Academy was the writer, poet, and journalist Jan Neruda, whose feuilletons and reviews in the newspaper Národní listy reflect on the academies that they produced, but on a broader level, they also reveal his attitude towards the saint and the traditional veneration of John of Nepomuk. As a source, this period correspondence of the direct or indirect participants in the Academies of St John or in another project with similar aims (the Slavonic Concerts of the Academic Readers Association) has not previously been exhaustively studied, and it offers insight into Prague’s concert life at the time., Petra Kolátorová., Rubrika: Studie, Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Anglické resumé na s. 296-298.
The article focuses on early theatre criticism in Prague and Vienna at the end of the 18th century. It analyzes the argumentational forms and critical strategies. The 1790s are represented by three periodicals: Der Wahrheitsspiegel (Prague 1796-1798), Österreichische Monatsschrift (Prague - Vienna 1793-1794) and Der Theatralische Eulenspiegel (Prague 1797). The study is based on a close reading of six specific theatre critiques. It deals with epoch-typical critical postulates, with taste (Geschmack), impartiality (Unparteilichkeit) and the aesthetic concept of theatre as a real illusion (wahre Täuschung). This analysis of individual attitudes is also a contribution to the description and interpretation of theatre history and repertoire reforms., Alena Jakubcová jun., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI), a remote sensing technique, is used for detecting surface deformation in the cities of Prague and Ostrava. PSI is able to detect vertical movements with an accuracy of less than 1 mm for a long time series of the SAR data, but the maximum detectable rate of movement is only a few centimetres per year. This technique is quite suitable for detecting recent movements in most Prague localities. On the other hand, in Ostrava and its surroundings, affected by undermining, where subsidences (1992-2006) amount to decimetres per year, movements cannot be fully detected by the PSInSAR technique. The paper presents results of analysing PSI data for two localities in Prague and one locality in the Ostrava areas. The localities are strictly situated in built-up areas with many suitable reflectors. Data from the ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT satellites covering a 13-year period for the Prague (1992-2005) and a 14-year period for the Ostrava (1992-2006) area were used. Annual movement velocities and time-series of reflectors were determined. At these three localities, where different types of movements were identified, the application and possible limitations of PSI in urban areas are shown., Pavel Kadlečík, Vladimír Schenk, Zuzana Seidlová and Zdeňka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The upper dial-plate of the astronomical clock is an astrolabe controlled by a clockwork mechanism. It represents a stereographic projection of the celestial sphere from its North Pole onto the tangent plane passing through the South Pole. We give a survey of several astronomical mistakes that appeared on this dial throughout centuries., V letošním roce je orloji na Staroměstském náměstí v Praze právě 600 let. Před rokem 1979 byla na jeho astronomickém ciferníku nesprávně zakreslena kruhová oblast astronomické noci. V tomto článku se zmíníme o dalších významných kružnicích, jejichž rozměry a umístění na orloji by se daly ještě zlepšit., Michal Křížek, Pavel Křížek, Jakub Šolc., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Příspěvek Ondřeje Maňoura je ohlédnutím za mezinárodní konferencí k výročí 100 let od založení ČSR, která se uskutečnila v Praze ve dnech 30. až 31. května 2018., Ondřej Maňour., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
Příspěvek Martina Ledvinky je zprávou o muzikologické konferenci studentů Ústavu hudební vědy FF UK, která se uskutečnila v prostorách Kabinetu hudební historie EÚ AV ČR dne 24. května 2012., Martin Ledvinka., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
The PALS laser infrastructure has been serving European laser physicists since September 2000. The author is recalling step by step history of the PALS laboratory since its very beginnings, highlighting the main achievements of its 10 years lasting international collaborative research activities. In conclusion he discusses the PALS future role in view of the European ESFRI projects ELI and HiPER., V září letošního roku uplyne deset let od zahájení prvních mezinárodních experimentů. s pulsním jódovým fotodisociačním laserovým systémem terawattového výkonu umístěným v Badatelském centru PALS (Prague Asterix Laser System). V tomto příspěvku podrobně zmapujeme okolnosti jeho vzniku a dalšího vývoje., Jiří Ullschmied., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The diaries of the Bohemian nobleman Johann Nepomuk Chotek (1773-1824) are an important new source for the history of music in Prague. In particular, they describe 17 concerts given by the Society of Musicians between 1804 and 1822 in the Estates Theater. The programmes of seven concerts were previously unknown. Chotek not only gives accurate dates for the performances, but also names the pieces and performers, thus supplementing the information in Michaela Freemanová‘s 2003 article on this society. As a trained music connoisseur, Chotek also critiques the orchestra and singers, judges the music, and describes the reaction of the public., Rita Steblin., and České resumé na s. 61, anglický abstrakt na s. 47.