The aim of our study was to determine the significance of lymphocyte-platelet adhesion (LPA), interleukins, transforming included 139 pregnant women aged between 17 and 27 years (21.3±4.22 years). GH was diagnosed in 119 women after 20 weeks of pregnancy. 20 patients (control group) were with physiological course of pregnancy. The distribution of patients by groups was carried out according to the level of blood pressure (BP) in accordance with ICD-10 (Geneva, WHO, 2002). The survey was conducted at the moment of detection pregnancy from 7 to 10 weeks and in dynamics of I, II and III trimesters of gestation. In the dynamics of gestation, were studied the number of desquamated endothelial cells circulating in the systemic circulation (CECs), nitrates levels, the adhesion of platelets by estimation their ability to form co-aggregates with lymphocytes by determining the percentage of lymphocytes aggregates with thrombocytes (lymphocyte-platelet plugs), at risk of hypertensive disorders, especially after 20-22 weeks of gestation and later, lymphocytes ability to platelets adhesion is rose, the concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines and NO level are increased. The direct relationship indicates their importance in the pathogenesis of hypertensive disorders in pregnant women., Salomat Aleksandrovna Matyakubova, and Literatura
Trend odkládání reprodukce vede k vyššímu procentu plánovaných početí. To umožňuje prekoncepční intervenci. Nejlépe dokumentován je význam podávání folátů, které snižují výskyt defektů neurální trubice, vrozených srdečních vad, vrozených vad uropoetického traktu, plodů s nižší porodní váhou, patologií placenty a spontánních potratů. Suplementaci foláty minimálně měsíc před otěhotněním a v 1. trimestru doporučuje 17 německých odborných společností. Metylfolát [(6S)-5methyltetrahydrofolát] je biologicky aktivní folát, který není závislý na aktivitě MTHFR. K dosud jediné dostupné kalciové soli (označované jako 3. generace folátu) nově přibývá glukosaminová sůl metylfolátu (4. generace folátu), charakterizovaná vyšší stabilitou, rozpustností a biologickou dostupností., The tendency of reproduction delay leads to a higher rate of planned conception. This allows preconception intervention. The importance of folate administration is well documented. Folates reduce the incidence of neural tube defects, congenital heart defects, congenital anomalies of urinary tract, foetuses with lower birth weight, placental pathology and spontaneous abortion. Seventeen German professional societies recommend folate supplementation for at least one month before pregnancy and in the first trimester. Methylfolate [(6S) -5methyltetrahydrofolic acid] is the biologically active folate which is not dependent on the activity of MTHFR. Recently, glucosamine salt of methylfolate (folate of 4th generation) has been introduced and is characterized by greater stability, solubility and bioavalability in comparison to known calcium salts (folate of 3rd generation)., and Tomáš Fait
Práce prezentuje prenatální diagnostiku, možnosti terapie a následnou péči u plodů a novorozenců s kongenitálním chylothoraxem na podkladě zhodnocení 14 případů na naší klinice v letech 1993 až 2012. Povšechný hydrops plodu byl popsán ve 4 případech (29 %), v 10 případech (71 %) byla provedena odlehčovací amniodrenáž a ve 3 případech (21 %) prenatální odlehčovací punkce hrudníku. Spontánně bylo porozeno 11 plodů (78 %), hrudní drenáž byla nezbytná v průměru 9 dnů po porodu. Mortalita dosáhla v souboru 29 % (4 případy). V článku popisujeme vyšetřovací algoritmy, terapeutické prenatální i postnatální postupy a je zdůrazněna nutnost mezioborové spolupráce., The work presents prenatal diagnosis, treatment and care options in fetuses and neonates with congenital chylothorax based on a detailed evaluation of 14 cases recorded in our department between years 1993 and 2012. Generalized fetal hydrops was described in 29% of cases, therapeutic amnio drainage performed in 71% and prenatal thoracentesis in 21% of cases. 78% of fetuses were delivered spontaneously; thoracic drainage was necessary nine days after birth in average. Mortality reached 29%. The following text describes diagnostic algorithms, prenatal and postnatal therapeutic options with emphasis on the need for interdisciplinary cooperation., Alena Malkovská, Zdeněk Žižka, Andrea Pašková, Václav Sebroň, Pavel Calda, and Literatura
In view of the high anti-oxidative potential oftocotrienol, the role of the tocotrienol-rich fraction (TRF) of palm oil in preventing pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) was explored in a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial in an urban teaching hospital. Healthy primigravidae were randomized to receive either oral TRF 100 mg daily or placebo, from early second trimester until delivery. Out of 299 women, 151 were randomized into the TRF arm and 148 into the placebo arm. A total of 15 (5.0%) developed PIH. Although there was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of PIH (4/151 or 2.6% in the TRF arm vs. 11/148 or 7.4% in the placebo arm, p = 0.058) between the two arms, there was a tendency towards a lower incidence of PIH in the TRF arm compared to the placebo arm. With TRF supplementation, the relative risk (RR) of PIH was 0.36 (95% CI 0.12-1.09). In conclusion, although TRF from palm oil does not statistically significantly reduce the risk of development of PIH in the population studied, the 64% reduction in incidence of PIH is substantial. The findings warrant further clinical trials, particularly in high risk populations. and ZA. Mahdy, HH. Siraj, H. Khaza'ai, MS. Mutalib, MH. Azwar, MA. Wahab, AZ. Dali, R. Jaafar, NA. Ismail, MA. Jamil, N. Adeeb